Jan C.
on 7/15/08 2:43 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

I am really tired tonight for some reason, I slept good last night but feel like I am worn our.

Andy and I did our walk around this morning  and I spent a lot of time this morning cleaning the guest house . we had the bed broken down and out of the bedroom since we have been working on that. So instead of trying to get the bedroom done we just sit the bed back up in the living room. Looks like a motel room in there lol


Granddaughter came over this afternoon and brought the two great grand babies. The baby girl Mikiala, is such a girly girl. I had bought  her and her brother a little outfit.

And she looked at hers and just smiled and hugged it and said Pink. She is 18 months old and talks up a storm. And yes the outfit was pink. Her mom says she loves to shop. She said the other day they were in a store and she reached out and grabbed this dress off the rack and said mine, mine. Ohhhhh pretty…… now tell me that is taught to her no it isnt cause her mother had never been a girly girl at all.


We are going into Glennas again early in the morning to get the rest of the flowers and also to clean up some gravel and pavers for her. Also Barbara Scott is coming to town to see Dr. Hawes about a tummy tuck, I think that is what.and she said she should be done by noon , I told her to call me and she could follow us down to our house. She and granddaughter are going to be staying for a couple of days in Branson so she wanted to come to my house for a little while I think.


This week has turned into quite a week, pretty busy.




LORI::::: sweetie you wouldn’t be normal I guess if you weren’t some worried, but don’t let what happened to  Cassie get to you.  You know how I got past it? I said well it is do a gastric bypass now while I am half way healthy or wait a few years when my health is really bad and have a heart bypass. And I felt like as a Christian it was a win-win situation.

If I happened to die on the operating table then I would go to heaven and have a new body

If I made it thru the surgery that would be great cause I would soon have a new body.

So you see it is a win win situation

And just know that you have one of the very best surgeons there is. He knows what he is doing . and he doesn’t take chances.


Don’t let the Devil get to you , he is throwing everything he can at you right now. He wants you to stay miserable , God doesn’t he wants you to enjoy life to the fullest. Just trust him he will see you thru.




DEBBIE::::: yes you are right, and your health will be so improved you all will be so wowed about what you will be able to do soon.  You bet you are a winner, and we will all be waiting to hear about your surgery.



LIZ::::: wow all the new girls here in a row. This next month is going to be a good one.

I will be having my two year surgaversary on the 14th too.

No matter how much you think you are prepared I don’t guess you can really be as well as you think your were. I thought I knew everything and when I got home from the hospital and all the water I could get down in a day was about 8 oz. I couldn’t believe it, I was a big big water drinker before surgery. Couldn’t figure out anything , was so tired and sleepy and all but as week two came around I was feeling better, 3 then 4 and by the end of week 5 I was feeling really good was getting all my water in plus all my protein so my body was doing better. Anyway you four will be ok , don’t panic just keep doing everything that you know you are suppose to do. We are all waiting for you over on the losers bench.



SHEILA::::: wow so sorry about the tooth ache, I remember them and am so glad that I don’t have them any more .

Yeah seems our justice system leans over backwards for the junk of this world don’t it?

Hope you get some relief from that tooth.




JANET::::: did Bec get hold of you this afternoon? She is having her second part of her sleep study tonight. Short notice , she said that she stopped breathing 33 times in an hour on her first sleep study. Wow that is a lot.


Im so sorry that poor little Megan and the baby are having to go thru with the Strep B illness. But they must have made some strides in treatment in the last 5 years haven’t they? We will keep both of them in prayer that is for sure.

Yes there are times no matter what that we want our mother even my age I sure wish mine was around sometimes, I really miss her sometimes more than others.


Lol I laughed at you and the horses , I bet that was sort of scary at first wasn’t it? All those big tall eyes looking at you. Bet you did think the martians had landed.


I am so glad that you and Mike really talked and you got your priorities straight now. You are the one that you need to be looking after right now. You have small children, a wonderful husband, a new grandbaby on the way. I know Mike loves his dad but you know and I know what would win with him hands down if there had to be a choice.

Hang in there babe you will get things straightened out soon.

Wow his mom sounds like a awful woman. I hope you don’t run into her much while there.


I know isnt that amazing that Vesta and her hubby are going to do that for us? I cant believe it , They are going to stay overnight Thursday night . Hope Virgil and Joe can get in some fishing anyway.


Well thanks for praying for the toilet. God answered our prayers anyway.


Wow you do have a huge house. Mine will barely be 1000 sq ft lol

Well one of these days if we ever get to add a master suite onto it it will be bigger but not now.


Go ahead and send me your deal for the apple butter, and becky is sending me the one she has that is for crock pot don’t know if eiter one is with no sugar or not.


Oh I can give you all and I mean all of the double daylilies you could want. Will save  you some. Am sending some to Bec too.


Yes I think the meeting in August will be for a clothing exchange we will put them in sizes and have a short meeting and then shop. Lol




CHRISTINE::::: hey there that is fantastic , in onerland already great. I remember when I got there. I like to scared poor Joe to death all my screaming lol

I don’t think you would want me to take the bio. Quiz for you. Lol

Been too long.



BEV:::: sounds like the job is taking over your life and will make you so discontent that you will have to watch it that you don’t start really snacking and splurging.

Hope you get the new job. That sounds really good.


Yeah I have days like that too, I find when I feel like that I have a protein drink cause it help satisfies





BEC::::: well I hope your last part of your sleep study turn out ok .  I am praying for you tonight that your mine will be at ease and you are able to do the study just find.


Glad you got the plants and there will be more on the way but will be the doubles.

And you will NOT send me the postage, that ruins the gift.


Oh this will work for you , we know it will we are living proof that it works.

You are going to be so cute in your cute little clothes next year. Lol


Please send the apple butter in the crock pot when you get a chance, maybe post it on here if you want others might like that to. It is such an easy way to make it and taste so so good.

I love those apple peeler, corer thingys they are so neat , my grandmother use to have one when I was a kid and I remember doing bushels and bushels of apples for her to can them .



VESTA:::: oh my I am so looking forward to you and your sweet hubby  coming. That is going to be so nice.

Don’t know how I could ever thank you and your sweet DH  enough . it is such a great and sweet and loving gift to give.

Hope that I can repay you some day, if not me then God will repay you  and pour his blessing down on you both.

Didn’t he come to the first meeting you ever attended? Seems like I have met him but I may be thinking of someone else.



RENEE::::: that is great about your new computer at least it wasn’t too expensive to get it fix.

Yummy on the catfish that is one of my favorite to eat.

Where do you all go fishing? What river ?


I know it is sad to see babys grow up and move out but they all have to do it and if they don’t you wind up wishing they would lol

Sure do hope you get to come to the meeting one way or the other. If things work to where Janet doesn’t get to come I hope you will try to come by yourself. WE WONT BITE .

Congrandulations on cutting way down on the cigs. That is great , you are going to be a good success story I can tell.













Sheila H.
on 7/16/08 2:51 am - Marshfield, MO
okay you might wanna remind me monday on the boxes...and i go to the dentist at 3 pm YEAHHHHHHHH


on 7/16/08 3:23 am - Clever, MO
I will try to remember to do that. I bet your sure ready to go to the dentist. I used to have awful teeth problems and terrible toothaches. I once begged my hubby to shoot me and put me out of my misery...and I wasnt kidding. He instead got me out of bed in the middle of the night and took me to the emergency room at the hospital so they could give me some pain meds...lol! I sure hate to admit it but he did make a good decision! lol!
Let us know how it went and what he does for you.


Andy W.
on 7/15/08 8:46 pm - Tulsa, OK

Good Morning Y’all,

Wow everyone must be sleeping in this morning  lol  w00t w00t I get the SF Lolli  lol.   Yesterday was kinda busy, we are about to get the house all unpacked finally, prolly have the rest of it done by the end of the week, yay!!!  I hate not having the house all nice and neat lol.  I started painting the cabinets, I got the upper cabinets all primed and ready for a good coat of paint.  I’ll prime the lower ones today and then maybe start painting them tomorrow or the next day.  I didn’t think it’d be so difficult to paint cabinets  lol,  my arm is so sore from painting up high,  the lower ones will be much easier Im sure,  It’s the detail work that Im so not good at so hopefully they’ll look ok when Im done.  Hopefully after this week is gone all the major stuff will be done to the house, all that’ll be left is just putting some trim around,  Im still changing out some electrical sockets,  just some lil stuff like that and it’ll all be done,  now the job of making it look nice, gonna hopefully buy come curtains and stuff next week to help start dressing it up some.   Gonna have a sorta busy day today, got a lot of boxes and stuff to burn, gonna finally be able to set up our dinning table and get that lookin like a kitchen/dinning area, do the same with the living room and get the back room organized.


Well its about time to get my shoes on and go for the morning walk with Jan, she beat me out yesterday  lol.  Walking in the mornings really helps start ya day off on the right foot,  its really helped me tons.   Y’all have a great day!!!



I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 7/15/08 10:00 pm - Clever, MO
Hey. dont burn your boxes..save them for me! My daughter is moving soon and needs them! Could you send some with Jan this morning, if they havent already left when you read this...Thanks Sugar


Jan C.
on 7/15/08 10:06 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
no we havent left and will bring all they have ....so Rachele sold her house i didnt know ....did she buy something else ? see you after while.



Sheila H.
on 7/15/08 11:22 pm - Marshfield, MO

if they didnt bring the boxes..i have a BUNCH and they are all the same size in my closet from when kids moved up here..i got em from my work so if you need em let me know and i will throw em in car monday night and bring to you...


on 7/16/08 2:20 am - Clever, MO
Hey girlfriend, that would be great..she will need lots of boxes so if you would do that I would be very thankful. Cant wait to see ya, hows your toothache? Going to the dentist tomorrow?


on 7/16/08 1:19 am - Diamond, MO

Hello Aunty Jan and OH Peeps~

I only have a moment, but wanted to check in real quick. Came home to change before heading off to help at Hitlers Motel today.....Just kidding. Im ONLY there for my kids right now. There has been some MAJOR "stuff" going on and my kids are trying to move out of there-yesterday like. We may just give in and let them come here for a bit. PLEASE, PLEASE pray for this situation.

I will tell you that I am struggling really bad with the fact that Mikes dad is laying there dying and he is so loving and giving and caring-wouldnt hurt a flea-and my dad is a miserable S.O.B. and is abusive, either mentally or physically to everyone around him-I just dont get it. I love my dad BECAUSE he is my dad-I dont like him-in fact, I just cant stand him really. He needs help-but refuses to get it.

My appt went okay, I guess. I have to have some biopsies. We will go from there. I didnt make the appt yet, the doc said that another week or two is NOT going to hurt anything at all. He didnt "think" it was cancer, but he couldnt tell me definitely. Either way, he is totally leaning towards a hysterectomy-but I have the choice of still just having the D n C....IF the biopsies come back ok. It will take a few days to get those results back anyway. He said I will have some bleeding-but it wont be like a full monthly visitor. Who knows, I have been dealing with that one every 2-2 1/2 weeks too-so who knows?

Well, I got an email from Jan-WE DID GET BEC the same things!!! Jan-I KNOW that great minds think alike-LOL....theres something special about Jan C's, thats for sure. Up until you asked me to not sign my posts Jan because people were getting us messed up-I have ALWAYS gone by Jan- isnt that funny? It STILL feels weird to sign my posts Janet.....

I will get back on here tonite IF I get a chance to. I just wanted to pop in and let you all know what was going on with my appt and all. I feel kinda dazed today, like Im in a fog. So much going on. I have to call or go on line and see how much it would be to rent a car for a week to get to Arizona. Plus the motel costs-Mike doesnt want to go without us because his dads wish was to meet the boys-so I understand....But, I just dont know where the money, vehicle and all of that is going to come from....so, please pray that we get the loan that we applied for. My dad was going to loan us some money-but then he went to the casino and gambled it all yesterday-so.......needless to say-theres $500 we wont be able to count on! He couldnt even wait to go until we paid him back the 1st of the month-which is a Friday and Mikes check would have paid him back!!! ARGH...I was pretty bummed out yesterday when I found that out. I just cried all the way home. He was angry with ME because it was taking me too long to get the laundry done-well, ONE dryer BROKE, so we were down to ONE little dryer-not even the big industrial one-but he didnt want to have to pay me since I was there over the 5 hrs that the laundry person is required to put in (yeah-you know-that $13 I got for the 2 hours-heck, that could get us to Arizona AND back!!!) So-after the 5 hours-he was yelling and screaming at the housekeeper ABOUT ME! Hes not even "working" there anymore-what gives? Well, I gotta go. Please take care and ANY prayers you can send this way-would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thoughts and prayers to you all. Janet

on 7/16/08 1:23 am - Friedheim, MO

Good Morning Everyone!!!  Boy did I have a weird  night!  I woke up several times unable to catch my breath, I was having dreams about my surgery.

I thaught I had enough protein shakes for pre-op, but I dont.  Mom, Skyler & I are going to town today, so I'll get some more.

Jan, where do you get that clear Isopure?  can u mix it with Crystal lite?

I had better get off of here, mom will be here soon,  Hope everyone has a great day!     ~Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
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