Hello all,
I went for my pre op today and it went well. But, noone weighed me?? I thought they went off ur weight and if u didnt lose any then they didnt allow you to have the surgery?? ( this is for Dr.H's Patients)
I had labwork, echo test, x-rays, EKG and it was over by 10:45!!! I was thrilled!! I am really excited! I am planning on calling later in the week to check on my results for the Echo. I am more nervous about that test because I was on Fen-Phen back in the late 90's. So, if u can keep ur fingers crossed for me ... I would appreciate it!! :)
Also, has anyone experienced this? My so called best friend told me I am a fat, ugly B**** and we are no longer friends basically because I am no longer going to be fat. I really was hurt over this. But, I know it is for the best. I cant be friends w/someone that cant support me in my lifestyle change. I need to find real friends. Actually, I feel that I already have on here. We had been friends for over 3 years!! I was real upset at first and now I am like wow!! She felt this strongly about it? She on MANY occasions said it is going to be weird not having u as a fat friend anymore. I just thought she meant that I was going to be her thin in shape friend. She is about 5"11 and 380. But, either way I hope she can get over her misery. My husband feels that a load has been lifted and that the OLD positive LORI is back!! ( he thinks since her and I became real good friends/best friends) I have become negitive. I am just wondering if ppl have lost SO- called GOOD friends over this life change?
Did you start your liquid diet yet? I am just about done with the second day and I am already tired of it. I did drink a couple of tablespoons of dill pickle juice I was so desparate for a different taste from slimfast and broth. Yuck!!!