Have a couple prayer requests....If you have one feel free to add it too

Tammy H.
on 7/28/08 4:45 pm - Holcomb, MO

Have a few things I would like to ask prayer for.....And if you have one or some please feel free to add them here as well....
As I mentioned in the What's Happening post.....I would appreciate prayer for things to work out for my approval to get to have my tummy tuck...

I have also been having some issues with depression....I do take and have taken meds for it for some time now...but even with meds, now and then it seems to just impose on you anyways!...So if you will please pray that this will pass soon...

I have an what you would call adopted daughter that is pregnant....shes about 7 mo now and tickled she made it this far because her first two were premies and she had to push to make it to 7 mo with them....they were both girls but now she is to have a boy and has been terified something would happen...She has been having 2-5 contractions an hour for over a month now.....lots of pressure and when the doctor checked her, her cervix are completely thined but she hadn't started dialating.....She feels it's getting touch and go and that she probably wont hold out much longer.....Please pray things go well for her and her baby.....

My youngest step daughter is pregnant as well....she will be 33 weeks this weekend..Shes been doing great but as time nears she is really getting nervous as it's her first baby.....Would like to have prayers for her that things go well and she does a great job....

My son passed his ASFAB test for the Army Nationl Gaurds and scored high enough to be an MP.....He is on cloud nine but I am really on edge about it....He wont be going our anywhere right off because he has to do his GED classes before he can get started on his basics and etc and that class dont start till about Oct....But after that and after his basics and AIT's he hopes to go off for awhile and travel for volenteer(sp) for a few different places....Hopefully that will keep him from having to go to Iraq....My hopes anyways lol lol.....Luv my country but he is my only boy and is my baby.... Please pray he does as well as he hopes to do and that he accomplishes all he hopes to accomplish with choosing to do this....

My last request is for my husbands great neice...She is 11 years old.....We just found out that a family member has been molesting her since she was 4 yrs old!!! It was an in law and they will definitly be and out law very soon...But not only will the young girl have issues to deal with and probably have to have counsoling..It's going to cause quite a bit of stress in the family....Please pray for her and the family...

Thanks guys I appreciate all the prayers.....Luv & Hugs..Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 7/28/08 8:52 pm - Windsor, MO
I will remember you in prayer today.  When I say I will I mean I will.  I am not one of those people who say they will pray and then forget to.  Keep your chin up and be strong...God is in control. Have a great day and God bless, Penni
on 7/28/08 9:48 pm - Clever, MO
Tammy-Ammy, I have already held you and your family up to the Father and he promises that he hears our pleas. I have pleaded with him to help your family in all the ways they need and for HIM to step into thier lives.  Love ya, Sugar


Jan C.
on 7/28/08 10:13 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Tammy=Ammy I am holding you and your loved ones up in prayer today. While Andy and I were on our walk this morning I do a lot of my praying and your needs and desires were placed at the feet of Jesus....
Praying for the dear litte neice, that is a situation that is so heavy on my heart. I said an extra prayer for her that Jesus will show her the way to deal with all of this. 



on 7/28/08 10:40 pm - pomona, MO
your family is in my prayers....vesta


on 7/28/08 11:48 pm - Holden, MO
I could use prayers as well.  Your last paragraph touched me especially.  I found out a couple of weeks ago that my ex had been molesting my oldest daughter from the time she was 11 to 17 years old.

Because of that, and other issues, my eating is totally out of control.  I have gained weight like you wouldn't believe.

I need to get control again.

You and your family are in my prayers.

on 7/28/08 11:53 pm - Nixa, MO
Tammy, sweetie,
I'm prayed for you and your family after I read your post and will continue to keep you all in my prayers.

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


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