Jan C.
on 7/17/08 2:29 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Vesta and Virgil got here about 10am , He set right to work and went and looked at what all he would need to do the job, then Virgil and Joe went to town to buy all the supplies.

I think they got all the rough in done and tomorrow morning the elect company is coming to open the meter so he can run the wires into the breaker box and get it all wired up.

I still cant believe that they came up to help us out. was so great of them.

I fixed the best pork steak for supper tonight. I cooked them in the crock pot with a can of cream of mushroom soup and cooked them for about 3 or 4 hours. They were so tender that it melted in your mouth. Yummy.

Even me that doesn’t eat much mean at a fair size helping. Lol


Vesta and I walked the gardens several times. She said wow everytime I go around thru them I see something else, that I didn’t see before. Tomorrow morning we are going to get her several flowers together. I told her that if she sees anything she wants we can get her a start of it ….So I think we will spend quite a while digging her some flowers for her  new house. She said it doesn’t have any flowers at all. ,

Im more than glad to give her starts of flowers for what she and her sweet hubby are doing for us. I still cant get over it. Thank you God.


So all of you that are always saying I need to take it slow or take a day off. I did today. We sat and talked and talked and talked some more. Didn’t rest my mouth at least lol

We really had fun .

We walked over and watched the guys work some and that was about the most work I did today. Other than fix supper. We had Andy and Susan over for supper too.

We had watermelon and cantaloupe for dessert, yummy good.



TRUDY::::: so great to see you back on the board.

I keep wanting to go get me a new laptop, but don’t know if I will or not. Even tho Wal mart has some good ones on sale right now.


I will be glad to help you as much as I can on the flower beds. Sort of hard to do when you cant see the space but if you tell me where and the sun or shade situation and what you really like, then we can get something planned. Ok?


So happy about your mom, she is made of strong stuff huh?

Congradulations on your wedding anniversary. Wow 39 years huh? Guess that deserves a celebration.

Oh by the way just remember the protein and vits. Are for the rest of your life , not just to lose weight and then forget it. Ok….

Glad to have you back online with us.



SHIELA::::: yes I am very lucky, I feel like I have won the lottery too.




SUGAR:::: I know what you mean about not being enough hours in the day. Even when I don’t do anything it seems to just drag by.


Know that Joe and I do remember Rex and are praying for him. Is always on our minds. Ok
wow sorry about your back. Did you go get a massage today? That always feels so good.

You all have fun this week end at the Sims family reunion. Love you



BEC:::::: good morning to one of my favorite people. Lol

So glad that things are finally going your way. Hopefully having all of this done you can get in to see your surgeon really soon and they will put you on the final surgery. What is the time line again that you have to worry about.?

Sweetie those lilies don’t get upset or anything about anything. They don’t need any special watering at all. just natural rain.



RENEE:::: so sounds like you are going to be doing some dirt and dirty grimy roads soon.

Poor little peanut , I bet she really misses Kala. ,sure hope the grandparents get better control of their health soon.


Oh good im glad that you and Tiff will be at the meeting Monday night. Coming in on I 44 make an exit at James river freeway. Continue on till you see the exit for Campbell turn south and go down to where on the left hand side you see an older IHOP and there is a stop light. Right there turn to the right and go up on the hill it is where wewill be room A and B



JANET:::: oh wow please be careful on the trip. Hopefully you will be able to get there without hurting too much. If you all will stop and get out and walk around every once in a while it will be easier on you.

Where in Springfield will you be Saturday. We are going to be in Springfield Sat too. So let me know where and when and we can meet and you can bring all the stuff then will get the money to you quickly


It is so expensive to have to do anything like this now days.


The trees sound very good. Will they be put in before you all get back ? wow

Hey I agree with you about not letting the boys be around your dad when he has those outbursts. They don’t need to be scared like that for sure.


Well Mikes boss needs to step up and tell him he can use the company car to go to Az.

That would be the good things.


Some of the flowers wont even noticed that they were being saved I would but not them

Anyway don’t worry about stuff like that we will take care of ourselves.



ANDY:::: it has been busy at your house hasn’t it. I did tell you that they said the elect company would be there at 7 or 7:30 tomorrow didn’t i? yes I think I did. Lol

The cabinets are looking really good even if it is just primer so far.

You have done a great job .

You can try and see if my scales will weight you. I think they will and yes I can tell you have been losing weight .













Bec M.
on 7/17/08 8:26 pm
Good Morning Missouri!

There's the man! and I am 'n this morning! My baby girl is coming home tonight and I very excited about that!

Mimi you asked about the time line? My husbands company is not the market to be sold and we are not assured coverage by this company longer than November... I am striving to get this taken care of and leave time for any complications should they occur... I'm not looking for that to happen but we just never know about these things..

Say! was I first today? If I am can I have bubble gum flavor?

Paul cut the edging so I have get outside right away this morning and finish up that little project and then go pick the garden again. Before getting ready to run to town and FAX the approval letter that came in the mail yesterday! I am praying that things keep moving along at this good pace.

Oh boy I wish I could of been there to "par~tay" with you ladies yesterday! I have so enjoyed all the pics you have sent all year long... such beautiful stuff all year long! And I pray the Lord blesses Vesta and her husband oodles and oodles for helping you and Joe out! It is so encouraging to see you get back some of what you so freely give! I remember so many many times you have said Joe has helped someone else out!

About the lily's there in that part by the wing wall I'm afraid it doesn't get any natural rain... might by why it was so stink'n hard... but I had enough I think I will try it anyway so it will look all filled out there...

Sugar ~ I am green with envy ~ha of all the paver stones you got I am going to be needing quite a few of them next year to make the double tier flower bed around my flag pole am thinking about putting a water fall in it too.... will just have to see... boy those stones are expensive! You were real blessed to get them!

Janet I will be praying safe travels for you all. And that no unpleasant things will happen while you are there! It will be hard enough without you having to deal with "stuff". I have been watching the mail box but nothing yet... your simply a doll to send me a package! What is it you and Jan could of gotten that is the same? hmmm you stinker ladies to be e-mailing secrets! I love secrets! ~tee hee

Well I heard my husbands alarm go off so I better go get him off to work and then outside before it gets too hot.

You'uns all just have a great day... I'm going too!

on 7/17/08 10:04 pm - Clever, MO
OK, first things first.. RENEE when you get to Campbell exit and you exit right, it is a Waffle House not an I-Hop...didnt want you looking for something that isnt there. lol! At that light, turn right and then right again at the stop sign and then on top of the hill is the Library Center. Sorry sis, but your directions confused me and I know where it is! lol! By the way, why havent we ever tried the Waffle House to eat at instead of Village Inn? Just wondering if there was a reason. It isnt old, actually newer than VI by alot! Anyway.....
Oh Janet, your going to be in town Saturday...sorry Im going to be in ARkansas. Hey sis, what you coming to town for?
Well this is going to be quick, Levi is up and we are going garage saleing this morning.
Love to all, hugs and kisses!!!!


Debbie M.
on 7/17/08 10:55 pm - Harrisonville, MO
Morning all....been awhile!

I have been dealing with this rash and sleeping...a lot! I guess I had(have?) hypothyroidism (opposite of hyper). I had been sleeping anywhere from 12 to 16 hours a day...just couldn't wake up! I would fall asleep in a room full of people and seriously, they weren't that boring...lol

I haven't been keeping up with the board. I fall asleep everytime I try...lol I hope that everyone is doing okay. I will try to catch up later when the higher dose of thyroid med kicks in...may be a few weeks but I will try to keep up!

I was out mowing the other day and it was all I could do to stay awake on it....no more mowing for now! Don't need to drive off into one of the creeks. If the fall didn't kill me, that sudden stop at the bottom would!

I have been picking (and eating) cherry tomatoes and blackberries though. I just love fresh fruit and veggies...not the greenhouse type that most stores have anymore! The fresh ones just have sooo much more flavor!

I may have to cancel my internet and phone for awhile...finances! If this happens, I will be back...just don't know when. Those of you that know me have my address and are welcome to write whenever you want...sorry but thats all I have for now...back to the old ways...lol

Well, I'm gonna get off here for awhile...will be back later to check posts or at least I will try to...lol

Love & Prayers, Deb M

on 7/18/08 1:53 am - Diamond, MO

Hi Aunt Jan and OH Peeps~

TGIF? Nope. Not happy its Friday already-because that means that I am leaving in 24 hours and I havent even BEGUN to get everything packed for our trip!!! I have gotten the laundry done-but that was easy, because I was pretty much caught up with that anyway-any further than that-and NOTHING. I got all of our change counted-the boys, Mike and I save our change in one of those great big water jugs that goes on the machine when you use those little cups at places-well, this is glass-so that tells you how long I have had it-the one time I filled it 10 yrs ago-I had 2700.00 in it-it hasnt been filled since!! We counted all our change and we had $70. Pretty good considering we emptied it for our vaca this year and had $230 in there for just a couple of months of saving it for our trip.

Mike is going to Springfield tonite. We have to leave tomorrow. We cannot wait. Mikes dad keeps asking when Mike will be there and keeps saying he is so tired of fighting. He doesnt want to hang on anymore. He wants to go home. Lord, please dont take him home until he can see "his boys" PLEASE. Oh-PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pray that he will hang in there until we get these boys there. I walk around in a funk. I cry at the drop of a hat. I couldnt even be around Mike last night without welling up with tears. I havent ever seen Mike like this. He is latching onto the boys and I-and I can see the pain all over his face. He asked me last night "How do I say goodbye to my dad?" Oh God!!! I just went through this with Melissa (Mel). I just want to protect him. I HATE seeing people in pain. I HATE that we have to go through this. I am thankful though, that everything goes as we WANT it to go, that we WILL be able to tell dad how much we love him and hug him and all before he goes home. I was always thankful that I got to do all of that with my other mom (Mels mom).

My dad that told me that he would loan me $500 until the 1st when I get my disability check and then went to the casino and blew all his money-turned around and went back yesterday and was gone for 24 hours and I feel angry and hurt. I would NEVER offer someone help and then tell them I just didnt have it-and run to the casino for 2 days. Ecspically with something this important. Then, I have these 2 beautiful children-Megan and Aaron-who live paycheck to paycheck-trying to not only give us their reliable transportation, but also saying that they will give us ANY extra money they have! We never even asked. We didnt even ask to use their car-Megan AND Aaron BOTH popped up and said You can use our car-I was like-you cant drive our Suburban tho (its way too big and stops SLOW) and they said-dont worry about it-we will work something out. Just go!!!

I called to check on Stephanie yesterday. She has been living with Erics sister and her family for 2 weeks on Sunday and I havent heard boo from her. What a mistake that was. The conversation started out well-for about a minute. Then-all hell broke loose and she blamed ME for everything. She accused me of running around telling everyone that her and Spencer just do drugs together and that she was meeting all kinds of strange men on the internet and having them out at our house all hours of the day and night and thats why I kicked her out???? HUH???? I said-Stephanie-I NEVER said ANY such things. I DID say that Cory scared me, for myself AND for you AND our family, because he WAS NOT right upstairs and he was threatening AND you met him off of myspace-and you did start talking to a few other guys off of myspace-but I never said anything about anyone else being out at my home. Nor did I say you were doing drugs. I believe your behavior issues are from being bi-polar and we talked about that in counseling. She started screaming and telling me what a B I was and that people SHE LOVES AND TRUSTS said this to her-3 other people to be exact and she believes them over me....I told her that I hadnt even talked to 3 other people her and I know together-OR who would repeat anything I said to them, that far out of context. I told her that I was sorry she felt that way and that I would NO LONGER have ANY contact with her, until she gets help-AND starts to heal OR lets things go, because our relationship is like venom to me and I cant deal with it anymore. I told her that if she ever needed me, I would be here-and that I would be sending her money in the form of money orders to her aunts address and other than that, SHE would have to contact me-she told me to go to hell and then started ranting again and I hung up on her. I dont understand. Now her P.O.S. dad says he wont take her to Vegas unless I sign paperwork saying that he has had her since May (so HE can use her on his taxes this year) and I said thats NOT going to happen because YOU havent had her since May. You dont even have her NOW! Besides YOU wont get taxes from her. I WILL get the tax return because you owe me so much in back support. He is such a jerk. Told him to do whatever, I dont care anymore-Im NOT signing anything like that. I WILL date it for when she is going with you. Period. Im so done with dealing with the two of them. Two peas in a pod they are.

Today I have to go to the bank to trade our coins in for the boys spending money on the trip, then I have a couple of bills to pay and then off to the motel to clerk.

~~My dad just stopped by-was surprised to see him-he never comes out. Anyway-I stopped posting to talk to him for 1/2 hour and right before he left-he handed each one of the boys $20. That was nice. They will find something to purchase with that, I am sure.

I went to move this lamp that my grandparents had before I was even born-and so you know how heavy that is-it was made when things were made to last-and its a huge, flinstones era type floor lamp, about 5 ft tall and 4 globes that hang in different positions off the side-and I went to put it next to the couch (we have moved all the furniture around and just hadnt finished little stuff yet) well-the pole comes apart and I forgot-and the bottom circle part landed on the top of my foot and I think I broke something. Holy crap that hurts!!! I have NO time for this stuff.

Well, I better wrap this up and jet out of here. Have to be at the motel by 1 pm.

**Jan-I am so sorry about the flowers and the stuff I have here for you. IF we cant get together before August group-then I will mail your stuff to you! Ok? Thanks for thinking of me. I can use all of the prayers we can get.

**Bec-your NOT going to have ANY complications, my good friend. YOUR NOT...Your gonna get through this with flying colors-you will!!! Thanks for the prayers and I will talk to you soon.....

Well, I am going to get while the getting is good. All my love and prayers to anyone who needs them. Love, Janet

Sheila H.
on 7/18/08 2:53 am - Marshfield, MO
Janet honey you are in my prayers for some relief from this venom steph keeps putting out and i will pray ALL goes well on ur trip and younes make it in time i cant even imagine the pain you going thru but know ur in my heart and i love ya...keep me posted


Christine F.
on 7/18/08 2:03 am - Whiteman AFB, MO

Good Friday morning all!  This has been one rollercoaster of a week for me.. how about you's kids?

I got under 200 this week which is an AWESOME milestone and it marks my halfway point, another yay!  My next little goal is to get to 179... I got down to 179 a couple years ago doing weigh****chers and that was the lowest I've been in my adult life.. so when I get to 179, everything after that will be 100% new to me and I can't wait to see where it takes me ;)

The man who hit and killed my sister in the car accident 4 weeks ago was arrested on Tuesday.  He was charged with Murder 1st degree (for my little step-sister), assualt 1st degree (for my little brother in law), fetal homicide 1st degree (for the sweet little angle my little sister was carrying), and trafficing a controled substance (drug unspecified).  He was under the influence of at least 2 substances but we don't know what those were yet.  I was so happy when I found out that he went to jail.  Weds morning I was able to watch the news clip about his arrest and arraignment (SP?) and that just wrecked my world.  When this all happened, I thought that when he was arrested and justice was starting to be served that I would have a sense of peace, but it was the exact opposite.  I was devestated all overr again and it felt like that wound had just been ripped right back open.  Weds was one of the worst days I've ever had.  I couldn't get out of my head, I was extremely emotional and in such a state of depression.  I spent most of the day crying with my sister on the phone once I got out of school. 

Yesterday was better.  I was able to get some of my emotions out on Weds and that gave me some relief but we'll see how things go once this all goes to trial.  But yesterday was a fairly "normal" day.  It was the end of my school week and now I only have one week left of this summer semester.  Next week is going to be a rough one, school wise.  Monday and Tues we're dealing with evolution, Weds we have a lab test then Thurs we have our final.  So I'm going to have another busy week ahead of me.  But then I get a three week break that should be fun.  We're planning a 2-3 day trip to St. Louis the second or third week in August and that should be fun.  We're going to go to Worlds of Fun one of the days I'm out of school... our almost 4 year old LOVES it up there!  I think I'm going to take William to the zoo one of the days I'm out, so there's going to be plenty to do that will be fun and crazy at the same time! lol

Well, it's Friday and that means only one thing... it house cleaning day!  I've got to get my messy house straightened up and get a mountain of laundry done.  I just thought I'd check in with my MO family of loosers and give and update and see how everyone else is doing.  I hope you all healthy and happy!

Check out my ticker!! I'm going to go change it today since it's my official weigh in day!  Best wishes for a great weekend!


on 7/18/08 3:14 am - Purdy, MO
 Hello Everyone,
 Tiff and I got a lot of stuff done yesterday in the house, and yard. I swear that little young in good shape child is going to wear my butt out. LOL I finaly told her while we were in the blackberry patch I just couldn't take any more and came in the house. WHEW!!!! I can hardly wait to start my new life and be able to keep up with her.
 We are going to wal-mart today and try to give the puppies away, I sure hope we come home empty handed. Then as soon as Frito dries up shes off to the vet. I wish I would have got her fixed before she had the babies.
 Jan I'm so glad you got a day off, I'm sure you had a wonderful visit with Vesta. It's always great to spend time with friends.
 I honestly don't think theres much hope in Kala's grandma ever getting better, she has been going down hill since Kala's dad was killed. She has just given up, and says the sooner she dies the better. Poor lady.
 Sugar and Jan thank you both, I can't wait to meet you both.
 Janet I'm so sorry for everything you are going through, I wish there was something I could do to help you guys out. You all are in my prayers.
 What in the world is Steph and her father thinking. OMG!! They need to get over theirself with a quickness, and give you a break. ((((((((((Janet)))))))))))
 Please give my love to Mike and the kid's, and know that I'm thinking about you guy's. Love you girl
 Christine Congrat's on being a loser...way to go.
 I'm so so so sorry for everything you've gone through and still going through.
((((( Christine ))))))
Love and Hug's

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
on 7/18/08 3:37 am - Wichita , KS
Good afternoon OH! I'm glad it's Friday I don't work today actually don't have to go bac****il Monday thank goodness. 

I was having a horrible morning today then I get a call from the school dist. that I applied for a job at they wanted me to come in this afternoon for an interview.  I am just sitting here waiting until I have to leave.  I'm nervous about it but I think it's going to be ok I just hope that I get hired then I can quit the grocery store and I won't have to stand in one spot for hours.....so please pray that I get this job I really want it.....

It's been raining all morning which really bites I wanted to go garage selling but it rained on my parade!  It seems like every time I want to do something like go to the farmers market or garage selling it storms or rains so I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow so that I can go to the farmers market it rained on me last weekend!

My mom, step dad, little sister, and great niece all are headed to Texas for vacation today.  I worry about them traveling that far my step dad has a heart condition and tends to fall asleep at the wheel so my mom is going to do most of the driving but my mom isn't that much better off she gets dizzy a lot so please pray for them and that they get there and back home next week safely.

My brother-in-law is having surgery today on his back haven't heard about how he's doing guess I should call my sister to check on him.

My step mom just got out of the hospital yesterday she had shingles and had them in her eye guess it was pretty bad but she is better now.

Well, guess I better put the dogs up and get ready to leave not sure where this place is and I don't want to get lost and be late so I will let you all know how it goes. 

Have a great Friday everyone!

on 7/18/08 12:15 pm - Wichita , KS
I went to my interview and I can't say that it went well.... I don't have any experience although none is required but I know it helps if you do.  There were 3 of us there she talked to all 3 then talked to us individually.  I know one girl had sign language behind her so after over hearing their conversation I could tell she was in.  I didn't have much to say cause I didn't have experience but there are several openings so lets hope that they will give me a chance and accept me for who I am.  I am going to send her a thank you note for the interview just doing a little sucking up.... and making myself look all professional and all...lol  In my note I thought about saying something like, how flexable I am (she mentioned how important that is) and how I would be willing to start from the bottom and work my way up just the gain experience what do you all think?  Think that will help my chances I sure hope so I really want this job.  Ok I'm asking for prayers here I want and need this job so please keep me in your prayers.  She told me that she usually takes about a week to check references and will call and if she doesn't then I'm suppossed to call her. 

Thanks everyone!

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