Jan C.
on 7/27/08 1:37 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Woke up this morning and very very little pain left but that doesn’t mean that im not going to the doctor Monday morning as soon as they open I will be calling to see if I can get in to see Dr. Rachele.

Hey all of you about calories , how much do you all eat in a day. Write it down and keep track for a day and let me know also how much protein do you get in.

I wrote to a weight loss dietitian on line and told her what I was eating and ask her , her answer was: if you are still trying to get weight off you should keep your calorie count under 1000 including the protein drinks. So really I have been doing that , and I know im not anorexia due to the fact that I will eat about anything unless it is real dense. I cant chew it up enough..

Last night I had a ½ of sloppy joe on half of a bun. Some sliced tomatoes and cucumbers.

It is mainly during the day time that I just cant seem to get much in.

Some things my tummy just doesn’t like, such as oatmeal. Now who would figure that? I tried it about 2 weeks out from surgery and didn’t like it then either. Lol

I did have a container of yogurt yesterday too Sugar….which is 100 calories. Anyway just letting you all know that I do eat , just not full meals. I stick stuff in between my protein drinks and eat that way.

The dietitian said that seemed to be ok when I gave her a list of what I consume in a days time.

Sunday:: food list   B- protein drink  120 cal   24 grams protein

Snack::: 2 slices of bacon , slice cheese, and ½ wrap

Total cals 230  14 grams protein

Lunch::::: protein drink   120 cals     24 grams protein

Snack  container of key lime pie yogurt

100 calories and 5 grams protein

Snack:::: protein bar::::180 calories and 19 grams protein

Supper::::: ¼ cup of sloppy joe and ½ bun

Calories of mix and don’t know what the protein count would have been on the hamburger but at least 60 calories and   15 grams protein

Snack: protein drink  120 calories and 24 grams protein.

That is   :::: 750 calories and about 88 grams of protein

Plus 120 oz of water.

I will try to add a little more calories but do not intend to go over 1000 , just am not so there >>>>

Well we are having fun again with the septic system : Hope you prayer warriors don’t mind praying for a lasting solution for it. Lol

Poor Joe is at it again, I feel so sorry for him on having to do this again.


Hey would someone want to do a food intake post each day so others can see what they eat and can maybe copy some of you in what you eat. ?? Anyone???


Monday is going to be really busy for us I guess. We have to rent a car to use for awhile and I have to call the doctor and go see her, and also we have to buy some sewer pipe. We have finally decided where the clog has to be but will have to buy some pipe to rejoin it up once we cut into it . It is old pipe and Joe says they don’t make that anymore. So hope the hardware store will be able to help us find something to join it together once we cut into it. 



BEV::::: thanks for being concerned , I am going to go see about it tomorrow. Really.

Hope you enjoy your new church and Sunday school class.


Since you are on the right thyroid meds now maybe you will start losing again now.

The cucumber salad sounds good , I made one the other day too.




BEC:::::: oh boy , today is the day that you find out when the surgery will be , yea!!!!! Cant wait. Till you call or email or what ever. Ok?


Yes I will share the relish with Andy and Susan. They are such good neighbors , friends and renter. What more could we ask for , except for the toilet to work . lol


Will be getting the rental car today. , going to get something smaller that doesn’t eat us up with gas but big enough to ride in lol

Sounds like you have poision ivy, I found something that dried it up with one application but it isnt cheap. You get it at wal mart too. Its called Zanfel….it is worth the price really it is. And it really works, but follow the instructions exactly. Ok


I don’t think the Isopure would help any as far as not getting full. The ON I drink now with water too so it isnt filling at all …


Yeah once the gourds start in they grow really big, they start off as soft and wind up really hard.  Go online and put Luffa harvesting into Google and it will tell you all about how and when and all.

Not angry at you in the least lady. Love you too.




SUGAR:::::: ok im eating , im eating. My stomach hurts , I feel miserable and sick, although I haven’t thrown up any today. I feel like I well any minute. This is the reason I quit trying to eat a lot because when I could start eating again it all made me feel like I was a blown up balloon. I don’t like that feeling like you just ate the thanksgiving turkey. Yuck. .

That is the way I am having to eat just a few bites and then a little later more bites and that I feel like I am sitting myself up to have the habit of grazing.

But I am trying. I really am.

Have you had any luck in finding the jewelry box? That just makes me feel so bad for you. I know it has to hurt.



VESTA::::: yes im starting to feel better. ,,,going to dr. tomorrow hopefully.



SHANNON::::: no didn’t hear about your rain. We have had some rains like that this spring and summer.


Yeah that is a little bit of money to pay for chairs and a/c but still a good buy I would think.




CATFISH:::::AM doing better today with keeping it down just taking in smaller amounts at a time. Don’t worry I will be here for awhile lol



COLETTE::::: well they had to go and tell you too huh? Lol don’t worry I will get myself back on track. It is just easy to only drink the protein drinks and eat protein bars and not worry about anything else lol

Will be praying for your hubby and for him to get well. I know it is so tiring to have someone you love in the hospital.





BARBARA  S::::: You know what they say that  imitation is the sinceriest form of flattery….so thank you for imitating me and my kitchen lol

I really know that my sleep patterns are horrible so it wont be a surprise to me for them to say I have sleep apnea….


LANA::::: wow 1200 calories isnt enough???? Good grief woman I didn’t eat that before I had surgery and got fat on it lol

That’s a lot of calories.

Im trying , im trying. Really I am  doubt if I ever get up to that tho. Lol

Love you all for worrying about me. I will be ok. It just took a knock on the head by God to get me straightened out.









on 7/27/08 3:04 pm - Friedheim, MO

Happy Monday Everyone!!!

Wow! What a weekend.   Friday we had the pre-op class in Columbia, we had Waffle House for lunch, and stopped by Captain D's for a late dinner on the way back home.  Some psycho in Festus threatning to shoot, so they had the interstate closed, we had to go way out of our way to get home. I got terribly sick to my stomach & we still had an 1 1/2 hours drive home.  we had to stop 4 times for me to use the bathroom.   UUUGGGGG!   I still don't feel good.  I'm sooo tierd.  My emotions are going crazy, that's not helping my stomach.  & I get to start my 14 day liquid diet Tuesday.    YUMMY!!!  lol

I went to my PCP on Thursday, he was impressed with my weight loss & my sugars had gone down.  So that was good.  But, the girl that took my blood blew one of my few decent veins, so she had to take from my wrist, then Friday the Hospital lab took from my hand, luckily she got it on the first try.  I have terrible veins & the thaught of the IV for surgery scares me to death.  I took phlebotomy in college & had blood taken & took my own blood a thousand times, but that IV terrifies me.  I don't know why.  I have anxiety attacts over it!

I don't have to be at the hospital on the 12th until 11am for surgery at 1pm, That's going to be a long nerve wracking morning.  Skyler starts school on the 14th (when I should be getting out of the hospital), so mom is going to go to Columbia with me & Lynn, and my dad is going to stay home with Skyler & get her off to school on Thursday the 14th.  She is upset because she wanted to be up there with me, but this will be better and easier for her & dad.

Mom, Skyler & I got all of those green beens broke, and got'em canned this morning.  Yummy, I can't wait 'till I can have some of them in a couple months.

Does anyone take Bariatric Advantage Vitamins?  How do they taste?  I think these are the ones I am going to order, but I'm not sure which flavor to go with on the multi and calcium.

Hope everyone has a great Monday!!!

Love ya all!!!   Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
on 7/27/08 3:06 pm - mansfield, MO
 its good to hear that you are doing better i have been praying that you would get there. hope you can keep more food down and you might think on that calorie thing i thought that it had to be within 1200 but i might be wrong that it what my dietian said so i dont know hope everything goes good with the rental and your sewer lines i know how that is i had to do my dads not that long ago thats a stinky job let me tell you well i got to go to bed its late see you in the morning cat
on 7/27/08 10:19 pm - Clever, MO

Hi sis, and all you other great OHer's... thanks for keeping the pressure on my hard headed sis. God may have knocked her in the head to get her attention...but she is sometimes a little slow to react. lol! This day when you kept track, did you throw up any?  That feeling will go away after awhile. I think we all felt that way in the beginning.  But you are having to do the whole thing from the beginning now. You can't count the calories if you threw them up.  I just know the day you spent here with me you did not eat enough. The little bit of salad and quiche and then that tiny 1/4 cup of soup. That was not enough for a grown woman. No wonder you were falling asleep sitting on the couch at 8:30.... OH sis, by the way, almost any meat or fish or seafood is approximately 20 grams of protien for 3 oz.  Not exact on all but close. So unless you can get 3 oz of sloppy joe into a 1/4 cup, you probably didnt have 15 grams of protien there.   I would say I would post my food intake but I don't know if I would remember or have time everyday. I dont count calories so wouldn't know what they were.  But I might try for awhile.
     87/28/08  16 oz of isopure= 32 g protien/ 128 calories
                       1 protien bar    = 20 g protien/ 180 calories
that is all so far today....
NO I havent found the jewelry. I'm sick over it and have everyone praying about it. I guess I will call the insurance man today and see what he says. I suppose I will have to make a police report too. Have never done this before so don't know how that works.

Becky, This is the day that the LORD has made let us rejoice and be glad in it!!!!!!    YEAH!!!!! Can't wait to hear about it all! YOU must post as soon as you know anything! Or call or something...

I have the boys today again so I will busy with them. I think we are going to a friends house who has a pool and let them play for awhile...unless it storms. It looks a little cloudy and dark out right now.
I want to get started on the fire pit today.  I think I will have the boys help me dig the hole and then I will go get the plastic to put down all over the area and then check on getting some gravel by the trailer load brought in...or sand. I also will need rocks or something to line the area with and to build the actual pit from...This will be a great place for the kids to have to sneak away to, kinda like a fort. lol!  I hope to be able to move those grasses that I got from Glenna out there to help hide it.
By the way sis, do you remember the guy down at Shell knob that made those grapevine arbors?  I'm thinking one of those over the entrance would be great...don't you????  Now just to buy one or make it, lol!  I have lots of grapevine around here but dont know if I could man handle it enough to construct one. Have you ever tried???

I'm going to sign off and get started with my day. I'm also in the planning stages of my next luncheon idea for the Sr Adults...I need a name to call it by. The theme is going to be Chinese or Oriental. Any suggestions?  Let me know soon as I'm pitching the idea later today. The name of the sr adult group is "JOY" so if you can work that in it would be fun... okay, thanks!

Here is praying for all to have a blessed day!


Jan C.
on 7/27/08 11:57 pm - Cedar Creek, MO



Andy W.
on 7/27/08 11:08 pm - Tulsa, OK

I posted this on the wrong post last night  lol well early this morning!! Here it is on the right post  lol.

Hey Y'all,

What a lazy day today, we went to church, came home and pretty much did nothing the rest of the day.  I just couldnt get motivated to do anything, i even took a couple hour nap and thought maybe i'd feel like doin something, nope  lol oh well, there's always another day.   This weekend the BIL and his family is coming to visit, they wanna go to silver dollar city, I guess they are gonna spend a night or two here then spend a night or two in branson,  that should be fun, its gonna be hot tho, if we go with them to silver dollar city i'll be sure to drink plenty of water.

I had a WOW moment today,  I have a couple pair of pants that I just cant quite get into, I been trying them on every week or so and I can tell Im losing cuz I can almost get into them, well last week I was able to put them on but not quite button them, today I tried them on and I can actually button them, w00t w00t!!  I was so excited, they are still just a bit tight but in a few days Im sure they will be good.  I have to go back and see the doctor on thursday, hopefully i've lost a bit more,  I can actually weigh on his scales, yay!!

Jan dont you or Joe worry to much about the toilet,  we know it'll get fixed, we completely understand about it,  poor Joe is trying so hard to get it working, Im just sorry it had to act up again now, you both have a ton on your plate this week with your truck and trip you wanna make,  we are just thankful you have the guest house that we can use the restroom in.  Just get yourself better, thats the main thing for sure, everything else will be there when ya get to it and all.   We'll be ready to help take ya truck and all to where ever ya gotta go, just holler at us.


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 7/28/08 12:03 am - pomona, MO
Good morning Jan and board.

Jan let us know as soon as you know something from the doctor.

WOOOOT WOOOT for Andrew, that is so awesome..

news is short this AM so everyone have a great day, love ya all...Vesta


on 7/28/08 12:08 am - Wichita , KS
Good morning OH friends.  I spent all of yesterday cleaning, laundry, and still unpacking!  I did go to church, I went to the singles class and boy was I disappointed.  I thought I was in the wrong class I kept seeing all these older people come in they were all like in their late 50's-70's and here I am only 40 the youngest one there.  The people in there were old enough to be my parents!  Well, I didn't stay I felt too uncomfortable there so I left.  I can't seem to find a church here that I like I do miss my church back in KC.  Guess I just need to keep looking?

Jan, I think we should do a daily post about what we are eating that day.  I have seen that same thing on the RNY board maybe that would help us all be more accountable?  Another post they do which is good is an exercise daily thing.  I would like to keep track of how much I'm eating which I haven't been doing.  I like you have a very picky pouch I can't eat just anything so my mind set is that if it goes down and stays down then I'm doing good no matter how many calories it has cause that may be the only thing I get in for the day!  You say you eat yogurt what kind do you eat cause all that I found has a lot of sugar other then the Dannon Light and fit which has no added sugar but they only have like 4 fruit flavors my favorite is blueberry.  I used to eat the yoplay and I liked it but I think it has a high sugar content?  I am not sure how much sugar we should have at one given time so that we don't dump?  I still don't do bread very well or anything made out of dough guess that's a good thing?  LOL....

I got my schedule for this week at work and they have me working like late afternoon into early evening and I don't like that I would rather work early morning and get it over with.  They have been giving me early shifts until now which I'm not happy about.  I haven't told them yet that I got another job I was afraid if I told them too soon they would cut my hours to nothing.  I will tell them maybe next week?

Well, guess I better take the pups out and fix breakfast for both me and the pups.  Have a good day everyone.

Shannon C.
on 7/28/08 5:28 am - Kirksville, MO
The Bariatric Coordinator told me that I need between 1400 to 1600 calories a day to stop losing weight.  There is no way I am getting close to that amount.  I am thrilled if I get 1200 in and Dr. Suttmoeller told me to get in 80 to 100 gms of protein a day.

We had another 3 inches of rain last night and our poor garden is a mud packed mess.  On the positive side the apple trees are so loaded many branches are almost touching the ground.

My favorite food right now is BLT's minus the bread as I just can't seem to tolerate it even if its toasted.  As I am trying to gain weight I have stopped using light or no fat foods and am using 2% milk trying to up my calorie intake...

I am very tired today from an almost non stop family weekend.  I had a great time in Kansas City with everyone.  My nephews wife who is 2 weeks to term carrying my great nephew backed out of her drive and hit Dad's truck - totaled the back of her car then at the birthday party with 25 children who gets hurt but my nephew which required 12 stitches in his brow line.  They say the fun factory is a grat place for kids partys but look out for the adults.  We had a wonderful time just sitting around and visiting and of course I got to be with my grandkids and great neice.

Take care - Shannon



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