Magic Bullets On Sale!!!!
Hey all! When stopping by one of the local Walgreens (KC) this week I found that they had the "Magic Bullets" that everyone has been talking about, on sale for $49.99......down from $59.99. Just thought I'd send a "shout out" to those who may be interested! For those of you not in the immediate Kansas City area, I haven't checked, but they may have them out of the Walgreens web site.........and, yes, I did actually have to pick one up.........couldn't resist since everyone is saying they are just the best! Haven't tried it yet, but plan to this afternoon with my protein shake! ----Shelley
Well, just had to let you all know that I tried out my new Magic Bullet and let me tell you, now that's a smoothie maker!!!! I'm so excited!! I'd been using my "smoothie maker" that I'd purchased a couple of years ago on QVC.......well, let me tell you......that thing will go right into the cupboard for storage because the new magic bullet has front and center! HA! I'd suggest this to anyone who already doesn't have it! :) I'm thrilled!! And, I took a peek out on Ebay, and they do have them.......I believe the lowest I found was $39.00-$42.00......but the shipping is what throws it over the edge!! So, Walgreens must have come into some large quantities to be offering this nice little gizmo for the price! :)