liquid diet
OMG!!! This is a true test on how bad I want the surgery!!! I am so hungry!! I dont like the slimfast!! What can I do to make it a little better for me? On the first, I am going grocery shopping and getting jello, broth and more slim fast! Maybe if I added some ice it would taste better? Does anyone have any su\ggetions? Day 1 and 12 to go!!!
Hi Lori! Sometimes I throw a can in the freezer for a little while & let it get a little icee. I think the colder the better. I thaught about freezing some in popsicle molds, but havent tried that yet. Have you tried the Nectar that Christine gave you? maybe that would be better. Do you have any unflavored protein? Maybe add some of that to the broths.
Everyone says the first 3 days are the worst. Hang in there! This is a small price to pay for a healthy, thinner future.
(((HUGS))) Angy
You can put ice in it for sure. That's just like adding water. I find most everything tastes better (less bad) if it is really cold. You are going to get such a reward when this hard time is over - remember my suggestion to buy Campbells Chicken Noodle Soup in a can, make it just like the instructions and then drain off the noodles and bits of chicken and drink the broth. it is so much better than the Swanson's broth in a can and not much more $$$. Also get yourself some Sugar Free popcicles. They've saved many of us!!!!!
Praying for you,
Praying for you,
Hey girl, I know JUST how you feel!! the first 3 day's are the hardest, it's like your body is saying W.T.F !!! lol, I know you don't think i'm gonna let you get away with liquids !!! Seriously , get your self some sugar free jello, it really helps with the hungries, the walmart brand tastes better than the jello brand and it's cheaper. The slimfast you'll get used to, I don't know if you got canned or shakes, but if they're canned, pour it in a glass, it takes the tinny taste out of it, you can add ice, but i didn't like to dilute it, it was more filling thick, just make sure they are good and cold. day's 3-11 weren't so bad, I chewed gum constantly and tried to read alot, oh and don'****ch tv late night, all they show is food, and it is sooo hard not to give in. day's 12-14 got kind of hard again, I cheated a lttle bit on the 13th , and if you do, at least make it healthy and give up a couple of shakes for it. You will get through it, we all did, and we all suffered. message me anytime, for support. good luck, susan