Anyone taken off Bloodpressure meds immediatly post op?
I am on Diovan HCT, Friday at the education class, the Dr. told me that I would probably be taken off of this med while in the hospital. This kind of concerns me, because when I miss a dose I really swell up. Has anyone else been taken off their meds right after surgery? Did you have any trouble with retaining water & swelling in hands or legs?
~ Angy
Hi Angy, I was taken off all my meds right after surgery but the next day he had me take my blood pressure med and told me to take it from there on to keep a watch on it that it may come down since losing weight. I was on the same med and still am actually plus one other now. I didnt have any trouble at all with my legs swelling or anything, I had fasted the couple days before surgery and was on lasix so I was kinda almost dehdryated. I think I only missed the day of surgery and after, I had to crush my med for a month after that tho until I was ok'd to take pills. Hope that helps ya.