I Need some serious help advice support anything!
No flaming from me - I think you know/knew you maybe should have stopped sooner. Call the Doctor's office and find out how long beforehand you absolutely have to have stopped. No use going to doctor if 10 days isn't enough. The main thing is to remember why you're doing this. Don't give up now and start smoking again.
Dear Debbie, First of all, congrats on your journey!! Secondly-I WILL be praying for your strength and peace of mind. I was a smoker before surgery-then after as well. I started back up! I didnt quit as soon as I should have either-so there is NO Flaming here....Besides-I understand and I know how hard it is. I give you TWO THUMBS UP for your effort!~!!!! My SIL and BIL are both nurses. SIL is a surgical nurse and what Shannon told me was to take a breath and hold it. Do this throughout the day ok? Dont make yourself pass out-but throughout the day you can do this when your doing anything you do-when you get to where you can hold it to the count of 30....your doing awesome. Get as close to 30 as you can before surgery.....What this does is stretch out your lungs and keeps you from having problems post op. I did that faithfully and I could get to 28 I think it was pre-op without feeling like I was gonna turn blue and fall over. No problems here!!!! SO-just do the best you can do with your chantix. DO you have an angel yet? If not, and you would like or need one, PLEASE contact me-just send me a message or hit reply on MY post so it will be in my email and I will see it, ok? I wish you luck in this journey and PLEASE, if you need anyone to talk to-dont hesitate to contact me. My last angelette, Bev-she smoked for some 40 yrs and used Chantix and quit. SHe has been smoke free for 2 months now. Her surgeon delayed her surgery until she quit for a bit. Anyway-if I can help you in anyway-let me know and if not, know that I WILL BE PRAYING For you, for peace AND strength.... Take care and GOOD LUCK! Love and Hugs.......Janet
When did you stop smoking before your preop? I can use all the prayers for peace and strength you can pray,I'm praying for those things also, I did the holding your breath counting to 30 today and did it first try was really pushing it but i made it,so do i continue doing that daily through the day until it isn't as hard getting to 30?
Debbie first off congradulations on quiting smoking , good deal , I hope it is the end of the habit for you. after all the reason for surgery first and utmost is for better health. No flaming meant for any thing. I applaud anyone that quits smoking.
I would call my surgeons office and ask them if that would be soon enough and if enough is out of the system to go ahead and do the pre ops?
You have been given some great advice by some really smart people, we will all be praying for you and hope that things will be great for you.
Hi there,I was told by one of the girls in the office we had to quit smoking for 2 weeks ,That was when i first started all this,But Dr Stotllmeir or how ever ya spell his name said we have to quit smoking for 6 weeks.yes when we go for our preop testing and all day stuff that day they draw labs to check to see if we have been smoking and then the day of surgery they draw blood and if they find it in your blood they will cancel your surgery right then and there and it will take a year to get back into the program. Hope all goes great for you and that you have a complication free surgery.Hopefully we'll be walking the halls together.