I FOUND MY RINGS!!!!!!!!!!
HORRAY FOR GOD!!!! I just thought about going and looking in my purses just once more, even tho I had already recieved my check from my insurance company! I just was so depressed about losing them and thought well it cant hurt to go look once more. And low and behold in a zippered pocket that I hadnt checked before (obviously) there they were! Im just walking on cloud 9! I told Rick that this is going to cost him some money because I am taking them tomorrow and getting them all fixed so I can wear them and never leave them in my jewelry box again...Thanks for all the prayers from all of you angels out in OH land, I love you all for your care and concern! Tomorrow I found out how to return a check to the insurance company. LOL!
Dear Sugar-
GOD IS SOOOOO AWESOME, ISNT HE???? Im so happy for you. I know your heart was just breaking over them being gone and that you were just sick about it-and nothing we could say would make that go away......Im doing my famous baby circle dance for you and bustin a move- WWWOOOOOOOOOOOO HHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO for Sugar....Thanks to God for laying that on your heart and for my fellow prayer warriors!!!!! Love, Janet
GOD IS SOOOOO AWESOME, ISNT HE???? Im so happy for you. I know your heart was just breaking over them being gone and that you were just sick about it-and nothing we could say would make that go away......Im doing my famous baby circle dance for you and bustin a move- WWWOOOOOOOOOOOO HHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO for Sugar....Thanks to God for laying that on your heart and for my fellow prayer warriors!!!!! Love, Janet