OK, I'm so nervous I'm sick to my stomach!!!!

Elizabeth D.
on 7/27/08 7:53 am - Eldorado Springs, MO
I am so nervous that I am nauseated. I hate it because I start my liquid diet tomorrow and go for my pre-op stuff and i can't even enjoy my last day of real food. I spent this morning going through the infamous white binder and filling out paperwork for the anesthesia clinic and all of a sudden it hit me. I just almost feel like I'm going to have a panic attack or something. I had my Dr. increase my zoloft to 100mg a couple of weeks ago and really hoped that would keep me calm. Anybody else feeling this way??? Lori, Debbie ??? ugh!! Liz
on 7/27/08 8:28 am - Holden, MO
Your feelings are normal.   When Dr. Hornbostel did my RNY in 2005, I did a 100 calorie diet and one day of the liquid.  But I remember all the way to the hospital for the surgery, I  said, "I can't believe I'm doing this" over and over!  I almost backed out!  But I didn't really pani****il after the surgery.

Keep your eye on the prize.  You can do this.  And it will be worth everything you are going through now.

Remember, all of us are here for you.  I just saw somone dusting off a place on the loser's bench for you!  You will be doing the skiiny butt dance in no time!  

Elizabeth D.
on 7/27/08 11:52 am - Eldorado Springs, MO
Ok, so now I'm crying, my husband just came in and asked about "the last supper" and I just started bawling. I know I have got to do this but it's like someone has died (my old self I guess??) Is this a good thing or is it going to get worse. I went and opened a container of icing, took a big spoonful, ate it and threw the rest in the trash. Now I wonder if I should order pizza, but we live 15 miles from town and I don't really want it, I just feel like I need  to eat it because I won't be able to for a long time. Maybe I just need to go to bed and wake up in the morning. I know I feel this desparate because I am not going to cheat on the slimfast and it's like my life as I know it is ending. I just feel so sad and overwhelmed  right now. Just ignore me, I just needed to vent my feelings and I just don't think my husband can understand.

It;s funny, I feel better just having written this. I have read it a couple of times and just knowing that you guys are going to be reading it and sympathizing makes me feel better, even though I don't know any of you personally. Thanks so much for being here, I'll finish my breakdown in private . Liz
on 7/27/08 12:17 pm - Friedheim, MO
Liz, I've been feeling the same way, only with the other end.  lol  On our way back from Columbia Friday night I got so sick & we had to stop like 4 times within an hour.  I felt terrible!  Lynn kept asking me if I was sure if I wanted to do this.  We'll all do fine, I'm sure, but this is just such an emotional rollercoaster ride already.  Whew, I may have to ask the doc for some xanex during these next two weeks.  I hate taking that kind of medicine, it puts me to sleep, but I think I might need it.  I am on Effexor XR & I am kinda worried about missing it the day of surgery, if I miss a dose my head starts to feel funny & I get a little wiggy.  I don't want that to happen.

I start my liquids on Tuesday, that kind of scares me.  I know it's gonna be hard, but we can do it.   (((BIG HUGS)))  Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
on 7/27/08 12:38 pm - Kansas City, MO
Hello dear, this is Kerri and you and I have the same doctor.  I started my liquid diet on the 17th of this month and I was nervous too.  My last real food that was not healthy was a hot dog at my youth groups summer party.  Some meal huh!! LOL.  You can do this.  I know you can!!!  I have a faith in you and know you will be just fine, it will be hard for the first three days.  Then, your body will adjust and it goes much smooother.  I know forget to drink my slim fast and my kids and husband have to remind me.  They say you are to drink 5 a day, I am lucky to get in three.  I have my surgery next week Thursday to be exact and I know this too will pass.  I will pray for strength and will power for you and all who are going through this at this time. 

Blessings to you,




Elizabeth D.
on 7/27/08 1:42 pm - Eldorado Springs, MO
Ok, I ordered pizza, drove by myself to town, came home, had a piece and a half and I was done. It wasn't nearly as good as I had anticipated and I feel much calmer now. I know it is what I have to do and I feel better now. I have my slimfast in the freezer to stick in the car in the morning to head to Sedalia and some in the refrigerator for when I get home. Thanks for listening!!!! Liz
Christine F.
on 7/27/08 10:42 pm - Whiteman AFB, MO

I'm going to waste my time in telling you this, but I think you need to hear it from a post op... I don't miss anything.  The month before my liquid diet, I went nuts, I ate anything and everything under the sun!  It got to the point where I think I had really upset my gallbladder b/c anytime I put food in my mouth, I got SICK! 

I am about 2 1/2 months out from surgery and what I couldn't understand BEFORE my surgery is the coolest thing now.  I DO NOT FELL JADED.  I can eat just about anything and I do eat just about anything.. in SMALL portions and not all the time...

I can eat the foods that I enjoyed before my surgery, with a few modifications and after I have 2 or 3 bites, I'm full and content.  I can then pass on my food to someone else, throw it away or save it for later.  You can't understand what this feels like until after your surgery when you're allowed to eat again.  The time goes fast though.  It doesn't seem like it's been 2.5 months since I had surgery, it's gone by so fast, but I feel GREAT and I'm able to do more and enjoy life more so I haven't been watching the clock and calender either.

One thing I hear a lot of people say is, "I couldn't have that surgery, I love food too much."  Well, I broke up with food, but I still enjoy a one night stand once in a while! LOL  The truth is, I still enjoy the taste of my food, I just chew the heck out of the two or three bites that I do take and I enjoy the taste longer in my mouth and I feel truley satisfied after I eat.  I don't go around starving, sometimes I forget to eat.. food does not dominate my life anymore and I feel so free.. I know I might sound crazy, but just you wait and see how the dynamics will change.. don't be nervous about the food part, it really is a breeze!

Here is an example... yesterday I went out with a friend and we had a cookout.. before we ate we snacked.  I had a TINY handful of a cheddar chex mix.. now I know some people will burn me at the stake for eating carbs, but I make my choices for my body and it's working out really well.  When we ate, I had about 1/4 of a hamburger patty, one small slice of squash, one small slice of zucchini and almost a half an ear of the most amazing sweet corn.  Throughout the day I also snuck a bite or two here and there of fresh picked black berries.  Here's the kicker though... I was satasfied and happy!  You wont believe it until it happens to you, but try to take my word for it and ask any other post op, food just isn't as great in the sack (tummy sack! lol) as it used to be!!!

I wish you the best.  The liquid diet is the worst part... well, it was for me.  But it'll be over before you know it and you'll be on stage 3 before you know it and you're gonna be so surprised!


Elizabeth D.
on 7/28/08 5:22 am - Eldorado Springs, MO
Thank you guys so much. Christine your post really made me feel better. I went today for the pre-op stuff, started my slimfast and so far I have had 3 slimfasts and a can of beef broth. I'm a little bit tired and headachey, but  not hungry or wanting to eat . . . YET!!!

I'm not sure what happened last night, I just kind of fell apart, hopefully it will be the last time. 

Anyway, I'm mentaly stable at the moment :.))) and appreciate the support. I am going to try to make it to the support meeting on Sunday in Sedalia.

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