
on 7/16/08 9:06 pm - Overland Park, KS
Does it matter if you drink all your protein for the day in one sitting? I have such a hard time finding quality protein that tastes good or even doesn't make me feel sick to my stomach, but I have been getting about 70 g's a day, I  pretty much mix up about 16 oz(with water)  and drink it over 20 - to 30 min just to get it over with. One ,more question, water, I used to drink more than I do now, I guess it's harder now that I can't chug it,  and my stomach doesn't seem to like it, it seems "rough" ,but I do drink at least one  64oz bottle of the lipton diet green tea plus my protein drink (with water), does this  count as water? it is completley calorie free AND green tea has antioxidents (see i've justified it lol). anyhow... what do you think?? o.k not o.k? thanks , susan p.s if you are taking your  b-12 orally how much is the right amt?i've been taking 500 mg 2x a day, is that enough?


Jan C.
on 7/16/08 9:27 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Protein they say that our bodies cant absorb more than 30 grams an hour , I have questioned this with several makers of protein and one of them finally said that if they really thought you could absorb more then they would be ahead by telling you that you could because they would sell more but that only hard cord athletis could absorb more than that.
Water , is the green tea de caffinated? if so it is ok, caffiene will dehydrate you and any thing with caffiene you will need to drink that much plain water twice over , in other words for one oz of caffiene anything you would need to drink 2 oz of water.
Have you tried flavorig uyour water with somethng like crystal lite. they have a green tea flavor i think.
on the b=12 i really dont know , i give myself a b-12 shot 2 x a month so have never taken the oral b 12


on 7/16/08 9:36 pm - Overland Park, KS
Well crap on the protein!! lol, I guess i'll need to do it 2x a day!  as for the green tea yes, thank goodness, it is decaffeinated. Does anyone else know about the b-12?   thanks, Jan


on 7/17/08 1:25 pm - Clever, MO
Hi, have you tried the Isopure ready to drink clear protien drink? I like it and it sure beats the powders in my opinion. I cant hack the powdered stuff. And Isopure has alot of flavors and has no carbs and no sugar (not like the mixes) Check it out if you havent already. GNC carries it in store and online. In the store you can buy individual bottles to try ones you like. I like the grape frost and icy orange.
About the B-12...I take I sublingual tablet a day and it is 2500 mcg....all my blood tests have been perfect.
hope this helps


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