~Whats Happening Friday for Jan (August 1st already???)~

on 7/31/08 11:26 pm - Diamond, MO

Hi MO/OH Peeps~

Its Friday!!! Im not sure where Jan is......maybe she isnt able to get her wi-fi to work where she is.... so I thought I would post for her...I hope someone else isnt thinking the same thing right now. I fear by the time I get this posted-someone else will have it done as well. I have slow dial up, so sometimes it takes quite a long time to get it all posted and situated. LOL......

What does everyone have planned for this weekend? I am going to clerk for my mom today and then the rest of the weekend, I am going to finish going through my youngest daughters bedroom and get it all packed up. Then, the chore of moving ALL of Mikes "stuff"-which I would call crap, except that it all costs too much-LOL....crap is stuff you cannot even sell at a garage sale, just toss it in the burn barrel. His hobbys cost too much. Thank goodness they do a lot of bartering. He trades a lot-or fixes motors or such and gets stuff for free or exchange. Anyhow-we are moving HIS hobby ROOMS into Stephs old bedroom and then one room will be our home office/guest room and the other will be MY hobby room. I get a room, I get a room~!!!! YAY! I can FINALLY get my sewing machine a permanent home-AND keep it out when I have a project started!!! I bought it brand new like 15 yrs ago-and its got less than 20 hours of sewing time on it!!

Mikes bday is in a few days and the boys and I are having some picture projects made for him for his b-day. I am making him a coffee mug with one of the Grand Canyon pictures we had taken-when Darrel went to snap the pic-I leaned over and kissed Mike on the cheek-and its so cute! Then, the boys and Mike took a good picture, with the Grand Canyon in the background and we are putting that on a t-shirt that either says Best Buddies OR Me, Mini-Me and Micro-Me....we havent decided yet. We are leaving early today to go get our order in and pray that its here in time!!!

I have decided to home school Jonathan this year. He has a pretty bad speech impairment-and a couple of weeks ago-after Mikes mom (adopted mom) was correcting him in front of everyone-he got so embaressed and self conscience-and later that week, when we were driving to town, he said-Mommy, am I tupid? (he cant pronounce any of his S's) and I said no-why? He was just wondering and he had BIG crocodile tears rolling down his cheeks. I couldnt handle that-and when we were in AZ, several people, who havent been around him-had a very hard time understanding him, at times-they would look at Mike, Darrel and I to tell them what Jon had said. There are times I have a hard time understanding what he is saying. I have a ton of leap year books that we got-and I have been working with him and HE IS improving-but I make it fun for him....AND I dont think he will get that one on one in school AND I think they will put him in Special Ed-which, dont get me wrong, I know he will need it-BUT....I also know those kids go through hell with the teasing. No matter what you are being teased about-the outcome is the same and since I was teased ALL through my school years-If I can help him not have to go through that by home schooling this year-I WILL!!!! A couple of people suggested getting ahold of parents as teachers and see what programs that maybe they offer that will help out as well-so I will call them later today. I want to do whats best for Jonathan and I know his heart is SO big and he wears it on his sleeve-and believe me-IF he starts getting teased-it WILL break his little spirit and I sure dont want that to happen!!!

Well, I am going to wrap this up and get it posted. Still have to do the weekly weigh in and then get outside to the garden before its too hot to do it. I have to water my flowers, then fill the dogs pool up-and then get the vaccum out of the pool-and get ready to go to town to get mikes stuff ordered and go to work. I hope to see Megan today. I miss her a lot.

I hope you all have a good weekend-you are ALL in my prayers. If your on the liquid diet and pre-op, I pray you have strength and peace of mind-the outcome IS SO WORTH IT!!!! To everyone else-if you have a prayer request, Im all over it-as always, your in my thoughts and prayers-have a good weekend. Love, Janet

Debbie D.
on 8/1/08 12:03 am - KS

So nice to see your smiling face!  I'm glad you and your family are back home safe & sound!

I really feel for your little boy Jonathon.  I had a speech impairment when I was young.  I actually didn't start talking until I was around 4 years old.  My parents took me to a speech specialist on the Plaza.  He said my mouth muscles weren't growing as fast as the rest of my body.  (Believe it or not my mouth is still small!).  I started taking speech classes in Kindergarten.  I took them until 4th grade.  I had problems with s, r and sh and ch's.  I remember being teased in school and feeling horrible about it.  I can say I think it made me a stronger person.  In 4th grade I graduated from speech class.  No one's been able to shut me up since!  lol!

My youngest son, Jake, had problems with speech.  I had him tested when he was 3 years old.  The school district gave him free speech lesson twice a week for 2 years then he also took them his kindergarten year.  He graduated speech class his Kindergarten year.  His speech is excellent now.  Does your school district offer speech classes?  I believe they will give them fro free even if he isn't enrolled (if you chose to home school him).  I know they really helped Jake.

Jake also hard problems with reading.  I tried Hooked on Phonics with him and it didn't work.  (I did Hooked on Phonic with my oldest and it really helped him).  So we paid for Jake  to attend Sylvan's for two years. My husband is dyslexic and they didn't find out until he was a Senior in High School.  He has always struggled. (Praise the Lord, neither of my boys are dyslexica.)
I believe if you struggle with reading you'll struggle with everything....math, science, social studies, etc!  I told my dh that we either would pay now or pay later.  I really didn't want to see Jake struggle throughout his school years.  So he took 2 years at Sylvan's.  One in First Grade and the other in Third Grade.  The best $$ we ever spent!  He always gets Exemplary on all his State Assessments!  He likes schools and gets A's and B's!  I am so thank to the good Lord for that!  Luke has always done very well in school and he hardly ever really works for his grades.  I keep telling him that's going to change when he gets to college!

Barbara S & Sugar and the rest of the MO Peeps - you are all wecome to meet up with us next Tuesday in Overland Park!  Would be great to see you all and do some shopping!  Everyone is always welcome! 

Bec - I'm with you, I wish we all lived closer!  Would be so much fun!

Well, I am washing my new clothes I got at Chicos today.  A group of ladies and I are going to the Beth Moore Simulcast tonight and tomorrow morning.  Will wear my new clothes of course!  lol!

Everyone have a great weekend!

Debbie D.
on 8/1/08 12:40 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Deb,

Thanks-good to see you too!! About our school district-we live literally in the middle of nowhere. The school in Diamond is the biggest building there. There are 2 gas stations, one dollar general store, a post office, bank and a restaurant-thats the extent of Diamond-oh, and the police station/city hall. They share an office. They do not even offer scholarship programs-like the bigger school districts will offer A-plus, which helps with college courses-they dont have that-and they dont offer choir-until you get to High School-they dont have the funding. They do not offer speech therapy, thats why I am contacting parents as teachers. In fact, myself and my family members have walked into the schools at different times in the year-and walked around-to test their security and guess what? The teachers NEVER have questioned us while we are walking around in the halls-and they didnt know ANY of us. Mike doesnt count-since he has worked on their copiers for 12 yrs, they all know him pretty much-but my daughter Megan, her husband, Aaron, my mom and myself have all walked into the middle and high schools and have never been questioned!!! That is so scary to me. They had a bomb threat last year at homecoming and they did have the Joplin bomb squad and task force out there-but thats an exception to how they usually do things. There are so many kids that come from the city and do drugs on the bus or drink etc-and I know that it happens a lot more in the inner city schools or where the population is much larger, but the security at the school really bothers me-a lot-and then with it being such a small school-they dont offer the benefits that the larger schools do. Kind of stinks.

Jon has the same speech problems as you had. Its very hard for him to say anything with those sounds. We have worked with him-and he is making improvement-BUT-If someone says something to him OR corrects him in front of others-he just shuts down. He has such a wonderful, loving, giving spirit and he LOVES everyone-I KNOW it will break his heart IF kids make fun of him. I KNOW that my home schooling him for this year isnt going to stop any teasing he may endure-but It really has been laid on my heart to do it. I would have never thought of myself as the home schooling type-but I do believe this is best. I do hope that Parents as Teachers can either help us or refer us to someone who can. I was teased ALL through ALL my years at school and I know it broke my spirit. It made me numb and every day I had my feelings hurt and I just cant seem to get passed that and I dont want ANY of my kids to go through what I went through, and IF I can do ANYTHING to help him-I WILL do it...I hope this is it. He cant even say Steph...Stephanie-he has always called her tashush. Fish are Tish.... School is cool, lets see-ANYTHING that starts with any of the same things you described. He is learning from Leapster books I got. We also got some of the Phonic books. I like that most of them have erasable pages-so I can wipe them and he uses his special marker/pen and I can erase them again and again IF he needs to. They are working out well. When I went to K-They taught you everything (ok-so it was 35 yrs ago-LOL) but now-WHEN they go to K-they are to know not only their full name-but they are to be able to write their FULL name, their FULL address AND phone number. They are to know the WHOLE alphabet AND how to write it all-AND count to 10 and write it. They also have to know ALL their colors....thats everything that I learned IN K.....Now they HAVE to know PRE-K......AND.....they go ALL day-when I was little, they went 1/2 day.

Well, I have rambled enough...LOL....I cant wait to see you again...if not at the reunion, when I come to KC....Thanks for making me feel better about my decision. I just want him to feel good about himself and I know in the little tiny school district he is in, IF he starts out his K years in Special Ed, the kids WILL make fun of him-AND they make fun of you here IF you are different in any way, shape or form-heck-Stephanie, my youngest daughter, got sent to the principals office because a lot of kids were making fun of a new kid that was in a wheelchair and she stuck up for him-and they got in a huge fight, 8 girls against Stephanie and 2 of her friends. It broke her heart that they were making fun of someone who had MS and was in a wheelchair. It broke my heart too-AND when I went to the school to pick her up-I didnt punish her-I was more upset that the girls who started the whole thing, got away with it all, because their parents are rich and ones daddy is the police dept in Diamond!!! How scary is that? I believe thats an extension of what they are taught at home OR what is tolerated at their home-it would NEVER be tolerated at my home-thats for sure!

Have a good day, Deb and talk to you soon-and THANKS AGAIN!!! :) Love, Janet

Bec M.
on 8/1/08 1:35 am
Hi Doll,

I just knew you were probably doing the post too... I kept checking to see if someone else did it as I was just going to cut and paste mine into someone elses... so I got it done and pushed the submit button and a message box popped up and said error! Gee Willikers! I thought I lost that whole thing! The message said the program would shut down but when I checked it had went thru! I'm so glad!... it takes me so long to do a post ... I sure wish this OH had spell check! Anyhoo I will let you do the post until Jan gets back unless you tell me diff OK? You are much much more qualified to do them.

I'm sorry that John has the speech problems! And will be praying you will be able to help him in the way that would be best for him!

I took a lot of "guff" when I put my girls in private school when the time came...was told they would not be "socially well adjusted"... for alot of years I second guessed myself but knew from the moment they were born the Lord laid on my heart that they not go to the public school... that was just my own conviciton for my girls... I sure don't think others ought to feel the same way. I can say looking back it was the very best decision and the best use of thousands and thousands of dollars we spent. There were draw backs but the benefits far out weighed negative aspects... I would do it again in a heart beat! And you know when we spent all that $$$ for tuition it meant we were not saving for college... at the time we did not know how we were going to do it when the time came but the Lord has taken such good care of us and them, they both will graduate next May one with a double major and the other with a Masters and NO DEBT for them or us! I thank the Lord over and over and over for guiding us and providing for us time and time again! I know Janet if He can take such wonderful care of us He will do the very same for you! He will lead and guide you to do just what is best for our sweet little John!

Will be looking for your post tomorrow if Jan does not do it. Let me know if you have problems and I will try... I know I am living on borrowed time with this puter and keep thinking any day will be the LAST day! ~ha

Love you lady,
Jan C.
on 8/1/08 7:59 am - Cedar Creek, MO
Hey all, we are having a great time here in my old home town. today we went to Johnsons shut in for about half the day and i walked and walked and walked some more, Andrew that was for you. We walked one trail that was 2.5 miles long and then also walked from the entrance to the end of the board walk abouve the river. we didnt go into the river but it sure lo looked inviting. i was dying for some water when we got back to the car. and drank 2 =16oz of water and was still thirsty, got anothe one and went and got in the car. after that we went to elephant rocks and Joe was blowed away with that. will post pictures when i get....Please continue to post for me ...love to all we are really having a great time,,,,got to go to a casual get togeter at our old Teen Town .bye love all  Jan.



Andy W.
on 8/1/08 9:34 am - Tulsa, OK

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to check in quick, its been such a busy day getting ready for company and all, had to go to branson for some errands and stuff, gawd was it ever hot, could prolly fry an egg on the pavement  lol.   Hope everyone is staying out of the heat.  The BIL just called and they wont be here til about 11pm or so tonight so its gonna be a late night.  Tomorrow we are gonna spend part of the day in Branson,  gonna see the show  "The Promise"  tomorrow night, im so excited about that, thats the show that Jans son is in.  Gonna try and find some fishing holes that the BIL can get to since he's handicapped, if they catch any maybe we'll have a fish fry, w00t w00t  lol.   


Janet I'll start posting on the weekly weigh in,  I keep forget that  lol sorry,  smack me if i dont  lol.    I went walking today,  sure isnt the same by yourself but Im so glad  Jan and Joe are away enjoying themselves.  


Jan are the shut ins gorgeous??  I havnt seen them since they were washed away by the  AmerenEU  damn breaking a couple years ago,  they are just now opened back up I think, I bet tha****er was so inviting, ya should of jumped in and cooled off  LoL.   Ooohhhh I bet Joe was in awe  of Elephanet Rocks,  we just love it there,  we only lived a couple miles from there and used to go there quite often.  Sounds like you walked enough for both of us today  lol.


Bec I got the stuff to make the relish so keep ya fingers crossed it comes out ok  lol.


Hope everyone has a great weekend.  See ya's soon.



I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sheila H.
on 8/1/08 10:27 pm - Marshfield, MO
good morning my friends

oh its been a wild week.....i finally got the ole gray fixed so so for now and then some body goes and cuts my brake lines on ole blue while Rach and babies was the 1 driving...it all ended ok.....some 1 has broken into my house 4 times that i know of and come to find out it was boy next door and rach's moms son so all hell broke loose with her mom now cos she says her boy didnt do it...so now she is sueing me for slander and harrassment when she is the 1 who came down to jump my ass and had the nerve to tell me i wasnt a woman that if i held up my bat wings and started flopping she bet id fly like a bat...... needless to say i almost jumped off my deck and beat her azz but decided not to scoop to her level......anyway she is even filing charges against rach's boyfriend my son and 1 other neighbor who has proof the boys broke into their house too....
have spent the last 3 evenings after work canning...green beans, corn, beets, bread and butter pickles , carrots......does any 1 have recipes for s/f or splenda relish and jelly and jam cos i wanna make all 3 of them but i wanna make it where i can enjoy em and eat em....
janet.......i hope they have parenting as teachers out there cos they did wonders with my son Levi...when i was younger i had LOTS of speech problems and even now i still cant do all s, sh, ch words where people can understand me.....god will make it work out so have faith and im here for u when u need me....
hope every 1 has a GREAT weekend!!!! miss u all and love ya


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