I am wondering what time he usually makes his rounds and releases you? I have to be back by 5 P.M. at the VERY latest!!! That night is open house for the kids, the boys will be going to the middle school and Jazlyn being at a new school and only in 1st grade, I dont want her feeling uncomfortable on the 1st day. She is very shy with ppl she doesnt know. I am also about 3.5 hrs away give or take... Will I see him between surgery and rounds?
usually he comes in and makes rounds fairly early i think. I was out of there by noon. i had surgery on the 14 and he released me on the 16th and that is usual but there have been those that he realeased the very next day. maybe you will be lucky and be one of those. get up and walk as soon as you are good and awake, do all they tell you to do and maybe he will realease you sooner.
Im one of the lucky ones, I had surgery on Nov. 14th and did real good so Dr. H let me go home on the 15th, he actually gave me the option, that was about 10am, by the time they got the release papers and stuff it was about 1pm before I left. Everyone is different tho depending on how they do in surgery and all.