Jan C.
on 7/18/08 2:28 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Well Vesta and Virgil left around 2 , They are both such wonderful people, So humble and sweet. He got all of our electric all put back to gether. And everything works great WE loaded the back end of their van down with flowers that I gave her. I told her that that was the only way I could repay them was with my flowers, because when I give away flowers it is a true act of love .


WE haven’t done much else except sat and talked , got to know her really well. Which is a wonderful thing.


I am just so thankful that God gave us some wonderful friends that we wouldn’t have known If it were not for this web site. Thank You OH.



BARBARA  SCOTT:::: called and said they were on their way back out of town and wanted to come down and see me before they left . that was a really good surprise. I didn’t expect to see them again before they left town really. We had a good visit and was so happy to see them come by. She had her granddaughter and grandson with her too. Such nice well behaved kids.  Also thanks for the cute little ref. magnet. I already put it to work , holding my groc shopping sheet for the next time I am in town. Lol

That was sweet for you to bring it to me. .




BEC     ::::::: I  see you found your little jumping man again. that is great !! I got your email but not going to spoil your telling of all that has happened. Just say I am so happy and thrilled that things are going along so good.


BUBBLE GUM FLAVOR ???!!! what is wrong with you young lady ? bubble gum flavor indeed. !!!!

Did you get the approval letter faxed , well I know you did.


I know you are so very excited about daughter coming in for the week end. That is so good since you have been up in the air about your surgery soon.

I hope she supports you 100% but if not just remember that she is just worried about you having surgery that is all …




SUGAR:::: lol im glad you helped Renee find where we were going, you know how Springfield gets me all turned around. Lol

Not that I know of on the Waffle house , no reason if you all want to try there instead of the Village Inn, at least we can try it if we want to. I will go by there Monday before the meeting and see if they would be alright with us coming over there at 8pm…I didn’t think they were open it looks like it is closed for some reason to me.

We are coming into town to finish getting Glennas stuff out there cleaned up . Joe is bringing his little tiller in with us to help level that area out in front . and will get more of the rocks that are in the back yard. And see if there are more pavers to get too.

Will dig up the rest of the double orange daylilies.




DEBBIE   M:::::: hey you may have been falling asleep because you were taking so much benadryl for the rash lol sorry couldn’t resist that.


Please send me you r address to [email protected], in case you have to go off line for awhile ok?


We all have those problems now and then you know. So we will be here and waiting for you when you do come back.



JANET:::: sure wish you could have been out today with Vesta and I to get your share of flowers. Vesta said wow and you cant even see where you took those out of . lol


I know it isnt going to be easy for you all to say goodby to Mikes dad but think of it as the one last act of love that you give him ….and the onle last gift to show him the boys .

Jon is such a sensivite little sole that he probably will be very upset for awhile but I know that you will handle it in your good mama ways.



I am proud of you for telling Steph to not call or nothing anymore until she has gotten help and has changed he ways some.

I know how you feel and it isnt easy thing to do . but you were right. I hope she will follow thru. One of these days , hopefully she will understand and make a better life for herself .

To me it sounds like she and her dad really deserve each other. Sounds like he is feeding her all this b…s…. and she is eating it up too.


You all have a good trip and be careful …know that I really will miss you on Monday night but we understand completely about where and what you are doing.


Love and hugs to you and will be praying for travelers mercies for you all.


When you get back we will arrange to come out one day to your house and talk , we need to get together on some things ok?



SHEILA:::::: did you get rid of the toothache? Sure hope so that is miserable  to have to live with for very long.

How is the roaring in the head?  Hope you will be at the meeting on Monday night?



CHRISTINE::::: congradulations on getting into onederland  isnt it great?


So sorry about the feelings and pain that is still with you about the man that killed your sister and family. I can only imagine how you feel but know that it has to hurt. Know that we are all here to help you thru this if you need us. Ok
I don’t know if it will every be easier but hopefully when he is punished for his crime that will help, but more than likely it will just be time alone that helps.

There is much to remember about her and her short life but there will be some things that will become very precious to you as time goes on.

I will be praying for you that you can find the peaceful place to be about her death.




RENEE::::: hey I hope I didn’t get you lost , listen to my sister about the directions they are very clear and good. So we will see you at the meeting at 6:30 Monday evening at the Library room A&B…..

Did you get rid of all the puppies? I hope they weren’t hard to part with . sometimes it is easier said than done lol

Believe me after surgery you will be running even that young girl in the ground lol




BEV:::::: well!!!!?????? Did you get the job????? Ive been praying that you do. I know that you would be really great at it too.

Lol seems like to me it is always raining anymore for just about everything. We have had a dry spell now here it hasn’t rained in 7 days lol drought …

Are you planning on trying to come to the reunion this year? Sure would like to meet you that is for sure.

How are you doing weight wise? Are you keeping your protein drinks and vits. Going daily?


Well let us know how the interview went .








Andy W.
on 7/18/08 3:29 pm - Tulsa, OK

Hey Everyone,

Just thought I’d stop in quick before bed and read the posts,  I havnt posted in a day or so,  I get aggravated on dial up just give up sometimes  LoL  One day we’ll get satellite internet and not have to worry about it, but for now dial up will do.  It’s been really busy at the house the last two days, as Jan said, Vesta’s husband Virgil got the house all rewired and set so it wont burn down now  lol we tried it out tonight,  had the dryer and the dishwasher going at the same time, nothing blew  lol yay!!   That’s such an awesome blessing what Virgil did,  I know God will reward them tremendously.  It was so great seeing Vesta again and then Barbara Scott stopping by was just an added bonus,  they both look so wonderful.


We just about finally have the house all unpacked,  got the living room done and kitchen finally,  just have a few things to do in the bedroom and office.  Hopefully next week or so I can start buying a few curtains and stuff to hang on the windows and start to decorate lil by lil.


Been walking every morning, that seems to be helping me jumpstart the weightloss again,  I gotta go over to Jans and see if her scale will let me weigh on it, if not I’ll stop by the nursing home in town or something and weigh there, usually they have an extra large scale cuz of weighing residents in their wheel chairs.


Well I guess Im off to bed,  hope everyone has a great weekend.  See those of you that will be at the support meeting on Monday.


Bless ya’s, 



P.S.  Sugar hope those boxes helped,  if ya need anymore we have a few yet we can bring on Monday night, we are just about finished unpacking.

I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Debbie M.
on 7/18/08 4:47 pm, edited 7/18/08 4:48 pm - Harrisonville, MO
Morning all....

Yea Jan, I wish  it was as simple as that. If all my troubles were the benedryl alone I would have an easy life! Unfortunately though, I know better!

CONGRATS to the pre-ops on getting there insurance approvals...what a stressor huh? Well, the biggest hurtles are over now and your on your ways! We will be praying for you as well as dusting off spots on the loser's bench!! Keep the faith and ALL will be fine!!

Andrew....glad to see that your out walking and getting that weight off. We all know those struggles and we are here for you! I know how that un-packing goes...bet you guys will be glad to have it all in it's place!

Cassie....so good to see you back hun! You had us all on our toes...literally!! Congrats on your weight loss...40lbs is a lot! Just wait tho...you will be a skinny minnie before long!! Thank the good Lord for you being healthy again!!

I'm praying for you Janet...hang in there girl! We went through that "losing several family and friends" in a short amount of time a few years back! Keep the faith as I know you will, there IS light at the end of this journey!!  I know what you mean about saving the change! It took me forever to talk David into doing that but it does come in handy! We never saved that much, maybe 3 or 4 hundred but wow! Now, I have even more proof for David that it works!...lol I have about $30 saved now...gonna keep saving it though. We will need it for propane this winter!! Hang in there with Steph....it DOES get better! It may be awhile, but it will!

Glad to see Vesta and Barb are out visiting! I will be happy when I can get out and do that again!

As for my health...the rash is all but gone! I am finally feeling a little stronger! Got to play with my dogs today...thats a workout all by itself! Timothy wants to come down for a visit, told him not this weekend but probably next weekend I will come get him. I need to talk with him about why I'm sick all the time. I really don't want to but he needs to understand why Grandma is so sick all the time anymore. It's going to break his heart as it will mine but I have ran out of excuses.

How do you tell a nine year old that you have cancer when he thinks you are all he has in the world right now? I will let the Lord guide me, I don't know any other way!

Well, so much for ending on a happy note! I'm outta here! You all try to have a good day!!....Love & Prayers, Deb M

Bec M.
on 7/18/08 9:13 pm
Good Morning Missouri!

Oh my goodness I've had a prosperous week in the world of WLS!

I was able to get the second sleep study out of the way and did well in getting fitted for the c~pap machine and also found out yesterday that my insurance pays 100% of it all... the tests and the machine and supplies! GOD is SO GOOD!

And then this is fantastic! I went to town to FAX the approval letter I received on Thursday! yea! I'd been wating for that. When I got back I called to see if they recieved it and the lady that schedules the appointments discussed what would happen next and set me up with my first appointment with Dr. Hoehn and guess what? It's a week from Monday! (wait time for that appointment was 4-6 weeks) and that's not all... she told me that it was time to set up the appointments with the cardio and pulmanologist drs and that if I had those appointments already scheduled when I see Dr. Hohen I would leave that day with my SURGERY DATE! "in my hot little hand" she said! She also said they were 6-8 weeks out scheduling surgery but that I could request to be put on a cancellation list. Things are moving along even faster than I could have dreamed! I'm sooooo glad I went ahead and seen the phyc dr. and the dietician!!! It put me just that much further ahead! You know I think this little jumping man is going to need a vacation! ~tee hee Poor guy is going to wish he never agreed to by my mascot!

Well..... I already have both those appointments made! One on August 5th and one on August 13th.

I am truly "walk'n on sunshine" as Janet says... I basically went from nothing to a surgery date in two weeks!!!!

My sweet sweet daughter made it home last night and came in with a beautiful boquet of multi color roses! Every since she left for college she has brought me fresh flowers when she comes home! It just blesses my soul! The flowers are beautiful and she knows I enjoy them so much but it is even more special to me that she shows me she loves me! Isn't it good to be LOVED!!!! Her hugs were just sooooo sooooo wonderful! Both my girls have their own special way that they choose to bless me and I treasure both... not for "what" they do but that they want to! And yes Mimi they are both 100% supportive! I couldn't ask for more! Man I'm just blessed! and thank the Lord so much for it!

I bet you dear people hope I settle down pretty soon huh? ~tee hee

My dear dear "mother hen" I just had to ask for bubble gum! I had too! .... I knew when I was writing it I would be in for a bit of "pecking" ~ tee hee and now I'm done with my rebellion! Cotton Candy and Bubble Gum are two of my very favorite flavors but for the sake of "good health" I've had my last "fling" with them! Enough of this baffoonery!

On a more serious note:

My heart goes out to Janet and Christine this morning I am praying that God will meet them at their very point of need!

Vesta~please tell you wonderful husband how much he has blessed me too! Just to know that there are people out there that will give unconditionally of their time and talents touches my heart! I pray you both will be blessed a hundred fold for your service!

Andy ~ so glad you are coming along with the unpacking you are now at the fun part... decorating!... I love that part, so fun! I'm glad you are starting to see more weight loss too that has to make you feel good. Keep up the good work and you will be rewarded on those scales!!!

Brandy ~ I'm so happy for you I now how discouraging it is to hit what seems like a brick wall for such a long time... but maybe now you too will see some progress!

Renee ~ I'm still praying that you will be so totally successful in kicking those cigs in the rear! I know that must be real hard but you hang in there it will be soooo worth it!

Sheila ~ so sorry you are having to deal with the toothe ache and still the problem with your ears... will they ever be able to do anything about that.... wouldn't it be better to have them removed if it is going to be so miserable for you? Can't remember if you have said anything about that. Anyway I am praying some relief will come your way.

Cassie ~ you are still in my prayers for a full recovery and such wonderul things as you get back on your feet and racing toward your goal!

Well I'd better get in there and get the bacon fried for bacon quiche cups... my daughters very favorite breakfast. It just feels so good to have her home! It will be such a short stay but I'm soaking in every minute! Paul nearly talked her ear off last night... they had to discuss "world issues" you know! ~ha

My Missouri Friends you just have yourselves a wonderul day!


Barbara S.
on 7/19/08 1:32 am - Freeman, MO
Hello All;

Well, I survived a day and a half with two teenagers at Silver Dollar City. I have never walked that much ever!!! I told Jan and Vesta, I must have looked so silly that first night walking around there just grinning  and grinning knowing that 5 years ago I couldn't have done that. It felt so good. But, I am now paying for it, I am so sore, LOL  Guess, I need to do that more. We had a great visit with Andrew, Susan, Jan and Vista yesterday. Jan and Vista was gone on an errand when I arrived so that gave me time to visit with Andrew and Susan so that worked out nicely. Then I got to visit with Jan and Vista. Enjoyed it all! Can't wait for the reunion to visit more. Thanks Jan for the compliment on my Grand kids. They are great kids and it is nice to hear it from other people. I am a proud grandma. I am holding my "Baby" while typing this, she hasn't left me since I came home. Even slept in with me this morning. LOL

Deb M. you are welcome to come over and use my computer. It might help keep in touch. I would love for you to visit. I will email you directions to my house just in case.

I really look foreward to seeing and meeting all at the reunion. Please try to come!
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

on 7/19/08 1:34 am - Friedheim, MO

Good Morning Everyone from Iowa!!!   Lynns son and daughter were planning a trip up here to see their aunt, at the last minute Steven changed his mind, so I came up w/Sena.  I didn't want her to drive all that way by herself, she's only had her license for a couple months.  So we came up here late Thursday.  We're having a good time.  I had never met her aunt or cousins before.  It is Lynn's step sister.  I want to make it quick, just wanted to jump in & say HI!   Bec, I am so glad that things are going so good for you w/ your dr. appointments.  That is so great!   Cassie, girl you have no idea how happy we all are to see you back on here.   I'm glad you're getting better.       (((HUGS))) Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
Shannon C.
on 7/19/08 1:34 pm - Kirksville, MO

Angy - where in Iowa are you - if you came up hwy 63 thru kirksville and didn't holler at me I will be disapointed. 

If any of you come up my way I will fill your backseat with garden produce - LOL  I am being over run with zucchini!

Had a quite morning here - was on call from 6am to 2pm so limited in what I could do.  Had to take my cell phone with me when I went to the garden and then went up to the farmers market.  I refuse to pay 75 cents each for a green pepper.  Ours are not doing well but here is still hope...

Prayers going out for those who need them!

I had put a crockpot full of shell out beans, onions and bacon peices on this am and they finally were done and so good and filling!

My daughter also surprises me with fresh cut flowers - I love it!  So far plans are for her and her family to be coming home for a short visit the middle part of september so that means I won't be  down for the get together as I am having to save my vacation days for her visit and my surgery later on in the month.  Just knowing that they will be out of the USA for 2 years in Japan is the pits.  It brings tears to my eyes thinking about it.

Time for a laugh?  Went to ride my bike and felt something wet on my seat as It did not feel right and when I reached back there my hand came away real sticky - my GEL BIKE SEAT had sprung a leak!  Oh piddle - something else I will have to replace.

You all take care and have a great day tomorrow!
hugz - Shannon




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