Jan C.
on 7/21/08 2:53 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Wow do I ever feel stupid !!! well more so than usual. About 2 pm Monday afternoon I was looking at the calendar and there on the 28th was marked  SUPPORT MEETING,  in RED…. Then I looked at the date on the computer and it said the 21st , OMG!!!!! I have told everyone that the 21st is the meeting, have put in on the board several time . what to do what to do. Couldn’t begin to get hold of everyone again and get them to all see that it was next Monday not this Monday so I called the Library to see if there was a room , any room available and yes Room A but A only , not B too. But A will hold 45 people without tables. Whew, if we don’t have room for tables then we don’t. that will be ok..

I will confess to all of them tonight at the meeting. Lol and ask all of them from now on look and see what the date is that should be the meeting. It is suppose to be on the 4th Monday of the month , I think I counted forward using one of the weeks in June . Good grief. Maybe having senility set in early. Lol


Just got home from Circle of Friends meeting. On the way there Andy and Susans car messed up and they had to ride the rest of the way with us and on the way back we stopped and picked up their car, it seemed to be running really good but left it off at the repair place and Andy will call him in the morning to see if he will look and see what is wrong.

We got to the meeting right at 6:30 had a good crowd , missed all of you that weren’t there. Don’t know what happened to several that said they would be there. Hmmm. I even brought flowers for some that told me they would be there.. oh well they will keep.




BEC::::: so glad that you had such a good visit with your daughter. And of course she will probably be there when you have your surgery. She wouldn’t have it any other way you know.

Cant wait to see you this week. Seems like it has been forever.

Will bring you , your flowers ….


Your will have to put your relish recipe on here for all the people that planted Zucchini lol

There is always so much of it. Good food to plant to keep from starving lol


Oh on the laptop the keyboard is really bigger than my other one is, it just doesn’t have the keys over on the left or the 10 key number thing. That is what makes it look littlier. And the screen on my laptop is about the same size as my screen for my desk one only looks bigger cause the lap top one is flat. Some of the keys are in a little different place so will have to get use to that as well as the finger pad for the mouse. Oh did you know that you cant hook up a reg. mouse to the lap top one? You can  and I may get me one to do that with don’t know but it is just a matter of getting use to it. You know make yourself learn something new .lol .


Oh wow you go from one extreme to the other on these flavors . yuck yuck  TOFU???? Now that is just gross.

But blackberry will be just fine. I am going up the road tomorrow and trying to pick a bucket of blackberries. …

I want some vines that don’t have briars on them …will have to be splenda to sweeten them …you just cant get anything you want huh???lol 



SUGAR.:::: didn’t get to talk to you much tonight. But will see you Thursday.

Joe dug up a bed of the single ones for a neighbor and he brought them over ,didn’t dig a hole for them or nothing just threw them on the ground and those things took root and bloomed lol guess it might be hard to kill them .


7years ago. Was that when Rachele was working for that company and you bought some from her? Lol that is weird that they would still have that in the files isnt it.


I meant to check Craigs list the other day and haven’t gotten on there yet. Will do that tomorrow.



VESTA:::: I am so glad that you and Virgil enjoyed your selves up here and hope you will come back any time. As as much as you want. We promise that next time we wont have Virgil work any ok?


That is good that you only have maybe two that wont make it and if they don’t I will get you some more started for you ok?

I will get you some pink hibiscus seeds this fall too.


Will save you lots of seeds from this fall …




LANA::::: you looked cute as a button as usual tonight. Glad that you are getting in all your protein and such. Cause it is important.

Yeah I think I like the protein drinks much more just using crystal light too. Not nearly as thick or rich. You can get it in so much better.


Glad that you got the weight gain stopped before it got out of hand. Lol I guess we are like any other addiction we have to stay away from all of those foods that were our triggers. Just like any other addiction.

All that white stuff is EVIL  lol




RENEE::::: so great to get to see you and your sweet girls again too. Shoot you should have brought your other girl too. Lol  she would have been ohhh and ahhed over .


Hope you and the girls have fun tomorrow and find all sorts of good things in the thrift stores.

Tell your girls that this surgery isnt as hard on your as the others you’ve had recently. And that everything will be ok.



SHANNON::::: the only one of those that I can get to work is the  information number, I have been using that for about a year. It really is free.

I cant get the one to work about the battery or the one about the serial number for your phone. Have you?

Don’t know about the one for the door lock I don’t have that sort of lock.

Would be interested to know if all the rest of them work for others. ?



ANDY :::: Well  we had an exciting time of it tonight didn’t we ? lol I hope there isnt anything too wrong with your car. They can be such pains sometimes cant they.

Hope they are able to find out what it is.


Hope you enjoyed the meeting tonight , it was a little loose tonight but we will get it ok soon.



SHEILA::::: sure wish you could have come tonight….did you get any text from Janet yet?  Renee said she talked to her and she said they wouldn’t be back till Sunday.



Well im going to close for now. Keep looking for information from us to all about the reunion in West Branson.  Hope you all will start making plans to be there.



ANGY::::: sounds like your garden went crazy while you were gone. Yummy. Wish I had enough beans to get that many at a time.


I think Bev last name is Branch… if you call let us know what you hear ok?









Sheila H.
on 7/21/08 9:08 pm - Marshfield, MO
hahaha well i seen it was in my book for the 28th i just assumed you had changed the days 4 some reason at last minutes.....again im so sorry i didnt make it but both cars are broke down now....
i WILL be at the reunion as long as i have a car and i need to bunk up with some body....its off to work on scooter have a GREAT day


on 7/21/08 10:26 pm - Clever, MO
Well the meeting was wild last night, it was like none of us had been allowed to talk in a month of Sundays. Everyone seemed to be in a chattering mood! lol! It was great to see some that had been missing for awhile. Like Tammy, Andrea, Renee and Monique. And Andrew and Susan it was great to have you there and knowing you will be a part of things from now on.
Sis, you asked that people be thinking of a subject that they wanted to discuss and I was thinking that maybe we could talk about follow-ups and what that en-tails, like having our levels checked and all. Maybe discussing what is great levels and knowing what to watch for when levels of certain things are low.. some of the newbies might find that informational as well as some of us oldies (but goodies) I know when I got my papers back from my results, it was very confusing. We have several nurses in the group who should be able to help us understand it all. I also think it would be interesting to find out the natural foods that contain certain vitamins and nutrients that we need to sustain us...ANYWAY...just a thought!
I didnt even think anything about the date. I always think it is the 3rd Monday anyway and am disappointed that I have to wait another week for it. So I was glad it was when it was!
Sheila, so sorry you werent there. What is wrong with your cars? Sounds like it is "broke down car time" like with Andy's last night.
Well, I gotta get on the move today. I need to go work out this morning and then get home and work on the flower beds. I convinced Rick to wait to unload those blocks until this evening. So I need to get out front and clear a path for them...It really is supposed to be hot again today.
Love to all,


Bec M.
on 7/21/08 11:10 pm
Good Thundering Morning Missouri,

Tis thundering out this morning. I made it out to pick the garden before it stared raining.... more zucchini, squash, tomatoes, and peppers...

I have a double batch of zucchini relish that soaked last night so I have to make this short this morning so I can get it canned up and get us ready for a trip down south for the next few days. Hopefully Paul will be able to get the rest of his mom's roof all done up this time.

I'm ing to see my sweet on Thursday! Seems like just a couple of times a year is NOT enough! ~ha I REALLY want some blackberry bushes like that too.. and you are right TOFU is GROSS! There is a big section about it in my "white binder"... but it was wasted pages I'm afraid on me! I don't care how it's fixed I just have never had it where I liked it... I guess it is high in protien.

Hope you enjoy your new laptop and get used to it really easy... I'm not sure what I will get yet... my puter is over 10 years old! I'm living on borrowed time here I KNOW! ~tee hee I do know if I get a desk top I want a flat screen and a bigger one... my eyes just seem to do better with the bigger print. I can do the smaller but my eyes start to burn alot faster... especially if I set here very long.

Sheila and Andrew so sorry you are both having car trouble that's just the pits! I pray you will be able to get it taken care of without too much expense!

I sure hope Bev. B. is ok... I'm praying to that end.

I pray each of you will be blessed today and the rest of the week... check back in with'ns you'ns on Saturday and then only another day till I a date!!


on 7/21/08 11:57 pm - Kansas City, MO

Hello Jan and not much is going on with me.  Still on the liquid diet day 6 and counting down till the 31st.  I am getting a little nervous but excited at the same time.  I am very busy with my girls and we are getting ready for school to start.  Scool supplies may be high but believe it or not they are cheaper than a full tank of gas for my Explorer.  Who woulda thunk it!!!  Have a great day sweetie.




on 7/22/08 6:21 am - Nixa, MO
You are too funny. I thought the meeting was on the third Monday for some reason - figured we couldn't get a room on the 28th or something. You know us - our Jan tells us to be there - we're there!!!
I thought it was a good meeting. So many folks we haven't seen for awhile and such impressive numbers.
People are looking slimmer and more healthy every meeting. I didn't think you were disorganized. When we think we are going to be late for something we tend to get flustered but you did fine. I agree that it seemed as if everyone had information they wanted to share.
Hope people got their questions answered.

I vowed no White bread, pasta, rice, flour, potatoes or sugar and then today my friend took me to Panera and I ordered a kids meal - peanut butter and jelly sandwich and an apple. What's wrong with that picture? It was whole grain bread but sure not sugar-free jelly. I doubt if it was any worse than some of their super-wonderful salads - I think sometimes we fool ourselves thinking a salad is "good" for us when they can be loaded with calories and fats like anything else.

I have the NOAA weather warning radio for my building in my office and it has been honking and beeping since about 1pm about severe thunderstorms. It still looks like evening outside at 2:30 but the rain seems to have stopped and the thunder has quieted.

Hope we got some rain in Nixa. After all the storms and flooding you'd think we'd wi**** not to rain anymore but my yard needs rain - we've had to turn on the sprinklers and hand water some places.

Guess I should get back to work. My boss is off until Thursday - and I never have much to do when she's gone.

I love you all and continually pray for your health and success.


Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


on 7/22/08 6:42 am - Friedheim, MO
Hello Everyone! Just wanted to jump on here real quick & let you know that I called the hospital last night & they said that there was no Beverly Branch there.  So I don't know what's going on w/her.  I messaged Janet, but she hasn't responded.  I am really worried about her.  I hope everything's ok.     ~ Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
on 7/22/08 9:37 am - Wichita , KS
Good evening OH friends!  I only worked 3.5 hrs today so it was a short day then I had a dr.'s appt.

I just found a dr. here in Wichita I figured I needed to get some blood work done and meds refilled so I went haven't been to a dr. since I lived in KC a few months ago.  This new dr. she is nice and was very supportive and listened to all I had to say.  She ordered some blood work to check my thyroid, blood sugar, cholesterol, liver just the basic stuff I guess.  I had her look at his small lump on my neck she said it was a swollen lymph node and wants me to take a round of antibiodics to see if it clears up.  When I told her how much weight I have lost in 6 months she thought that was a lot but she said it was great and asked me if I was glad I had the surgery.  She wanted me to have a mamogram since I'm 40 told her that I have never had one before but I left there without scheduling one....oops!  I got my b-12 shot while I was there and man it hurt this time!  The nurse gave it to me in my arm and my other dr. in Kc they always did it in the hip and it never hurt or anything but today's made my arm a little sore next month think I will tell them I want it in the hip....

Last night me and my sister went out to eat at Timberline Steak house (it was her birthday).  I got a chicken dish and I had to explain to the waiter why I wasn't eating very much cause he thought there was something wrong with my food and wanted to fix it.  I find that a lot when I go out the waiters always wonder why I am not eating very much so I tell them it's not the food, the food was great it's just me!  Then he brings my sister this wonderful looking brownie mudslide desert compliments of her b-day and I took a bite of it OMG!!!!  I had to tell myself NO!!!!! cause I wanted more then just a taste but I didn't I didn't want to dump on all that sugar but it was good glad she only asked for 1/2 and she ate it fast so I wouldn't have to sit there and watch her eat that.  

Well, I sent off the thank-you note yesterday to the lady that interviewed me Fri. for the para-educator position.  I haven't heard from her yet which is a bummer but I keep telling myself "it's only Tues." she said she would call by the end of the week.  I just really want this job I know I would like it much better then working at Dillons not to mention how much more rewarding it would be.  I'm trying to stay positive, and praying that she calls me this week.

Well, guess I will go rest a bit for some reason after I went to the Dr. I have been so tired?  Got to feed the pups and let them out too.

Have a wonderful evening!


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