I Need some serious help advice support anything!
Hi, our lab book says 7 to 10 days, so you are probably cutting it close. So NO cheating!!! It also probably depends on how many pack a day smoker you WERE!! (Notice the were!).
Just remember 48-72 hours after you quit are the worse, if you can make it through that you have it whipped!!! Get some sunflower seeds, carrots, celery, knitting stuff, any thing to keep your mouth and hands busy. Get on here and type, type, type, ask for help, surely someone will be on here that can talk you down :>))) . Hang in there, you can do it!!! The chantix will help the nicotine withdrawal alot, you just have to find something to take your mind off the habit of having a cigarette in your hand. Change your chair you sit in, get rid of the ashtrays, make things different, don't sit where you used to to smoke. I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!!! LiZ