Jan C.
on 7/28/08 1:43 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Hey there I am feeling a lot better and don’t feel a groggy as I have been feeling.

I didn’t get in to the doctor today but have an appointment for tomorrow.

I am going to see if she can set me up for the sleep study for next week sometime. Get that over and out of the way.

Talked to my oldest daughter tonight and she is a nurse too but has studied nutrition and health stuff and she said well you know better than have your calories that low. She said at that amount no wonder I was going to sleep all the time that is about all my body had strength to do lol

And when I think about it I know that, I just hadn’t thought about it really. You know when you spend years and years trying not to eat so you can lose weight it really is hard to wrap your mind around the fact that you need to eat to lose? Weird huh?

I really think I got in over 1000 today. I don’t know the cal count on some of the stuff I ate today but I know im stuffed. Although I didn’t get sick not once today ….


We rented the cutest little car today, a Chevy colbalt . has lots of leg room but sure does feel funny sitting on the ground when you are use to that big ole truck of ours. Im really glad that I was in that big ole truck the other day and not in something like this little car. It would have fell down in that ditch and not come out. lol


Just got off the phone with Bec. Will let her tell you all the news. She is excited and I am for her too.



ANGY::::: are you still sick at your stomach? Maybe something you ate at one of those places you stopped at.

Wow starting the diet today huh? So glad your sugars are coming down. as soon as you have your surgery all of that will be gone hopefully , it is for most people .

That is really something to look forward to. Wow. Oh let me tell you that once you lose weight you wont have nearly as much trouble finding a vein as you do now. …



Catfish:::::::I am working on getting the calories in and Joe my poor husband is tearing all of the sewer lines out and putting in new tomorrow. They didn’t even have the shower line hooked up so that was water just pouring out under the house. Real smart huh?

Hopefully he will get it all done this time.




SUGAR::::: no I haven’t thrown up any except the first day. Felt like it last night but didn’t . but I do feel as full as a tick and just keep poking stuff in there. Lol

Went back to walking today with Andy so that makes me feel better. Too.

Teresa said not only wasn’t it enough for a grown woman it probably wasn’t enough for a kid lol

You know I just never really thought about it , I wasn’t hungry so didn’t think anything about it. And the longer I went without food the less hungry I got . lol

Wasn’t trying to be stupid , I just was lol


So did you call your insurance company today? I hate to think that someone came in there and got your stuff. That is like such an invasion .



ANDREW::::: You are really seeing that you are losing weight. Hopefully you will be able to wear your new pants soon. Maybe to Church this next Sunday.


I know I really appreciate you getting me out to walk in the mornings. It is so easy not to do when you are by yourself.

Thanks a million for takeing us to get the rental car today. It was greatly appreciated



                        VESTA::::: so when is it you are going to check on the face lift? Today or next week ?



BEV::::: since you suggested it about the daily food intake journal. I started it but would you want to do that daily for us? I promise I will write mine in there. And we could also put in it what we did for exercise too that day.

So take er away. .

Yoplay light has probably more sugar in it than we really need not sure .

Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to bother me …wi**** did. Lol

I don’t eat it a lot but love the key lime pie flavored one.


I know you will be anxious to start your new job. Not much longer till you can.




SHANNON:::: I don’t have any problems getting in the protein or the water it is just the calories I have problems with. I struggle to get in 1000 if I even make it that far. But im trying.

Glad you got to spend some time with the grandkids , that is always fun .



Well going to get this posted and get to bed , We need to get up early so Joe can work on the sewer pipes and then he has to take me to the doctor at 1:45 tomorrow.

Love you all for caring about me and my health.

Sorry that I have worried you all I will get it all inline soon. I don’t want to be sick either lol






Tammy H.
on 7/28/08 4:24 pm - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Guys ~n~ Gals
Hope your all surviving this darn heat!!! I don't think the heat would be so bad if it weren't for the humidity!

Jan....So glad your feeling better..I hope it is that your just not getting enough calories and nothing is wrong....
Hope your plumbing problems are fixed soon.....We are having electrical issues.....Just had to have the central air worked on a few weeks ago but kept having flickering lights so they came back out to check it....It checked out ok but I heard a buzzing sound at the breaker box so my land lord sent someone out to check it out....We have a few breakers that are getting real hot...But they can't replace them because the company is out of buisness so the landlord is having them replace it...The man told me it would be an all day job.....So I will be without electric all day one day this week....But it will be worth it know we are safer and don't have such a chance to loose all our stuff to a fire..
Any one heard from Janet??? Is she home yet??? She text me pics of the Grand canyon last night or this morn but I haven't heard from her since.....

Bec...Sweetie thank you so much for the last few messages....your such a sweetheart! Thank you for your concern and for your prayers!

Brenda....How you doing girl?? Are you getting around better?? Does your hubby have a date for his WLS yet or how do things stand on that???

Cindy....Hey girl...drop me a line and let me know what size your in....And I know you wanted to try those stretch pull on jeans I told you about that I had but I was wondering if you think you can wear regular jeans....I had to put off wearing them because of my hernia....I haven't tried them on yet but going to and if they are getting loose and you think you can wear them I will bring them too....

Well I still dont have any info on my tummy tuck....My PCP left her lil sticky note in my file and when I seen her last week she hadn't even started on my letter for medicade I need to get my approval...I hope to get it in the mail one day this week...Im going to write my own letter and add a few pics I have taken when I have had major issues with gaulding & etc....So please pray it is enough to get an approval for the tuck ....

I hope your all doing well and would say Hi to each of you individually but WOW there has gotten to be so many on the board anymore......I just cant keep up with everyone lol lol.....It's wonderful to see so many new people coming on....

Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday....
God Bless each of you....
Luv & Hugs.....Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 7/28/08 8:58 pm - Windsor, MO
Today is going to be fun.  My best friend and her kids are coming over.  The kids like to sit up what they call a fun club outside.  They make up games like balloon toss and such.  They play while we have coffee.  I joined myplate.com today and think I am going to like it.  I have been writing down my calories and protein but tracking it on line will be more acruate and easier.  Jan-maybe you should track yours on there, it is easy.  I sure do like coming on here again and knowing that you are all in Mo.  I look forward to hearing from all of you.  Have a great day and God bless, Penni
on 7/28/08 9:30 pm - Clever, MO

Good morning sis and all other OH peeps,
        What a great day to finally hear my sis say that she finally does realize she needs to eat more food!!!! Iv'e only been telling her that forever now. lol! But you all know how it is (if you have an older sister) they don't want to listen to thier baby sis.  Anyway, Jan, keep posting your food and it will show you how much or how little you are eating. I bet it will surprise you how much better you will start feeling and even looking. You have just looked so tired lately.  You know I have kept down my food ever since this journey began.  I get those little books from DePaul and it has made it easy to keep track. 
     Well, I'm about to bust a gut waiting to hear from Bec about what she found out!!!! I thought we would be able to hear a whoop and a holler yesterday sometime.  I am so excited for her.
       Yesterday I went out and dug the hole for the fire pit. Well Skyler came out and helped me. I told him thanks for helping and he said "Well, you came out here by yourself and I just hate to see a person digging a hole all by themself."  He is so funny.  Last night Rick and I bought the plastic to put down out there. As soon as I can find some big rocks to line the border with I can get some gravel brought in.  I will need alot of big rocks for the border and for the pit itself.  Iv'e got lots of big rocks on my property but they are back among the brush and probably poison ivy. I told Skyler I would put on long sleeves and long pants and get back in there and look and he said, "And gloves and long socks and a face mask..."  He told me that he would play in my woods but he doesnt like getting poison ivy.... so I think this fire pit area will be a fun place for them to play and hide out without getting into the woods.
I dont know if my grasses are going to make it ..they dont look very healthy right now.  Hopefully they will cause that is going to be what hides the front portion of this circle from the world. I just know when I was a kid I would have loved an area like this to play in.
      Andy, I'm glad you are there to help out my sis and to keep her walking. She has needed that prodding I think and it will keep her healthier too.  I hope all of us posting will keep her on the right track about food intake.  So sorry about the plumbing problem, but it sounds like ole Joe the man beast is right on top of it. 
      For those who have been praying about my rings and stuff, please dont stop. I called my insurance man and he told me to make a police report so I did.  Both my ins guy and the sheriff said that if and when we locate a thief, I probably will be very surprised and shocked by who it is.  It is almost always someone you know and sometimes even love.  They said if it was a stranger, they would take more than that and wouldnt have just gone right in there for those things.  They have a woman at the sheriff's office that all her job is to contact and talk to Pawn shops and check thier reciepts.  My ins guy ask if I had a family member that was on drugs. He also asked if I had any family members that were kinda worthless or someone who always is in need of money and might hold a grudge against me. I told him that I thought ALL families had those types...lol!   Anyway, I'm still hoping and praying that I find it someday here in the house. My insurance will pay about $2500 is all. Although I could care less about the financial part of it, when adding it all up, it is a value of about $9000 to $10,000 with gold and diamond prices what they are right now. I told the sheriff's deputy that I can replace the sr rings and ricks gold band and even the diamond earrings but I cant replace the ring that my mama wore and designed herself.  I sure would appreciate it if you still remember me in your prayers.
      Janet, where are you???? Sure am praying that your trip back wasnt too hard on you and hubby. How did the boys like the Grand Canyon?? Wasnt it something?  That is my next goal for a trip to take my entire family on.  Although I priced places to stay out there and they are higher than at the beach.
      God bless everyones day. I suppose we will all post our food intake later so see you all there..I'm going to go get started on my day..


Bec M.
on 7/28/08 10:41 pm
Ok got to get my mascot busy this morning!

My date is.......... September 22nd!!!!

I'm so very excited and EVERYONE I talked to in that office knew it I believe....~tee hee

I had a WHOLE lot of good news yesterday and a little bit I didn't care for all that much.

I'm a bit dissapointed that it is so far out but it's ok for sure. And I do have to have a scope. I'm not all that crazy about that... I'm scared of the needles.

But some more good news is and some of you are going to just be envious of... at least I know I would be...

I DON'T HAVE TO DO THE TWO WEEK LIQUID DIET!!!!!! Just a two day one! Two days before you have a lighter breakfast, a bowl of soup for supper and then all liquids the day before! I'm just thrilled about that! But know I could of done the other if I really had to too. The doc said that people with a bmi over 60 do have to do the liquid diet...but since mine was low enough (48) I would not!!! YEAH!

I already have "issues" since I had my gallbladder out and all liquids causes miserable effects that I have been taking prescription meds for... the doc did give me hope that after surgery I just may have good results in that area with each surgery having caused the opposite effect.... anyway TMI but at least I will not have to suffer terribly for two whole weeks...

I now have 5 appointments set up including the day of surgery... the pulmanologist, cardiologist, the scope, the last trip will be lab work, last visit with surgeon, and pre~op classes... that day will be a real full one... then the day of surgery! I know this two months will go by fast as there is only one two week period that I do not have at least one appointment a week. Another really nice thing is I'm fairly early on the schedule that day... I know I would of been nearly hyperventilated ~tee hee if I had to set there all morning worrying about it, my blood pressure tends to go up durning surgery any way...

I just have so much to be thankful for!!!

Something else I am REALLY looking forward to is the next appointment I am going to meet up with Debbie D. for some shopping for that "perfect size 12" incentive and a late lunch early supper. I am so excited to meet her and hope to get to meet "Weasy" on one of the trips too if it works out. Will have to shoot her a message and see if she can fit me in her schedule....oh how fun! :jum:

Well I have to get going it will be a busy day... am meeting a lady in town to buy a punch bowl set. I have been collecting pieces for enough to give each of my girls a set when they get their first places... it is a grape motif and very very pretty... with today's purchase I now have enough to for each of them and me, a whole set complete with the little dessert plates... todays find was 23 pieces for $10.... love love love those bargains!

Then Paul has to get my puddle jumper inspected and liscense on it... have to get groceries for company that is coming Thursday and get the grass all mowed up this evening.... whoooo I'm going to be tired by the end of the day I know that... I was just so excited over the day I could not sleep last night... I could not sleep the night before for being excited about yesterday ~tee hee This has just got to stop! ~ha

Some where I have to fit in getting the Cpap machine and start getting use to that...

Tammy Ammy ~ know I will be praying for all we have discussed and the requests you posted. I am just trusting the Lord is going to do something special in your life! and meet all the needs you are concerned about!

Penni ~ don't know you but welcome! It's so fun to get to meet new people... I live "fairly" close to you... at Marshall Junction.

I am mindful of you gals that have surgery coming up on the 11th and 12th... praying all is going to go well and you will be calm cool and collected! ~tee hee as it approaches!

Am waiting to hear all about Janets trip... and hoping it was a good one.

Wishes for a great great day to all!


Barbara S.
on 7/29/08 12:42 am - Freeman, MO
CONGRATS!!!!! on your date. Your surely on your way to the size 12 you want. We have room for all who need it on the bench.
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

Brenda Nutt
on 7/29/08 6:53 am - Harrison, AR


Praise the Lord~!  You will do just wonderful and sail through it all with flying colors!!!

 I wish I had the time to be on this OH site regular, but I just don't~  Once the gym entered my life, I had to make choices...and I was spending way too much time in my desk chair on the computer....

Thanks for letting me know to read your post today!

God is sooo good to us, I will remember to tell Him thank you for your surgery date and all that is going so positive in your direction!
Brenda Nutt 

on 7/29/08 12:29 pm - Gladstone, MO
Hey there Bec!!! Congrats on your surgery date!!!!! I know two months out seems a long way aways, but trust me, it'll go by so very quickly!!! You just let me know when your appointments are and I'll get something worked out with my work schedule and definitely would love to meet up with you while in town!! Take care and again, CONGRATS!!!!!  ---Shelley
Beverly B.
on 7/29/08 1:18 pm - Sedalia, MO
Hi Bec
Congrats on your date, day before my birthday lol, it will be here before you know it...



Debbie D.
on 7/29/08 12:24 am - KS
Good Morning Jan & MO Peeps!

Jan, glad you're going to see your doctor today!  Please let us know what she says!

I went to my PCP yesterday.  I have been having dizzy spells and just not feeling well.  I collasped Saturday afternoon in front of my Dad and my youngest son.  I got up to get something off the breakfast bar, everything went dark and I fell.  Anyways, my blood pressure was 90/52.  He said the top number was way too low.  He did run some bloodwork to make sure I'm not anemic.  He told me to go buy some regular salt and start using a lot of it!  I have been using lite salt for the past 18 years because I developed toxicemia (sp?) when I was pregnant with my oldest.  It is really strange, I didn't even know the price of real salt!  It's a lot cheaper! lol!  Doc said it would take about a week but I should start feeling better.  He said he had only treated two other people with low blood pressure and they were really old.  He says there is a medication he can give but really doesn't want to unless it's completely necessary.  He believes using the real salt will take care of it.

Bec - I am so excited to get to meet you!  I'm going to put you on my calendar right now so I will be reminded.  I would forget the head on my shoulders if it weren't for my calendar! lol!  Hopefully, we can find that perfect size 12!
Congrats on getting a Sept 22nd date and not having to do the two week liquid diet!  I didn't have to one either.  I believe Dr. Hornbostel starting making everyone do the liquid diet about a month after my surgery.  Will see you next week!

The rest of the MO Peeps - I love all of you.  Sorry if I can't keep up with you all.  Just know I do pray for those *****quest it.  You all are always in my heart and my prayers.

Debbie D.
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