looking for a support group in or near columbia MO
MO Bariatric Services has support groups in Columbia and Jefferson City. I have listed below a copy of all their upcoming support groups. If you have any questions please feel free to give that office a call at 573-882-5673
July August September
CRH (PM) 7/07/08 5pm CRH (NH) 8/04/08 5pm CRH (JS) 9/02/08 5pm
Woodrail (AK) 7/21/08 5pm Woodrail (AK) 8/18/08 5pm Woodrail (AK) 9/15/08 5pm
October November December
CRH (PM) 10/06/08 5pm CRH (NH) 11/03/08 5pm CRH ALL GROUPS
Woodrail (NH) 10/20/08 5pm Woodrail (PM) 11/17/08 5pm Woodrail WILL MEET AT
12/09/08 6PM