When I first get up in the morning my tailbone and bottom of my hip bones don’t hurt but by the time the day is half over I can barely sit down they hurt so bad. But I can bend over and pull weeds again now. I think I just really bruised those bones and with no firm padding back there , noting to help ease it any. I have plenty back there it just isnt firm so when you sit it spreads out lol hence nothing to pad .
Andy and I went for our walk , we go at 6:30 every morning that way we get done before it gets too hot. Andys leg is really swollen , that worries me but he did see the doctor yesterday so hopefully it will start feeling better too.
Poor Joes elbows and forearms and chest area are so raw looking because under that house he has to just pull himself along , not enough room to crawl. I know I could not get under there for any amount of money. I just couldn’t stand that much stuff above my head .
He has about a couple hours left to work under there this morning and it will all be done.
I hope so I know he is totally done with doing that stuff. Bless his heart he hasn’t really complained or anything about it. At least Andy and Susan will have all new plumbing now and hopefully it will last a long long time.
Huge big mouse or small rat in my garden pathway this morning eating seeds and such, ran and got the b.b. gun for Joe and told him to shoot that thing. Im not afraid of snakes or spiders or bugs but mice and all in that family give me the heebie jeebies. Yuckkkkky
Anyway he shot him and then took him off to the big field beside us , the buzzard will take care of him lol . that is one ugly bird but they do have some use to them.
I got in over 1000 calories today. Wow…that is my wow for today I guess. I have had to modify it to be like eating every 3 to 4 hours ….im still not in the least bit hungry when I make myself eat but am doing it anyway, my trick is to eat small amounts more often.
Not really my trick , that was what I was told to do by dietitian.
Don’t forget all to post to Bevs post about what you eat daily ok?
I had a call from some home study thing about the O2 saturation study and will sit it up for next week when we get back.
BEC::::: You are being so very busy. That things are going to go fast for you. …I had about two months to wait for my surgery too once I found out the date. Mine was in August and I just knew that I wouldn’t be using my big winter clothes that I had. So that is part of what I did while waiting was I cleaned my closet out of all my size 22s winter things. I had some really nice things but I packed them all up and gave them away lol
I was determined that come cold weather I would not be able to wear them . and I couldn’t have . I saved one outfit , you should see me in it now.
It is really great to see how much you are loved and to think I had to beg you to get online with us. Lol and look how they all love you. I knew they would.
Oh I gave Andrew and Susan some of the relish and they love it too. I think it is super…
Some of the best I have ever eaten.
Wow aren’t we thankful that Paul didn’t get hit by the lightening. That had to be sooooooo scary. I cant imagine standing there watching it happen.
Hey girl get off the uppers and get some rest. Lol you will need some rest soon.
Yes I think most of us can be thankful to God for seeing us thru some close calls. Mine was just recently my wreck, I know God was guiding that truck. You should have seen the place I could have gone off at. Just surfice it to say Thank You God.
JANET::::: Im so sorry that you are in such pain , I know what you mean, this humidity makes me even hurt it doesn’t even have to be storming. Oh well it is better than a lot of things we could have you know.
I think a lot of your and my insominia might possible be the pain factor, don’t you? I cant ever find a way that feels good to lay even on our sleep number beds.
That was truly tit for tat with Mikes mom wasn’t it? And you could have been so nasty about it but you were as graceful about that as every thing else you do . You know God gives us painful paths to follow sometimes so that we can be empathic to others in the same situation later.
I hope the appointment today was good and not anything too bad to do.
Please know that you are constantly in my prayers.
I had to laugh about your ex and him wanting part of your disability….he is really a piece of cake isnt he? I cant imagine you ever being married to someone like that . Don’t it make you wonder what we were thinking about our first husbands ? lol
Oh wow tell Megan that we are really proud of her for continuing her education. Good for her. She will never regret that , cause we never know what the future holds .
Lol yeah that plumbing did stink , that is for sure lol . loved your analogy . lol
But it is totally done now and done right like we should have done in the first place. But we got in too big of a hurry. Dumb on our part.
Not real sure about the test im to do at home will know next week.
Well I don’t intend to give up my shakes cause I know that we do not absorb all the protein out of food we eat so I intend to keep up with them but I am also going to try and get more calories in for fuel. I am feeling better since I have been getting in more and the only way I can do it is by eating something about every 2 hours. I guess as long as it isnt junk it is ok. I sort of think that is the way mine got started , you know when you are fat and try to lose weight you try to eat as little as you can but now we need to eat to lose weight lol weird for sure.
I am doing ok just my tail bone and butt bones are sore. Don’t know if it is even the bones feels more like the tissue between skin and bones. Lol not muscle just flab lol
Narcolepsy is the name of the illness you are thinking of. And sometimes I think that too but don’t know.
We are leaving tomorrow morning for Fredericktown for my class reunion. Dont really know how fancy the last night of the reunion is will find out Friday at a afternoon get to gether. Im axious to see all those OLD people lol .
That will be great about the info on the reunion. I sure hope you get to come and stay the night. I will email you about some things too. Ok
You better attend it wont be the same without you.
We have had a lot of interest from a lot of people that didn’t come last year but heard how much fun we had lol
Isnt it funny how excited you can get over someone you love getting to have this surgery?
So sorry that Mike is getting so bad that the doctors think he needs to be on disability. His is from an accident isnt it? I feel sorry for anyone at your young age that has so much pain. Love you and your family and am keeping each and everyone of you in prayer.
SUGAR:::::Yes I am axious to have all the test done to see if any of them have anything to do with it but I am feeling better and can even see better since im getting more food in.
Thanks for loving me enough to slap me up side the head lol
Lol I bet when you went to get Ricky out of bed you didn’t think it was choc pudding at first did you ???? lol
Cant you haul gravel in the bed of your pickup??? That’s what trucks are for you know
Hey back up sweetie , mama would NOT be disappointed in you for no reason , EVER….SO get that silliness out of your head and don’t you dare start beating your self up over something like that. I know it was a nice ring and it was mams ring but it was a material thing , not one of your precious grand babies lives or something.
Think of it in the respect of that , which would you give up all the jewelry or the health of one of the babies? Of course that is just silly to even say because I know what you would say but sometime silly makes us stop and think about what we are really thinking. Ok?
Love you and don’t ever mean to make you feel worse . As Bec says God will bless you in another way far greater than the lost items. Ok?
Wow I didn’t know that about lightening and what you were suppose to do. But I know I couldn’t do it lol don’t know a lot of people that could do you. I would be running like heck too.
LORI:::: wont be long now sweetie. You are on your way with the diet. Of course your not going to cheat you can have s.f. popcicles, broth and stuff like that cant you.
We that have gone before are all here for you August babies, Im one too, my 2 year surgerversary is the 14 th of August. My re-birthday.
RENEE:::: I KNOW that you will be quiting smoking soon , it is important that you do. And if you can tell them that you have totally quit when you go on the 13th it will probably advance you forward quicker.
Your outfit sounds cute and once you get surgery keep a close eye on it because you can sail right by some sizes lol
We are eager for you to be on the bench too. , you loser you. Lol
ANGY:::::take it easy and get those shakes in you need the calories lol listen at me .
Anyway we are all behind all of you girls and hope everything goes great for you all.
ANDREW::::: hope it isnt raining in the morning cause I want to get our walk in before we leave for our trip.
Finally all of your plumbing is done and you don’t have to worry about stuff.
Im really proud of you and your losing that 20 pounds and I cant even lose one. Lol
Yep I can attest that he really did lose 20 pounds . the nurse looked sort of confused about that one. 20 pounds in a week????wow
LANA::::: hey good to see you on here. I miss you when you don’t come online.
Oh wow what color hair are you considering? Will be interesting I bet.
I hope it is simple as eating more too but it is scary to eat more. I have gained one pound this week but probably not really , I go back and forth 2 or 3 pounds all the time anyway.
So I cant blame that on more food.
I think the doctor is checking my thyroid too but im sure that is ok,
Just wanted you all to know that I am feeling your prayers. I am not as upset as I was over the rings...altho I will always want them, Im not crying at the drop of a hat now... and sis you are right of course, Mama wouldnt be disappointed in me, just disappointed. She loved that ring so much and always teased me with it, telling me someday, this will be yours. lol! She was a funny mama...miss her more than I ever could a ring. Im going to try to design one like it and maybe someday I can afford to have it made.
I sure am excited for all you newbies and cant wait to be scooted on down the losers bench. August and September are going to be busy months...Bec, yours is scheduled while Im in Florida...so I will think about you and pray for you while out on the beach.
Hope everyone has a great day, and may GOD bless you all. Sis, call me sometime this weekend and let me know what a great time you are having. Love ya and be careful on the trip!
Can't belive that the hot hot weather waited so long to get here....I expected it in June and here it is almost Aug before we start having heat waves....Wonder if that means we will have a weired winter??
I wanted to thank all you for the responses I got on my prayer request post....I appreciate it so very much......I love you guys and am thankful for knowing so many sweet people....
We are back to having issues with my step-daugheres mother.....Just the same ole same ole....I just hate that Heather has to deal with it while she is preganant....I have a feeling it wont be to much longer and she is going to want to move back in with us..... For now Im just listening when she needs to vent and trying to give her soloutions that she might use to deal with her mother.....But if it keeps getting any worse...Im going to blow!!!! I have dealt with this woman upseting and menataly abusing these two girls for almost 9 years now and Im almost to the point to now having any more patients to use on her......Im about ready to give her a good ole fashion ass whooooooping!!!!!
It makes me insane to watch these girls stuggle with wanting her to be a mom and her just mess it up all the time.....and do things to keep them upset!
Well this has been a fairly good week for me....I feel lucky friend wise....I got to go see my best friend Chell Saturday....Joe and I went and had supper with her and her husband and set and visited with them till almost 1 am.....Chell and I have been friends since we were in the 2nd grade and have always had a very special friendship...Never had one fight!!!!!! We agree to disagree when the moment does arise and it's made our friendship last a long long time.....We live less than an hour from each other but don't get to visit alot....Seems kids, work and life gets in the way alot of the time...So when we do get to spend time together it seems it always passes so fast!!!!
Then to top it off .....A ole friend that lives even closer to me called up and she is coming to see me this afternoon and we are going to go eat and ride aroud for a bit and catch up on things....We talk now and then on the phone and she only lives like 8 miles away from me but it seems to be impossible for us to find time to get together....Janice and I have been friends since around Jr High....Were not quite as close as Chell and I but we have always had a great time when we get together....So Im looking forward to this afternoon....
WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO ....We are going to look at a car this weekend....My oldest step-daughters boy friend told us about it.....A guy he works with has it....It's and older car so when he bought a new one he didn't bother to trade it in....He's been driving it to work till he got his new one and Gary said hes not had any trouble with it and just had a lil work done to it because he is one that likes to keep things done up....
And to top it all off...he decided he would drop the price for Gary!!!!!
And we might not have to worry about even having to pay for it....We bought a few guns awhile back to help a friend have money to pay their light bill.....They are both older guns...but one is really old and is not made anymore....And we were going to re-sell them to have the money to help get the car if we liked it when we went to see it.... So Gary was telling all the guys at work about them and trying to help us sell them...The guy with the car is interested in seeing them and is pretty sure he wants the one....but he told Gary he might just take them both and swap straight across for the car!!!!
People you don't know how excited I am about this....We are going satruday to see the car and taking the guns for him to see......Our second car tore up about 3 months ago and Joe worked on it till he was ready to blow it up and just could not get it going.. So he had to go to using mine to get back and forths to work....He has to leave for work around noon....So for months now if I had anything to do I had to get it done by noon so he could go to work.....Then he don't get home till 10-10:30 pm and it's too late to go get anything done that late so it's sure been a pain just having one car.....And gas is just tooooo high for me to take him to work and go pick him up very often..... He works about 45 min from where we live.....So at almost $4 a gallon we just can't afford for me to keep the car too often unless it's just needed.....
But if all goes well...The car will be decent and we will work something good out with the feller and I will get my car back by next week!!!!!..............LOL LOL I don't even really have anywhere I just have to go but it will be so good to know I can if I want to lol lol lol........
Well it's almost here!!!!! A few more weeks and it will be time for the new school year to start!....This is a special school year for me....My lil princess starts head start this year....She his soooooooo excited!!!! And Nannie got to buy her first day of school outfit!!!

We had had to go the week before and meet the teacher and let the kids see the room and all that .....So on the first day of school she wanted to ride the bus.....She could not wait to get on that bus lol lol......So that morning I stood out there with her and waited for the bus...The whole time I talked to her assuring her momma would be right there waiting on her when she got off the bus that afternoon...and kept asurring her she didn't need to be scared and etc......The bus came and she marched right out there and got on it and never looked back......Never whim or anything......I SAT DOWN IN THE DRIVE WAY AND CRIED FOR AT LEAST 30 MIN LOL LOL.......It killed me she was more grown up than I expected....I just knew when the bus got there she would start crying and all and I would end up getting to take her to school .....lol lol ..
My son went yesterday and got his military ID and got some of this military clothes... Im sure they got some kinda name but Im new at this lol lol....But looks like it's for real now.....And of course he had to come in and try them on in front of me so I could check him out.....Then I got elected to wash them for him....I actually wanted to burn the darn things!!!! But I was nice I only washed them!......
Part of me is so happy and excited for him and I am proud of him for wanting to do something for and with himself....But the other part of me is so emotional my heart feels like it's going to break....I know this is probably a good thing for him....We live in a small farm area and not really much oppertunities around here other than factories and you have to drive a distance to even do that.....And he says he is dissapointed that it seems all his friends are in to drugs and always drinking.....He don't want to be a part of that and feels he needs away from it all so he wont be drawn into it too.....I am so proud of him for realizing that and wanting to do more with his life than some of those kids are doing........So I am praying hard I will ajust to this decision and can learn to be more ok with it so that I can be more supportive.....
He promised he would by a lap top with some of his sign on bonus and we are going to buy him a digital camera for graduation....So hopefully he will be able to keep in touch on a regular basis and I can be at ease just a little.....
He didn't join the actual Army ...It's Army Nationl Gaurd...But he wants to go active as soon as he gets lined out...So it's just the same to me!!!! Yall keep me in your prayes.. And my (baby) boy too.....
Jan....Hope things get easier with you getting in a more calories....And hope you have a blast at your reunion.....My 25 year reunion is coming up next fall and I am looking forward to it sooooo much....It will be exciting to see everyone again and get to show off the new me!!!! Most of them are getting gray hair and spreading and I am getting gray hair and shrunk some lol lol......
Janet.....Sis glad to have you back.....So glad yall made it in time for Mikes dad to see the boys!! Loved the pics of the grand canyon!!!!
I know the part of your last post was aimed at me lol lol......Ok ok ok...You win.... When I get a chance I will set down and do an eamil for you and unload.....Im actually with holding....Sometimes you just get tired of dealing with the same ole crap and really get tired of even talking about it.....I hate feeling like Im whinning.....I know Im not the only one out there with problems and all though mine make me nuts at times I also know mine aren't as bad as some peoples problems.....
Well was going to respond to some posts and say Hi to more of you...but I spent so much time on myself I ended up making a mile long post lol lol......
My prayers are with each and everyone of you......
Congrats too all the soon to be new loosers.....Can't wait to feel your butt's make that lil bump on the bench as you scoot us on down.....
A big ole HOWDY to the newbies.....Welcome and hope to hear more from ya...
I hope yall have a wonderful Thursday.....
God Bless each of you....
Love and Hugs...Tammy~ammy
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Good Morning Jan & MO Peeps!
Jan - I am so glad you went to the doctor and they will be running some tests!! Woman, you really scared all of us! I think you and Joe deserve a really nice cruise for all the work you've been doing! We took one 3 years ago and had a great time.
Sugar - thanks for the info on the Isopure. I tried the Blue Raspberry this morning and didn't like it. I really like the Grape Isopure. Still debating if I want to spend that much $$. When I make my protein shakes I don't add anything to them...just mix them with water or milk. I like the Nectar powder. I may mix in a few of the Isopure RTD's too. Hope you find your Mama's rings. But I agree with Jan, I'm sure your Mama wouldn't want you to beat yourself up over material things. I know that is easier said than done.
Janet - I'm glad you're back! Can't wait to see your pics of the Grand Canyon. I really want to take my boys to see it and soon! Maybe next Spring. We will see.
Lovely Lana - Can't wait to see your new hair color. I think I'm going to have mine done an auburn color. Something new and exciting.
Bec - you are such a doll. Can't wait to meet you in person next Tuesday!
The rest of the MO Peeps - congrats on all the surgeries coming up and I'm praying everyone does well and has a quick recovery!
I'm doing laundry. Then I'm going to CHICO'S! Jan, I haven't been there since I went with you to the one in Branson. They are having a huge sale and I just can't resist. I got an email and found a really cute pair of jeans that were $88 for $19.99. I called around and the one in Prairie Village has a Size ONE calling my name! lol! I'm going to try and get out of their spending a lot less money than I did the first time I set foot in one of their stores! lol!
I threw away the $25 off card if I bought $100 or more but I will tell them that and I know they have cards there they can give me....at least they had better. But then again I'd like to spend less than $100. Will see!
Gotta scoot. Thank the Lord I am feeling better. I still get a little light headed but nothing like it was since I've increased my regular salt intake. Who would have thunk it?
Everyone have a great Thursday!
Debbie D.
First I want to wish my beloved "

I'm so glad she is getting in more food I know she will start feeling better as she goes along and gain more strength too.
:angel hen: I know you will read this at some point and just want to say thank you for all the sweet encouraging words! Always you are uplifting me! I do remember when you tried and tried to get me to post and I at that time had not shared my decision with family and did not want them to read about it rather than me telling them... and I had never done a post EVER and was just plain ole scared of it! ... now you poor people can't get me shut up! ~tee hee I'm just can't say enough how thankful I am to have such wonderful wonderful friends in you all! I'm so thankful for all I have read and learned! It still just thrills me even after nearly two years now of reading when someone posts a great success and how happy they are... I don't know of another place where you can read of such soooo often! It's just plain fab~u~la~tas~tic!



Sugar Booger (term if endearment ~tee hee) ~ I will be so happy to know you are on the beach enjoying yourself and your family, when I am in surgery. I didn't know that about lightening and will sure tell my dear husband but I think you are right... he ran out of sheer fright! I will be careful in heat for sure now as it is to be 107 heat index for the weekend! We knew it would get here sooner or later didn't we.... I just plain can't take that kind of heat not really much of any... I get so frustrated that I can't do what I want too!!! By nature I'm a go gitter and this extra person I carry around gets in my way!!!! >

I am sooo looking forward to meeting Debbie D. It will be so fun to get to meet her and spend some time with her....even if I don't find what I am looking for I still have alot of time yet... I'll keep looking... I know I will know it just as soon as I see it! But to be honest with you I'm more looking forward to meeting Debbie. I feel such a "kindred spirit" with her and I have not even met her yet... like I do with so many of you! I just know God has put all of you in my life for a reason... you all minister to me so much and maybe at some point I can do the same for you!

I can't even imagine doing a liquid diet for 3 months! But know, I, like you, could of done it if I HAD too! I would be like you were and pacing the floor praying for myself every minute of every day till I got a handle on the thing!
Yes, my surgery will be at Shawnee Mission Medical Center with Dr. Stanley Hoehn the same place and Dr. Debbie D. and Shelley used. I've just been so blessed by those girls and it just gives me comfort to know they have are having such great success. So far I have been just so pleased with this office. I started at Columbia but that was about the time they had alot of trouble.... I made 5 calls in 7 weeks leaving more than a week between each call and never got a call back from them till they got a new office manager and that was quite a few months later and it was too late then... I just could not wait that much time due to my husbands job and insurance factors.... but look at me now! I'm so very very happy!

Sweets you are so welcome for the book and YOU ARE SPECIAL!!! I feel that way about everyone getting to see you every time you go to a support group meeting... I always wish so bad I could go too! I don' think I will get to go to the reunion simply due to I have so many trips to K.C. before my surgery and it has been so expensive.... I for sure hope to come next year when I won't have all these added expenses... I wish I could come this year as it is the last year I could stay with my daughter at the college.... we will see maybe something will work out yet....
Lori ~ you hang in there girl you are going to make it thru this! And Renee' you are too! Angie and those of you that are on the liquid diet... the reward will be soooo worth it!
Andy I'm glad you enjoyed the relish... I posted the recipe you might want to print it off for next year... I had never made it with Splenda but all of you are telling me it is good so that's great. I grew all the veggies in my garden so it was relative inexpensive except for the Splenda and that was not ALL that bad if you buy it in the big bag at Sam's. I am so happy for you about the 20 #'s... Good Golly Mr. Molly you must have been estatic! I will be so happy for you when you meet your goal.... heck I'm so happy for you right now!!!
Tammy Ammy ~ sweet lady you are sounding better even though I know you are dealing with so much... I am continuing to pray that God is going to do a real special work in you and for you! The word say come all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest... I am praying that for you and Janet both! Go go and He will fulfill His promises!
Debbie D. Do you wear a size ONE? If you do I'm going to look like the great white whale next to you!!! ~tee hee One time "a relative" told me and it hurt something terrible and I've never forgotten it... that it looked like the "whales have beached" when I was setting at the lake next to the water playing with my daughter in the sand when she was young... the person was right but it still hurt my feelings desperately. That was alot of years ago. Funny what we remember huh?
I nearly can't wait to get that ole Dr. appt. out of the way on Tuesday so I can get to the real bi~nez of the day! ~tee hee



Well... the company had some things come up and decided to wait till the end of August to come for a visit. Ya'll ever get ready for company when everything is a mess? I have been working for the past two days to get caught up... oh well I'm glad it is about done.... I got up at 4:30 this morning and did some work in the kitchen then went out side and hosed off all the sidewalks, cleaned the fountain and put new water in it, have piddled around here vac~ing and dusting and so forth... I will sure have a nice clean house to set in by myself! ~tee hee At least I had not done up all the cooking!
Better get off here and go on and finish up what I was working on... blessings to each of you!
Dear Auntie Jan and OH Peeps~
Im getting a late start today. I could not move, literally, when I was trying to get out of bed this morning. I got to bed at 4 am. Darrel was up at 2:30, feeling like he was going to throw up (did I mention that Mike and Jon were sick the other day and I thought that it was just recouping from the trip?) Ok-so I get Darrel all set up and back in his room-with a bowl and towel, just in case he cant make it back to the bathroom-and I turned around and Jon was up-he couldnt sleep and was having "scary" dreams-said the dreamcatcher wasnt working and can I sleep with him? I went in and laid down with the little guy and that was it. I was so tired that it didnt even hurt-LOL...But, this morning was a whole 'nother story. Between the cramping from yesterdays procedure and my back and knees-I was literally in tears trying to get it loose enough to allow me to roll out of bed and stand. I sure get sick of posting stuff like that. Feel like a broken record and often wonder why I just dont skip that crap? Im a little better now, but not impressed with my progress. Have a list as long as my arm of things to get done today and its not looking too promising-considering half of them are for outside and Im just not sure Im physically up to picking a couple bushels of apples today or gardening....will see. Sure isnt going to be right now since its so stinking hot out.
The appt went as expected. Hurt and I just get that "grossed out" feeling when I have to have my legs spread out for the whole world to look at your who-ha. Yucky, yuck, yuck, yuck! At one point I was told I would feel "some discomfort"....Oh right-discomfort my ass-that flat out HURTS! Let me ram something up your privates and wack a pc of flesh off of it-and see what you think-discomfort or flat out pain? I dont think he would have sat still that long! Although, plotting on how far he would get-helped pass the time-sick thought on MY part, huh? Now I guess we just wait. He said that I may have to have this done again in a couple of weeks. What the heck are we waiting for-lets just get in there, take the crap out-ALL OF IT and be done with it. I KNOW I am not having any more kids-and to have to get rid of my monthly, or Bi-monthly visitor wouldnt be a punishment, thats for sure. I have no problems taking hormones-although they say your risk for cancer is higher-well, heck-anything nowadays will give you cancer, right?
When I got home, I was feeling pretty drained and a little on the edgy side. Mike and the boys went in the pool for a bit-we kept waiting for the rain to hit-since it was raining horribly in Joplin when I headed home-but we never did get it-within 2 miles-but thats okay....kept thinking that it would be nice to get some rain to help with the garden and flowers-and our new trees.
We got a call from Aunt Sis last night-giving us an update on dad. I really wish that he wasnt suffering. I wish that I was there until the ordeal was over with-so that I could give him lots of hugs and kisses. He calls me his sweet baby doll angel. I just wish-thats all. I know that when its my time to go, that he will meet me-along with my grandparents....or at least thats what I tell myself cause it makes me feel better-I have already sent him 2 post cards and a regular card with a couple of pics from the Grand Canyon. He cant really read them, but when grandma or brother/sister go up-they read them to him for us. They say that he just sits there and smiles and cries when they are reading them to him. Before we left-we bought a collage frame that held 11 pictures-really nice and we printed off several of us with him-then the boys, then a couple from Branson where Mike and Jon are kissing their first catch of the day (kissing the first fish you catch is suppose to give you good fishing the rest of that day-LOL)....anyway-all the pics that dad would love-and he lost it when he saw the frame. Mike put it up right next to his bed-and he was upset because they switched him rooms and its not hung up yet.....
Well, I am going to get this finished and do some things around the house-then I think the couch may be calling my name for a little siesta before Mike gets home from work.
**Jan-Have FUN on your trip!!! Let Joe drive though!! I know you will....Are you going to bring your laptop and do the Whats Happening Post or do you need someone to help you? Let me know. I want to see pics of you in your dress that you got for the reunion!
Oh-I dont think I could get down there and do that with the sewer that Joe is doing-I have to take valuim through an IV just to have a CAT scan-I cant handle that enclosed area! Maybe you guys need to go get massages together-OR WHEN your all better from your pains from the accident-you need to give Joe a massage where he is all raw from repairing that-kinda a reward for all his hard work (wink, wink!!!)
I do believe the angels were flocked around you when you fell asleep! My bestest buddy since we were 14, Niff-the one from Minnesota-she was in a horrible car wreck when I was 7 mos pregnant with Stephanie-and I had this bad dream about her-that something was wrong-and we didnt have a phone at the time....well, I called her parents house (she didnt have a phone either-LOL) and when her mom got my message and called me back-she informed me that Niff had been in a horrible car accident the night before-she worked graveyards and they had been let off early-at 4 am-and she was on her way home and fell asleep-she had a brand new Chevy Chevette (does anyone remember those cars? Very small cars-like a mini cooper small) anyhow-she hit the ditch and the concrete drain-she almost died. They had to trach her, she punctured both lungs, she lost all her front teeth and had to have some 6 surgeries to put her face and chest back together!!! She was in the hospital for 6 weeks!! I couldnt go to MN, because I was on bedrest due to being so sick with the GBS I had when I was preggers with Steph-so-you are VERY lucky and I am so thankful, to God, and to the angels he sent to be with you!!! Thank you, God!!!!
I dont know what I was thinking when I married that A-hole. All I know is that I wanted out of my parents house-and Eric was covering up the fact that he was gay and so, at the time, he was nice to me....wasnt until a couple of yrs later that his "true" abusive nature came out!! He is NOT a nice person, unless he wants something-or your man, than you can do whatever you want to him-and he allows it. So I went from my abusive-physical AND mental from my dad-to Eric-and he was much worse-or it hurt more-not sure which.....but know what? I think that everything I went through-that God is rewarding me now with Mike...After 12 yrs together, I can say that I am STILL in love with him-and love him more than the day we married. He and I rarely even argue-we are so awesome together-I feel totally unworthy of having Mike as my soulmate, but am thankful at the same time. I NEVER take him for granted and I am ALWAYS thankful for him-and I think thats why we work out so well-we both had horrible first marriages and we appreciate each other tremendously. Also-we are best friends. There is NOTHING I cant tell him-and he is probably the ONLY person in the world, that knows every single thing about my life!! So-I would go through all that crud again, to have what I have now. I have never felt so safe, loved and special as I do with Mike. I know that you know exactly what I mean and feel the same way with your Joe-I know you do-we can see it with you guys when your together!
So-have fun and we will be praying for travelers mercy and a fun time, had by ALL!!! Love ya!
**Bec-Oh, I am so glad that Paul didnt actually get hit!! How scary! I dont think I could stand there and worry about putting my legs together like Sugar described-kinda like if your on fire-stop, drop and roll-but something tells me that my first instinct would be to run like the wind!!! Actually-I would have probably wet all over myself-
Your new package is being mailed tomorrow. I went to the post office yesterday on the way to the appt and my dads 3rd cousin is a big wig at the post office-and Larry said that wouldnt be a problem that they would definitely pay for the postage-like habit has it lately-I forgot the new manilla envelope I had filled out!!! I was so mad at myself! They offered to sell me one of theirs-but I opted to use the one I had, plus I had a new pc of bubble wrap all ready too-LOL.... Maybe it was okay-cause I had something else to add to the package-nothing huge-couldve mailed it with a regular stamp. I cant wait to get the pics put up in my profile-and then I am also going to email a few out... So I will get some sent to you....Take care and have a good weekend-AND save something to shop for-and maybe when you come to meet Jan and sugar again-maybe I can tag along with you gals for a bit? Would LOVE that!!!!
Hey-KC is only like 2-2 1/2 hrs for me-I go see my pain management doc there-maybe we can meet up when you go for one of your appts? Would LOVE to....so, your surgery is in KC, KS? or MO? How far of a drive is that for you? Do you have to go through Joplin on your way? Let me know....
I totally understand about the reunion and the extra expenses. I may not be going this year either. The AZ trip drained us totally and we are playing catch up....its not looking good for me-but things happen-right???? Plus-there is always next year-no one is getting rid of me that easy-LOL.... Love ya.
**Sugar-Hey-they DO sell SF marshmellows on Bariatriceating.com.....I havent ordered them yet-but my angel from NY-she has and she liked them....also-IF you have never ordered from there before-you can pick 2 free samples-(have to be post op-) and they will ship them to you, without you ordering anything else-
CONGRATS ON THE SIZE 10!!! WWOOOOOOO-HHHHOOOOOOO!!!! YAY for Sugar!!! I am doing my baby circle dance for you-WAY TO GO!!! I want to see a pic of your swimsuit!! You have such good taste-the others that you gave me-the size 20 somethings-they were awesome for their size-so I would like to see your new one.....Im so happy for you!!!! Your tall, so I bet you look thinner than ever!!! Good for you! You have worked so very hard and overcome some horrible complications-Im just pleased that you have been feeling so good-LOVE to hear it!!!!
I will be more than happy to help you get your stuff sold. As soon as my stuff is set up in my very own "hobby" room, I am going to start my ebay-so in the next month I will have it going....Yes, you can either take the pics-OR I can take them for you.....you decide how you wanna do it. I will send you an email-but I am more than happy to do that for you. I have some really really nice clothes from when I worked and etc-and I know that large size clothes are hard to come by like this stuff-so I will make some money Im sure. Plus some of it has the tags still!!! Once I get it all re-washed, they are going in clear totes with a recipe card for the item# etc-and stored so they will stay smelling clean and nothing will happen-like a spider climbing into it etc-
Anytime you wanna come out and get big boulders/rocks, you just let me know-LOL....If you lived closer-Im sure you could use our trailer, or bulldozer thing-whatever has the bucket on the front that we move big rocks with....wish you did. Mom and dad (mikes adopted parents) they just built a fire pit and it looks awesome......were next.
I guess if I ever got close to lightning like that, I would probably have to kiss my rear goodbye-I would be running like the wind...or so I think so anyway-LOL.....One of those things that goes against our way of thinking in an emergency-reminds me of the time that in our old house-the oil the girls were cooking with, caught on fire on the stove-and Megan went to throw a picher of water on it-and Steph took it out of her hand and threw it-and SHE put the baking soda on the fire-
Thanks for the prayers. I am also praying for you. For your broken heart. Again, I am sorry. I DO agree with Jan though, sweety-your mom would NEVER be disappointed in you for that....She wouldnt. I know I didnt know her-but I do know 2 of her wonderful daughters-and there is no way that she would-she is probably more sad than anything that its made you so sad and you know it wasnt your fault!!! Love ya.
**Andrew-BUDDY-CONGRATS on the 20# WOOOOO HOOOOO-so MAYBE when I post the weekly weigh in tomorrow-YOU will post on it? Havent seen you on it yet-but what an accomplishment-ALL your hard work and cracking down IS paying off!!! I am SO HAPPY for you, Andrew!!!! Cant wait to meet you. Im glad everything is working out for you guys....I bet that smile will be on your face for quite some time....High Five!!!
**Tammy-Yes, girl-part of my comment WAS and IS aimed at you!!! I know things-you know that, and when I ask you because your constantly on my heart for days at a time-I dont like to hear-you have too much on your plate so I didnt/dont want to tell you..Just makes me worry.....besides-its not like I make your problems, my problems-I just listen and agree or give you advice or whatever....It takes MY MIND off MY issues for a bit-AND makes me feel good that YOU WANT to talk to me-and consider me a friend. Love ya girl and I ALWAYS want to be here for you, ok?
Sounds like the girls' womb is NEVER going to change! Im sorry for that. Its never ending amazement, isnt it? I constantly feel that way about Eric and Angie-they are NEVER going to change playing their little mind games-and IF it werent for the fact that our babies get hurt-I wouldnt give a rats rear end!!!! I will keep ALL of you in my prayers. You take care and dont beat anyone right now-besides, "yer too purdy to be dressed in a striped or bright orange jumpsuit!!!"-and THEY WILL FIT YOU NOW-but wouldnt be flattering-so just remember that!!! (LOL LMAO)
I look forward to that email from you-unleash, talk to me....Lean on me...when you need a friend.... and hit the send button....Love ya girl...and praying for ya.
**Lovely Lana-Its so good to see you on here....You may be back on a regular basis, but I feel like I have been gone forever-so it was nice to see one of my all-time favorite peoples faces on here when I got on to post-I love you so much!!!
Oh-please-its NOT hard for me, nor does it upset me that you dont text.... When the big guy who pays the cell phone bill says that you have to pay per text and so not to do it-we deal with it, huh? It doesnt make me love you any less-LOL... Silly woman! As soon as I get caught up from the expenses incurred with our trip to AZ, I WILL be buying a new phone. Probably just get one off of ebay like we did last time.....priorities first though and since I can still text-I can wait. If I didnt have any way to communicate in case the car broke down or something, then it would be different, but I can always text someone to get me help, you know?
Are your meds still working good for your R/A?? I have been meaning to ask- I have been thinking about you A LOT lately. I hope all is well.
A new hair color? Or a new do-or both? I am really considering something new for myself as well. I sort of want a new style too-but am scared. I LOVE my hair...I really mean that. So, I am SCARED-all the styles I have thought about, require bangs-and I HATE bangs-ecspically when your in that in between stage when they wont pull back-and are constantly in your eyes, so who knows? Think about the color too-think I want several different color hi-lights....like auburn, goldish blonde, light brown, dark brown or honey....and maybe a couple of inches cut off....maybe if I can get all caught up this month, I can do it the beginning of next month? Hope so. Look forward to seeing you. Love ya.
**Deb D-thanks for the prayers!!! Im jelous you get to meet my angelette before me.....How close are you to KC? Would love to meet you when I go to my dr appt as well...also-where is Chicos? Do they have a website? I would love to get a catalog since everyone talks about their unique, beautiful clothes...I love that stuff now that I can actually wear it-and since I only have one pr of jeans that fit CORRECTLY and 2 shirts-I think that once I have the tummy tuck, I will definitely NEED to get some new clothes....a little at a time.
**Renee-I am going to be emailing you. Have some things to tell ya. Yes, Im sure ITS NOT US that our phones and puters dont like us-LOL.....its funny, isnt it? Altho-I do think I am more challenged than you are....You can do things on your own, like your avatar pic and all of that-and I cant!~
Glad you had a good b-day.....I wouldnt have been good company yesterday...I DO look forward to seeing you.....lets make it when maybe one or both of the girls can come with you and we can swim and maybe BBQ some dinner? OR go fishing? We are having to empty one of our ponds-we have tried everything and we cannot get it to stay sealed-so we are HAVING to fish to get them out of there and we have some really nice cat and bass in there...the crappies are still a little small-but they are going to die if we dont catch them....the other pond we have started stocking, but we arent having luck with that one either.
Ok-well, I will talk to you soon...I need to get up and walk around a bit------the procedure is making me hurt-so I need to get off my rear...I love ya. Tell Tiff Im so glad she passed her test... YAY for her... Oh-and where did you go camping at? Couldnt remember where you went....
~~~Has anyone heard from Sheila? Traci? Deb M? Brenda? Now, remember, I have been gone for a bit-Im just checking to make sure everyone is okay....havent had time to back track through all the older posts because my puter is the slow dial up and it will literally take a couple of hours that I havent had yet...
Have a good Thursday everyone. Be safe and make sure and tell your loved ones you love em'..... I love and pray for all of you, always!!! Love, Janet