Jan C.
on 8/5/08 1:52 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Hey where is everyone? No Janet yet , where did she go? Where are all the other peeps…Im beginning to get paranoid now about it all. lol


I hope Debbie and Bec had a great day today….shopped til you dropped. Lol

Tell us all a about it girls.


Oh my I had Brandy and Liz down as having surgery on the 11th of Sept , sorry girls. Was going to make you wait a long time wasn’t i? Wow next Monday and Tuesday will be really busy hearing how everyone is doing. Wow.

I hope all of you have someone that will be telling us that you are doing ok? No matter how many times we have girls and guys going to the operating room  we all heave a sigh of relief when we hear they are ok and all went well.  


I went out and did a little bit of weeding this morning after walking with Andy, But my hips and my right leg was hurting so badly that I had to come in before too much longer.

My leg just started hurting really bad yesterday at my daughters house, felt like a real deep cramp trying to start. I was a little worried about all the riding I have done and maybe it was a blood clot. I have sat with it up today and drank about 100oz of water in case it is because of dehydration because when im out of my element I sometimes forget to drink enough. Anyway. It feels better tonight. It isnt swollen and not warm to touch  so hopefully it isnt a clot.




ANDY::::::: wow you didn’t tell them all about being able to get into a smaller pair of pants that you have been trying to get into for awhile. Keep up the good work and you will have to be going to buy some more.

Hope all the sewer pipes are all fixed and healed now lol ….and Joe spread that big bag of lime under there and set off 3 bombs to help get rid of the gnats and all so hope that helps out in the house.




SUGAR::::: hey you said Rick said he could did you a big pond , no need to you have one already dug out there. Would be the perfect place, I know where you buy the liner and the glue to make the liner the size you need it to be and it holds well too. It is what they use in commercial ponds …wow you could have your own pond /swimming pool /fishpond/waterfall.

Yeah I crawled all over Elephant Rocks as much as my stupid bad knee would let me. But did walk all the way up and back to the water hole, they don’t let kids swim there anymore.

Did you know that that was private owned until 66 and this guy that owned it gave it to the conservation dept to develop. When I was a kid and went there , there was no parking lot or bathrooms or anything, just a small gravel turnoff and a little bit of spot to park and that was it. . now of course it is developed and pavilions and posters and all about how they are formed etc.

Johnson Shut Ins has a lot yet to do but what they have cleaned up you cant tell that anything ever happened. They put up some ribbons on some of the trees showing how deep the water was thru there and one of the boys said there was anywhere from 6 to 8 ft of sand and silt all over everywhere and that they cleaned and cleaned and cleaned with lots of people and students from the colleges and all sorts of people ….you really cant tell that it was under all that. But of course that was Dec 14 2005 almost 3 years ago and they only have the water way and the board walk and one trail done ….that is lots of cleaning.


Yeah the ponds take some work that is for sure but if you made a great big one out of that place down below your house you could put these huge filters in it and it should do ok….

Did you and Levi have a good time running back and forth in the sprinklers???



DEBBIE   D:::: go to google and put in Elephant Rocks. Also Johnson Shut Ins. Remember in dec of 05 when the reservoir broke and sent billions of water down into this park and the ranger and his wife and kids were swept away but were all ok? This is where I am talking about but google it , it is beautiful and such a natural wonder. So is Elephant Rocks , these huge , and I mean huge granite rocks that pushed up out of the earth that are just so huge ….they are smooth and round look like elephants resting but probably 10 to 20 times bigger than any elephant. If you have never seen them you need to go to the East side of Mo and see this stuff. Not man made things , stricktly something by Gods own hand.


So how did you and Bec get along and what did you all do ???? Buy anything good? Did she find her perfect size 12 incentive clothes????

Tell us all about it ….

                                             LOVE AND HUGS
                                             GOD BLESS EVERYONE



on 8/5/08 7:28 pm - pomona, MO
If the early bird gets the worm I got it today...lol
nothing going on around here to speak of.
I took Sheba to get a bath and trimed, she sure looks cute with her little ribbon in her hair, Sheba is my Sheltie..
when Virgil got home he had a big hole in the seat of his pants, I put my hand through it and pinched his butt he jumped and said what is that I said it is a big hole you could see his shorts and leg, he said why didnt the guys at work tell me about it, he went and voted like that, i laughed until I hurt...lol a hole like that you would think he could feel the breeze...lol

Where is Janet?

I am praying for all thats having surgery.
 hi to everyone, if I start calling names I will miss someone and I dont want to do that, so I love ya all..
Jan I hope your pain gets better soon, It may be the rain moving in..........vesta


Sheila H.
on 8/5/08 9:45 pm - Marshfield, MO
im kinda disappointed i know there has to be some body here who has canned pickles or made jelly and jam the s/f free way or with splenda


on 8/5/08 10:06 pm - Clever, MO
HI sis and all!  
       Levi and I didnt do the sprinkler thing because by the time I got back from exercise to pick him up it was already too hot to work. I thought it could wait another day.  Now, about us using the pond, it wouldnt work because that is the run off for all the rain water off the highway and the rest of our yard...if it was running into my nice pretty pond, Im afraid it would ruin it. Dont think it would work anyway because of all the leaves. That pond gets full of them in the fall because that is where they all blow to. It would be a big job to keep that cleaned out.  Anyway sis, it was a good thought. 
       I love Elephant Rocks and all that over there. I wi**** was closer cause I would take the grandkids there all the time to play.  So they stopped people from swimming in there huh? What a shame. Last time we were there they still were swimming in it. Its also got signs all over saying not to climb on rocks but I did anyway...do they think we will wear them out? People have been climbing on them for years and years.
Some rules are dumb rules! 
      Ok, I will say it too...where is Janet? Dear sweetie pie, hope all is well with you. Still praying for you and your family.
      Did you hear on the news about the woman shooting her x husband in Republic and killing him in front of thier daughter? That was Rick's barbers son that was killed. What a shame and what a terrible thing for the little girl to witness. She is 7 and will be haunted by that forever. Bless her heart. 
      Bec and Deb, we better hear some good shopping stories. Cant wait to hear how it all went and Bec, did the appointment go well? Now what was this one for? 
      I have been posting some things on here that never show up when I finish...anyone have any ideas of what might be going on? Oh, and remember the clothing exchange on the 25th at COF meeting. Bring your things and place in areas we will have marked for sizes...and hopefully have hanging space for nicer things. YOu will need to label the size on them so it will be easily seen. And anyone who needs clothing, come and look. This is one small favor we can do for one another. 
       I have another question??? Does anyone know of a church camp that rents out for family reunions in the Northern Arkansas or Southern MO area.  We need a big area to meet  in and set around in the air conditioning, a big kitchen to cook in and bunk houses (we devide into mens and womens sides) We have one that we meet at now but thier prices are getting crazy and we also have to clean up before we leave. When I say clean, I mean sweep, mop, clean toilets, vacumn, clean sinks, everything..Just thought I would ask and see if anyone had any ideas....Let me know if you do. My email is [email protected]
       Well, gotta get off of here and get the day started. Levi is already here and Im going to go load stones while hes sleeping....Love and prayers go for all who might need them.


Christine F.
on 8/5/08 11:46 pm - Whiteman AFB, MO

Hi all!  I just thought I'd pop in and say howdy.  LORI, I need to talk to you, lady...

I'm stalled out at 188... give or take a pound or two.  I'm not worried about it.  This isn't the first time it's happened.  I KNOW that I can't fail at this like I have so many other things.  My body needs time to catch up and the inches are coming off, so all is well.  I'm starting to see a little hair loss now too, but again, now worries.  It's just hair and it'll grow back.  I'm totally disgusted with my stomach and the way it looks.  I've been researching plastic surgeons b/c I'm thinking about (well, planning actually) having a tummy tuck in May.  My husband keeps telling me to calm down b/c I've lost so much weight in my face, neck, arms and legs that the rest of the weight has no choice but to come from my abdomen.. I hope he's right.  But that doesn't keep me from researching to find the perfect surgeon! lol

Today I'm going to have a full body wrap at a salon here in town.  I'm really looking forward to it and I'm hoping it'll make a difference in my tummy.  I'll let you guys know how it goes in a day or two.. if it doesn't take off inches, oh well, I spent two hours getting pampered!  What could be worse?!

Well, I hope you're all well and happy.  I've got to go get ready to be brushed, rubbed and wrapped! lol  Have a great day, Mo!!


on 8/6/08 12:57 am - Diamond, MO

Hi Auntie Jan and OH Peeps~

Hello, Hello, Hello!!!! How has everyone been? I have been thinking about you guys constantly, and I am so sorry, I have been so busy that I havent even had the time to turn on the puter.....and IF I do have the time-I dont have the energy. Its been crazy here. A lot going on and I have been bushed. I have been leaving the house between 7 am-9 am, and not getting home until 7 pm, at the earliest-and sometimes as late as 10 pm.....its been hectic. I have to get this post done and get a couple of things done in the house and away I go again....Another busy, busy day ahead of me. Only tonite I wont be home until midnite. I am clerking today and I have to stop at Walmart tonite and get Mikes b-day present. His bday is tomorrow. Today the boys are going to make his bday cake. They are making that spring cake-the spongecake with pineapple and whipped topping and then cut up strawberries on the top? Thats his favorite. Then the boys are making cupcakes and they are frosting them too-cause Grandmas b-day is the day after-and so tomorrow, after dinner-we are going out by the pool and celebrating-unless it rains-then we will go down to Mikes adopted parents house-because they have 3 of their grandkids and one is a baby, who has just started crawling-and there is just too much stuff out and about here that he can get into....although, I am going to need to baby-proof my home in the next year or so too, so maybe I should bring him in here and see what he tries to get into-cuz we know they ALL want the things they cant have!!!

Megan has been so sick, bless her heart. Her OB doc put her on this chemo drug to help her with her nausea-and its worked really well-UNLESS she has to go out in the heat-she gets deathly sick-and she has been getting so weak, that people are having to help her walk. Its heart-breaking to watch. Anyhow-I have been going in and doing her laundry because its so hot in the laundry room/housekeeping room because of the industrial size dryers going-there is a air conditioner and fan, but they dont help since the maintenance guys have to run in and out and so the door is always swinging open-anyway-ALL of the other people they have had at the motel doing the laundry have only had to work 5 days-and my dad makes Megan and Aaron work 7...Which is bull anyway-so I told him that they NEED the same schedule that the other help has-and they get days off-so Aaron and Megan should too. He keeps bringing it up that Megan ISNT doing the laundry-WELL, NO she isnt-BUT, I AM-and I AM NOT GETTING PAID-I am doing it to help them and it pays their rent-so what does it matter WHO does it? IF its getting done? My thoughts exactly. We are desperately trying to find a place for them to move into-but nothing has worked out yet. We have talked about having them live with us for a couple of months until they move-but, not sure that will work out too well, and dont want any hard feelings or whatever-not right now. Megan is a little emotional at times too-and so I think its better this way-right?

My ex not only went after part of my disability-which they havent sent me anything yet letting me know if his claim will be approved or denied-am waiting for the determination on that, BUT...he is going after ME for child support. Ok-I am totally OK with supporting my child-and I am averaging anywhere from $100-$150 per month between what I give to her cash wise-and what I give to her aunt or her friends mom (when she lived with them at first when she originally moved out) for food and then I do buy her things-toiletries and such for the month and give that to her seperately... I paid a HUGE phone bill for her last month AFTER paying her her $70 for my SSI check-and then her cell bill was a little over $100 due to 3 way calling etc-anyway-it was the last phone bill last month. So, he is saying that he has had her since May of this year-BEFORE school was even out! I had to fill out paperwork and all of that and sent it back-appealing-and I had mine notorized so they would know I was serious AND wasnt lying (like he is) so anyway.......Stephanie is staying with Erics sister-and its the sister that I have always been friends with and gotten along with-she is very good for Stephanie-and takes her to church and has her volunteering in the food program, where she helps the needy shop for food that they have at the church-like a food shelf that they can go to every 6 weeks or so-Yesterday I met with Darci and the attorney and gave Darci custody over Stephanie. I got copies of the paperwork-and I took and dropped a copy off at the Child Support Enforcement Agency on my way to the motel yesterday. Let him explain this one!~

We have a leak in our pond-so the boys and guys have been fishing almost every day-trying to catch the fish in there. We are going to have to drain it-because we have sealed and sealed and sealed it and nothing is working. We have about 25# of catfish-we got 3 that were a little over 5# each. There are a couple in there that weigh 9#-Jon caught one a couple of weeks ago-but had to put it back-and at the time, the pond wasnt leaking or we would have kept that heifer then.

I havent been feeling well. My PCP put me on a new medication for depression and it enhances the insomnia. I have fought this forever and forever and decided I would TRY it and IF it works, great and if not, Mike said he would tell me and I will go off them. I am giving it 2 months. Anyhow-not sure if this is going to work out or not. Will see. Wish me luck-or pray for me, or both.

I am going to get some responses done and get going......

**Jan-I had a blood clot in my calf of my right leg years ago and when it developed, the pain was so intense that it brought me to my knees. Man, did that hurt!! DO NOT mess with that. IF you think its a clot-then go to the ER and let them do a doppler and make sure!!! Let us know. Keep me posted ok?

Hey, we are having problems with gnats at the motel too-they are ALL over the place-and we have NO clue why. They arent concentrated to one area-they are all over. Its the craziest thing I ever saw!

I sent you an email about the reunion and some other things. Email me back and let me know and I will get on and post. K? I love you and THANKS for the offer and thanks for the prayers. I love you very much and I appreciate you. More than you will ever know!

**Sugar-about the camp-when I was looking last year for a reunion place for the board-I had gotten into an Eureka Springs, AR website and under camping or resorts-there is a christian camping place that sounds exactly like what you are wanting. They have the bunk houses and such-and a huge kitchen area. They charge next to nothing-but they do require a deposit, which you will get back if the place is picked up etc....I believe it was Eurekasprings.com and then resorts/camping-and it will be there somewhere. I cant remember what it was called, but IF you cant find it-email me or call me and I will get on and research and try and find it for you, alright?

The clothing exchange sounds awesome, because I literally have only 2 pr of shorts and one shirt that fit correctly. I have a lot of clothes I can bring, thats for sure. I hope and pray I can make it this month, for sure!!! Please Lord, dont let anything else go on this month that will interfere with my group-I NEED and WANT hugs from all of you. You cant imagine how much I miss you guys! Love ya and thanks for all the prayers. I appreciate it very much.

**Sheila-I have canned before-but, its been I bet 20 yrs and I dont have the recipes anymore. IF you want, I will get the recipes from Grandma-and she doesnt use regular sugar either, if it calls for regular sugar-she substitutes it with 1/2 that amount and uses Splenda instead. I will do that and then email it to you, ok? I have missed texting with you. I am so sorry I have been so freaking busy that I havent even been doing that. Please dont take it personally. You and Renee get me through rough days sometimes and dont even know it-just from a funny joke you send me, or just texting me to tell me hi or that your thinking of me, that means a lot. Im sorry to hear about your neighbor being such a B to you.....Dang girl-it sounds like crazy crap happens to you too!!! No wonder we get along so well-LOL....Love ya, hang in there. Oh, did you figure out what happened with the brakes on the car? Did someone cut the brake line on purpose?

**Renee-I love ya girl. Thanks for all the texts and the calls. Your so awesome and I cant wait to get that hug in person.....

**Tammy-Ammy and Bec-PLEASE email me back and let me know how your doing....I havent heard anything from you guys since I emailed you 3-4 days ago and I want to know how you are. I love you both and miss ya.

To all pre-ops, I pray you have strength and peace of mind. You will be in my prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recovery and that the good Lord will be with your surgeons as you under go your new lives-WOOOOO HOOOOOO!~

To everyone else. Have a good day. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet

Debbie D.
on 8/6/08 1:41 am - KS
Good Morning, Jan & MO Peeps!   What a great time Bec and I had! I feel like I’ve known her most of my life. We met at her doctor’s office and then went shopping. We went to the Lee Employee Store and JC Penny’s Outlet. We then we to Oak Park Mall and went to JC Penny’s, Dillards and Chicos. You all know I LOVE Chicos, unfortunately, this one was really a small store and they didn’t have much selection in their clearance items. Bec found a few blouses for everyday, however, did not find her size 12 incentive pant suit she is looking for. She was so sweet….was thinking about how I would look in all these clothes. I had to remind her it was HER we were shopping for! Lol!    I told Bec I wanted her to think outside the box. My tastes in clothes have changed dramatically since I’ve lost the weight. Hers may too. How about you ladies that are post op. Do you wear the same style of clothing you did before you lost the weight? I would be interested in knowing your experience as far as clothes.  I would have never worn white capris, slacks, etc. Now I love them. I wear a greater variety of clothes than I did when I was heavier. How about you all?   We then went to Carrabba’s for dinner. We had the Pork Marsala and it was so delicious! Had plenty to take home for lunch today. We probably spent at least 3 hours there talking! We have so mu*****ommon and she is such a neat lady! She even brought be the cutest friendship bouquet in tea cup on a saucer! It has purple and white flowers with some greenery in it. (Good thing it’s silk flowers because as most of you know I don’t have green thumb or a brown thumb, I have a BLACK thumb!) I found the perfect place for it in front of my kitchen sink on the big window sill. It looks great and I smile and think of her every time I see it!   Bec also brought pictures of her family and her new home. What a beautiful family she has! God has truly been good to her! Her home looks great too. All those beautiful flowers in her yard! If only, I could grow some flowers! Our favorite flower is hydrangeas! She has so many beautiful ones! She couldn’t find the pictures of the inside of her house. She’s going to email me those. Her house sounds amazing. I know the outside looked beautiful!   I did have a wow moment. I bought a skirt at the Lee Store and it was a SIZE 8!!! I cannot believe I’m actually in the single digits! Now I know Chicos Size 1 in the real world is a size 8/10 but see that 10 is still in the number! Don’t get me wrong, I know I have to wear a size 10 pant due to my little apron. I am going to start looking around for plastic surgeon. Will see if and what the insurance will pay for. Actually, I think I could wear a size 8 pant if I had this little extra skin taken off from my tummy. We will see.   I’m going to try and pick up my house this afternoon. Gotta run to the grocery store. My dh hubby is grilling steaks tonight. I’ve got to get a couple baking potatoes and I’m going to make that Crunchy Asian Broccoli Coleslaw he likes so much. I’ve never made it but found a recipe in my Kraft Cookbook. It looks really easy to make. I’m also going to buy him some sort of fruit pie. He loves pies. Since the kids are gone, it will be just he and I. Hey, hey, when the mice are away the cat(s) will play! Sorry, just couldn’t resist that one!   Jan – You were right, I LOVE Bec! She is a wonderful person. I’m so excited to get to know her more and to see her transformation after the surgery. I feel like God just blessed me with a new friend!   Janet – Glad to see you back on the board! I will be praying for your precious daughter Megan and that precious grand daughter she is carrying. I was so sick all 9 months of my pregnancy. It was horrible. I’m glad they have found something that has helped her. How sweet of you to do the laundry for her. I can only imagine how hot it must be in that room. Your Dad should really give them both 2 days off just like everyone else. Just don’t understand how family can treat each other that way but I know it happens.    Bec – once again, I had a GREAT time last night! Can’t wait to do it again! You are such a sweet, caring person. I truly believe the Lord has blessed me with meeting you! I will keep praying for your upcoming surgery.   GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!     Well, I’m gonna scoot. I am tired but not as much as I thought I would be. I’ve been up since around 8am. I may go lay down for an hour or so before I get up and get my day started.   Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!   Debbie D.    
Bec M.
on 8/6/08 1:59 am
Good Morning Missouri!!!

And a good moring it is! Oh boy did I have a HUGE day of blessing yesterday!!!!

I had the BEST time with Debbie!!!! We DID talk till our tounges nearly fell out!!!! IT WAS GREAT!!!!

I left her at 10:00 p.m. last night and pulled in my drive at 12:15.... Did we really talk 7 hours? Yep, Yep we did! I was tired but it was a GOOD tired. I had gotten up at 4:00 a.m. I didn't even get too tired driving home that late....

I went to my Dr. appointment at 1:00, they took a chest x~ray and then I went on up to see the pulmanologist... they had me breath into a machine to see what my lung capacity was .... it was 74%, don't know just how good that is but it was good enough to pass me for surgery... since I had already had the sleep study and my chest x~rays looked good, the Dr. approved me for surgery...that is another thing out of the way....

I have such swelling in my feet and when I showed her she asked me if I'd seen the cardio?... that is next weeks appointment... I told her I was concerned about that... she said the swelling could possible be from the sleep apena... I don't know how that affects but guess I will find out next week...... please pray that I will pass and not have any issues there... of all the tests, that is the one I'm most concerned about. I was real thankful that I had went ahead before hand and gotten the sleep study out of the way because it saved me simply weeks and weeks on my surgery time!

The best part of the day was getting to meet Debbie!!! She is a most precious lady!!!! We went to the Lee Store..... I shouldn't tell this but I am SOOOOOOO excited for her..... oh I should let her tell......anyway she is a beautiful lady! Then we went to the Penney's Outlet. I was sure I could find the kind of "incentive outfit" I was looking for there... Nope. I soon realized I had a problem..... for the life of me I could NOT get out of looking for what would look nice on a "fat girl"... I really really tried.... my sweet Deb finally told me I was going to have to look "outside the box" I tried, I did! but my mind would just not go there! I will have to spend some time on this I can tell.....we then went over to Oak Park Mall and she took me to Chico's....we tried desperatly to find something there....... I will only wear a size TWO you know!.....tee hee........

We went in one store and I was looking in the size 12's and the clothes were kind of messed up size wise... so "big ole me" was saying something to the effect that I didn't want a size 18 because I was not going to be there as I was going to be a size 12 (I was just chattering mostly, kidding around) ... and some lady next to us said in a sarcastic way "yeah me too"... I thought my dear Darling Debbie was going to rip her head off ~tee hee not really but she sure did bite her tounge I could tell. Oh well... there always has and always will be that type of person.... Then we were in Dillards, asking about the suits... the "hi styl'n" lady sales rep asked what we were looking for and we said a size 12 dressy suit that was "out of the box" meaning not old typical style... and she asked who the suit was for .... Deb told her it was for me..... she didn't miss a beat in kindly saying "sure" and pointing us in another direction... but I could see it on her face. I learned a little bit in all that... it was a good reminder to me not to be judgmental or jump to quick conclusions... there could be cir****tances that a person does not know about that makes what seems impossible possible!

By this time we were tired and my poor Deb had gotten a kink in her hip... and my back hurt so we set down in two big ole soft chairs in the mall and chatted away! She showed me some pics of her family (she has a beautiful famiy!) and we talked... when we had rested enough we got up and decided we would go get a bite to eat... so she took me to Carabbas (sp)... I had never been there before and it was simply FANTASTIC!!! we had pork chop marsalia!... oh my goodness yum yum! and guess what my sweet hen? I even took a white box home! ~tee hee

That little Debbie is a good eater! We talked and talked and talked some more... we found so mu*****ommon! It was my special special blessing!

Well... we got back in her car to take me to back to my car at the Dr. office and she gave me a gift bag and it had the CUTEST and I mean CUTEST pair of navy blue capris with a lighter blue and bit of sage green, butterfly's embroideried on them!!!! I really couldn't see them all that good till I got home in the ligtht but I LOVE THOSE THINGS!!!! Just what I would of picked out for myself in looking for something "out of the box" but still "classy" if you will..... I can't wait to find a shirt to go with them... they were a size 14.... I know if the time comes I can take them up and I WILL because they are so special to me!.... my mind just can't fathom that size... they are cute and sassy.... I wish I could post a pic of them for you all to see.... maybe I won't have to look any further for an incentive piece if I get just the right shirt for these.... they are so stylish in they don't have a waist band.. they just go up and quit ... with a zipper and slide clasp in the front... now you all will know what I mean... if I was to wear a clasp like that now it wouldn't last the day before pulling right out of shape!!! or off the pants!!!... they kind of looked in style like what Fran Dressher wore in "The Beautician and the Beast" if you have seen that movie.... I can't wait to put those things on and they fit!!!! I just have so much to be thankful for and happy about!

She took me back to my car by that time it was 10:00 p.m. I got back home at 12:15 and was in bed by 1:30... it was a GREAT day... I passed a test, met a wonderful friend, even got a very cool cool pair of capris!

But best of all the Lord gave me a new friend! She is sweet and precious! and truly a "Debbie Darling" (thus the name Debbie D.)

Then even more good news!!!! When my husband got home from work this morning he said he had a surprise for me!!! I always know when it is going to be GOOD! He gets a certain look on his face! He said, "close your eyes"... I aways have a hard time with that ... afraid he will have a snake or something... I did it anyway and when I opened them up... he was on his knee and asked me if I would marry him!!!!! It was GREAT!!!! He had my new ring (25th Anniversary) in his hand!!!!!! He had gotten a call yesterday that it had came in and stopped on his way to work and picked it up!!! I whooped and hollared!!! It is prettier than I remember it being!!! And boy who couldn't be simply estatic after 25 years of marriage to have your husband down on his knee again!!! (tear is falling)... as I'm typing this I am thinking of all the good times we have had and all the not so good times... but the Lord has sustained us brought us thru and we are still a solid commited couple, for that I give all the credit to the Lord!

Well once again I have chatted and chatted.... I could go on and on about the wonderful time I had with Debbie!

Thank you Deb for taking me all those places and sharing so much of yourself with me! I know you will be really really tired today, I hope you get rested up... I don't think I will be doing just a whole lot either except puttering around here.

Tomorrow I will make Paul's B~Day dinner... he wanted home made chicken cordon blue, creamed peas and potatoes, corn on the cob, home made hot rolls and cherry pie. That will take me a good part of the day... after todays "proposal" I would give him the moon! ~ tee

Well blessings to everyone today! I will have to come down out of the clounds again! Cloud floating is GOOD! ~tee hee

on 8/6/08 3:02 am - Friedheim, MO

Good Morning Everyone!!!  There's not much going on today.  Got 1/2 of a 5 gal bucket of green bean to work up, this is the last of them.  Lynn mowed them off yesterday, so no more of the crazy things to worry about.  lol  We've also got a huge amount of jalapeno peppers that I need to do something with.  If I wasn't having surgery, I would be making some Jalapeno Poppers.  YUMMY!!!!

I've been really tierd the past few days, but I have been getting my walk in everyday.  Trying to keep that going even tho I don't feel like it.  I don't want to stop, I'm affraid I'll lose my modivation. 

It's day 9 of the liquids, it gets easier with every day.  The losing a lb. a day really helps with keeping that going.  It's nice to see the scale moving so quickly. 

Only 6 days till surgery.  Skyler is going to be going camping with my parents tomarrow, so that will give me a better chance of getting the house cleaned & ready for me to be gone for a few days.  Gotta go grocery shopping Sunday & get some easy food items to prepare quickly.  I don't want to get too much junk, but don't want to have to cook for everyone right after surgery either.  Also have to pick up a few items that I'll need post op. 

Hope everyone's doing well.

Love ya all!!!   Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
Jeanine S.
on 8/6/08 6:42 am - compton, AR
Hiya guys!!! HUGS all!!
Been a wild day here. My best friend had a hysterectomy today in Ga., broke my heart not to be with her, but she is doing well, she has the best hubby and he was with her all day. He said everything went great, she did sound great when i talked to her tho i tried not to keep her long, ill bug her more tomorrow hehe.

While I was on the phone with my friends hubby Doc Hornbostel's nurse called for my first appointment with him Aug. 20th, CANT wait!!!!

May have a problem or i would be even happier, Mrs. H called me last night and said i needed more details on my 6 month diet for my file, sigh, I called my PCP this morning and spoke to her nurse. I will drop off the paperwork from Doc. H's office tomorrow and she said she would see what they could do. PRAY they dont decide to make me do another 6 months and delay the surgey now that I finally have a doc and am so close, i would be very disappointed, but I know i will do what I have to do to get this done no matter what happens.

That's about all my news, I better get back to work on this house some more hubby will be home before long hehe.

I hope everyone is doing well, know as always you are all in my thoughts and prayers!!! Talk to you all soon,

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