Jan C.
on 7/25/08 1:33 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

I think I will wrap myself in bubble wrap and go sit in a corner…, on the way home from Sugars yesterday afternoon , I wasn’t too far from the house and I guess I went to sleep and hit the ditch, woke up the truck was plowing down the ditch the air bags was in my face and I didn’t know what in the world , finally my mind worked and I slammed on the brakes and climbed out of the ditch with the truck and almost went off on the other side of the road in a bigger ditch. Our truck doesn’t look too awfully bad , I did drive it home. And I don’t know I guess im ok, just so stiff I can barely move. Both of my forearms are black and blue. My left knee hurts and my tail bone and lower back is hurting really badly if it isnt better in the morning I will go on over to the E.R and get checked out.

I just thank God that no one else was involved. As soon as I got the truck stopped and turned off and got out I said Thank you God and yes you don’t have to hit me with another round of this , I know something is wrong with me going to sleep like this all the time. In the house as soon as I sit down im asleep , and this is the first time I have tried to drive in a long time. I kept getting out and walking around at different things on the way home , I think when I said well thank you God im almost home my brain just relaxed and conked out. don’t know if it asleep or what ….

Sugar seems to think im not getting enough calories. Anyone else on that ?

I am going to try my best to get in at least a 1000 calories a day for a week and see.

Hopefully that works and don’t make me gain weight.



SUGAR:::: sure am glad that I came up but guess I will have to be driven up the next time. I just wonder if I might have that illness that makes you fall asleep all the time.

I am going to try eating more calories , I promise, but if I start gaining im going to shoot you. Lol




RENEE:::: have a great time camping and fishing. I sure wish I could get a small Catalpa tree to grow for me. I have never had a good start off of one.

I think they are a beautiful tree and your right they have the best catfish bait in the world.

You going to invite us all out for a fish fry????



CHRISTINE::::: WOW love the new picture. Didn’t know who that was. Still need to see the old picture you had up there . You are beautiful young lady. What sort of recital were you going to?

How did you do?

Wish you were close enough to our support meeting to attend next month, you could bring your clothes that you have undergrown , we are going to have a clothing exchange in August…




Well now that I put all in a funk lol will tell you that Sugar and I met up with Bec. In Springfield on Thursday. We had one great time. We went to a tea room and had lunch, half of mine went in a box as did Sugars. Then they got to hot in the car and we had to throw them away after all. lol

Then we went to a antique ,flea market. Such pretty stuff in there. I found a couch and loveseat that I would love to have.

I did find a satchel to carry my new laptop in. and a real cool pair of earings.

Then we went shopping at different stores , looking for Sugar a strapless sundress.

Didn’t find that but we did find some other things.

I got a new pair of capris and shirt at one place and then today I got a new pair of long shorts , capris and blouse, found 2 pair of brand new p.Js. for a quarter apiece, they still had the tags on. Good buy. Found two really nice pieces of carry on luggage too. I think we can get everything we need for a cruise in these, will hold our fancy stuff as well as all the rest of it.


MEG:::: Christines picture is very pretty , wonder why we don’t have one of you???



ANDREW:::: hey buddy I will try my best to get in some walking . don’t know if I can do all 3 rounds but will try.








on 7/25/08 2:12 pm - pomona, MO
First time I have gotten the lolly pop...lol
Jan you are gonna have to go and see what is making you go to sleep so easy, it maybe because you are not sleeping at night, you need to see about it, and I agree with Sugar you are not eating enough and you are useing alot of protein maybe to much..Dr.H said 60 grams aday.
.Virgil is not liking the idea about the facelift, but I would just love to have one, I go to see Dr. Hawes for the consultation tuesday. its about $6,800 but I am not one that spends a alot of money on frivalous things but I really want this.. we will see I guess, I even have my money tog.
I ask about the diamond scrub but they said it wouldnt help me I guess I have to many wrinkles .
everyone take care....vesta


Jan C.
on 7/25/08 4:02 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Vesta no Dr. H said at least 60 grams of protein a day no more than 120 grams. and i dont get 120 grams....i ususally get about 80 grams a day....
oh yeah i checked about the diamond scrub it isnt nearly as strong as the chemical peel. they said you could go back to work that day if you wanted and you sure couldnt do that with a chemical peel ....
Sorry Virgil isnt for it. and i dont see that many wrinkles but that is because im on this side not on your side lol
how are all the flowers doing?



Andy W.
on 7/25/08 3:23 pm - Tulsa, OK

Good Mornin Y’all,


Jan you silly girl, you gave us  such a scare, thank the Lord it wasn’t any worse,  you gotta go get that checked out,  kinda sounds like you might have sleep apnea,  I remember before I was diagnosed with it  I was getting more then enough sleep each night but would be so tired all day and sit down and fall to sleep in an instant.  I know I was big and have a big neck but it can happen to those with small necks too.  We have a friend back in Ironton she was once large and lost about 75 or more pounds a couple years ago and now is always tired and falls asleep at the drop of a hat so last month her doctor sent her for a sleep study and it was seen that she has severe sleep apnea and now has to wear a Cpap machine, she emailed Susan last week and said she hasn’t felt so good in such a long time, she’s not near as tired and doesn’t fall asleep at the drop of a hat,  according to her test she stopped breathing 31 times over a period of 4 hours and while sleeping her oxygen level went down to 69, that’s way to low, its that loss of oxygen during the night that makes ya feel like you havnt had enough rest in the morning when in fact you’ve had lots of rest,  it was about the same with me,  I would stop breathing during the night and my oxygen level would dip down low,  you know sleep apnea is nothing to mess with so PLEASE go get checked out, even if its not that its better you go get checked, and you know if you ever ever need to go any where and Joe is busy or something don’t you ever hesitate to ask Susan or I to take ya cuz we will take you any where any time in a new york min.  Don’t worry about walking in the morning if your not up to it, just get yourself better.


Well I hope everyone has a great weekend. 


Bless ya’s



I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 7/25/08 10:27 pm - mansfield, MO
gosh jan that is bad to hear i hope you are ok i had that problem also i got the cpap machine and done alot better but i still every once in a blue moon have that trouble. dont know why but i do i hope that you get to feeling better soon and i would get that checked out. i also heard from the nutrionist that if you dont get enough calories and protien that it will make you tired and you have to exercise more so that you dont get tired that is what they told me so if this helps let me know brian
on 7/25/08 11:25 pm - Clever, MO

Ok dear dear sister! That is it! I do not except anything by word anymore!!! YOU have got to go get this problem checked out! NOT in a month or two but NOW!!!!!!!!!!  UNDERSTAND???????   I love you soooo much and it literally made me sick to my stomach after I got off the phone with you yesterday when I thought of what could have happened. PLEEEEEEEEEASE get an appointment with whom ever you need an appointment with to get these problems checked out.  Since my surgery, I sleep better than I ever have in my life. I wi**** was that way for everyone. But think about the calorie thing sis....food is our power source, like electricity. If you are only getting half power, you can burn up the motor. NO MATTER how much protien is going in. Promise me that you will start trying to get in some more significant calories.  They can be easy foods like beans and lentils and cheeses and eggs. Soft meats choices too like hamburger or deli meats. You may need to go back to the softer stage foods to get used to eating again. You said you were worried about gaining but I dont gain and I consume at least 3 times the food you are eating. I know we rely on the protien drinks and products but think of this....that is not what we should totally be dependent on life from!  GOD gave us good things to eat, eat them!!!!!! PLEASE!!!   Now call me when you get an appointment made to get this checked out. You may have to do a study with a nutritionist. Talk to Dr H. and Margie about it, please... Even if it is sleep apnea, your body would still benefit from proper food intake. PROTIEN is not the only need we have!
OK, I am off my soap box now! UNLESS you make me get back on it! I please need all of you OH peeps out there to back me on this! Get on to her!
Now, Becky, we had such a great time and hope you did too! Do you use your relish in things or just eat it like a condiment? I wanted to thank you for that again. Have you cut into your watermelon yet?  Rick liked the dress okay and I told him I had been looking for a strapless and you know what he asked me??? He said, "Well what is going to hold it up?" Is that not a mean thing to say? lol!!!  True but mean!  Anytime you want to come back to shop for that size 12 you let me know. We can all meet up again...well, if I go pick up my sis! Can you beleive what happened?
Tammy-ammy, please tell Janet we have not stopped praying for her and her family. Is the f-i-l still alive? Her little family has been thru sooo much. I sure hope the enjoyed the grand canyon.
Love and hugs and kisses to all! Have a great day!  We are preparing for another fish fry tonight. Gotta go clean house!
Oh ps...our outing with the Sr Adults from church to dinner and the Stained Glass Theatre last night went well. We had 31 there and a great time. The play was AWESOME!!!


on 7/25/08 11:58 pm - pomona, MO
You tell her sister, she has to see someone soon.....vesta


Andy W.
on 7/26/08 1:19 am - Tulsa, OK
Amen Sister, I bet Dr. Bridges would have a cow if she knew whats happening, no matter what it is, its SERIOUS so PLEASE Jan call the Dr and get checked!!!!!!!

I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Nancy S.
on 7/25/08 11:38 pm - Knob Noster, MO
Hello all.  Here I am for my what seems like once a month posting these days.  I have been so busy with work and kids and trips here and there.  Jan...don't know what to tell you except be careful!!!.  Do you take anything at night to help you sleep?  They have had trouble with some of them causing that very problem the next day?  Just wondering.  You definitely had the grace of God that day!!!  Doesn't Christine look GREAT!!!  I have been bugging her about getting a new pic on the website so you could all see how pretty she is.  She had a dress on the other night and everything.  It's amazing how much confidence you can regain after losing weight.  I had my 4 month post op last week.  Dr H went ahead and had me get the vitamin panel drawn because I have been feeling tired and bruising easily.  11 tubes of blood ...and 20 minutes in the fainting chair...    I still don't have the results, but I am feeling better since I increased my protein a little.  I was getting 60 easily and am now trying to get 80.  I have switched to Isopure from GNC and I really like it.  Tastes like kool-aid to me, especially once it has been over ice for a little bit and watered down.  Anyway...I have lost 68 pounds now and can't hardly believe it.  Never thought I would see the bottom side of 200 again!!  And Jan, I agree, Meg needs to get a picture on the site!  She also needs to wear clothes that fit so she can show off her new shape!!!  Maybe a little peer pressure will move her along....LOLOL.  Gotta run.  Have patients in Stover, MO today.  Hope you all have a fun and SAFE (Jan) weekend.

Bec M.
on 7/26/08 1:16 am

Oh how we can PRAISE THE LORD!!!! you were not hurt more than you were!!! You better go get checked out...with hurting from the fall and then this with the truck.... you would tell someone else they better go and now you have listen to your own good advise... OK DOLL I'm with Sugar on this! YOU GO!!!! or I'll have to be the and set you straight! ~tee hee No If's And's or But's!!!! YOU DO DO DO NEED A DR. APPOINTMENT OR ER VISIT IN YOUR "BI~NESS"!!

Aaaaaaaaaand......I don't ever want to hear you say if you die before you get two buckets of protien powder used up again!!!! Alrighty then........... I'm done now love... I'll be waiting to hear what you find out!

I just have to tell you and Sugar thank you sooooooooo much for letting me bum around with you ladies....how precious that time was to me!!!! Even though I felt HUGE next to you two ladies I could see how much you enjoyed yourselves and how much you enjoyed shopping for the clothes... I WILL find that perfect size 12! and hang it on my closet door or some place where it will inspire me to the place you pretty women are! Sugar, not sure just what to tell you about that dear husband of yours! some times "truth" can stay hidden and will be ok! ~ha Maybe he just slipped a bit there..... I can only hope my husband says to me what you said your best WOW moment was! NOT sorry at all I asked! Oh my goodness being with you ladies just re~enforced what I have to look forward to... I will be the one carrying out the white box because I couldn't eat it all! Thank You again for letting me tag along! You asked about the relish? Was it good? When I made it with sugar we used it on alot of things... one of our favorite things was in potato salad, and you can make a tarter sauce out of it if you eat fish... that's real good too... I have not tasted it yet with the Splenda I'll have to do that and see what I think of it.... it's been so long since I made it I may need to tweek it a bit... especially since I used the Splenda... It was nearly 1:00 a.m. when we got home this morning so I haven't had time to cut the watermelon yet... was yours good?

Well....Paul got all the rest of his mom's roof done except for some cosmetic trim around the chimmney's... he will get that next time he goes for a visit... when his dad passed away he had two old junk trucks over at a neighbors and they called and said we needed pick those up so we took the tractor and loader over and put them on our trailer to bring back, it was quite a job to get them loaded... he smashed the cabs in so they would ride on top of each other... the man is fearless and I was very very glad to get home all safe and sound! He keeps my heart rate up with what he does some times!

I just can't wait till Monday! I should get my date for surgery! when I see the surgeon! I'm so ready to get this thing over with and get on to GOOD THINGS! Sugar took me to GNC to try the Isopure she uses and it was really OK... so I bought a case to use right after surgery since it is clear... I should be able to have that, I will get another case of the orange before surgery... hopefully the protien will help me not to lose as much hair... I can't afford to lose ONE strand in the front... but will deal with it if it happens.... anyway thank you Sugar for taking me and "boy is it nice when you know the right people!" ~tee hee

Christine ~ YOU LOOK WONDERFUL!!!! It just gives me so much joy to see those new pictures!

Sheila ~ so sorry you are having such car trouble and will pray you can get it fixed real soon!

I am thinking of Janet as she travels back from her trip and praying the pain level for her and her husband will be very tolerable to none!

Kinda feel "out of the loop" since I've been gone a few days but will get caught up on the posts and be back I'm sure to tell you all about my visit with the surgeon on Monday!

Blessings and more blessings to all today!

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