Jan C.
on 7/26/08 2:15 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Well I sure haven’t done much today , I told Joe im afraid to I will tear something up or fall again or something stupid. Well I can tell you this I CAN NOT eat like everyone else can. I spent most of the day in the bathroom throwning up except for the very softest liquid stuff. I tried a lettuce roll up with ham and cheese in it. Got most of it down but couldn’t get it all down. about 15 minutes later I started getting sick and threw it all up.

I did keep a bowl of oatmeal down this morning but I about gagged on that. Yucky don’t think I will do that one again. and I use to love oatmeal.

Ever since surgery I have not been able to eat much until late in the day. Most of the time I eat what I fix for Joe for supper just a smaller amount of it. Im fixing him sloppy joes tonight so I will have a bout a 1/3 cup of that. With a jalapeño and cheddar tortilla, will probably only eat about 2 bites of the tortilla tho. They hang up if I eat too much of them. I do better with the crunchy ones.

Anyway I have been keeping track of what I have eaten including my protein and so far it is 1200 calories, whoa…….!!!!!

And I don’t feel any different just sleepy and nauseated now from too much food. Lol


I will be going to the doctor Monday as soon as they can get me in. Usually if I tell them what is going on they get me in a soon as I can get there.

And yeah Andy if Rachele(Dr. Bridges) knew what was going on she would be mad at me for not telling her before. Lol


Joe has given me several body rubs today to try and get the soreness out , I need to get to feeling better as Thurs we are going to Fredericktown for my class reunion. Good grief probably be a lot of old people there lol .

Of course im not old .


Been hearing thunder rumbling all afternoon. Wonder if we are going to get a rain again.


Well Andy called while ago and said the toilet was clogged again. we may have to put in a complete new lines to the septic and then new field lines too. Who knows. It is getting really aggravating to say the least.

But Andy and Susan are so nice about all of it. They don’t get upset at all. I cant say I would be so nice….we have to get it figured out before we leave this week so say a prayer for us ok?



ANDY:::: sure am sorry about that stupid toilet. We may have to get someone out here and dig the whole thing up and see what is going on. Who knows but we sure aren’t getting it fixed like this.

Thanks for being concerned and I really think that is probably it more than anything. I know I have restless legs and Joe says I kick all night long. I am a really really light sleeper that hears everything that is going on outside or in the house at night. And wake up a lot , never feel like I get enough sleep ever. Anyway I am going to go see Dr. Rachele on Monday if at all possible. but probably wont get the sleep study before we leave for Fredericktown. On Thursday.


No one has to worry about me driving a car again till I get this all figured out. I know that is stupid ,,,I knew it this time too but went ahead and did it.

Darn just one time too many.

I guess God said well you aren’t going to deal with this without being hit on the head a little so bingo. Lol

I hope I will be ready to walk in the morning. This morning early I was just too too stiff.




CATFISH>::: I know Im getting enough protein and after today of keeping count I think I am getting enough calories too. Because today I was really trying to increase the calorie count and I got in 1200 calories and then I measured what I normally have in a day and it is about the same calories.

Thanks for being concerned….



SUGAR:::: OK  I have tried to increase my calories today and I got in 1200 is that enough? Will just have to be cause I cant do anymore, That is quite a few calories anyway…

Lol you didn’t have to tell everyone to get on to me lol that wasn’t nice.


Its ok. Love you anyway.

Im just sick about your ring box and all of that stuff. Where in the world and if it isnt in the house at all when in the world would someone have been there to just get that and nothing else.? That seems weird.


Glad your seniors had a good time last night. Sounded like fun. I should have stayed all night again and went with you then maybe what happened wouldn’t have happened. Who knows tho.



NANCY::::no I don’t ever take anything to sleep because all it does is make me sleepier during the day and I still don’t sleep at night that well.

Yes I agree that God was with me , in fact I really could feel him with his hand on me once I came to myself.


Oh my yes Christine looks wonderful I couldn’t place her for a minute lol


Meg is so tiny I doubt if she can find many clothes to fit her. Maybe one of you girls up there could take a picture of her and put it online for her. She is a little cutie.


Don’t worry about me im not driving so you all don’t have to worry about this one that you might be meeting  lol



BEC::::: ok I have it on my list of to dos. Monday morning early I will call and see if I can get into the doctor ok? Will have her to make me a sleep study appointment but will have to wait till we get back from Fredericktown.

Hopefully the insurance adjuster will be here Monday or Tuesday one or the other.

The person I talked said it sounded like it might be totaled but don’t know and if it is we will probably buy it back and fix it up. If there isnt structural parts messed up. Like the frame or such.


Sugar and I both had a wonderful time with you. Sugar said you were just as sweet a person as I said you were.

Lol I cant believe that one of the things you are looking forward to is to be able to carry half or more of your dinner out in the white box lol that is just too cute.


I put a jar of the relish in the ref and tried some tonight and it is very very good. Yummy. You did good on it.

My watermelons were wonderful , I gave Susan one of them and cut one right after I finally got home , most of it is gone now lol

They are tiny but have a great flavor.

Im glad you got you some of the Isopure Sugar says to put it in the ref and then pour it over ice and makes it really good.




DEBBIE  D;;;;  hey I couldn’t find the motorcycle on Craigs list , it may have been already sold I don’t know.

Don’t worry I wont drive it either lol ….You all are so sweet with your love and concern for me. I will go see my pcp Monday as soon as I can get in. hopefully.


Sounds like you used your alone time to good use. That makes it easier to do things like that when no one is around doesn’t it?



ANGY::::love your picture of the new baby girl. Lol she is cute even if she does have hair all over her. Lol  and four feet instead of two.


I believe I would report him to his supervisor….he was wanting to be alone I guess for awhile. lol

I tell you some of the younger people that work in stores and such need to really be taught how to treat people. I know there are some really great kids out there, like Barbaras grand kids, Debbies boys and Bec Girls and many more but the ones that most people remember are the smart mouths and stuff.

Sad but true.


Wow sure wish I had your five gallon bucket of green beans. Would love to have them to put in the freezer.




LIZ:::::: glad to see you back home. And  yeah the higher elevations are really hard on someone with some weight on them. When we went to Co. a few years back it was really hard on me to breath out there. Would love to go back now and hike up some of the pretty trails.



CHRISTINE::::: sounds like you had a busy day of it and isnt over with yet?

Do you have a lot of that , with visitors? Sounds like it might be fun.

Im going to run to bed now. Im worn out I think? Will until I get to bed then im awake.

Love the picture that is for sure.



















on 7/26/08 3:40 pm - Wichita , KS
I should be on my way to bed right now since I'm going to get up and go to church brite and early!  I'm hungry but nothing sounds good to me so I'm stalling I guess?  I have been cleaning and getting things orgainized all day.  I think I moved too many boxes or something cause my back hurts now.

Jan, sorry to hear about your accident I just read about it.  I won't tell you how important it is to get this checked out cause I think everyone else has already told you that....lol  My step dad has narcolepsy and falls asleep at the wheel or even if he just sits in a chair.  I have sleep apnea and my cpap helps me a great deal.

I went to the farmers market this morning and got some tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions I think I will make a cucumber summer salad you know the kind with the vinerger? 

I finally got my synthroid yesterday the dr. called me and told me my levels were very high which means my thyroid was very low.  I hadn't taken my meds for that in like 2 weeks cause I was out and at the time didn't have a dr. here and the dr. in KC wanted me to come in for lab work before she would refill them.  After finding out my results I was wondering if my low thyroid was the cause of my stall and me going up and down on the scale a few pounds?  Well I got my meds now and I'm taking them so I will give it a little time to get back in my system and hopefully I will start losing again?

Well, guess I better get to bed I'm wanting to go to the singles sunday school class in the morning.  I'm a little nervous about that, new church and all, don't know anyone there so I feel a little uneasy in situations like that.

Take care everyone and hope you all have a wonderful day!

Bec M.
on 7/26/08 7:20 pm
Good Morning "Sweetness"

My daughter says that to me once in a while when she calls me and it makes me laugh every time she does it. I can't really see myself as "sweetness" I'm more of the "deep fryer" kind right now ~tee hee

I'm sorry... you cannot blame Miss Sugar for my words of "command" yesterday I would of said them anyway as you "momma hen" have trained me well! ~ha And that was sure a sweet thing Sugar said about me... I just enjoyed my time with you girls so much!

I'm glad you liked the relish....you might give a sample to Andew and Susan... they might like to use some of that big garden you all will be planting next year to make some up if they like it. You really can plant all of what you need for it.... the only real expense is the Splenda and we all know that is not cheap. It takes 6 cups for about 6 pints.... the measurable kind that is. The spices I get at the Amish store in bulk so they are much cheaper than buying them at Wal~Mart.

So sorry about your truck... I hope it all works out... what is your rental?

Hope you are feeling up to the reunion sounds like you will be ready to take a twirl on the dance floor should the occasion arise!

I have just itched and itched for the past three days now... you know I never thought it was chiggers and now I'm thinking it's poision ivy... oh dear.... or maybe some of both...a few are whelps but most are little bubbly rash type... I will put some caladryl on it this morning and see if I can get it dried up... most of it is around my feet.... what is it you put in the bath water... is it epsom salt?

Well I have a boat load of work to do now... Paul's sister will be coming up on Thursday this week and staying for three days...so I need to do some serious housework and all of the mowing needs to be done too...

Tomorrow is the big day! Oh my goodness I'm about as excited as a kid at Christmas! Can't wait to hear what the surgeon is going to say to me! And I will just be so excited when the lady gets out the "black book" where the surgeries are recorded!!! I sure hope I will not have to give her a kiss when she puts my name in there!!!! she may not appreciate that! ~tee hee

Janet will be traveling home today... am praying safe travels for her and her family... also that she and Mike will not have all the pain she so deaded.

My dear Missouri friends have just simply a grand day!


on 7/26/08 9:41 pm - Clever, MO
      Ok dear sister! Listen to me..once again! With the little bit of food you mentioned, I can't imagine that being 1200 calories, but even so..dont think one day constitutes a try at eating. Slow down, eat a tiny bit at a time. I remember when I first started having foods again I had to eat about 2-3 bites of something and wait about 15 minutes before I could eat another bite. It is going to almost be like that for you because you have not been used to eating much at all. And besides, if you threw up what you ate, your not getting that many calories....All I know is this, you look like you feel worn down and if you think about running a body on no more calories than you normally take in, then you KNOW that it can't be done, at least not for a lifetime. Your protien drinks and water may be keeping you alive, but not healthy!!!!!!  You also keep getting onto people about letting themselves become anorexic but that is almost what you have done....depriving your body of food. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but I LOVE YOU and I want you around a long long time. 
      Hey Bec, good for you...I'm glad you are getting on the band wagon to help spur my sis to get checked out. Thanks to all you girls and guys out there who are staying on her case.  I'm just her little sister and she probably doesn't think she has to listen to me. LOL! Oh! by the way Bec, the relish is great. I ate some last night and served it at the fish fry for the 6 ladies from church. It was a huge hit just as a side condiment for the fish and fries. They all went on and on about it. So just know that you did GOOD! 
    I want to thank all who are praying about me being able to find my mama's jewelry. It isnt just hers, I also had a pair of diamond earrings in there, another gold ring, and then also, Rick's wedding band, and mine and his senior rings were in there (not in the same box) .  Do I think someone came in and stole just that?  Possibly if they didnt want to be detected right away.  Someone who knows about that kind of stuff knows if they stole a tv or something it would be reported immediately, but a small amount of jewelry might not be missed for quite awhile.  I really don't know.  All I know is I'm devastated over it.  I cry everytime I think I will never have mama's ring on my finger again. Keep praying that GOD will reveal the truth to me.  
   So it is off to get things humming around here for church. I need to go sit down and study my lesson once again.  I pray that everyone reading this gets a real blessing in thier life today.  GOD bless you all!


Bec M.
on 7/26/08 10:35 pm
My precious ....

Had to jump back on here after reading Sugars post and say my sweet " hen" she makes some pretty good points there some I thought of but didn't say... I'm thinking you probably better listen to the lil sis on this one...~ha Paul said when he seen you the other day that you looked real tired and sweet lady I thought so too, but I know you were hurting from that fall you had taken. Anyway we want to see you thru this thing and get you all healed up and eating as close to "normal" (whatever that is) as you can...even with all the shakes and such, want you to get that sleep problem taken care of... Maybe you better start again with me one bite at a time and we will do it together...huh? Seps you go ahead and get started... I can still eat a whole cow! ~tee hee I'm sure it is going to be hard and a real challenge and adjustment for you but you can do it! Maybe you could drink some of the protien water for a while like Sugar showed me and then you could concentrate on the food more??? At least until you got used to the food better...

I went out to pick the garden and brought in a half a bucket of really nice tomatoes, I wish I could give you some... they sure are tasting better than the first ones I picked maybe this hot weather is making them ripen better.

And this is exciting Mimi.... I walked under the luffa arbor and guess what was laying on top? TWO luffas! I guess they grew while I was down there bumming around with you! I was afraid they would not set on because all the blooms were falling off.... anyway I at least wanted a couple so I would have seed for next year.... now I will get them. How big do luffas get? How do you know when to pick them... then how do you preserve the seeds?

My sweet lady please don't be upset at me I love you and just have to have you around for far far more than two tubs of protien powder! ~tee hee I know you love me too and would tell if you thought I needed it. Sooo group hug!

on 7/26/08 11:24 pm - pomona, MO
Bec I sure wish you would save me some luffa seeds I have never grown them before....vesta


Bec M.
on 7/27/08 2:16 am
Hi Vesta,

I sure will try and save you some seeds. Mimi gave me 13 seeds I planted them all and only 5 came up... all on the same side of the arbor.... I sure couldn't "figger" that out I transplanted 2 to the other side.... it is a large arbor and it is going to be simply covered by the end of the summer on just 5 seeds! Who'd~a~thunk~it?

I sure will try and save you some seeds you good lil polisher you! ~tee hee

on 7/26/08 11:27 pm - pomona, MO

Jan hope you are feeling better this morning, just take care of yourself....love ya ...Vesta


Shannon C.
on 7/26/08 11:41 pm - Kirksville, MO
Well did anyone see or hear on the news where Kirksville got almost 8 inches of rain in 24 hours?  Was sure scared that we would not be able to get to Kansas City.  Had to take the long way down 63 to I-70 and then over with all the road closings.  So far its costing us about $120 in gas for the truck - sigh.  But its worth it for 2 recliners and an air conditioner.

Am killing time waiting to check out of the hotel and head back to nephews house and load up the stuff then head home.  Checked on line and the hiways are open so it will be a shorter trip home.

Had a wonderful time yesterday with granchildren etc...

Jan get to the doctor!

Hugz - Shannon



on 7/27/08 12:12 am - mansfield, MO
 well jan hoefully your able to keep something down like they told us in class that trowing up all the time is not good for the pouch and i thinks it not good at all. i know it happens but yuch. hopefully you get better soon and i'll see you here on line cat
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