What can't you tolerate now?
This question was posed on the main forum, so I thought I'd post here and see what you guys and gals think.
What are you unable to tolerate now, foodwise, that you ate before surgery?
For me, it's turkey and chicken breast, pork chops and pork steaks, black olives, white rice and milk products. And ice cream will bring me to my knees in a heartbeat.
How about the rest of you?
Hi Patty,
Wow-Im glad you asked this-as we all have different things we cant tolerate anymore-and it will make our newbies aware that they are going to have to really pay attention to their new tummys and get to know themselves again. I think thats so important and why so many of us use a food journal-
I use to LOVE, and I mean LOVE chinese-I cant do it anymore. I cant do roast-or stringy type meats-like pulled pork sandwiches, stuff stringy like that. I cannot do ANY kind of pork except for an occasional peice of bacon. I dont care if its chops, roast, steak-any sort of pork is a big no-no..... I can do chicken IF its very very tender. I cannot do KFC EVER!~ even if I take the skin off-KFC makes me dump. Chicken and dumplings-even if home-made, I cant. Sometimes I have a hard time with burgers too. Just depends. I usually do the best with real crunchy type stuff. Certain lunchmeats are a no-no....AND then, this is going to sound really strange-but I can do salads-BUT-I cannot do them if its the bagged lettuce. Im not sure if its the preservatives or not-but if the salad comes from a bag, forget it. Rice is not a friend. I know what you mean about Ice Cream-HA~~even the sf stuff doesnt agree with me. I can do milk and cheese products for the most part. Love my yogurt.
Cant wait to see what some others respond with. Interesting question and thanks for posting it!!! Janet