Jan C.
on 7/23/08 2:30 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Wow sure was some rain and storming this morning early , Andy and I didn’t get to go for our walk even. Was going to go later but he had a Docs. Appointment …could have gone after he got back but I really did a stupid thing, seems like I am getting more that way all the time lol . My hip was hurting and I was trying to find something to stretch and pull on in and nothing I did was doing any good. Sooooooo. I have these tall back kitchen chairs and I put my right foot up on the back of one of them and no problem and stretched. It felt so good I was going to do the other leg the same way, but that is the knee that I haven’t had surgery on yet and it wont straighten out very good. But here I go and tried to put that foot up there, it hit the spindle on the top of the chair back and down I went right on my butt with one leg still up in the air. Sounded like I broke the floor lol

Joe kept saying here let me help you up  I told him to just wait till I quit hurting so badly so I could evaluate if I was hurt or not.  So after about 30 minutes of moaning and groaning it eased up and I was able to stand up . Joe says I think we need to go see if you broke a hip , I told him if I had broke anything at all I wouldn’t be able to walk and I could , but I am so so so sore lol serves me right , stupid ole woman. Lol

So Sugar and Bec I might not be able to keep up with the walking we decide to do tomorrow. Im hoping that a good nights sleep will help it. I have been icing and heating and icing and heating.



Sounds like a lot of people are having computer problems. Hey I know a really good computer repair man that can add stuff to your computer and update it . he is a good Christian man too and wouldn’t dream of cheating anyone. My son has a computer repair business. He lives in Republic so is sort of centrally located for a lot of you. He doesn’t charge like the big guys do either.



ANDREW::::: IT is going to be such a blessing to have you and Susan at our meetings. It is a blessing to Joe and I that you all are renting our house and we are going to try our very best to get the rest of the little things done over there. Shouldn’t take us too much longer but we want to get it all done before you have your company .


How did you like Dr. Bridges? Did you get Rachele or Leonard? Did they order the labs for you to have done?



SHEILA::::: I wish we had a bartering group going with our group of people. That is where you trade something you can do really well for something you need done that someone else can do. Lol make sence. I use to belong to one long ago. You don’t necessaly do for the person that does something for you. You get trade pieces and when you do something for someone you get trade pieces that will let you trade them in for something else. Sounds complicated but it isnt.

You bet you will be at the reunion this year. Most certainly will.




SUGAR::: the car gremlins are hard at work huh? We need a mechanic in the group to go around and fix everyones cars for them .

Well I got the last one done Dec 7th and I haven’t had any problems this spring or summer but I think this one I will probably do like the first of November , give me another month to heal before spring. I have a big garden to plant next year. My lord yesterday went to the groc store and we had one bag and was 30 dollars and there was no meat in i****ermelon was 7 dollars , well it stayed right where it was. We bought some off brand soup 4 cans and a loaf of bread, and Joe some ice cream and me some s.f. popcicles.

I checked the price of some veggies oh my gosh. Meat was outrageous. I don’t know how we will make it that is for sure. Good thing I don’t eat much. I think next time I buy protein I will buy several and stock them up. Just in case.


I think that is a good idea to get others to do the coffee or drink and maybe a treat if they want to. …and if you want to do it next month that is great.  They have a big coffee pot there but not a smaller one.


When I put out the notice about the clothing exchange for next meeting I will make sure they all put sizes on them so we will know.

Oh that bag of clothes that you gave me to send to Renee , she had already gone down past that size , so I didn’t send them on down to her . I will bring them back up to you tomorrow and if you want to put them in the exchange you can or what ever ok?


Maybe you can come down one day next week and we can run all over Branson looking for the elusive white strapless dress. Lol im sure we can find something down here, in a resort town.

Man I miss Janet don’t you all?




RENEE::::: SO happy that you came and hope it will be a monthly thing , tell your girls if they have any questions at all to ask them we will be more than glad to answer them if we can.

I know they are leary about you have the surgery but really most of the time most people don’t have any problems….after surgery some have problems realizing that this is truly a life style change for the rest of their lives, there is no getting skinny and then not having to do all the rules, you still have to get protein in water in and take vits for the rest of your life. It isnt the easy way out. not at all. so tell them if you have a good surgeon then the surgery part will be ok and if you follow the rules after wards you will be fine.


Oh wow I bet that didn’t feel good the trimming on the bottom of the foot did it? That sounds really painful.

And we look forward to seeing you and your girls there next month ….give Peanut a hug for me.



SHANNON::::: wish I had some of your wonderful garden. my tomatoes are trying to rot on the vine. Too much water and then too hot I think.


Have fun in KC with the grandbabies and getting new furniture that is an added bonus. Lol



BEV::::: hey I thought they would call you and give you the job. Congradulations. Well how long you going to stay at the one you are at now? Lol are you quitting tomorrow.?

You bet God answers prayers , was there any doubt about that?


Hope they are able to get you straightened out on your throid meds. That would make you extra tired too.

Glad you shared the news with us. Its nice to hear about God answering prayers.



Well it is almost 11:30 so I will get this posted. Watch it say something like 9:30 I guess that is California  time huh?






on 7/23/08 10:14 pm - Clever, MO
Bring me a sf sucker...any flavor will do but my favorite is pineapple


on 7/24/08 1:10 am - linneus, MO

Goodmorning Jan,
  It's still raining here,gonna need a boat soon lol.I love to hear the thunder.Sorry to hear about your fall,Hope ya feel better soon.Have a great day day and always rememeber every days a good day because it's a day God has made

on 7/24/08 3:14 am - Purdy, MO
 Hello Everyone,
 Tiff and I are trying to get everything packed and ready to load in the car and truck. If we could skip the packing and unpacking part of a camping trip it would be a perfect trip. (Gezzzz to have a couple goodlooking housemen LOL) Really we have a pretty good time of packing also, it's the unpacking that we hate. But it will all be worth it to get away for a couple days and just relax and not worry about the usual stuff.
 Well my truck is all done except for the paint job, which can wait until a later time. For some unknown reason my dad decided to do it while I was to busy to help him or gone. I really think he just didn't want me out in the heat. I think I will wait a month or so for it to cool off outside before I even think about saying anything about a paint job, and beside's if I keep adding new black part's to it I'll have an all black truck soon.LOL
 I wish I had never bought this new computer, I still can't get it to download yahoo, even off a flash disc. When I download games from a cd it only works about half right. I think when I get back from camping I'm going to put it back in the shop and see if anything can be done with it, and if not he has a nice used dell for $150 and it will be coming home with me, I'm done jacking around.
 Jan I hope you are feeling better, maybe a nice long hot soak would make you feel better. I hate when I fall, it's always seems to be in front of a crowd and in slow motion. (you know one of those where you try to stop the fall all the way down and that make's it worse) I really hope you are ok.
 Girl I'm telling you does it ever hurt, and Dr. Bricker is rough anyway, but after about a day my poor feet sure feel better.
 I sure miss Janet to, the board just isn't the same without her.
 I hope everyone has a great day.
Love and Hug's

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
Andy W.
on 7/24/08 12:50 pm - Tulsa, OK

Hey Everyone,

Hope everyone has survived the storms we’ve had the last couple days.  The wind and rain here comes and goes like a fury.  Thank goodness the wind hasn’t blown any tree’s down again, at least around here.  We really didn’t lose power or anything but it did flicker a few times, come this morning tho it was sunny and humid when I was headed out the door to meet Jan for our walk when all of a sudden I hear a pop and see a flash of light outside then the power just went out,  I was look goodness gracious what in the world  lol  Come to find out the transformer just outside the house here blew because a silly squirrel who just had to walk across it and short it out, the thing is, that squirrel wont be doing that again,  it was laying by the light pole fried, poor thing learned the hard way.


Jan its gonna be such a blessing for us to be in the meetings,  I’ve prayed for months to be able to attend a support group and God really worked it out so nicely.  You and Joe both have been such a blessing to us since we’ve moved here,  we really do love it here.  Don’t you two worry about getting it all done right away,  I know you both have worked so extra hard to get the house to where it is now,  we so understand and are just fine with it all until ya get rested up and stuff,  I know your house needs attention too so it really is all good.  The BIL knows the house isn’t quite done,  its just some little things so its really all good.  Im gonna start putting a good coat of paint on the cabinets this weekend,  I might start tomorrow and take my time so I do a good job,  Im really not that good of a painter so I hope they turn out ok.  We’re gonna finish putting together the back room this weekend too, then we should be all set and unpacked and all, thank you Lord.   I went to  Dr Leonard Bridges, I was really impressed with him,  he was really good and took the time to get to know about my medical needs and all.  My blood pressure was a bit high and I think its been a bit high for awhile, it was 148 over 90.  I do take a pill for it now so he added another small pill to take too so hopefully that will help get it under control.  This morning I went for the blood work, he ordered a complete thing of blood plus the vitamin screening,  my gawd I thought the girl was gonna take ALL of my blood  lol  she took  13 lil viles of blood,  geeze  lol.  Poor girl had a hard time finding a vain to stick,  I’ve always had a problem with giving blood, usually they have to take it out of my hand like an I.V. cuz the ones in my arm just run and hide for some reason lol  so hopefully the blood work turns out good,  I have to go back next Friday so guess I’ll find out then.  He wanted me to come back then just to be sure the new blood pressure med is working ok and all. 


The last two Sundays we’ve gone to this little church just before forsyth, it’s a really nice church, small but a newer building and all, reminds almost of our church in Ironton.  Since we’ve gone there, we’ve been visited  twice by the pastor and another time by a member,  I really thought that was so cool.  Last night the Pastor and his wife took us out to dinner,  we went over to the Longhorn Family Restaurant in forsyth,  he said he just wanted to welcome us to the community,  I thought that was so nice of them, it was a decent meal and all and had a really nice time and visit. 


Well I guess Im gonna get this posted and go relax awhile.  Hope everyone has had a good day,  hopefully the storms are over for now. 


Bless ya’s



I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
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