Jan C.
on 8/3/08 1:27 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Hey everyone I have been reading what you all read but not answering much since I was on the laptop. I think I am getting the hang of it some now tho. One thing I have learned is you don’t rest your hand on the finger pad lol

We had a wonderful and relaxing time even if it was so hot that it felt like the inside of a furnace.

We got out on Friday morning and went to Johnson Shut ins and Elephant Rock. We enjoyed both of them but were about wiped out by the time we left to come back to the motel. Had to get back to get ready for the first little get together we had. Oh wow you walk into a room full of older adults and wondering who in the world are these people but soon you are back talking to Preach, dino, didi and all the other funny names we gave each other then. Lol

The years sort of slip away and your back there where you left off but with a little more confidence than you had then. I had a wonderful time and Saturday night when it was over there were more than a few tears, reminded me of High School graduation. Except in 5 years when we get together again some of them might be gone. Makes it sad.

We had 100 people in our graduating class and there are already 27 that are dead. Makes mortatility seem closer than ever.

Got some pictures but of course you all wouldn’t know who these people were. But my highschool very best friend was there and we were inseparable the whole time. Was so great to see her again. I have her address so and she doesn’t live too far from us so we are going to try to get together soon.

Another one of our friends we both had been told that she had cancer and passed away but she was there. Lol She said wow I didn’t know I was suppose to be dead.

Will try to put a picture of me and some of the classmates that went and toured the old highschool. But I was having such a good time most of the time that I forgot to have Joe taking pictures lol


So how is everyone while I have been gone? What you been up to? Anyone sick? Stay in out of this heat it will do you all in , especially you pre-ops that are still overweight that heat is a bugger. And Post ops if you go out drink plenty of water you can get dehydrated really easy out there.


Bec: thanks for doing the post for me for a couple of days, And Pre ops can do it the same as a post op> I started Whats Happening before I ever had surgery so it is ok…


Janet : thank you too sweetie. And if you want the names and emails to send the info too about the Reunion I can send them to you or I can send it out to all of them if you don’t have time to do all of it with your slower dial up. I know that is aggravating.


Nuttie: you are really doing well on your sizes girl. If and when you get your tummy tuck done you will be a lot smaller on the bottom than you are now.

That excess skin takes up a lot of room.

Sorry to hear about your son and his girlfriend. Sounds like a lousey way to live . I don’t know about some of these kids now days do you? The sad thing is , is they have kids that they drag into all of this stuff  too. If it wasn’t for them would be so let them be but because of the babies it is hard.

You don’t sound hard to me , I have one like that and you have to get hard after awhile or you will go crazy. And you cant support them. That isnt your job, and you cant. Just cant.


Well a week from today and we will have a couple more people on the losers bench, Debbie and Brandy then on the 12th Lori and Angy  gosh this is going to be a busy month with lots of newbies questions I know lol Just take it easy and after surgery remember to get in as much water as you can, use clear protein like Isopure to get and keep your protein levels up. And get up and walk every 30 miunutes ….if too hot outside , walk from room to room to room in your house …


I had a really good time being gone and all but missed all of you and am glad to be back home. I already have everything put away and washing the dirty clothes …have one load done and starting another.

Well talk away. I missed you all.

ANDREW:::: are you ready to walk in the morning? will be up hopefully if you havent heard anything from me by 6:30 ring me up lol .....








on 8/3/08 1:43 pm - Joplin, MO
Welcome Back Jan~~~
   I use to live in Park Hills, which is not too far from where you were :) small world is all I can say... I am glad your back. I have had many questions... Now they are answered, but still glad to have you back!! I am getting ready excited for the surgery!! Hating this liquid diet, so cant wait to get it over with.  I am having my last 6 month Dr. supervised appt tomorrow. I am also going to enroll Jazlyn into her new elementary school and make an appt  so that she can meet with her teacher. I will be off in surgery next week when the open house is and my mom is also a teacher across town at a middle school, so mom will take her before I am even released. Thank god mom is soooo good with her grandbabies!! My mom is taking me to sedelia for the surgery... Mom, Jazi and I will stay at the Bothwell Hotel and then I will go in for surgery and then they will go back to moms which is in Baxter Springs, Ks and a couple days later they will come back and get me :) Probably, my step dad. Which is fine. I was told they will probably release me on the 14th, but if I cant get released early enough I am going to ask to stay an extra night... ( I think! ) I would like to be out of there by noon. I have a thing about riding in a car at night. Everysince I hit a deer a couple of years ago... long story..... ;)



Debbie D.
on 8/4/08 1:26 am - KS
Good Morning Jan & MO Peeps!

Jan - Welcome home!  We all missed your smiling face.  I will say that Bec did an excellent job doing the daily post.  I always enjoy seeing her beautiful face as well!

Last night my oldest son, Luke, gave his presentation to the church about his mission trip to Tokyo, which was earlier this summer.  We had a good turn out and Luke did a GREAT job!  I had many people come up and tell me what a great job David and I had done as parents.  I am quick to give the credit where it belongs and that is to our Heavenly Father!!  God has been so good to us and it is truly exciting to see my oldest son talking about what he believes the Lord is telling him to do with his life!  Luke has applied to be an intern missionary in Tokyo for the entire summer of 2009.  He is then planning on a year or two at our local community college and then believes the Lord wants him to go to seminary school.  Please continue to pray the Lord's will be done in his life and that he will continue to LISTEN AND OBEY what God wants him to do.

The Lord blessed me again this morning too.  I went up to the church to help drive all the kids to Salina, KS which is about a 3 hour drive.  When I got up there the youth leader told me there was an extra driver and that I didn't need to drive!  Praise the Lord!  Last year I took them on Monday, came home that afternoon then went back that following Friday and picked them up and drove them home.  Needless to say, 6 hours of driving in one day is way too much for me.  My BP is better but it still is running a little lower than it should.  Guess the Father knew I shouldn't be driving that distance today! GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!

The kids start back to school a week from tomorrow!  It seems that it gets earlier and earlier each year.  Luke turns 18 on August the 15th.  It used to be that he started school a few days after his birthday now it's a few days before his birthday.  I'm thinking about trying to dig out some old pictures and scan them to make a power point presentation for his 18th Birthday.  I made one for his Eagle Court of Honor and it turned out.  Guess I need to start on that some time this week while they're both gone!

Bec - I'm really looking forward to meeting you and going shopping tomorrow!  I have a surprise for you!

Barbara S. - Sorry you can't meet up with us tomorrow.  Hopefully, we can all meet when Bec has another appointment in Shawnee Mission. 

Janet - Please your heart!  I'm sorry to hear about the public schools where you live.  I am glad you've decided to home school Jon.  Have you checked to see if there are any State run agenices close by that might be able to help with speech therapy?  Just an idea.  I will pray that his speech improves.  As I said, I had the exact same problem and so did my youngest, Jake.  Thankfully, we were able to take speech classes and it really did help me when I was little and it helped Jake.  Hey, where is Mel?  How is she doing?  I know she's been thru a lot.  Please tell her we are praying for her and we all miss her.  Would love to see her pop on here and post and tell us how she's doing.

All you Peeps that are on the liquid diet - my heart goes out to you!  I didn't have to do that and I am so thankful for that!  But as Jan says, keep your eye on the goal.  It is so worth it!

Well, it's 10:30 and since I don't have to spend 6 hours on the road today, I'm going to spend some time catching up on my Beth Moore Breaking Free Bible Study which I'm about a week behind.  Hopefully, will get caught up by the end of the afternoon.  It's a great study - it's really indepth and takes a lot of soul searching.  But it's worth it.  Did any of you go to the Beth Moore Simulcast this past weekend?  There were 70,000 women watching her live from Louville, KY (I think).  I know there were 70,000 women just not sure where she actually was.  God has blessed her with such a wonderful ministry.  She always touches my heart and she teaches me so much about God and His Word!

Gotta scoot - everyone have a great Monday.  Stay cool!

Debbie D.
on 8/4/08 3:21 am - Friedheim, MO

Good Morning Everyone!  Day 7 of the Liquid Diet.  I am soooo tierd.  I am having trouble getting in all 5 shakes per day.  I have never done 5, the most I have done is 4, but honestly, its usually 3.  Most days I also do 2 cans of either chicken noodle or vegetable soup broth.  It's strange because when I have the broth, I ususally have a shake with it.  I get really full, and I feel guilty.  I don't know why.  I feel like I have cheeted even tho I havent.  I dont understand why my head is telling me this.  It has gotten easier, those first days were rough.  I'll be glad to be on the other side & have more energy, but I know that's gonna take a while.   I cant believe there are 6 of us on here within 2 days.   I am praying for all of us to stay strong this next week.

I hope everyone is doing well!

(((HUGS))) Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
Barbara S.
on 8/4/08 10:52 am - Freeman, MO
Hey Jan and all;

So glad you and Joe had a good time and arrived home safely. Reunions are a hoot aren't they.

Just a so-so day. Went to the movies with my granddaughter to see Step Brothers. If you are offended by foul lanuage I would suggest you don't go see it. We were about to walk out and it did ease up quite a bit. Funny but the lanuage was ronchie!

My dear hubby brought me roses today for my Birthday and my son gave me a beautiful heart with diamonds necklace. Pretty good bounty for an old lady. Who just turned 58 today. I always say I don't mind telling my age...I have earned every year.

I am so sorry I can't meet up with Debbie and Bec but, official dinner is tomorrow for my birthday and our grandsons which is tomorrow, he will be 15. Maybe next time. Please let me know when your next appointment is Bec as soon as you can so I can book the day.

Better go, need to get in my 3 mile walk.

Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

Debbie D.
on 8/4/08 12:04 pm - KS

Happy Birthday to you.  Happy Birthday to you.  Happy Birthday, Dear Barbara.  Happy Birthday to you!  And MANY moooorrrrreeee!  Just imagine me singing that to you....on second thought be glad you didn't hear that!  lol!

Hope you have a great Birthday!!

Debbie D.
Barbara S.
on 8/4/08 12:50 pm - Freeman, MO
Hey Debbie:
I did hear it, when it comes from the heart you can hear it and it is always perfect!!! Thank you so much.
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

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