Isopure Ready To Drink
Good Afternoon, MO Peeps!
Well, I finally bought a couple bottles of the Isopure RTD. I bought Grape Frost (Sugar's favorite) and the Blue Raspberry. I had the Grape Frost over ice last night and it was really good. Haven't tried the Blue Raspberry yet.
My question for all of you Isopure drinkers is where is the CHEAPEST place to purchase it? I can't seem to justify 3 to 4 dollars each. That would be $90 a month of I drink one every day. I currently use the powdered Nectar which is $24.99 a bottle thru direct supplements. I have to order like 2 bottles every other month. I drink one of those a day which is 46 grams of protein. I am going to try and start getting in at least 80 grams of protein thru the drinks a day. I really like the Isopure. Would like to get the best deal possible.
Thanks everybody in advance. You MO Peeps are the greatest!
Debbie D.
Well, I finally bought a couple bottles of the Isopure RTD. I bought Grape Frost (Sugar's favorite) and the Blue Raspberry. I had the Grape Frost over ice last night and it was really good. Haven't tried the Blue Raspberry yet.
My question for all of you Isopure drinkers is where is the CHEAPEST place to purchase it? I can't seem to justify 3 to 4 dollars each. That would be $90 a month of I drink one every day. I currently use the powdered Nectar which is $24.99 a bottle thru direct supplements. I have to order like 2 bottles every other month. I drink one of those a day which is 46 grams of protein. I am going to try and start getting in at least 80 grams of protein thru the drinks a day. I really like the Isopure. Would like to get the best deal possible.
Thanks everybody in advance. You MO Peeps are the greatest!
Debbie D.
i think Sugar said and if you order a certain amount there is no shipping. which would be ok since you are going to be drinking it anyway for the rest of your life lol . im glad you like it , I know i do just a little too high for me since i want to get at least 80 grams a day in.
that would be two bottle full right. wow glad you have found something that you really like.
that would be two bottle full right. wow glad you have found something that you really like.
Hey girl, it is and they will sell it to you (on sale) for $34.99 a case and if you buy $75 worth it is free shipping. I know that seems high but if you go buy powder and then stuff to mix it with it adds up too. I only drink one a day (40gr) and get the rest of my protien from food. All my levels are great and I am feeling wonderful.