Debbie D.
on 7/26/08 1:39 am - KS
((((((Mama Jan)))))))))

I'm so glad you're okay!  I'm with Sugar on this one, you HAVE TO GO SEE A DOCTOR ASAP!!!!!  You need to call MONDAY and make an appointment!!  We all love you so much and would miss "seeing" your smiling face every morning.  Please, please go see a doctor and do it next week!  Please DON'T drive anymore until you see one too!  Praise the Lord that you are okay. 

Sugar - I love your multi color posts!  I may have to try that sometime!  I'm with you on your sis, she is just too precious for something to happen to her!

Bec - you are such a sweet person.  Your words of encouragement really helped me last week!  I am doing much better.  My oldest is a senior in high school this year and my youngest will be in 8th grade.  I need to focus on enjoying them while they are still here and not worry so much about when they leave the nest.  I want them to be strong Godly young men.  I want them to leave the nest and be successful in whatever God calls them to be.  I've always believed my primary purpose on this earth was to raise two young men who would be the husband's and father's God intended them to be.  So far they are wonderful and I just know the Lord has great thing in store for them.  If they will but "Trust and Obey".  I also know the Lord has something instore for me.  I just have to do the same - "Trust and Obey". 

My boys and dh come home tomorrow.  I am looking forward to seeing them after 10 days!  I did my menus for the next couple weeks and went grocery shopping last night.  Glad that's done.  I'm making fajitas for tomorrow afternoon.  That's one of my family's favorite meals.  I'm also going to make them an ice cream cake.  Have never done that one before but will try it.

Vesta - thank you so much for your words of encouragement.  You all will never know how much this great group of ladies mean to me.  Who did your tummy tuck and boop job?  I really want the tummy tuck.  DH says he will also pay for a boob job.  Can I ask you how much it cost?  I wish you well on your face lift.  Personally, I think you look radiant and don't need one.  But like Jan says, we're not the ones living in it.

Christine - you look MAGNIFICENT!  Wow!  Congrats on finishing your classes for the summer.

I actually got my office cleaned yesterday!  Now I really need to organize my lateral filing cabinet.  There's just so much stuff to get rid of I think I'm going to have to a friend of mine burn it.  Don't think my shredder would live thru it! lol.  Act least it's all in the drawers and doesn't show.  I do have a lot of books I'm going to take to the Half Price Book Store and sale.  I'm going to have my youngest, Jake, help me next week.  He has lots of books that he can sale too.  Once I've read a book, I usually don't read it again.  They are all just sitting on the bookshelf doing no one any good.

Today I'm going to clean my kitchen and living room.  Making the fajita's for tomorrow and the ice cream cake.  I also need to return a couple items to the store.  Not sure if I'm going to get that done or not.  If I do it will be later this evening when it cools down.

Well, I'd better scoot.  Jan, please take care of yourself and go see a doctor SOON!

MO Peeps have a GREAT and SAFE weekend!

Debbie D.

on 7/26/08 2:10 am - pomona, MO
Debbie tks for the compliment, Dr. Hawes in springfield did mine and I had medicare and a suppliment insurance, I am not sure of the price..but he will do the yummy and boob at the same time, if you have insurance they should pay for it mine was a health issue, I was getting rashes and the pull was hurting my back now I dont have a back at all, I am so glad I got it done...but I will pay for my facelift ..here is his add and phone # ..Arthur S. Hawes, M.D
                                                                                                                     3555  S. National
                                                                                                                 Springfield Mo.
You look awesome...........vesta


on 7/26/08 7:02 am, edited 7/26/08 7:10 am - Friedheim, MO

Hello Everyone!!!!!!!!!

Jan, you know I have to chime in on this one too!  I am with Sugar.  You HAVE to call your doctor Monday and get this checked out.  Girl, you could have easily been killed!!!!  We all love you so much and don't want anything to happen to you, so PLEASE  call your dr. Monday, ok?  Please?. . .  

I had my pre-op class on Friday morning.  We left home about 2:30 and got to Columbia about 6:30 a.m.  I loved the class.  it was VERY informative.  They answered pretty much all of my questions without me even having to ask them.  They want us to be on Bariatric specific vitamins post-op so I am going to order some from Bariatric Advantage.  They really aren't as bad as I thaught they would be.  I thaught in class they said the chewable would be about $45/month just for the multi vit, but I checked online & a bottle of 60 are only $16 & it says 2 a day so that's not that bad.  Just gotta get all the other stuff now too.  Lynn & I went to the GNC in Columbia on Nifong (they said that they carried the BA Vitamins in their store) the door was locked, & the worker was setting in the back of the store watching me try to get in, plus there were others wanting to go in as well.  It was only 5:30 and they close @ 9.  So I went to the car & called him.  I asked what time they closed.  he said 9pm.  I said "Then why is your freakin door locked????!!!!!!!!!"  he said that just happens sometimes.    WHAT???     HELLO!!!!!!  he lost like 4 customers just while we were standing there.  He seen us & knew the door was locked.  Why not get off of his lazy a$$ & unlock the damn door!!!!!!!!!    I HATE STUPID FREAKIN PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK  I'm finished,  Sorry 'bout that, just had to vent.   Wheeeew, I feel better.

Lynn & I got up this morning & went to the mall in Cape Girardeau.  We stopped by Vitamin World, they really didn't have that much.  We went to GNC & that poor old man working in there was one good salesman.  lol  he was like "this is good, you should try this" & "this is what I take" & "this is good for. . . " blah, blah, blah.   lol  I think he had a little too much coffee this morning. lol  it was funny.  I got a New Whey Bullet, a bottle of Isopure and a 1 lb pkg of unflavored whey.  They had their Isopure on sale for $36/case, but I didn't want to buy a whole case, not knowing what it taste like.

I am really having some weird feelings.  Today on the way to town, I just stared crying, for no reason.  I am going from so excited to so scared.  I know this is normal so I just gotta make it through the next 2 wks.  Will everybody please say a prayer for the 5 of us starting our liquid diets on Monday and Tuesday.  We're gonna need all the help we can get.

Poohbear (Debbie)  Was that you yesterday at the class w/ a pink shirt on?  Wasn't sure, & felt weird asking if you were Poohbear.  lol  I am with you on the broth.  I hate regular broth, so I baught some chicken noodle soup & will strain it & add some protein to it.  It's funny because when I was in the hospital before their chicken broth was sooo good, but when I had to have liquids a couple months ago I tried some canned broth & it was really nasty!  Good luck to you Monday with the liquids!  I will be joining you Tuesday.  If you need someone to talk to or just to listen during these liquids just give me a yell.  I am on here all the time.   This offer is open to anyone on the liquids for the next two weeks.  We can all help each other through it.

Christine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    Holy Cow!!!!!!!!   I didn't know who you were at first.  OMG!!  You were very pretty before, but OMG you are so beautiful!!!   I forgot who else said it, but it really helps to see others having such great success with this.  Very inspiring!   Thank you!  You are doing so good.  I am very proud of you!

Lori?  Where are you???  I've been trying to get you on yahoo & haven't seen you.

Janet, I know you won't see this untill you are already back home but I am praying for you and your family to have a safe trip back home.  I miss ya girl! 

OH, Jan,   Lynn & I went out to the garden earlier & got 2  5-gallon buckets of green beans.   Help!  I'm gonn be breaking beans in my sleep!!!  lol  even got 2 ripe tomatoes.  Glad I got a couple before liquids Tuesday.

Hope everyone has a GREAT day!!!  Love ya all!!!  Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
on 7/26/08 10:46 am - linneus, MO
Guess i should start reading a little  better ,LOL Yes that was me in the pink.I have a pan of garden green beans cooking right now they smell wonderful,zuchinni's are starting to come on now ,of course i only have 1 day left to eat fried zuchinni lol, i am starting to stress out so bad about all this, i can feel myself starting to get really edgy and i'm hoping i don't throw myself into a panic attack. Been there,done that,don't wanna go there. Take care.
Jan C.
on 7/26/08 11:23 am - Cedar Creek, MO
just prepare you stuff and put it all away in the freezer , there will come a time you can eat some of it again. not as much as you could now but you will eat as much as you want then. lol

relax about the liquid diet, it is a means to the end.  KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE
everything will work out good for you.



on 7/29/08 2:29 am - linneus, MO
Hi Angy
  Just wondering if you had ordered your vitamins from bariatricadvavtage yet? If so how much was shipping ? It won't tell me till i fill out credit card info.
Elizabeth D.
on 7/26/08 12:03 pm - Eldorado Springs, MO
Wow, Jan I am so glad you are ok.
Christine you look wonderful!!!
We just got back from vacation today and I was down 3 pounds. I was so afraid I had gained and didn't want to before my pre-op visit on Monday.  We have been in the mountains and while I didn't hike alot, the process of walking alone made my heart race. I felt my weight so much this time, it made my more anxious to get my surgery done. I go for my pre-op on Monday and start the liquid diet, yippee!!!!! Liz 
Christine F.
on 7/26/08 1:31 pm - Whiteman AFB, MO

Thank you all for being so kind and complimentary!  You've made me blush, over and over again.  Today has been such a crazy day.  My husband and I cleaned our house this morning because we were having people over to play games tonight.  Then I took my son to the pool here on base and had a wonderful time swimming with him.  It was my first time in a bathing suit this summer and while it wasn't pretty, it was a lot better than it was last year!!  When I came home, our company was already here.  So I've had a house full of people and a couple of extra kids all night.. in fact, they're still here... they're playing games and I'm "taking a break." 

Jan, I'm so sorry you had that experience in the truck.. I can't imagine how scared you were.  I'm so thankful that you're ok and it sucks that it took THAT to make you get things checked out, but at least you're going to do it now.

For all of you that have yahoo messenger, I'm on there... andstuph at yahoo dot com.  I write it out like that so I don't get a ton of spam.   I also have myspace messenger if any of you use that.  I'd love to chat with you guys when I'm on.. my yahoo is pretty unreliable most of the time, but I try to get it to work anyway.

Well, I guess I should get back to my guests, even though I'm exhausted and want to go to bed, but the gamer type don't leave easily or early! lol

Have a great night.. hope you're all having a great weekend.


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