Jan C.
on 7/29/08 2:19 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Went to the doctor today  She wants to have a x-ray done of my lower spine, and some new labs run just in case, and is ordering an in home overnight O2 saturations test done and is going to set up a sleep study too. So everything is covered. I ask her about my food intake and she said at my weight and height that somewhere between 1200 and 1300 calories if I was still wanting to lose. , good grief everyone keeps wanting to up it . lol

Im trying  but today hasn’t been too good. I don’t think, I feel really tired and sleepy all day today.


Poor Joe has been under the rental house all day today. And he finally found the clog. Peanuts, yes I said peanuts. Looked like a whole bag was dumped or something down the toilet or something. Don’t have any idea. Crazy. So now he is putting all new plumbing under the house . you should have seen some of the connections they would have 3 in pipe inside 4 inch pipe and had it duct taped lol  now isnt that cool? So he had just pulled it all out and is repairing it all with new. At least it will be done right. And hopefully it will be the fixed and Joe wont have to go under there again. Bless his heart I don’t know how he has done that.



Oh have to tell you the latest tale from my granddaughter about her two kids, Brendan who is almost 3 and Mikaela who is 18 months.  Anyway the daddy was watching them since Kim was having to work. (yeah we know something is about to happen don’t we ladies)lol  any way they were on the couch all together watching tv and Daddy thought they were asleep so he says so he went to sleep and according to him a few minutes later he woke up and they weren’t on the couch with him, He heard them in the kitchen and went to see , they had gotten into the ref. and gotten out two dozen eggs and broke everyone of them all over the floor lol lol . we know how much work getting up just one broken egg is off the floor. but most men don’t have a clue . he got their paper towels down and started in , ran out of paper towels and the kids were helping lol , he put the baby in the tub, no water , just in the tub to keep her out of his way and told the older one to go sit and not move. . one of the neighbor ladies was outside and he hollered and ask her if she had any paper towels , she brought them over and helped him clean and another neighbor lady came too. Ryan said they didn’t laugh while they were in his house but when they went outside he heard them just dying laughing lol I can just see those sweet babies covered with raw eggs and playing in them lol



TAMMY –AMMY:::: really good to see you again. been awhile.


Hope you hear about your tummy tuck before long. I know it will get done just don’t see why some people want to drag their feet about stuff.



PENNI:::: did you have fun with your friend? I hope so. And sounds like the kids know how to entertain themselves. So many kids now days don’t .


Did you see online here where Bev is going to start that up for us so we can sort of compare and know we are accountable.

Wish you would have come to the Sedalia picnic we had the first of June….would have liked to met you in person.



SUGAR::::; Good grief how in the world do you all eat this much????I am eating constantly and I still haven’t gotten in what im suppose to.


If we ever get the time to do some more things we are going to make a fire pit too but just haven’t had the time lately.


Boy you all wait till Andy tells you how much weight he has lost this week wow.!!!!


Yes it is sad to think that usually it is someone in the family that steals stuff like your rings. How long has it been since you last saw them ? 

Is sad to say that most families do have those types tho. Sad to think so  .





BEC:::::: YEA!!!! Got that little fellow jumping all over the place don’t you ????? Im so happy for you and cant wait for you to join us on the losers bench.


Sure am glad for you to not have to do the 2 week liquid diet . that is so great.


Oh you and Debbie D will have a great time together. You will love her to pieces. She is very very sweet like you.


Oh how lucky on the punch bowl set that is so neat.

Such a good buy too.


So where do you have to go to , to get the CPap machine?




BRENDA:::: how you doing? That is good that you chose the gym over the computer, even tho we really do miss you. I am so glad that you are getting healthy anyway.




DEBBIE  D:::: so how are you feeling? Such an easy treatment , eating salt ??? wow

Don’t you wish all illness could be treated so easily ….so are you feeling any better yet?


Oh when you and Bec get to go shopping together you are going to just love her. She is a darling. And I love her to pieces.



JANET::::: oh im so so glad that you are back home. Everyone really missed you girl.

I know what you mean about not hurting out there. That dry weather really does a lot of people so much good , that is why so many older people go there to retire.


I hope you all are finally getting caught up on your rest and sleep.


Doesn’t sound like Mikes dad has much longer to be here but just know that he got to see Mike and his boys and that was your goal. Sorry he couldn’t have been a part of their lives all along but nothing we can do about the past is there.       


That is sad about his Aunt too. On top of everything else huh? Poor Lady.


Im sure glad that since most of the trip was very somber that you all got to get in some actual tourist things.


LOL  come on down and kidnap me , I am trying to do what im suppose to do but it is hard to eat all of the food I need. Lol

We had to get a rental because of me wrecking the truck. It is drivable I think but don’t want to drive it till the insurance guy has been here.

And the trip is to Fredericktown, Mo to a class reunion. Lo




ANDREW::::: I cant wait for you to tell everyone your weight loss this week. Whoooooo hoooooo

I guess our walks are paying off for you anyway.


Hopefully Joe will get all of the sewer pipes fixed tomorrow and have that done for good.


I agree that is lots better to walk with someone to sort of push you to get out the door .




LIZ:::::: those liquid diets are sure a pain aren’t they? Sure glad I didn’t have to do that. I hate slim fast taste like baby formula to me.

You will have to do like we are walking at 6:30 in the morning. Too hot later in the day that is for sure.




RENEE:::::        well poop no fish. I was counting on a big fish fry lol

Hope your birthday was great. Hope the new outfit is a lot smaller you will start whizzing down the size scale real quick.

So when is it you go see them next??? I forgot




JO::::: you bet you can join in we love having newbies.

Your doing well with your weight loss just keep up the good work, how are you doing with protein and water?

Being so tired is pretty normal after surgery but are you getting enough protein in yet?

It will help with being so tired but for some people it takes longer to really (wake up) aftersurgery, I know it does me.

You probably do need to eat a little more which is hard to do at the stage you are I know. But keep pushing away and read your book ok




ANGY::::: yippppeee liquid diet !!! lol . sorry about that couldn’t help myself.

Your comment about not missing food reminds me of what I told someone before surgery.

Someone ask me if I was going to miss food. , I told them you know I have ate everything in the world at least once in my life, that’s how I got big. . So I don’t think I need to eat more of it.

BEV:: oh you were wondering about your carbs, that is from the white stuff, like potatoes and pasta, need to eliminate those and try baked sweet potato and there is whole wheat pasta, the one called Dream Fields they say is the best.

Thanks for doing the  Eating post , I think that might help some people out .








Bec M.
on 7/29/08 7:13 pm
Good So Very Early Morning Missouri,

My sweet lady... I'm so glad you were able to get so much done at your dr appointment today. Maybe all this will tell you just what is going on with you and you will be able to get this thing taken care of! We just can't have you hurt, not even a little and certainly not alot!

I will get the c~pap machine from a home heatlh supply company in Sedalia. My results are probably in I just have not had time to get all the calls made. I will work on that the first of the week after the company leaves. They will be here in the morning and stay thru Sunday I think. I still have so much to do to get ready... just don't know how I will get it all in.

That Jo sure deserves some kind of "pooper" award for all he has had to go thru with those plumbing problems! I sure feel sorry for him ... you all going thru this sure brings back memories of when we bought out first house! not fun!

Oh boy! I can't wait either to hear how much Andrew has lost! I just love to read those stories and know he must just be soooo pleased!

Oh my goodness how can I say thank you enough for all the well wishes I have gotten from so many! It just makes my heart sore to know there are so many people that are so happy for me! yes "momma hen" I just have to get my mascot to move'n and groov'n I'm just so blessed!

Sugar ~baby! I WAS "whoopn and hollar'n" it's just that way over there in KANSAS! ~tee hee is just too far for you to hear! ~ha and it was so late when we got home I was too tucker'd to post. I was nearly "bust'n a gut" when the lady put my name in that black book! They were all so nice in that office and some of those ladies had such sweet things to say to me.

I am so incredibly sorry about your rings and other jewlery! I'm praying that if you don't recover the "precious pieces" that the Lord will bring another blessing in a way maybe you have not dreamed of! He can do it you know?

Barbara ~ thank you for the well wishes, it is so very encouraging to be able to get on here and know there are so many that have been thru the same thing and know what is in store for the person that's just starting out.... and can be so happy for them and encouraging to them....

Debbie D. ~ My goodness I just can't wait to get to spend some time with you... I just know there is a "kindred spirit" in this mix! I sent you a message yesterday as to details.

Janet ~ lady bug.... I'm sorry the trip was so tiring and know it must have been very hard, but oh how thankful in years to come you will be you did this!

I did get your message thru Tammy's post and you sure don't worry one bit about the package. I thought it was neat you got the book before you left... if it has helped you thru this rough time even a tiny bit as much as it has helped me thru some very difficult times then I know it ministerd to you. God has a timing and will see to it His children are taken care of in one way or another... I never dreamed it would get to you that fast!

You are always so sweet to say such nice things about me but I can assure you any good thing that comes from me God needs to get all the credit for! But thank you for always being so encouraging.

Angy ~ you are doll! I am so glad you are not suffering so with the liquid diet! I'm real glad I do not have to do it but my heart goes out to EVERY one that does! Do you think it might be a bit easier in this situation because you KNOW this time there will be such good positive results in the end and it makes it a bit easier than if you were just doing it the way you have always done dieting and it took so long you got discouraged and gave up? Thank you also for all the encouraging words and well wishes... I'm just so appreciative of each one!

Andrew Buddy ~ oh I can't wait till Friday when you get to tell how much you have lost! I just love love love to hear those reports, I get such great encouragment from them!

You are very welcome for the veggies... I wish I could give you more... I have SOOOO many! You may get Mimi to give you a taste of the relish and if you like it I will post the recipe it's a great way to use onions, peppers and zucchini. Sugar and Mimi say it's pretty good with the Splenda.

Liz ~ I'm praying for you... I know you will do just fine. Some times those "melt down" are good for us and we can pick up and get on with what we need to do.

Renee ~ glad you had a good trip and birthday. How are you doing with the smoking? I have been praying you will kick it once and for all.... you are taking the chantix? Is is helping alot?

Jo ~ wishing you best in getting all evened out and well on your way to great success!

Bev B. ~ will be praying you are able to go on ahead and get in all the water and protien you need to... yes, I am so excited too! Thanks for thinking of me!

Well did get most of my list done yesterday that I had hoped to and was sure tired... I pushed the yard last night and boy was it sweltering!

I have just simply a HUGE thing to be thankful for this morning! This was so scarey!!!!!! I'd never seen anything like it before sooooo close!... It had started to sprinkle, Paul was weed eating about 25 yards from me I had just put the rider up and had just gotten in my car to pull it into the garage when I looked over and crack of lightening hit straight down out of the sky to the ground and was but a few feet from Paul! My goodness you should of seen him jump! It would have been really funny if it had not of been so very scary... he RAN for the garage... the look on his face was "shock" for sure and I had seen it with my own eyes... sure put it fresh in my mind that the storms are nothing to mess with! I thanked the Lord right then and there "out loud" that He watched out for Paul and he was not hurt and really bad, it was so close!

Well.... I have another very very full day and on not much sleep either... I sure hope this passes, don't know what is wrong with me if I didn't know better I would think I was on uppers or something!... we still have a bit more yard to mow and sidewalks to clean up... so forth as that before the company comes tomorrow... and I still have a whole days worth of housework to do too... so I guess I better get after it... it has been raining all night long... I'm sure we have gotten a few inches by now... really didn't need it yet as the ground was still pretty wet from Mondays rain. I can' t remember in all the years I have been putting out a garden... nearly 25 now... a year that I did not have to water even one time! Theres always a first time for everything I guess.

Oh I pray each of you have a good day... take a moment and think of all the times you had a "close call" and knew the Lord protected you... be sure and thank Him again for it! I sure am today!


on 7/29/08 8:36 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Aunt Jan and OH Peeps~

The way that Im hurting, I think its going to storm. They were calling for it on the 10 o'clock news-to start in the middle of the night. I saw some lightening, but nothing came of it-yet. Wi**** would come in, so I would get some relief. I know that part of it may be recovering from the trip too-I guess that sleeping most of the day on and off Monday was catching up-so the insomnia has started once again. Not 5 minutes of sleep tonite. I guess I am in good company with Bec tho-we can be on uppers together.

I am a firm believer that what goes around, comes around.....well-I dont know if you all remember me telling the story of being leary of going to Arizona and staying with Mikes aunt and uncle while his mom (Mikes mom) was staying there because she always had little jabs to make about my weight and would say some of the most hurtful things....well-we havent seen her in 10 yrs, and when we got there-she stayed in the living room until Mike went in to say hi to her (wanted to keep the peace-it was already a stressful situation and a lot of people there)....So-anyway-she is the SAME SIZE AS ME!!!! The last time I saw her-she was a size 2. She does not weigh as much as I do-BUT-she is 5 inches shorter-and she wears a 14. Her tune really changed when she talked about weight and why she gained and so on. I was sincere when I told her that I knew exactly HOW she felt-and that I was sorry that people made her feel uncomfortable, and that "I" remember people making ME feel that way-and how bad it hurt, and I wouldnt wish that on anybody!

I have my appt today. I am dreading it, thats for sure. As luck would have it-mother nature paid me a visit 2 days before we left for the Grand Canyon-and so I was absolutely miserable!!!! I usually dont leave my house on the 2nd and 3rd day if I can help it-but I HAD to-we had to get home-right? Plus, I wasnt going to let my boys down-they were way too excited about the Grand Canyon! I cant wait to share our pictures with all of you. We got some of the most awesome family photos I have ever seen, with the Canyon behind us-breath taking!!!

Saturday, on our way out of the Canyon-we had just went to the last look out point they had-and we found this wonderful place to have our picnic lunch-around all the really tall pine trees, with the white squirrels, the blue jays and even deer-we got pics of them too-anyway-we had our picnic-and Jon and Mike went and got some pine cones for me. Good sized ones too-we decorate them at Christmas time with glitter and what not-and then spray or soak them in pine scent and put them on the tree. I was really excited to get them-but they didnt want to go any further into the woods-because they had the diamondback rattle snake warning-that would have been the most horrible thing!

Aunt Sis must have had 10 different cactus plants. One, in her front yard-was every bit of 9 feet tall and round, like a pickle. Jon asked if we could take a palm tree home-oh man, I would LOVE to have palm trees-but told him the fake lighted ones by the pool would have to do-LOL-that the live ones, wouldnt grow here. So, he now wants his own cactus. He took several pictures of cactus's that he liked. We are going to buy him his own little cactus plant-as soon as I get their room finished. Would have been done with it by now-had we not been gone for 8 days. My intention was to get Stephs room finished and then Mike could get his hobby rooms cleaned out-and then do the boys room-which is more or less already done-but want to get their race track tore down, its on a huge wooden table, that takes up half of their room. They have the 2nd biggest room in the house-but it looks crowded.

Supposedly, Stephanies dad is going to be moving here by the end of August. I have offered to have her stuff stored for her until then, from her bedroom, if she wants it-like her tv and misc stuff. Am waiting to hear back from her. He is trying to lay a claim against my disability check-to see if HE is entitled to any of that money. What a jerk. He owes me almost 9 grand and HE is trying to get money off MY disability????? Child support found him-and have put a garnishment order against his check-so I bet a million bucks that he will quit right before they take out the first pmt. Always does.

Megan was approved for a scholarship and grant this year that was about 3 grand above her courses costs-so she is able to buy a brand new laptop....well-she is selling me the one she has now. She said that it needs to be cleaned up and whatever-since it has virus's on it-but she is selling it to me for $50 and it has wi-fi and the internet card etc. Im excited. I will use it to get my stuff set up on ebay and be MY own puter that no one else can use!

I finally got the rest of our things unpacked from the trip. I had gotten 1/2 way there-but hadnt unpacked our duffle bags-and I did that tonite after we ate dinner. We went in the pool for 1/2 hr or so-and then I went and picked some tomatos out of the garden and some squash. Will get the rest in the morning-some green beans and HOPEFULLY some cucumbers. I guess it will only be about 2 weeks and we will be getting ready to plant for the fall/winter garden, huh?

Megan and Aaron watched our bunny at their place while we were gone-and the day that she brought him back to us-she went to the pet store and bought herself the cutest lop eared bunny I have ever seen-its little, and has those big paws-just like the stuffed animals-its dark grey and adorable! She is going to mate the two-and then sell them. I told the boys that since they take such good care of the bunny we have-that they could have another one-instead of the guinea pig they are wanting.

**Jan-Im so sorry you guys are having to redo all that plumbing.....That stinks! At least it will be done right now-and thats that!!! Duct tape? Dang, sounds like something my dad would do! Poor, Poor Joe!

So that one test the doc ordered you do at home? how does that work? Do they come out to the house and hook you up to a machine or what? I hate to admit this to you-but I dont get anywhere near even a thousand calories per day. Not even close. I had gotten scolded at my 6 month check up by my surgeon stating that I should be trying as hard as I could to get all my protein in by eating NOT doing shakes-and there was just NO way I could eat that much. I still feel like that today. I guess I am going to have to evaluate this-since others are going through some similar things, I better nip it in the bud now, huh? Sugar made a lot of sense tho-and sometimes I wonder to myself-is it just me-not wanting to eat because food was my enemy for such a long time? I dont know-but I know she is right that our bodies need more than protein shakes and a bite of this or that during the day. Like today-I had 3 bites of chicken and one bite of mashed potatoes and that was the extent of my food intake for the day!

I am praying for test results that are a quick easy fix. Are you still sore from the accident? Im sure glad you werent hurt any worse. That scared me when I read that. I got sick to my stomach too! I use to work with a lady who would fall asleep talking to you-or working at her desk-and I mean, snap-and she was sleeping!!! I know it has a name-what she had-but I wonder if that could be what you have?

When is your reunion? Please take pics with your pretty dress and all-Im anxious to see them. I will be sending you an email soon about the reunion, ok? Im sorry I didnt get the flyer done for the meeting....if you have addresses-I will mail them out-OR I can email them-hows that? Im not sure how involved I will be-I have a lot going on...I sure dont mind getting the date set up and sending out posts and such-but since Im not even certain I can attend, I dont want anyone to rely on just me for the planning-so I will be posting for some volunteers.....will see what we will come up with, huh?

So glad about our Bec and her date. I cant wait, I cant wait...What a very important date-LOL...isnt that from Alice in Wonderland? LOL....She has been waiting for such a very long time-I just cant wait for her to be on the bench WITH us-and typing her WOW moments and how her life has changed. Im so excited about it.

**Angy-Hows the liquid diet going, hon? I hope its good. I text you today and didnt hear anything back-so figured maybe you were busy or trying to be busy-LOL....Im praying for you to have strength and peace of mind... Love ya girl.

**Sheila-Where are you? Let me know how you are OR your grounded!!! LOL... Did you get one of your cars fixed yet? What the heck is going on with you and cars? Maybe your just meant to be a sexy scooter momma!!! You wild thing, you! Hope everything is okay. Miss ya.

**Renee-How funny....I cant "talk" on my phone-and YOUR phone wont text-what a pair we are!! LOL... I sure hope you have a wonderful b-day! Cant wait to see ya and get that hug. Have a good day and love ya.

**Bec-Thanks for the prayers. Im so glad you only have to do one day really of the liquid diet-because it just stinks.....a couple of days is one thing-2 weeks is another....and I had to do it for 3 months!!! I thought I was going to die-but I was determined....how bad is that-your too fat to have wls-the one you want anyway? I had to lose 40# to be eligible for the RNY....or I could just have had the sleeve-and I wanted the RNY, so I lost the weight. It nearly did me in.....and I cannot tell you HOW many times a day I prayed. I walked around saying-if he leads you to it-HE WILL get you through it-and Lord, give me strength-cause I was getting to the point that I was so hungry that I was looking at my big dog-like he was a big old turkey drumstick or something, you know???? LOL...Big and juicy!!! Plus, I always told myself that NOTHING would taste good enough to risk the surgeon NOT doing my surgery, you know? So-Im glad you dont have to do all of that!!!

So your surgery is in KC? Or was that the old doctor that it didnt work out with? Let me know. Im going to the post office FIRST thing in the morning and mailing your package. Thank you for thinking of me and the book. I feel so special. You really make a person feel good about themselves-and I am not the only one who thinks the world of you...I have to tell you tho-that I feel jelous that everyone seems to get to meet and hug you and I havent yet-LOL...I WANT TO!!!! Does that mean that MAYBE you will try to get to Branson for the OH 2nd annual reunion? Im not sure I will stay overnite, but I am going to try and at least go for the day.

**Sugar-Im praying for you...Im so sorry your going through the loss of family heirlooms like that. I dont know what else to say-

Hope to see you this month. love ya.

Im going to get off here and get Mike a cup of coffee and then sit and talk for a bit before he has to get ready to go to work...we havent had much "us" time, or time for us to talk-have had literally, 10-20 people around us most of the time-and then the boys....in a very small space-LOL.....so, I have a list a mile long of things to talk to him about.

Please pray for him-the doctor is telling him that he needs to go on disability now....Mike has fought it for 12 yrs or more-saying that he will wor****il he cannot do it anymore-and now they are telling him no more...the damage to his spine cannot be corrected, even with surgery...the damage to his neck can have surgery on, but they said they would have to get in there every 6 months to take out scar tissue....he doesnt want to do that either!! We have a lot going on right now and I appreciate all the prayers being sent our way-I sincerely feel them...and in the same token-I want you guys to know that IF your not talking to me because you THINK I have too much on my plate-really-all I want to say is this-I share with you-share with me. It will keep my mind off MY issues for a bit anyway AND it will make me feel blessed to listen and to pray with you or for you, ok? Love and prayers to all-Janet

on 7/29/08 9:59 pm - Clever, MO

Good morning Sis and all,  
       Well I am so glad you got the Dr visit done and she is telling you what to do!!! Maybe you will listen to her! lol !  I am sure you need the sleep study done too as you never have slept good. I was always like that until I had my surgery. Now I sleep better than I ever can remember. I usually sleep at least 7 hours every night now. I used to get about an average of 3. It sure makes a difference in how you feel. 

      The story about Brendan and Mikaela is too funny!! I can just see this poor helpless man in the floor with 2 babies trying to help him clean up eggs of all things. I have a friend who stepped out the back door to put something in the trash one day and came back in to 3 little ones throwing eggs at the living room walls....one looked at her and said the other one said to. They were just about 2 years old.  Although she was mad, she said she just started to laugh.  WHAT A MESS!!! I remember when Rickey was about 18 months, he got up in the middle of the night and went to the fridge and got into a bowl of choc. pudding...it was all over the fridg, the floor and a trail down the hall and then in his bed...and of course all over him. NOW, to wake up to that was alot of fun. LOL !  
       The fire pit is now covered with 6 mil plastic so I can put the gravel down as soon as I figure a way to haul it. I need to go rent me a little trailer I guess.  Sure wish we hadnt sold ours. And I need to start getting out in the underbrush to find some big rocks. I want to get that done soon so we can try it out...have a weiner roast... wish they made sugar free marshmallows to roast. 
      I want to thank all of you for your prayers to help me find my rings or help me accept it if I dont. I awoke this morning with the thought to go check down inside the cushions of the couch....of course I couldnt get back to sleep so I got up to go check.  They werent there. I guess I am just grasping at straws.... I cant find the picture of mama wearing the ring so I dont have a pic to give the sheriff's office.  Ive tried to draw it from memory but cant remember exactly how it looks. WELL!!! enough talk about that. Just depresses me to think of it.  MY mama would be so disappointed in me, that is what hurts so bad...(crying) Ive cried so much over this that Ive made myself sick...  
        Bec, it is so exciting about your surgery and that you dont have to do liquid diet. I didnt either. I made myself do it for a week, but not total. I did evening meal each day. The day before surgery they said just do light foods...soup or salad...so I did. I sure feel for those who have to stick to an all liquid but so need it I guess.  Bec, you be so careful out working so hard in this heat. It is oppressive. Tell your man that when it lightenings close to you you are supposed to stand still with your feet together and not move until after the strike has stopped and had time to run thru the ground. I forget what it is called (step potential I think) but running is the most dangerous thing you can do. Or so my hubby tells me...he learns all this safety stuff in his line of work. He is a lineman for the elec. company. BUT! Im sure my reaction would be "let me get the heck out of here!" lol!   Im just glad your honey was okay!  Lightening is so scarry.

         Janet, you poor thing with your aches and lack of sleep and the mess youve just come thru. I know you must be exhausted.  Wish I could be a sleep fairy for all of you sleepless people. I know it has helped me so much to be able to sleep well at night.  So with the lap top your going to get on ebay and sell stuff???  I wish I was smart enough to figure all of that out. Ive got so much wedding stuff that I could sell on there.  Would you want to sell it for me for a commission?? I guess you need pictures to post and stuff right?  I probably could get that much done. LOL!  Let me know.  Otherwise Im going to run an ad in Penny Power or something.
  Debbie, I am jealous of you getting to go dress shopping with Bec for that size 12....YOU 2 will have so much fun.  Bec, if you dont find the perfect one, we can always go looking again...lol!  I have to take that one pair of shorts back that I bought that day. They were a size 12 like the others but were too big...OH DOG GONE!!!!  And the size 10 swimsuit fits just fine...       It is still so weird to think I can wear a 10 in anything.
  Andy, sounds like you are on a losing streak now, just keep up the walking and posting your food....it keeps us thinking about the intake...Im like Bec, it makes me feel good to hear of others success.  It also keeps us all motivated to do the right thing.  I want to say to all the newbies out there, you can just as easily get off track after surgery as you could before, so get your minds ready to work at this for the rest of your lives. There are NO simple solutions.
        Well, I need to get on my way and get moving. Sitting here at the puter wont burn a single calorie...lol!!!!! Have a great day everyone. And again thanks to all of you who are praying that I find my rings.


on 7/29/08 10:21 pm - Joplin, MO
Yesterday was the pre op for me. It went okay, I am getting a late start on my liquid diet. They had me drink coke to get my veins going since they were struggling getting any blood. So, I figured they already messed it up lol. I was on the road all day and couldnt really start yet. I know it is an excuse but really I could only drink so much water without putting more in my stomach. I am working cold heartedly today on the liquid diet. I am NOT going to cheat, I feel yesterday was it for me. It was a long trip home. I was sooooo glad to get here... We have been gone for 5 days. It was an experience let me tell ya! One that I have NO intention in experiencing again!! Today, it is back to the old thing... babysitting, cleaning, doing what I do everyday... LOL. I am going to the gym today after the kids leave. I am going to try my best to get on a routine. I know it will help the weight loss alot. I hope everyone is doing well. We sure have alot of ppl having surgery in the next 11-12 days!!! I am so proud to be part of a great support group. I hope everyone is well! I will do a better job at keeping in touch. ((HUGZ)) Lori



on 7/30/08 1:08 am - Purdy, MO
 Hello Everyone,
 Not alot going on around here today, maybe some house cleaning, and then hopefully watching movies or something relaxing.
 Tiff and I are planning on making homemade ice cream later, I haven't had any for a couple year's and have been craving it here lately, so I figured I better have some while I still can.LOL

Jan I hope your feeling better, and all your test come back good. We can't have you down and out.
 Poor Poor Joe. Thank goodness he found the problem and is getting it fixed.
 Thank you for the b-day wish again, I'm feeling so very lucky to have you all today. The new outfit is so cute, the jeans are a size 16 and the little tank top is an x-large (because I like my shirt's big), I can hardly wait to wear them.
 I go see him Aug.13, so please pray and keep your fingers crossed it's all good and I wont have to wait for a date long. I'm so ready to be on the bench with ya'll.

 Jo - Welcome!! Welcome!! It's so nice to have you join us. I know your just going to love it here, there are so many wonderful people.

Bec Wow!! How scary that lightening must have been. Thank  goodness Paul and you are both ok. I think I would have freaked.
 For some reason it seems to be harder to quit this time around, or maybe I'm just ready to be done with it. Really I don't think I'm doing all that bad (could be worse), I allowed myself 6 cig's yesterday and only smoked 5 of them, so I gave myself another 6 today and see how it goes again. Hopefully it wont be to bad Friday when I get rid of all of them (nail biting already LOL). Thank you so much for all the prayers, I can surely use them all.

 Janet welcome back!!! I'm sooooo glad you are back the board just isn't the same without you.
 I bet you blew them all away when you walked in. LOL Maybe Mike's mom will finally know how it feel's and will be nicer to people.
 What is Steph's dad thinking, mark my word's one of these day's he will get whats coming to him. GEEEZZZ!! Some men are just ate up.
 Way to go Megan on the scholarship and grant's. I wish Kala would have done her's sooner instead of waiting until the last minute. I tried and tried and talked till I was red in the face but she wouldn't listen to me and she knew it all so we will see if she get's her's in time.
 Girl I swear we have the worst time with our phone's and computer's. Who know's maybe it's not them, maybe it's us hehehe (NOOOOOO that can't be. LOL) I was so ready to throw my phone against the wall last night when it finally started working again. Sorry to text you so late, I wasn't for sure if you had went to bed yet or not, but wanted to let you know I was trying to text you back.
 Thank's again for the b-day wishes and singing to me at 12. LOL Love ya girl.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Love and Hug's

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
on 7/30/08 1:45 am - Friedheim, MO

Good Morning Missouri!!! 

Today is my 2nd day of liquids.  Not bad so far.  Yesterday I got a whopping 560 callories in.  (only 3 shakes)  I'm gonna try to at least get a forth one in today. 

Mom has been having us up for supper yesterday and today, that way I don't have to cook.  That is when I have alot of trouble.  I probably eat enough for a whole meal just while I'm cooking, so that's helping alot.

Thank God I don't have to work out in the garden today.  I picked beans yesterday & got 1/2 of a 5 gal bucket & there's not that many blooms, so maybe their about done.  I got a couple tomatoes yesterday, but I am the only one who eats them at our house so I gave them to mom & dad.  The humidity just about got the better of me yesterday, thaught I would drown in my own sweat.  lol

I hope everyone has a great day!!!    ~ Angy



              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
Andy W.
on 7/30/08 2:14 am - Tulsa, OK

Hey Everyone,

Wow what a hot day yesterday was and so humid, today is starting out a bit cooler but still hot,  just been doing some things inside tryin to stay cool and listening for Joe to yell from under the house that he needs something.  Poor guy I hope he gets it all done so he don’t have to go back under the house,  he is one strong guy to be doin all he is doing under there.


Im gonna borrow Bec’s lil for this one  LoL


Yesterday I ended up going back to the doctor with Jan.  Last week I went to get started with him and he changed my blood pressure meds which was fine cuz my bp has been running a bit high,  well the meds he put me on causes swelling so ever since I started taking them I noticed my legs swelling a bit, well yesterday they were BIG so I called in and they said to come in and get checked,  I saw the other dr in the office and she said that the med he had me on wasn’t good for me so she took me off that and put me back on what I was on but doubled it so hopefully the swelling will go down in my legs and bp will come down too.  When the nurse weighed me I was expecting to have lost a couple pounds or so but I was shocked at the what the scale said, it said I had lost 20 lbs, YES 20 lbs in a week  I was OMG and asked the nurse if the scale was right lol.  Jan was even standing close by and heard what she said I lost, its almost like being back to where I just had surgery and losing that big amount some do at first  w00t w00t!!!  That walking and staying away from most carbs is sure helping a lot!!!  When we got back I even went over to Jans house to weigh on her scale and it said I was a half pound less then the docs so I guess it really is true lol.  There wont be no missing out on walking again for me, finally Im back to losing  yay!!!!


Bec Jan let have some of that relish ya made, OMG that is sooooo yummy!!!!  Hope ya didn’t mind I borrowed ya lil    today LoL


Sugar between the walking and now posting of our food intake its really helping so much,  Im on this losing steak now and Im sure not stopping for nothing  lol.  Your so right about its just as easy to get off track after surgery as it is before surgery cuz Im proof of that, I got way off track and its taken a bit to get back on the right track,  really lost some valuable losing time but Im on the right way now so guess that’s all that matters.


Well I better get this posted and go listen for Joe, he’s almost done with the plumbing, gonna test it out soon for leaks.  Y’all have a great day and stay outta the heat.


Bless ya’s



I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 7/30/08 7:11 am - Nixa, MO
Hello Missouri,
I just wrote a big long post and when I went to post it it disappeared. Anyway, there was nothing much exciting about it - I have a boring life I guess (poor me).

John just called and said my new phone is in so that should be exciting. I'll go get it after work and spend the evening trying to learn how it works. One good thing is that I have student workers and they know all about all the gadgets and help me with them. I'm not good - too old I think. But, I'm game to try new things.

Speaking of new things, I'm considering a new hair color. May try it out on you next COF meeting!!! We'll see.

Janet - so glad you're home. You can't imagine how I've been praying for you and your sweet family. Keep me in the loop. I know me not texting is a problem for you but I think learning that would put me over the edge!!!

Jan - so happy that you got in to the doctor and that they are trying to help you figure this out. I hope it is as simple as just eating more - you'll get the hang of it if you keep trying. I love you so much and want you to be totally healthy.

I'm so excited about new members and all the ones having surgery in the next couple of weeks. I know the liquid diet is the pits - I had surgery the day after Christmas so I was on it for Christmas dinner. It is worth any price to be healthy and free from so many co-morbids. I cannot run up the stairs here at school but I can walk up them fast. I'm too afraid I'll trip and fall to run. Some of us here are doing a walking challenge - just something we started ourselves. There are five of us and we are trying to walk to San Antonio by the middle of December. Now that means that the total of all we walk added together will equal the distance from Springfield to SA. Then we're going to have a fiesta and have salsa and chips and refried beans and guacamole, etc. to celebrate our accomplishment. It should be fun and good for all of us to inspire us to keep moving!!! I am wearing a pedometer and am averaging 1.5 miles a day just around the building. I want to up that to 2.5 miles a day but the heat is not conducive to being out-side right now. Guess I should do it at 6:30 like Jan and Andy but I leave for work at 6:45 so that wouldn't be too good. I could come to work stinky I guess.

Hope each of you has a great evening. More tomorrow!!!



Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


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