Vitamin Question
I am 2 weeks pre-op. I am taking 1200mg of calcium per day and a 12 in 1 multi-vitamin. I will be going in the morning to see my dr about B-12 shots.
My question is am I supposed to be taking the bariatric vitamins NOW or just after. I think I was told now as I am on my liquid diet now. Which ones do you suggest and where? I know I have to purchase them online but they have so many differrent ones. So any info and help would be much appreciated.
I don't have an answer for you but I wanted to say good luck and Godspeed to you. I don't take bariatric vitamins as such. I take 1 Sam's prenatal, 1 Sams B-complex, b12 under my tongue 4 times a week and 1000g calcium citrate in tablet form. I used chewable calcium until they took the Citracal chews off the market and then went to the Citracal Petites which I swallow. My doctor doesn't insist on liquid or chewable unless the others hurt your stomach and they don't hurt mine.
How is day 2 going on your liquid diet???
Hey Jen, what did you think of the class Friday? I liked it, answered all of my questions. Lynn (my fiance) finally realized what this surgery is going to be like. He kept asking me if this is really what I want to do, because it seemed so hard. Did you notice in the Nutrition Guideline booklett for stage 3 says to take childrens chewables? But in the class she said to take the bariatric specific vitamins. I wrote Abby an email and asked her about it. She said not to get childrens. So, I am going to order Bariatric Advantage Vits Friday. I am going to take my regular vitamins until surgery, then start the BA vitamins. Same thing with my Calcium, right now I'm on Calcium carbonate and I am going to take that until surgery then start the Calcium Citrate.
Good Luck to you with this crazy liquid diet! ~Angy
Jen, here is a link to the Bariatric Advantage Vitamin page. &so How was the B12 shot, was it a small needle like for insulin, or was it a bigger needle? I am not sure of if I want to do the shot or sublingual. I went to schnucks yesterday & got some SF syrups & also got some SF decaf Mocha flavored coffee. we can add that to the protein to try to help it a little & give us a little variety. I just got a email from Abby again & she said it was ok to strain vegetable & chicken noodle soups if we dont like the canned broths. We can add some unflavored protein to it too, that'll cut down on the # of shakes we have to drink.
I feel ya on the no sleep & long drive that day, that sucked! ~ Angy
The B-12 you get a scrip for. You use a reg insulin needle with it. For those who are not on insulin and are chicken can take it to theor dr and have anurse inject it. It is red so it felt like I was injecting red punch in my belly. No feeling or nothing. I didn't feel much at first. Tonight I picked up some energy but i also took 2 migrain excedrine which I heard was loaded in caffeine.
I have flavor drops I bought from Capella's online. They last foreverrrrrr and csan be used in anything! Check it out and it was fairly cheap too. Sugar free of course.