Jan C.
on 7/19/08 1:34 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Today was a pretty lazy day. Got the guest house ready for some friends that were suppose to be here by 10am and at 12 noon they called and said they weren’t going to get to come. ..so by then it was pretty hot outside but I did go and weed some in the garden , about an hours worth.

Joe got the facia  board and another board done on the rental , nothing much going on. Is really quite down here. We both lay around in the a/c and slept some lol

I think we have gotten lazy. Sure would like to take a vacation somewhere it is cool but don’t think we can yet…..

Has anyone seen a fairly new used gold wing trike for sale anywhere? We hate to spend the money a new one will cost . that is absurd, but we may have to . don’t know yet.


Cant wait till Monday night, sure hope there are lots of you that come to the meeting ..

I know Janet wont be there but hope the rest of you are.


Tomorrow we are going back over to Glennas in Springfield to finish up the job we started for her.

We were going to go today but these people were suppose to come down and I emailed Glenna and told her we would be there tomorrow , after they said they werernt coming it was too late in the day to change back. So we will just go in the morning and fini**** all up for them. Have to take the tiller so we can level out some areas that they want to plant grass in. lol they are planting grass and I try to kill it lol


I have got to get out this afternoon and clean up some more double orange day lilies to get ready to send to some people.


Does anyone that comes to the support meetings in Springfield want any of the double orange daylilies. They are really pretty. Lot prettier than the single blooms.

Sheila do you need any of them? How about some Iris? Not sure of the color but they look good and healthy.


It has been good for me to walk with Andrew every morning, I even walked this evening by my self too. I should I have slept so much today don’t know what is going on guess I just got tired lol


Have had a couple of emails from Vesta today telling me she is about worn out from planting all the flowers I gave her.


Patty if you want to come down for a field trip I would absolutely love to have you ….I don’t know where you live but  if you need to stay overnight , you can, we have a nice comfortable bed in our guest house that you are welcome to.

That goes for any of my friends here.



ANDREW;;;;;;;;I know it is a load off your mind to have the electric done now and know that it isnt going to blow and catch on fire. I know it is for us.


Hey in the morning after our walk come on over to the house and weight. Be sure and remind me tho cause my mind sometimes is pretty short on memory.

I know it will weight you.

Oh yeah Sugar said that the boxes would be great and yeah there would be more needed , Sugar is in Arkansas for her hubbies family reunion this week end. That is why she hasn’t been on.




DEBBIE M:;;;;;;glad that you are beginning to feel better. Was the cancer you had different than the normal thyroid cancer? Must have been more extensive huh?

I know it wont be easy to tell your grandson about it but you will find the words im sure.

Just ask God to open the way for you.

We will continue to pray for you , has your hubby had the implants done yet for the pain in his legs?




BEC::::::I am so so happy for you girl, I can barely stand myself. Lol

The 28th will be here before you know it. And your first visit with the surgeon and get your surgery date oh my Gosh. Can you believe it wow. Yippppeeeeeeee , Does Janet know that you are this far along? If not will be quite a surprise to her when she gets back. I wonder how long they are going to be in Az.????

I thought you wouldn’t have to see the Pulmanologist since you already had the sleep study? Oh well you have the appointment set up in case you do huh? Maybe they will tell you you don’t need to see him when you go in on the 28th. Lol

Lol you are a silly little chick aren’t you my becky. We all love you dearly and are so so happy for you to be getting somewhere on this wls.


Yes isnt it amazing how someone act of kindness ripples into effecting others than whom it was intended? Virgil and Vesta are such wonderful people that God is going to bless them over and above anything that they could imagine.



BARBARA  SCOTT::::::: Yeah the walking will sure loosen a person up but can surely make you sore as can be if you aren’t use to it.

It was so nice to have you hear even if not but for a short time. Come back sometime and stay overnight with us. The guest house is comfortable and cozy .,

I guess Baby is afraid to let you go this time  so she isnt going to get far away from you.

She is a cute little puppy.


I vote with you that I wish more would say they are coming to the reunion.




ANGY:::::: hope you have a good visit with the inlaws, be careful comeing home.

Will see you when you get home. Have fun.













Debbie D.
on 7/19/08 2:20 pm - KS
Hi, Jan & Mo Peeps:

I was getting ready to go to bed and saw Jan's Post for What's Happening Sunday and thought I'd go ahead an post.

My dh and boys are at Boy Scout Camp in Osceola, MO.  Tomorrow if family day and of course I have to go.  I dread it.  It's a good 2 hours there and I will only stay an hour or two due to the heat then will be back on the road for another 2 hours.  Our fundraiser lady's husband and daughter will be riding with me so at least I won't have to travel alone.

I rented two chick flicks so far this weekend.  Mad Money and Fool's Gold.  Mad Money was not very good.  Fool's Gold was okay but nothing great.  I just never get to rent any chick flicks when the guys are home. 

Please pray for me.  I have been so depressed.  Honestly, my emotions are so raw.   We had VBS this past week and I co taught 1st and 2nd graders.  Had around 18 kids in our class every night.  Had a great time.  Then I started my period Thursday and yesterday it was horrible!  I am just overwhelmed with life.   My oldest turns 18 in less than a month and my youngest is 13.  I've been a stay at home Mom for over 13 years and now I'm wondering what I'm going to do with the rest of my life.  

Thursday night I was so exhausted after tearing down our room that I left my 2 toy poodles (5 lbs each) outside all night!  I was so afraid when I woke up and they weren't in bed with me.  I found them outside on the lower deck.  Praise the Lord they are both okay.  I have NEVER EVER done that before!  I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to them!

My dh will be back home Monday night and will leave again Thursday morning to go back to Boy Scout Camp.  They will all be back home on Sunday 7/27.   He's not able to stay the entire 10 days due to his new job and not having 3 weeks vacation like he was use to having.  The boys will be home a week then they leave for 5 days to Super Summer (church camp).  Then school starts August 12th.  Where has the summer went?

Janet - I am praying that you and your family make it to AZ before Mike's Dad passes away.  Please be careful and let us know how you all are doing.

Bev B - Am praying for you too.  Sure hope they find out what's causing you to be so sick.  Please keep us posted.

The rest of MO Board - prayers are with all who need it.  I enjoy reading everybody's post and getting to know each of you a little better.  Hope you all have a great Sunday.

Debbie D.

Tammy H.
on 7/19/08 3:40 pm - Holcomb, MO
Hi Guys ~n~ Gals
Thought I might jump on and say howdy and see how everyones doing....
Been a bit depressed lately and just haven't had much to say...but have checked the board here and there and tried to keep up with all thats been going on.....And praying for those with prayer requests....
So glad that Cassies doing better....Sure hated that Bevs having problems....Has anyone heard how she is doing...did they find anything wrong with her at the ER??

I fianlly got my lab results back from Dr.Scotts office.....Looks like Im going to have to start hitting my protien shakes again because my protien was down......along with my calcium and vitamin D......The strange thing was that my cholesterol was 12pts over the normal high.....it was normal before surgery and with no more than I can eat now I dont know how it could be up even a little.....Can high cholesterol be hereditary???

Jan....I been around....Just kinda been lurking a bit.....Guess I been having harmone issues or something....Been having bouts of depression past few weeks....Ive gotten on several times to see how thigns are going with everyone and kept telling myself I was going to post but I just didnt have much to say so I would end up not posting......Been feeling a bit better the past few days so hopefully its about to pass.....I sure hope so I hate feeling this way....
Girl do you ever have a day you just do nothing???? lol lol.....Everytime I get on here you been busy as a bee......
It's so wonderful you have Andrew near now.....Be great to have someone so close to know frist hand about how it with the WLS and to have a walking partner and all.....
Wish I was closer Id love to have some of your flowers....I seen your pics and your yard looks beautiful!!!!

Bec....I am so thrilled for you!!!!!! Your going to love being a looser!!!!

Janet....Girl I a so sorry thing are still crappy with Steph......I had hoped so much she would come to her senses soon.....I know it had to be hard for you to put your foot down....but I think thats about all you can do with her not wanting to budge at all on her hard headedness.....And I think that her fathers family will see the real Steph in due time just like her friends mother did....Sooner or later she is going to realize she keeps going thru people and realize it might just be her that has the problem and not every single person around her......Still got her in my prayers....
So glad Megans doing better with the nasuea....I hate that things arent going well with them finding a place......will be praying they find just what they need soon.....
I hope things are going well on your trip....And that yall made it in time to visit with Mikes dad and let him meet the boys....

Love to list everyone individualy but just not up to it....As I said earlier Ive been reading..usually daily....and keeping up with most of whats been going on.....so glad we have new loosers and most everyones doing ok......
I luv you guys......God Bless each of you......Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Bec M.
on 7/19/08 9:34 pm
Good Sunday Morning Missouri,

I'm going to give my mascot a little break this morning if I can ~ha

I'm plumb tuckered out! It has been such a busy week this past... I think I need a day of rest.

Went out and pushed the yard last night and got soooooo hot! I haven't been that hot all summer.... the grass was tall this time. I should be out there this morning already fininshing up some projects, pulling some weeds, giving my fountain some attention... maybe tomorrow morning....

I am sooooo enjoying my daughter being home! I didn't give him much of a break did I? It's just that it seems like it has been so long and she is a breath of fresh air to me!

Mimi you will be losing the rest of the weight that you wanted to if you keep up all that walking! Won't that be exciting! If I wasn't so tired right now I would be so excited for myself too that I could even stand myself! ~tee hee you are too funny! You are such an inspiration to me and ALWAYS such an encourager no matter where I have been in this journey. I often think to myself, "what if I had never of written that first letter?" It sure would of been my loss! How much more could person be blessed! I'm quite sure I don't know! Just can't help myself! !tee hee

No I don't think Janet knows just where I'm at right now in regards to the appointments and such... she has had so much to deal with... I'm sure praying that this trip goes well for them... I prayed off and on all day yesterday that her and Mike would not have to hurt as much as they thought they would with riding in the car so long... and like everyone else... that they made it in time to see his dad.... that no "stuff" would happen to cause unpleasantness at such a hard time to start with.

Debbie D. ~ dear lady! boy oh boy have I been where you set now in regards to how you feel about your sons leaving the nest! It has been 5 years now since my first one left for college it's one of the worst things I've had to go thru in my life... for years and years I used to joke that I had the "empty nest" syndrome and it was going to be years yet before they left... and I can it was NO JOKE when they did! I wish I had some great words of advise to tell you.... I can say this... try and enjoy every minute you have with them and not to let these feelings overtake you so that you miss out on the days you do have left with them. Does it get easier with time as everyone told me... just now maybe a "bit". I still miss them incredibly but you know God has a BIG plan for those of us in our situation! and we just have to "get where He is" to know what that plan is... for a few years I felt that my "useful" life was over..... kind of felt "wash up" but I am slowly getting out of that funk! oops! there he is again! I don't really know what God has for me for the rest of my life but I'm starting to see it is going to be good! I will certainly be praying for you as you go thru this... it's tough! I know it is not that way for some but for me it was... a former pastor's wife told me as I was hurting so badly over this ... "becky if you didn't have it so darn good you wouldn't be hurting so bad now" she was right... I have had a wonderful wonderful life raising my girls... yes it was hard work and a big sacrifice at times but it WAS good and I fought and am still fighting, kicking and screaming all the way it seems as I have had to give that up! But I am so proud of my girls and a new kind of blessing is coming to me as I have watched them go out on their own and go thru college, both very successful in their academics and seeing them make wise choices as they lived the "college life"... it is so rewarding! They are coming back now and honoring me in ways I couldn't even of realized at the time I was doing the hard work of raising them.

I sense as I read your posts that you have had a simular experience in raising your boys. It will be hard but you will reap such fine rewards it will make your pain seem somehow "worth it"... if you will. I hope I have said words of encouragement to you.

Tammy~Ammy sweet lady..... you hang in there... this too shall pass! and you will be feeling better again soon. I am praying that you will find peace and comfort in the very way that you need it...a new hope... that the Lord will surround you with a special love only He can give!

I wonder how Bev B. came out on her trip back to the emergency room in Columbia? I'm praying it went well and that God will touch her! Hope someone posts soon about her.

Well I think I will just lay on the couch a bit till the others get up and then get started on the day...

Everyone have a blessed peaceful day...hug your loved ones real good as we are never assured past the present!


Shannon C.
on 7/19/08 10:11 pm - Kirksville, MO

Morning Everyone!

I went for a 2 mile bike ride this am before it gets hot and my thighs are burning.  I got brave and stood up to peddle on a long hill.  Almost made it to the top and then I had to get off and walk.  It was a lot easier coming home.

Garden is a little to muddy to get into this morning and I had already picked the tomatoes that were starting to turn yesterday and put them on the patio in the shade.

I feel guilty sometimes talking about my kids when others are having so many problems but I can say I survived their teen years and you can also.  I used to tell a gal at work that was having problems with her kids that they do become human again...  I remember telling my daughter I love you but I don't like you right now and when you can talk to me in a normal manner then we will talk and I went to my room and shut the door.  Did that many times.  As a single parent from the time they were ages 2 & 4 I had to be the bad guy who dished out punishement.  I tried to do the best I could with what I had.Someone asked me how I did it and I guess my stock answer is If you say NO mean No.  Even if it means you don't go somewhere because you grounded them.  It was a lot easier when they got older as we only had 1 car and I held the car keys.

Hae a great day!



on 7/20/08 5:56 am - Wichita , KS
Good afternoon OH friends!  I went to a new church this morning one near my house it was nice might go back.  I'm trying to find a church home here in Wichita but I really miss my church back in KC.

Thank God for safty pins!  I went to put on a dress for church this morning and everything I tried on fell off me so in despiration I had to safty pin my slip and my skirt....LOL  I sure need some clothes that fit me I keep telling my family since I'm giving them all my "big" clothes maybe they might get the hint and buy me a thing or two for my birthday in 2 weeks!

I got on the scale this morning and I was expecting to weigh in again at 234 seems like that has been the magic number for weeks now but I was at 231 so that made me smile :)  I'm hoping I get off this stall and start losing again I still have about 80 more pounds I want to lose.  I upped my protein yesterday so maybe that made a difference?  I am going to the gym after I post even though it's really hot out and I would rather stay in the cool house.

Ok, so when is the reunion this year?  Where is it at the same place it was last year?  I want to come but not sure I can leave my puppy's that long (I would miss them).  Since I now live in Wichita, Branson is now further away I think?  I will have to see I would like to go to meet everyone but it will all depend on if I get this job at the school or not?

Debbie D., Girl you must have been stressed out to leave your two babies outside all night!  I can't even imagine that I think I would be histerical...lol  Will you be a sub again this year?  Do you think you will take on more hours?

I made this awsome Mexican cassorole last night it was tastey didn't eat much of it but it was good.  I tried to eat a little for lunch and I guess my pouch is being a little picky today because it didn't like it today.  It's really weird how one day I can eat and then the next can't, even if it's the same thing.  It's like I have days I can eat and some days I can't eat at all....I also came to realize that when I start feeling a sneezing attack coming on that means I need to stop eating or I get sick isn't that weird?  Since my surgery I have had a lot of strage things dealing with food.  I just wonder if it will get any better I am only 6 months out.

Well, guess I better get to the gym and I have to write a thank you note to the lady who interviewed me Friday.  

God bless and have a wonderful day!


on 7/20/08 8:07 am - Clever, MO
Hello all! Well we made it thru another Sims family reunion...sometimes I wonder if I will are not but I did and it wasnt too bad, although all my kids and grandkids didnt make it there until yesterday afternoon instead of Friday...They were in church camp. But all went well. There was 22 of us all together..
I did have a dumping incident with watermelon! I ate too much to fast and filled my pouch to explosive levels. I got so sick. I could hardly sit and definately couldnt lay down and set with sweat dripping from my nose and just cried...man was I sick. It passed after about 30 minutes. I told Rick that I bet I slow down with watermelon next time..

Saw my x s-i-l at the big new Walmart in Branson and he looks really good. I told him how proud I am of him for checking himself into the re-hab place and how much Ive been praying for him. He talked our legs off...something which he has never done before! I sure do praise the good LORD for such interventions.

When will Janet be back? I sure pray that all goes well for them.

Bec, so have you got all the appointments scheduled? It sounds like you are well on your way.

Well, I have to go do something to get off of my tailbone for a while...it is sore....

GOD bless everyone!


on 7/20/08 9:19 am

Hellooo Mo peeps!
  well tomorrow I head back to work...I have been off since last wed with severe sinusitus
fever,chills,head so big my glasses hurt,body aches...its good to be feeling my "normal" nutti self!
I finally got my tryke...its a pretty pink! I love it! but...there is more to riding a 3 wheeler than you know and if you have balance issues 3 wheels help but I still feel a bit weird when riding. so Im taking it slow!  I have made it around my block....I live at the top of a hill....so one or 2 blocks is all I can do until Im ready to go down a hill...I dont worry so much about the comming back up hill....I can walk it if I have to or use the handy dany cell phone and call for a ride...BUT to leave my neighborhood I will have to be able to control this thing....if I wanted to crash embarringly I would have bought a 2 wheeler.
at the dr I weighed in at 248....it is so very surreal everytime I step on any scale...I find myself eager to do it...just to see if they will go down again...I can see where scale watching could become an issue...could be why I still dont have one here....I promised myself I would get one when I got into the cheep scales...max weight 250....but I still havent gotten one. I just weigh at work.

today I took Miss Pixie out for some shopping....new dress for her photo which we also did. she was a sweetie...told me I was her best friend! I sure am gonna miss her when they take off.
I guess its now going to be this comming up weekend...but I saw nothing packed when I was there dropping the baby off.  we bought dress shoes and hair pretty. and of course a toy...yes I confess to be THAT kind of a nannie!  but I do so love toy shopping! always have. she like the lil pet shop animals. and the stuff is all in scale to live in her dollhouse I gave her for her Birthday last yr. too much fun!
 Mr. Jax showed off for me today...he can finally roll his big ole chunky monky self over. and he wants to scooch but he just cant move all those baby rolls the way he wants to.
lots of smiles and chuckles for nannie.
 doing laundry and coloring my significantly shorter hair. my hair is a mess.
when I was 500+ pounds and looked like it...at least I had my hair! lots and lots of hair.
and it WAS nice.  I had them cut almost 5 inches off the bottom and let her sell me expensive hair salon crap and Ive upped the biotin and the protein...need to remember to get my thyroid med refilled. can we say procrastination??
 well I just wanted to say hey and check in. I hope all goes well for Janet on her trip. the reason for the trip is stress enough.
all else...Have a great week!





on 7/20/08 9:37 am - Wichita , KS
Hey congrats on getting the trike I know how excited you were waiting on it.  I love my 2 wheel Trek bike that I got a few months ago.  That reminds me when the sun goes down this evening I think I will ride it a while been a little busy lately so I've been neglecting it...lol

Andy W.
on 7/20/08 9:33 am - Tulsa, OK

Hey Everyone,


Hope everyone is having a good weekend.  Today has been kinda slow and lazy here.  We went to found a church not to far just before forsyth we went to this morning then went over and visited with the FIL, seems he really likes it at the new nursing home, he has made some good friends one in particular, a lady there has attached herself to him lol the last couple times we visited him there she was too lol today when we went there they were in the dinning room getting ready to eat lunch and she’s there at his table and says to us,  “well he’s busy with me but I guess you can visit a few mins”  LOL  Im like, well ok, thanks so much!  Lol just to cute. 


I got up late this morning, time I got up and outside Jan had walked once around already so here I go on her second round and Im like  goodness me either Im still asleep or she’s speedy this morning LoL  she was power walking and boy did I get a work out, but its good cuz I really need it  lol  I did my regular 2 around, I was tucked, she did 3 since she walked the 2 with me, tomorrow Im gonna go farther. 


I was able to weigh on Jans scale, seems I’ve lost a fair bit in the last month or so but I gotta remember I gained some before I started all this again but Im at least proud Im back on track and losing, Im not stopping until Im at my goal weight, that’s about  170 lbs from now, sounds like a lot but before surgery I was  170 lbs or so heavier so guess that’s not to bad,  I could have been almost down to my goal if I hadn’t of gone back to some old ways but oh well, we live and learn,  I know now that the carb addiction is nothing to fool with,  one carb here, two carbs there that I shouldn’t be eating adds up to 10, 20 even 50 or better carbs that puts on the pounds,  I’ve had people laugh when I say I have a carb addiction, I tell em how in the world ya think I got to be 550 lbs in the first place, sheesh  lol.  Well anyway, enough of the soap opera lol. 


We about the house all in order finally,  just have one room to finish putting things away and all,  the back room where we have the desks and computers,  we don’t lack much in there tho, otherwise everything else is looking like a house  yay!!!


Deb M  the walking really has helped me tons,  Im feeling so much better esp in the last 3 weeks that we’ve been here, I cant believe we’ll be here a month soon, wow.  I spose the struggle with weight is a lifetime thing but we can conqueror it.  Just know you are on Susan and I’s hearts and prayers with your struggles.


Bec, thanks for the encouragement,  it really is great to be able to lose again and makes ya feel good when ya work hard at it and see results,  I know one day soon I’ll be down to where I want and be able to walk and not break a sweat!!


Barbara S. it really was great to see ya again,  hope ya make it to the reunion, I didn’t go last year but will be there this year and I’m sure it’ll be a blast.  Like Jan said, you really do have some great grandkids, they were so polite and nice to talk with,  no wonder your so proud of them. 


Jan your so right, it’s a big load off our mind that the power works properly but I know its even a bigger load off yours, I know you and Joe were so worried about it and didn’t know what to do,  I am still in awe of how Vesta and Virgil came to the rescue,  God works in so many ways with people its just amazing.  Thanks for letting me weigh on your scale,  I’ll try to do that every couple weeks if ya don’t mind.   We have a few boxes we’ll take to Sugar tomorrow night to the support meeting, I am so looking forward to that, cant wait!!!


Well Im gonna get off here and do a few things around here,  hope everyone has a great evening. 


Bless ya’s



I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
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