Jan C.
on 8/4/08 2:28 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

First had the adjuster here to look at the truck and see what he thought about it. I think we talked him into not totaling it so we can keep it and fix it up. We might trade it off once we get it fixed tho who knows.


Andrew and I got our walk in early before it got too awfully hot. But even at 6:30 it is too hot to be outside really.


After the adjuster left we went to Rogers to see my daughter before she leaves for Tucson tomorrow. I really am going to miss her even if I didn’t see her real often I knew she was there and I could , now it will have to be a thought out long trip, 1200 miles you don’t do in one day.

My right leg is throbbing tonight, don’t know if it is because of riding in this little bitty car we have rented or what. Since we rode to Fredericktown and back and then to Rogers and back. But it is really hurting, but it isnt hot like with a blood clot so I guess I wont worry about it too much.

Got a call from the O2 people they are going to bring that out to the house Thursday and pick it back up on Friday. They want to see what my O2 levels stay at night when I am sleeping.

Then on the 14th I have an apporintment with the dr. of the sleep clinic. I guess he will decide if I need the study or not. ? don’t know.

Tomorrow im staying home , no going anywhere in that little tuna can on wheels.

Sure gets good gas mileage but is so hard on the butt. 30.8 miles per gallon ….




LORI:::::: another week and you will have surgery, are you ready to follow all the rules that you have to follow afterwards? I know that some of the things you are asking about is because of money right? But you do know that you have at least a week or more of clear liquids after surgery? I know you do if you read your book. It isnt hard cause you wont be hungry, your head will tell you are but please please don’t eat anything that isnt one your list. It will hurt beyond belief. Drink your water and sip your Isopure protein. And eat s.f. popscicles, you will be surprised about how good those things taste.

We are all here for you all. anytime.

You said there were six having surgery ??? who are the other two, Have I missed someone ?

Good thing they are all different doctors, one poor doctor would be worked to death wouldn’t he. Lol

We are all praying for all of you to get to the losers bench.



DEBBIE   D:::::: I miss all of you too when I go off like that, but this time was a learning experience on that laptop. Maybe the next time I will be more proficient on it.


Your son Luke sounds like a mothers dream teen age son. That is so wonderful that he has been called by God into service for Him.

I sure am glad that you didn’t have to drive the kids all the way over there and then go back and get them , Im sure that was Gods way of taking care of you .


I don’t think I have ever hear Beth Moore. Sounds like she is a wonderful teacher.



ANGY::::: That seems to be what every one says about the liquid diet that they have trouble getting in all 5 shakes in a day. Don’t know why you feel guilty, guess cause your brain has decided to to that to you lol . don’t worry about it, we go thru all sorts of silly things getting to surgery and right afterwards too. Like thinking we are hungry and really it is only thinking we are. Actually if you tried to feed it you couldn’t eat it. Would hurt too bad. Lol

Who are the 6 ? I must have missed someone in fact two someones. The losers bench is going to get sort of crowded for a few days huh?




  BARBARA   S::::: yes we had a wonderful time at the reunion. Or at least I did and Joe said he had a good time because I was so happy …..isnt that sweet.


Sorry you cant meet the girls in KC but birthdays come but once a year lol aren’t we glad about that?

Happy birthday dear friend. Hope you have a wonderful one. And a great time. Sounds like you got some great presents already.


How are you coming alone with the training for the 5 K????

Would love to do that but to lazy lol



Hey Janet where are you????? Are you ok?? Miss seeing you on.


All you other lurkers. Wish you all would post sometimes. We would love to hear from you.







on 8/4/08 3:01 pm - Friedheim, MO
Hi Jan, I gotta get to bed, but just wanted to slip in & say who the 6 were.  We have  Brandy, Liz, Jen & Debby on the 11th, Jen & Debby are both in Columbia, then Lori & I on the 12th.  You girls better get to polishing that bench, it's gonna be a busy place next week.  lol    ~Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
Andy W.
on 8/4/08 6:06 pm - Tulsa, OK

I knew I forgot to do something yesterday  lol I think the heat had my brain fried and I forgot to post  lol.  The heat had me so tired I went to bed fairly early and now I cant sleep  lol  oh well, there's always a good nap in the afternoon if need be  lol.   Yesterday when Jan and I went walking we were gonna increase how much we walked but it was just so hot and humid already we didnt, maybe today, we'll see.  That humidity is just so bad it makes it feel like the air is thick and you can cut it with a butter knife.  Hope everyone is staying cool out of this heat, it will sure wear ya out.   


We had a nice time over the weekend with the BIL and all, am sure glad to get things back to normal tho!!   Poor Joe got up under the house yesterday morning I guess to check the pipes out and found out the sewege pipe had broke  :(  just when he didnt have to mess with it anymore, lawd I know he's gonna wanna put some dynamite under there and fix it  lol.  Oh well,  Im gonna lay back down a couple hours,  hope everyone has a good day!!!



I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 8/4/08 10:19 pm - Clever, MO
Hello all, We made it back too!  We didnt come in until yesterday afternoon. Rick and I had such a good time together down in Branson. We went to see YAKOV and he had such a good show. He talked about people being married for long periods of time and how one is the entertainer and the other the audience and it really made alot of sense. It is a long story to tell, but it was very good. Sunday night we went and rode the ducks down on Taneycomo just to have something cool to do. It was fun to see the Landing from the water side. We did some shopping, and some swimming at the pool, but mostly we just laid around and was together without phone or kid interuptions.... I got to feeling really lazy.....lol!
Sis, I'm glad you are back and glad you had such a great time. Was it Janet Combs that you saw while there? Wasnt that one of your best friends? Anyway that name stands out to me for some reason.  Did you crawl all over Elephant Rocks while there?  What did the shut ins look like after all the damage they had a couple of years ago?  Is the park nice again? 
I didnt have a computer to check up on everyone and altho I missed you guys, it was kinda nice not to have this silly box in front of me either...lol!  Hope everyone is ok. 
Janet, if you are considering a home school program, are you going to do a Christian based one? You might want to check out the ACE program if you are. It stands for Accelerated Christian Education. I think you can just go on ACE.com.       That is the one my grandkids all use at their Christian school. But they used it at home before they opened the school up.  Hey, Im sure you have already done this but you have had Jon's hearing tested havent you?  That is sometimes what the speech thing is about. 
Hey Bec, Im really anxious to hear how the trip goes and what all you and Deb did...maybe a bunch of us can carpool up there sometime and meet you after an appointment...what are the dates of your next few appoointments?
Well, Im going to have the youngest grandson today and probably a couple more days this week. The other kids are in church camp again and he wanted to come to grammys...cant turn that down. lol! I think I will set up the sprinkler and me and him will do some yard work, and set it up so we have to walk back and forth thru it to do our work.  That will be the only way to stay cool while working outside I think.  We are de-scumbing our fish pond with some Eco-blast stuff,,,yuck, what a job. Rick saw a big pond yesterday and told the guy that he would love to build me one like it. Im not lying it was big enough to swim in. But Rick said where we live now wouldnt work because of the rocky ground and he is probably right but boy would I love to have it.
Gotta go, love to all. Got to go to the gym before Levi comes over.


Debbie D.
on 8/5/08 12:01 am - KS
Good Morning, Jan & MO Peeps!

Jan - what exactly are the Johnson Shut Inn's and the Rocks you are talking about?  Would love to know and would love to see all the pics you took at your reunion.  Glad you and Joe enjoyed it!  Sounds like Joe didn't get as much rest of he would have liked to! lol!!

Yes, Luke is a great son.  I love it when the Lord begins to teach him something that I've been trying to all these years.  His favorite scripture is:
Ephesians 6: 12 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

I told him he also needs to re-read:

Ephesians 6:1&2  "Children, obey your prents in the Lord, for this is right.  Honor your father and mother - which is the first commandment with promise - that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth."

I've been teaching my children this one since they were little tiny boys!  Luke is a great kid and I am so proud of him.  However, he is still 17 (will be 18 in less than 2 weeks)!  He still has the tendency to argue with me, to me disrespectful at times, etc.  As with us all, he and I are a work in progress.  With the Lord's help we will be what He wants us to be!

Bec - you are so right on the mark when you told me that the Lord could do such a better job at taking care of my teenagers than I could.  I really needed to be reminded of that.  Thank you dear sweet one!  I'm excited to finally get to meet you today!  Whoo Whoo  as Andew would say!  lol!

Andrew - I wish I was there so I could walk with you and Jan.  I have really not done much exercising and I know I should.  I may try to get back into water aerobics here in the next few weeks.  Glad to hear your back to exercising and losing weight!

Sugar - your trip to Branson with your dh sounds wonderful.  My dh and I truly need to get away for a few days.  Will see if that happens or not.

All the ones getting ready to have surgery this next week....congrats on your upcoming surgeries!  We will all be praying for you and polishing up the bench so it will be nice and pretty when you all arrive!

Well, I gotta scoot.  Have some clothes in the dryer I need to get out.  Hope everyone has a great day!

Debbie D.
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