What's Happening Friday for Jan

Bec M.
on 7/31/08 11:21 pm
A Happy Friday Morning to You All Missouri!

Jan sent me an e-mail before she left and said she planned to use her new laptop to do the post but if I did not see it maybe Janet, I or someone would open it up... if someone else has started it before I get this posted please go with their thread as I've not done this before and do not feel qualified being pre-op and all... just trying to help her out a bit....

I sure hope she has a wonderful time while she is gone and that her and Joe are able to get some much needed rest... that poor ole Joe has been thru the wringer it sounds like with those plumbing problems! We will hope they have seen the end that!

I am praying that she will see some solutions to the problems she has been having with soreness from the fall she took, the wreck, the sleep problems, eating difficulties and such... she really has had a lot recently! We need our Jan to be all fixed up and healthy! And she is really wanting to have that other knee operated on too! That's alot for one person all at once. She is a strong woman but we will to lift her up for strength, wisdom to deal with all of this and peace of mind.

Sugar ~ say if you wanted me to I could pretend like I could not find my perfect size 12 and then we could plan this great big ole pow wow shopping trip for the next Dr. appointment I have and you all down that way could rent a greyhound bus and head to the metro! ~tee hee I would scoop you up and take you with me if I could. It's too bad we all live so far apart and cannot get together more often.

I'm glad you are feeling a bit better about your loss with the rings but also know you will "mourn" them always.. that was a good idea to try and recreate the most precious ring and have it made. I would think it would make you feel better. But there still is a chance there is some unforeseen blessing in this whole thing... I am praying to that end!

Tammy Ammy ~ I'm glad to see you posting again and hear you say you are feeling better! You like all the rest are such an blessing to the board and when one hurts we all hurt!

Am sure sorry you are having problems with the girls mother. I know it is so very weary~ing to deal with something for years and years and years... I have a few situations like that and I just hate it... I wish everything could be "nice"! but unfortunately we don't live in a world like that and just have to deal with these the best we can... I sure feel for you!

How fun! you were able to connect with some long time friends. I feel like that is what I'm getting to do when I meet all of you people in person...even though I have not "really" known you for years and years it sure seems like I have and for that I'm real thankful!

Say ~ I hope it all works out and you are able to get that car! I heard a piece on Good Morning America how people are going back to bartering more and more. No telling what we will see in the future. I know what you mean about having your own "wheels".... I don't like it when I don't have them either... I don't go much but I don't like feeling "stranded" either.

You are right the school year will be starting before you know it! And grandbabies just have to be the very best! I hope you enjoy that whole experience!

We are going to be praying the very very best for your son and his new adventure in the Guard... it's hard to turn them totally over to the Lord and trust... that trust word can be so hard! But we are going to do it right?!

Debbie D. ~ That picture you have for your avatar is so nice! Your smiling face is such an uplift all by it's self even before you write anything!

So glad you had a good trip to Chico's! What a reward for getting your laundry done! ~tee hee

I'm so glad you are feeling better too! Wonder how many people that can't have salt wishes it was the cure to their problems too? ~ha

Janet I hope you have opened up this post before me as I feel you would do a much much better job than myself!

I know you get tired of posting how you are in pain but it is such a big part of your life and even though you hurt so you don't let it keep you down! You are a tenacious woman and that is admirable!

I am praying that you will get this latest problem you had test for all taken care of with as few of complications as possible! Lady you have so much to be about! I am trusting there will come a day when you have worked thru the better part of these issues that you will look back and say there has been as much change with all these as there has been with your weight loss and your quality of life is where you can be about the things that you really want to do! I know you might not can imagine that but we serve a God that CAN bring that to pass! What would we do without Him!

I'm sure sorry that Mike's dad continues to suffer! I know that it must be heart wrenching for all of you!

Say! I can't wait to see the pics! I'll enjoy them very much! And dear sweet lady what ever you will be sending no matter what it is will be very precious to me even more so since you have had so much difficulty in getting it here... love, love, love you for the effort!

You asked about where my Dr. is? It is Shawnee Mission Kansas. Do you know where the J.C. Penney's Outlet is on I-35? Well the hospital is right by that store at I-35 and the 75th Street exit. It takes me a good two hours to drive it and more since I have been slowing down to save gas. I live right between Kansas City and Columbia a little closer to Columbia on I-70. That's why I keep telling you you will HAVE to stop and stay over with me when you go to your next annual appointment in Columbia... My place would be the perfect stop over to rest your back, not have to drive it all in one day and give me all those hugs you promised!! tee hee I live north east of Joplin. Do the map quest thing of my address and you can get a better idea of where I am from you. Paul's brother lives in Joplin but we have only been there a couple of times... I have been thru there going to see Crystal. I see the Diamond Exit sign. She will be done in Texas after this year. When we go again it will be to move her to her new destination. She is wanting to come home for my surgery... but I am trying to discourage her... it would be so expensive!

Andrew Buddy ~ you are right it IS HOT! I hope the swelling in your legs goes down with the keeping them up maybe you will see more good improvement and then maybe the Dr. will be able to help you too when you see her/him again if you need it.

I'm glad you enjoyed the relish... the name does not sound all that good but it is a pleasant surprise how good it taste don't you think?

I wish I could walk with you and Jan each day, so glad you both have each other to give one another that added pu**** takes to keep a going on the exercise.

You enjoy that company this next few days and have alot of great fun!

Well I have a whole afternoon of phone calls to make to get the rest of my appointments made and get started on the c-pap machine. I will keep the laundry going and make a couple of recipes for Paul.

I am going to post this like this even if someone else has started the tread for today so Jan can see what I would of done! ~tee hee... I feel like I've not earned the right to ride in the front seat! As the old hound said to the young pup on Disneys Fox and the Hound.... "get in the back half pint ~ you have to earn the right to ride in the front seat!" ~ tee hee

I wish each and every one a very very blessed day!

for Jan

on 8/1/08 12:01 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Bec & OH Peeps~

Great minds think alike..... I just knew that someone else would be posting at the same time-LOL... Altho-YOU did a MUCH better job than me-you did the individual responses and I did not. I did that in my post yesterday, so I didnt repeat today-LOL....

**Bec-I will have to get out my map and see where my docs building is-Im so challenged when it comes to knowing the actual address of something, just usually will watch how someone else goes or what have you and then do it myself....Im getting better tho. The last 2 times I went somewhere out of town, I didnt get lost-BUT, when I went to the last group I went to-I totally missed my exit-and knew it almost immediately, but figured I could pick it back up-MISTAKE....I ended up being 1/2 hr late-LOL... THEN....In AZ, I went to go to the store-and I got major lost-for an hour. I couldnt get signal in this valley I was in to call Mike or his aunt and see how to get home-I was so frustrated and was lost for an hour.

Wow-you have relatives in Joplin? Thats just a hop, skip and jump from me. Im just southeast of Joplin and I am west of Diamond, North of Neosho....Im plopped down right smack dab between them all. LOL.....wouldnt trade this place for anything. I LOVE living in the country.

I would love to get together with all of you and shop-and Barbara...I did remember you lived close to KC, I planned on bugging you when I came that way-LOL...If you can handle me, that is!!! I would have bugged you on one of my prior visits up there had I known that before...LOL LOL...but, now I know.

I will have to save some of my size 12s for you, Bec.....and WHEN we get together-NOT IF, but WHEN, you will have some more! I think when my tummy tuck is done, that I will be in a 10-12. Will see. I am just trying to find clothes that fit good. I now get sick of everything being too baggy and it doesnt look like I have lost as much weight as I have when I wear a really big shirt or something too big-actually makes me look bigger and when I was really big-I thought baggy stuff made me look smaller-what a funny perception, huh?

I am going to crochet my grandchild a baby blanket-OR make a quilt. Im not sure yet. If I do a quilt, I would love to make one with the theme of what the babys room will be decorated in-so I am in limbo while the kids decide what the room will be decorated in- This figures. Its pretty much a tradition in our family, that the Nana make either a blanket or teddy bear for the grandchild-have been doing it for generations-and I am so challenged with that, its not even funny. I did make Mike a cool blanket for Christmas, but it was nothing spectacular. I didnt get his picture quilt done-not even close. Ran out of time with everything happening-thats why I will be glad when I have MY OWN Hobby room-I can leave my projects out, and if I have a spare 1/2 hr to hr, I will go work on it-now, if I have a spare 1/2 hr, its not worth it-cause it takes me that long to get it unpacked from the trunk and all of that-so maybe I will get more projects done. My mom already started on crocheting a blanket and she does beautiful work-so I thought about the quilt with patches OR cross stitch one side and the quilt material on the other. Will see. There are some cross stitch patterns that are big and simple and cute when they get done-so I may just go with that. When I am done, I will take pics OR wait for the baby and take pics and then post them. I have baby fever, thats for sure. I am infactuated with babies at the stores now-or what have you....I cant wait till ours is here and I can hold it and cuddle it and spoil it rotten. Mike and I have been trying to decide what SPECIAL present we are going to give them. I think we have decided to buy the bedroom set for the baby. A nice maple crib that converts, a matching dresser and changing station. Of course, that will have to include frilly and ruffles and lots of pink bedding since its a girl-LOL...One more month or 6 weeks and we will know for sure and then I can really say grand-daughter or Mackenzie and mean it!!! HAHA I will be right.

Oh yeah-Guess what? I found a studio-that will take Megans picture-wearing a nice, nightgown, standing sideways with her hands below her baby bump-looking in the mirror thats in the background and when the baby is born-she will go back in-have her picture taken again-and this time-it will show up in the mirror only-the picture of her holding the baby-but the original picture will stay in front-of the baby bump-does this make sense, the way I described it? I cant wait till she is in her 9th month so we can go do that!!!

Well, I am going to get the weekly weigh in posted and get my day going...have a lot to do before heading to town today. I hope you all have a blessed Friday-and a wonderful weekend. Remember to tell your loved ones you love them....as always-your in my thoughts and prayers and prayers going out torequest them or need them. Love, Janet all who

Barbara S.
on 8/1/08 12:14 am, edited 8/1/08 12:14 am - Freeman, MO
Hi all:

Jan, hope you are having fun!!!

Bec, you did a great job on the post this morning. Jan will be pleased.

Janet,  please do bug me LOL, when you get anywhere close to me. I usually am ready to run to meet someone. Always ready for a day of shopping or visiting.

I am keeping you all in my prayers!!!
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

on 8/1/08 6:24 am - Purdy, MO
 Hello Everyone,
 It's 3pm and still no cig.....can't say that I haven't wanted one but I'm not giving in. Tiff offered to leave me out a pack just in case I couldn't take it and broke down, but I told her no to just hide them in her room and if I just lost it and had to have one I would call to find out where they were (that way I would feel bad about wanting one, I hate admitting no well power to her LOL). Really it hasn't been all that bad so far. I'm keeping my cinnamon stick's and my cinnamon altoids close.
 Tiff took and passed her driving test yesterday and even though she had to take it in a car she hadn't practiced in she still scored an 82%, so that's good and I'm proud of her. She has had such issues with driving, I'm glad she has faced them. I know she's still scared (not as much as me though lol), but at least shes trying.
OK Bec and Janet what are ya doing trying to confuse everyone today LOL, I went back and fourth trying to figure out which one to post on and finally said to heck with it. LOL I'm kidding you guy's both did a great job.
Jan I hope you are feeling better and enjoying your reunion. Poor Joe I'm glad he's about done with the pipe's. What a job!!!!
 HEHE!!! Never thought I would like being called a loser before, but that had a nice ring to it. LOL

 Janet I hope you are feeling better and not in pain today. I hope it all get's better soon.
 The visit to your house sound's wonderful, and to be honest with you I really don't care what we do just as long as we get to visit. Just let me know when your not going to be busy.
 I let Tiff read your text yesterday and she smiled so proudly LOL it was so cute.
 I sure hope and pray your test result's come back good. (What am I saying I know they will, you are WAY to important to everyone for anything to be wrong.) I love you girl.
 OMG!!!!!!! Your getting your own room, that is soooo not fair I'm jealous. LOL Even when I had my "own" room it was still everyone else's. Ok, I got to be careful what I say cause I know Tiff will be moving in about a year and then I'll really be upset cause I'll have the whole house to myself, so maybe I'm not jealous after all. LOL Gzzzz!! Don't I feel old talking about my baby moving out.....grrrrrrr
 Anyways I'm still waiting on that email......................

 I hope everyone has a great day.
Love and Hug's

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
Beverly B.
on 8/1/08 6:33 am - Sedalia, MO
Renee have you tried Chantix. They are expensive but worth every penny. Peppermint lifesavers helped me alot also..Good luck. I smoked for 45 years and if I can quit anyone can..I have been smoke free since Feb 28th..Praise God, I can't believe how much better I can breathe...



on 8/1/08 6:44 am - Purdy, MO
 I've been on the chantix a couple weeks now, and they do help a bunch. I slowly cut way down until today and today is the big day.
 Wow! I'm so glad you stopped, I'm very proud of you especially after 45 years, that gives me such great encouragement.

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
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