free product for survey
Hi, if any are interested, Isopure is doing a survey at
If you take it, you will get a free bottle of isopure. This is the drink that I use and love for convienence and taste and pure protien. It comes recommended by alot of the drs and is clear and ready to drink. It has no carbs, no sugar and no lactose. It is low calories too. One bottle is 20 oz and 40 grams of whey protien isolates. This survey is for the first 200 to respond so get busy!
If you take it, you will get a free bottle of isopure. This is the drink that I use and love for convienence and taste and pure protien. It comes recommended by alot of the drs and is clear and ready to drink. It has no carbs, no sugar and no lactose. It is low calories too. One bottle is 20 oz and 40 grams of whey protien isolates. This survey is for the first 200 to respond so get busy!
Thanks for the FYI! I found the site and just finished the survey! I picked up a bottle of the Isopure prior to surgery to try out and it's not hope I made the list to have the free bottle sent over!! :) I purchased the bottle that I believe a berry in color......but the raspberry ice sounds really good! Appreciate your sharing with us! ---Shelley
No problem Shelley, Hope you find one you like...there are lots of flavors to choose from and if you are like me and just cant drink the powdered drinks, this is a great alternative with no carbs and no sugar and low in calories...I think I should get an endorsers fee from them dont you??? LOL! Enjoy! Sugar