Jan C.
on 7/20/08 1:16 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Wal mart had a lap top computer on sale for a really good price so I went and bought one. I want to have it  so when and if we get a gold wing I can keep in touch with you all. and I thought it would be neat to be able to tell you all where we were and what we were doing , instead of just digging in the dirt lol

But I need to find out more about it and how to run it. It has Vista on it so don’t know if there is that much difference or not.

I think Andy is pretty good at computers so maybe he can help me get it up and running.


We finally finished up at Glennas, got more blocks for Sugar and rocks for me. Took our tiller up there and leveled out the area that we took the gravel and blocks out of..hope they can get grass to grow there now. Will bring them some straw when we come into town on Monday(tomorrow )


Please don’t forget the meeting this month., ok? It is at 6:30 at the Library Center on South Campbell in rooms A&B ….


Has anyone heard from Beverly , wonder if they found what was going on???



DEBBIE   D:    I  am so sorry that you are feeling so down. Are you getting in enough protein? When you don’t get enough of everything your body can do some crazy things to your mind. And I don’t mean are you eating enough, I mean protein that you drink are you getting enough of it?


I know that the empty nest syndrome really gets to some women but you need to be looking forward to what God has in store for you for the next part of your life. If you are open to it no telling what God has planned you know?

I will be praying for you to know and listen to what is being said ok?

You can be a big influence to a lot of younger mothers  that are just starting out.

We don’t just wind up being put out to pasture when our children are on their own.

Love you and hope you find your way thru this.

You have a lot to give to a lot of people .



TAMMY-AMMY::::: see that is what I am saying about the coralation between drinking protein and depression. I think they are sort of linked….get that protein in girl. Why have you stopped, you will have to have that for the rest of your life…you know that don’t you?

Yes high cholesterol can be hereditary but you sure you aren’t eating the wrong thing? White things? Fried things?

What kind of Calcium are you using and how much.?

When are you having your tummy tuck ?


Yes it really is great to have someone to walk with. Makes me get up off my bootie and get it done, every morning, I either call him or he calls me and out the door we go. He didn’t answer his phone this morning so I went out and walked around once before he came out so then I walked with him his two times around so I got in an extra walk around , that is ok starting tomorrow morning I think we are going to make it three times around any way. Will see if he can do it , don’t want him to be too hard on himself. But do want him to pu**** if he can.


Stay connected with us girl , don’t go an hibernate like some people do .




BEC::::: so you thought you would let the little guy rest today? Didn’t do it too long did you? Lol

You are just too full of happiness to let him rest much. . yes I certainly am glad that you wrote to me first and we got to know each other. I t is so strange how close you can get to people that you meet on the internet isnt it? I think your not afraid to share a lot of things that is hard to say in person. Maybe that is it and some people you just automaticly connect with .


Oh when I read Debbies post I thought Bec and she need to talk. I know how much you both love your kids and how you are so very close to them. So glad that you were able to talk to her.



SHANNON::::: well I saw where you posted last night about the time I put out the new post . sorry I missed you , I checked the post twice to see if anyone had posted while I was writing it up and there was none and as soon as I hit submit and it came up I looked back and there you were. 

2 miles on the bike wow that is a good amount isnt it?


When I was raising my kids by myself it seemed all I could do was work and come home and work some more. Wasn’t easy that is for sure being a single mother. I got no assistance at all , no child support or anything so I worked two jobs for years and years . was a hard hard life but we got thru it and they and I survived. I look back and wonder how but we did.




SUGAR:::::: glad you all had a good time at the Sims reunion,that is a pretty good crew  22 people.

Was that your first dumping incident? I think the dumping is sort of like what they say about motorcycles, there are two kinds of riders , those that have been down and those that are going down.  Weight loss patients , there are two kinds too. Those that have dumped and those that will dump. Lol

I know you were miserable. I have been trying to increase my food intake some more for the calories than anything. And I have had some really close calls on the dumping. I kept track of the amount I was eating and only got to 700 calories with me pushing it . From what I read that isnt enough to lose weight , I don’t know. Im still putting in all the protein I have been doing plus all the water and now trying to put more food in , good grief.

What do you all think????

That is great about Mike, I really am hoping that it will help him out .




NUTTI:::: I have tried to send you an email over and over again and it will not go thru. Wanted to let you know that tonight ,Monday the 21st is our support meeting. Wish you could come . Sorry you have been sick. , that sinusitis is a booger.

The trike sounds lovely lol , go girl go.

Keep the liquid protein going that will help your hair more than anything. You should be getting about 80 or 90 grams a day from just your protein drink.

Hope you can come back to the support meeting soon.



ANDY::::: lol well going to get that weight off you so pick em up and put em down. No you are really doing me a big favor too , making me get out there and move it around and around..

So how did you like that little church? The OPEN Door , is that the one? Not many there are there? But most of them are from around in this area.

Anyway don’t beat your self up over the weight , doesn’t do any good and you can change it for sure. The tool is still there and still working.

Carbs are the devil!!!!!!


Glad you were able to weigh on the scales. And yes you can weigh anytime you want to.


You know we planned on going in the same car to the meeting but we have all these landscape pavers to take to Sugar so I guess we cant this month. Oh if you need gas wait and get it at wal mart in Ozark it is  lots cheaper there about 25 cents less.

Still too high but better than in Forsyth.













Bec M.
on 7/20/08 8:10 pm
A Good Monday Morning Missouri,

Was up at 3:15 to get my sweet daughter on the road back to college We had wonderful time together! She was such a blessing to me! She is planning to come up when I have my surgery. I sure hope that does not cause her to get behind in her studies but she is insisting.

Well, it's back to the ole grind this morning... I have to mop the floors again... they got heavy use this weekend, I have several tubs of laundry to do also... a bit of outside work as well. Always something... I will go with Paul to his mom's this week as he works on her roof. I have not been in quite some time and probably will not go again for awhile with my surgery coming up soon.

I have been trying to get my zucchini relish made for a couple of weeks now.... I will get that in that sal****er tonight so I can can it up tomorrow... I wanted to take some to Paul's mom... so I will HAVE to get it done now.

Say my sweet how cool is it about the laptop? I keep thinking every time I turn this computer on that it will be the last time, it is doing such weird things that I know it will not last too much longer... I have been saying that for the past two years ~tee hee I have not decided what I am going to get yet.... I don't like how little the keyboards are on the laptops and my fingers keep hitting the wrong buttons..... and I want a bigger screen too... don't know just yet... I guess it will depend on what is on sale! ~ha

Yes dear Sugar, I have all my appointments set... had that done a couple of hours after I found out... it took that long to find out from the insurance if they all were "in network".... I have an appointment with the surgeon on the 28th that's just next MONDAY! I should get my surgery date then!!! then I have an appt. with the pulmanologist on the 5th (my husbands birthday) A lady in the surgeons office told me I might not have to see this doc since I had already had the sleep study... but when I called back another said yes I would have to do that one too. Then I have an appointment with the cardio on the 13th. Not sure what tests I will have to have with each of these docs. So I will be laying pavement behind me for the next couple of weeks.... but I'm sure not complaining! I'm just as happy as a rabbit in a good garden!

So glad you had a reasonably good time at your husbands family reunion.

Nutti ~ I also have a trike and it does take a bit of getting use to... turning corners for sure! but it sure is fun... I like to put Tito in the basket on the back and take him a ride... he loves it. Also like to put my water and such back there. You will enjoy it... I think it's harder to peddle long term than a 2 wheel bike.... but good exercise. I does NOT take much to get my heart rate up! ~ha

Well it is about time to get my dear husband off to work I feel so sorry for him it is usually 10 to 15 degrees hotter at his work station than it is out in the sun! Just last year they finally got them portable air conditioners that roll around... it sure helps for a bit of relief when he can stand still for a minute. He just comes home looking like a wet dish rag when it is this hot. I gave him a hair cut last night maybe that will help a tiny bit.

Bev in KS ~ I am praying you get that job you are wanting. It is so much nicer when you go to a job you like!

Am thinking of Tammy~ammy today, Janet, Bev, Cassie, Sheila, Renee, Christine and all the others that have needs. Trusting God to meet every one! All those with surgeries coming up there are several, those that are waiting for approval, appointments and so forth.

Big blessings to all today!


P.S. My dear momma hen: If I am first to post today... I guess after how bad I have been lately with the Cotton Candy and Bubble Gum I should ask for TOFU flavor but I just can't! I could settle for blackberry! ~ha could you put some sugar on it though they can be pretty sour!

on 7/20/08 10:24 pm - Clever, MO
Good morning!
Bec, Im with you on the lap tops, I dont like the key boards and I cant get use to the little fake mouse! lol! I think it would take me forever to learn to use it well. But I will need a new puter one of these days too. I have had this one for 7 years or so...from what I understand, that is a long life for one. I do want a flat screen monitor tho, and think that is what I will ask for for Christmas. Hey Bec, I am so stinking excited for you and getting all the dates set. Isnt it something? I remember those days and feeling like "FINALLY" !!!!!!!
I need to get out today and finish digging up the lilly bed and get the last of my lillies transplanted. The ones I have moved have gone ahead and bloomed. Can you believe that? In this heat, who would have thunk it?
We got a call from a time share place that said we had purchased a 3 night Branson stay with them back 7 years ago and had never used it and wondered if we wanted to? It is already paid for and if we come before the 15th of August they will give us 4 free tickets to some stuff and as soon as we finish the tour thing they will give us $100...so for a 90minute tour, we can have some Branson fun. I think we are going to take Kenan and Levi down there for thier summer trip. Dont know what hotel they are putting us up in but is usually really nice ones. As long as the have a pool the boys wont care.
Well at the reunion I walked and swam and worked out hard in the lake so I guess I got my daily routine in, but nothing feels the same as going to the pool for a workout so I guess I will get around this morning and go.
I cant wait to see everyone this evening. And sis, I dont care about the waffle house, I just always wondered about it? They may be closed that time of night or they may not even be open any more.
Hey Andy, Im so glad you have my sissy out walking. She needs some exercise that isnt bending over and digging in the dirt. lol! Sounds like you are liking the house, Im so glad.
Hey sis, have you checked on Craigs list for a trike? You can find almost anything on there.
see ya all tonight!


on 7/20/08 11:01 pm - pomona, MO
Good morning everyone...
Jan i got about all the plants out and they look good, just 3or 4 wilted but maybe they will come up from the roots, I was glad I didnt lose many, I dont know about the Hibisics she is wilted bad but will baby her and maybe she will come up next year from the root, and the smell good plant she is wilted , everything else looks good this morning, I am proud as a pea****lol

Has anyone heard from Bev.?

Bec. I am tickled pink for you, it want be long now and remember I beat Jan and Janet to shinning the seat, while they were talking about I sneeked in and shined it all up..lol sorry girls...lol
I am stull thinking what a wonderful time we had at Jan and Joes, and I just love Andrew and Susan, Barbara too, she sure has 2 beautiful and so friendly sweet grands.I love being around them.....

Virgil is not one that likes traveling, but he loved going down there and wants to go again..
nutti hope you are feeling better.

Sugar I would love to see you again, I havent saw you since you lost weight, I saw you once at the springfield meeting before.
Shannon you go girl on that trike.

Debbie I went thru the same thing it gets better, if it doesnt talk to your doctor he may give you something to help you thru it, just keep talking on here we are here to help each other, love ya girl and here is a big hug...

Hello Tammy, I bet you are excited about the tummy tuck, I thought that was what I had but it was just the lower part, Jan was telling me the tummy tuck takes care of the upper part too,I wish I had that too...

I hope we have a big reunion, it will be so much fun, seems like we missouri group are all so close, it is good......have a good one ......vesta


on 7/21/08 2:14 am - Nixa, MO
Hello Missouri,
I told you guys I'd try to be on here more and here I am again. I'll see some of you tonight at the COF meeting but wanted to give a shout to all who are waiting for surgeries, surgery dates and those just hoping to soon feel better. I am praying for Janet and family and all the rest of you.

I want to report that I'm getting in 65-80 grams of protein every day with shakes and 70-80 oz of water so Sugar won't have to pour it down my throat. I've been making shakes all weekend using Crystal Lite and love them. I use an unflavored ON product that has 17g per scoop and I put about 2 scoops in and boost the payload. I now realize that what I object to in the shakes is the milky sweet taste. The fruity sweet taste seems so much more acceptable to me. I know some of you have done this for ages - I just thought I wouldn't like them so I didn't try. Guess you really are never too old to learn. I'm going to go to GNC this week to get some Optifast ready-to-drink to try. The one at the mall has single bottles - don't have to commit to a whole case.
SUGAR - I had a bad episode with watermelon too. I think I just ate too much too fast. I got really uncomfortable - didn't really dump but felt like crud for a little while. Cantaloupe gives me monster gas so I have to eat it - take Gas-X - and stay away from polite company for awhile afterward!!!

I went to the farmer's market in Springfield at the mall on Saturday morning. There were jillions of people there and lots of stands too. I got string beans, tomatoes, beets, little potatoes (for DH the potato man), little onions, small carrots and more. I fixed the beets and string beans last night and since I'd gotten my protein in with shakes just ate veggies for dinner. So good right now. I skipped the week before and went to Wal-Mart for my string beans thinking I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. WRONG - OMG there is no comparison. Another lesson learned. They taste good in the winter when you don't have any local to compare them to but right now the home grown are so much better. DH doesn't really like veggies or fruit but sometimes I can get him to eat them if I put them on his plate. He will eat them in canned soup - UGH!!! Oh well, to each his own.

I've really been working on the no White foods thing. I had gotten so lazy about it and gained two pounds and that is not going to happen to me. I've lost one pound already and will be back to 3 under goal by next week. It is a good wake-up call for me. I knew intellectually that I was eating too much of the wrong things but I just did the normal WLS thing of thinking I was "cured" of my food addiction. Glad the tool still works and that I caught it at two pounds instead of 20!!! All of you newbies take heed. The surgery isn't a cure - just a boot in the bottom.

I did go out yesterday afternoon and cut off some dead heads from the geraniums and cut down some weeds that were really tough. They are from the roots of some plant that is behind my fence - no one lives back there - it's vacant land and it is an old fence row so hard to know what they are. They actually looked like elm leaves. Any clue what it is?

I guess I've rambled on enough. I love you all and do keep you in prayers all the time. This board is such a blessing to everyone - God Bless You, Jan.

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


on 7/21/08 2:33 am - Purdy, MO
Hello Everyone,
 It sure was hot out on that parking lot Friday, but we did give all the puppies away but one, and wouldn't you know it was Tiff's pick of the litter so I guess he get's to stay. (yes i'm a softy LOL) I'm just thankful we were able to get rid of the rest of them.
 Saturday didn't start out good at all I woke up to find blood all over Frito and her leg swollen to 3 times it's size, so I called my Aunt over and she also thought it was a snake bite, and said there was no use in taking her to a vet there was really nothing they could do, so we watched her all day and forced water in her, it was bad. Tiff and Chris couldn't take no more and took her to the vet, come to find out it wasn't a snake it was a spider, and lucky we got her there when we did. Her temp was 104 and the vet said she was about gone. (no more listening to my Aunt) Anyway they gave her a shot and some pill's and she is well on her way to recovery. Poor little girl.
 Sunday was much better, we decided to go to the lake and pick out spot's for my birthday trip. So if anybody is around the King's River camp area stop by and say hi on the 26,27, and the 28.
 We had such a relaxing day playing in the water and fishing. Yes, Tiff out fished the rest of us she got one. LOL I swear she would be thrilled if thats all she ever got to do the rest of her life, ok maybe throw in some bingo every now and then. LOL
 Jan I can hardly wait to see you again and meet everyone tonight. Both my girls want to come with me and since I have a doctor appointment Tuesday we are just going to get a motel. I think we are going to hit a few thrift stores and have a little fun.
 Sugar please be careful with all that time share stuff. I seen alot of shady stuff go on when I worked at the resort in Branson. I'm not sure how bad the rest of them are, but I know for a fact that Grande Crown is one of the worst, so please be careful.
I hope Everyone has a great day.
Love and Hug's

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
Shannon C.
on 7/21/08 5:02 am - Kirksville, MO
Andy W.
on 7/21/08 7:09 am - Tulsa, OK

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to stop in real quick,  we’re getting ready to leave for Springfield in a lil bit, Im so excited about getting to go to the COF Meeting tonight,  I’ve needed this for so long, w00t w00t!! 


Havnt done much today, esp outside, its SO hot, Jan and I did our walk this morning and it was so humid, I swear the humidity was 110% it was so thick.  We did 3 go arounds which is almost a mile, we’ll be walking a mile by the weekend I bet and beyond.  I wanna really push myself to get a good workout on the walks, it really has helped so much. 


Sugar ya sis has been a really big encouragement to me, getting her out there to walk she really pushes which is great,  hopefully she’ll be able to lose the rest of the weight she wants too and the pounds hopefully will come rolling off me again, for good!!


Vesta Im so glad Virgil had a good time and wants to come back, you both are so sweet to visit with,  sure hope you both get to come back soon and we wont put Virgil to work lol.


Well Im gonna get off here, got to finish getting ready for tonight,  will see everyone there that’s gonna be there, yay!!  Have a great night.


Sure hope Bev is alright, havnt heard from her since she went to the ER. 



I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sheila H.
on 7/21/08 11:07 am - Marshfield, MO
im sorry i didnt make it to group but BOTH cars are broke down....crying...hope you all had a GREAT visit


on 7/21/08 9:57 am - Friedheim, MO

Hello Everyone!  We had a good time in Iowa, but I sure am glad to be back home. 

I hope we hear from Bev soon I am really worried about her.  Does anyone know her last name?  I would like to call up to the hospital & see if she's there & how she's doing.   

We got home last night around 6pm.  I went & checked on the garden & we had green beans ready I picked 1 row & had a little over 1/2 a five gallon bucket.  My back couldn't take doing the other row so I left it for this morning.  I got another 1/2 bucket.  So Skyler & I broke beans & put them away.

Hope everyone has a great day!!!

Love, Angy


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