Jan C.
on 7/13/08 1:15 pm - Cedar Creek, MO


  Know where we spent the day today? At Glennas her back yard is so full of flowers and shrubs and bushes and stuff and she doesn’t want to take care of that much and was going to dig it up and toss it in the land fill…I told her that would be a sin , leave it alone and we would be up and get it all. She said you wont be able to get it in one trip , I though oh yeah I will , will I didn’t . We had our truck pilled high with things in bags. All seemed to fair well coming home. I will have to try and get a lot of it planted tomorrow. I am going to start over in the guest house yard and then will go see if Andy wants some things too. It is amazing how much stuff there is. Hostas, peonies, lilies, mint and much much more. .. I thought of several people that would like some of it . so I will have lots of extra things for some of my flower buddies.   Joe stopped at home depot and bought a plumbers snake that you fasten to your power drill so that is number one thing on his list tomorrow morning to get Andy and Susan unclogged lol   Vesta loved hearing from you today. Are you and your husband really coming up? I hope for more than one day cause that way Joe and Virgil can go fishing …Hey hurry up and you can help me plant some of this stuff I got from Glenna, and scarf some for yourself. Lots of stuff. Joe said to be sure and tell your husband that he would do all the climbing and stuff for him , we will make sure you are taken wonderful care of.   SHEILA:::::I didn’t see any signs of you coming for your orange s.f. popsicle So sorry about the toothache. I know that is bad I hated them . I had constant toothaches when I was young and had to have all of my teeth pulled at 24, I had gum disease. I cant wear any of the junior clothes, im not straight enough I guess lol , I can wear misses 8/10 but cant wear 7/9 juniors are for the younger figure that is more straight, and don’t have all the curves of misses. I need that little extra in the hip area I guess.     SUGAR ;;;;; you sure did look cute earlier today, in you Sunday go to meetin clothes. Lol Hope you get your plants all planted soon, if not put them in the shade , and keep them wet they should be ok for a few days.     ANDY:::::well the consensus of . several different smart people I think it must be the lateral line so Joe will be over in the morning with the plumbers snake he bought and hook it to his drill and try to get that thing cleaned out. I also bought some commercial chemical. To pour down the drain. Hopefully we can get it cleaned out if not the only other soulution is to replace it lol and guess what that would mean? Tear up the laundry room floor again lol So lets pray for the rotor rooter to work.     SHANNON:::::: rain and funerals , it always seems like God is crying too doesn’t it? It just makes it so much sadder to me anyway.   There are a lot of people that have very bad relationships with their kids while growing up and then when they get grown it changes , I have always said that if there is a Hell here on earth it is being the mother of a defiant teen ager. They can try your very sole that is for sure.   Well did you win anything in the casino?     BEC:::: yeah I remember the first email I got from you . I thought you were a very neat person that somehow shined thru the email. Who would have thought that we would become so close. I know what you mean about the neat people on here , there are a lot of wonderful people and I say the ones that I haven’t gotten to talk to or meet are just friends that I haven’t met up with yet.   Yep you are sort of like walking on sunshine. , that is how you make people feel. You will be able to eat tomatoes again after surgery , just not right away, …I know when I had surgery in august the tomatoes were just being really really in season good and I couldn’t have any right then , one day I peel one and sat and picked out a lot of the seeds and ate a bite. Lol it tasted so so good.  Janet asked if she could be my co pilot as your angel so guess I cant turn that down. you will have a Jan C. on each side of you as you go into surgery thinking of you , how could you go wrong lol   OH the Zucchini relish sounds great, you will have to bring some if you get to come to the reunion this year. I may come up and kidnap you to get you here. Lol       BEVERLY B::::: oh I don’t envy any of you that have to have that nasty ole drain. I was really glad when I found out that Dr. H doesn’t use them , hope he never starts using them either. Don’t worry about it you will feel so much better when you get that out. and the sleepy part , each of us get rid of the surgery meds at a different rate, I take a long time about 2 weeks before I didn’t go to sleep at the drop of the hat. I would sleep and wake up and sip and walk and sit down and go back to sleep and wake up and sip and walk lol   Yes the Isoprue is a good protein and is clear so you can have that as soon as they put you on a clear liquid diet. I think they should be giving that to everyone as soon as they pass the leak test instead of juice. ….get some protein in them .. You can have a little more than one oz every 15 minutes if you can stand it , that is just the least amount that they want you to be getting in. ok. When you are awake your job is to drink and drink and drink some more. Lol you sure don’t want to get dehydrated , believe me you don’t , it is a lot worse on us than on NORMAL people , we HYBRIDS  Have some weird things but being dehydrated is one that you don’t want .       ANGY::::; well did you get fried? Lol I get so dark in the summer from working outside all the time , but it is pretty uneaven, my arms and shoulders and face is pretty tan but my legs aren’t . I have several tomatoes that are beginning to get red but I found several out there already that were rotten on one side. I think it has been way to rainy for them.         JANET:::::Honey all of your prayers that you ask for are on my lips all day today. I know that you are all concerned about all of the problems but our God cares and knows and we are all petitioning Him for you . Don’t give up hope for no matter what we as Christians have all the hope in the world. Know that all your friends on here love and care for you and all your family …We are praying .   Yes it is great about Becs approval and I think it would be great for her to have a Jan C. on each side of her lol. I would love to co-Angel her with you.   Just remember that we all love you and are holding you up in prayer. And just know that all abnormal test results don’t mean the worse , there are lots of reasons for abnormal tests other than the one your thinking. And even if it is that and it is caught early it is pretty easy to treat and cure. So love you and keep your beautiful smile going , I know it is scary but hang in there and get your appointment as quickly as you can and find out. ok? Love you muchy .remember that ok?     HUGS AND KISSES PRAYERS FOR ALL GOD BLESS  



Bec M.
on 7/13/08 2:57 pm
Good EARLY EARLY Morning Missouri!

Say! Could I possibly be the first today? If so I would like "cotton candy" flavor please! Now leave it up to me not to get a good healthy "fruit" flavor but a sugar flavor!!!! ~tee hee Me bad!

Before I get to chatting I know that if this was Janet doing this post she would stop and say, let's pray for whom ever it was that had a real pressing need....

Well... she now has a real pressing need... could we all stand in the gap for her and ask the Lord to touch her physically and also to meet the needs she has right now in her family?... they are so many! My heart goes out to her!

I continue to be amazed all all the WONDERFUL responses to my surgery approval! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH again for all the supportive words, posts, e-mails, phone calls, it's just been fantastic! I am going to "cut and paste" all the posts into a document and put them in my "surgery book" so in years to come I can look back and remember all the wonderul things that happened to me! They have already been many! I'm so blessed! AND how cool is it that I have the Jan C's both for angels!!!!! bec one on each side of course ~ ha and even had Shelley offer too... this is just fantastic!

Jan ~ ~ My goodness it sounds like you are going to be soooo busy getting all that planted! But I bet you were in hog heaven getting all that stuff loaded up in your truck! I know I would have been!

I sure will bring you some relish if it turns out good. I have to go get some tumeric... shucks and I thought I had everything!

I just have this feeling that my surgery is going to be very very close to the reunion... don't know why I feel that way but we will have to see.

I am going to be calling first thing in the morning to try and get things moving quickly.

Janet ~ ~ sweet friend, know that I am praying for you earnestly! As so many others are too I'm sure... I'm praying if you have to make that long long trip that it will not be as bad as you think it will be, I am also praying for Mike... my husband never says much either but it broke my heart to see him suffer when his dad passed away... IT WAS TOUGH! I felt helpless just like there was nothing I could do to make it better! A hard place to be that's for sure. And.... we are trusting a very good out come to your test results what ever that takes, surgery, healing, one or both!

Well, it's time for me to get some sleep... once again it has been quite a day... if I could of bottled up all the tears I have cried in the past three days I would have enough to water ALL of Jan's plants I'm sure! ~ha

Thanks again to all who have sent such kind words!

Have a blessed day,

on 7/13/08 9:36 pm - Clever, MO
Howdy sis and all, Well I got the Cora Belles planted and that was it. I want to get the other beds ready before I take those other plants out of the bags. Glenna was such a doll to share her stuff. Jess wouldnt have had a problem taking it to the landfill would he? GUYS!!! Hey you should be able to locate the laterals with a devining rod..then go in from that end. Have you ever used a deving rod??? They really do work. But Rick said he would try the vent out of the roof first cause that will make it not flush right.
I am excited to get started on my front bed but wi**** would have been about 2 weeks ago when it was a little bit cooler. I will see if I can get the grandsons to help me dig again. LOL! Hope I can go get those stones today.
First off, Janet dear sweet angel ...I love you and am praying for you. God is in control of all the sitiuations in your families lives right now. I am just asking HIM to bless you and all that you are concerned about. You are such a good prayer warrior for others that we as your friends are happy to stand in the gap for you. How much housework can you do??? I wish you could come help me with some of mine! I have alot of painting and stuff to do too but just keep finding reasons to put it off! lol!
Bec, my goodness girl, we are going to have to tie a string to you to keep you from floating away with cloud 9! It makes my heart so glad to see you sooooo happy.
Here is to Andy and Susan, a prayer for a septic fairy to come and just swoosh away all your problems....SWOOOOSH!!! And they are gone...Hey, dont tell Joe that I called him a fairy, okay? lol
Cant wait for the meeting this month...sounds like were going to have a great turn out and Andy and Susan get to come...Hey sis, when we going to have another clothing exchange...that would be a good thing to do again. We could organize it into sizes so people didnt have to dig so much...some of the newbies might need some things by now! Let us all know. Maybe we could plan that for next months meeting...
Well I gotta go. Didnt think I was going to have the boys today but turns out I do..so need to get dressed before they get here and want to go dig some before it gets hot. to all and big hugssssssssss and es


Jan C.
on 7/13/08 4:25 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

goodness gracious what happened to my post now lol hope you all can read it. The gremlins got hold of it looks like .



on 7/13/08 6:51 pm - Diamond, MO

Hi Aunty Jan and Peeps~

What a day its been today!!! It felt like there was a black cloud hanging over my house. Please dont worry, Im NOT depressed or thinking life is over. Not suicidal or anything like that-Just feel this weight in my heart-its so heavy and Im so sad. I have always been someone who cries when others are in pain-or for their emotions. Its been a hard road with Mike today. I cant hardly look at him without crying. We are having a battle of the wills, I guess you would call it-because he is INSISTING that WE ARE NOT going to AZ, until after my dr. appt this week-and I WANT to go before his dad is gone. I am not sure I can live with that, IF he goes while we are waiting for my dr appt.

So-I am going to my appt on Weds. We will go to AZ afterwards BUT before surgery. A couple of days are NOT going to hurt. Thats our compromise. I am praying one prayer on top of another, that dad makes it to at least see his boys-Mike and the grandsons. He wanted that so much-to meet our sons.

We both stayed busy today. Maybe too busy-I dont think either one of us sat down until we got in the pool with the boys tonite after dinner. Mike and I got out after about 5 minutes, but let the boys play for another 45 or so. I watered plants and checked the garden (I can see the pool and the boys from the garden too) Needless to say-I started my spring cleaning yesterday and MY HOUSE IS A DISASTER.....Its better today-but, man, I had years and years of things stored away-from when I was really too fat to clean or stay on top of things, I would put stuff in a box and store it. We are DONE with the livingroom and it looks better than it did when we moved in. All I have left in that room is to have the carpets shampoo'd tomorrow (my SIL is coming out to do that), then I am going to slap a fresh coat of paint on the walls-thank goodness there is a "chair rail" all around the livingroom, and its beautiful wood at the bottom-so we dont have to worry about painting that OR the huge fireplace on the west wall-so its not going to be that big of a job to paint the walls and ceiling. We wont be painting however, until ALL the rooms in this house are organized and gone through, once all of that is done, we are going to do one room at a time-livingroom first, then the kitchen (painting as well) then the boys room, my master bedroom, then Mikes hobby room, the office/guest bedroom and then the bathrooms. Thank goodness my SIL works at Lowes. He has been keeping an eye on the "mistake" or return paint and has been instructed to call me when its there so I can tell him if its something I would want. Between the price for the mistake stuff and his discount-sometimes you can get a gallon of high dollar paint for 3.99!!!

Grandma came up to visit me today because I had the boys pick 3 plastic grocery sacks of apples from my trees-I have never seen this many apples on them (last year we didnt get any, because we had such a hard, late freeze)-AND we have sprayed for the bugs etc-so the apples look EXCELLENT and one tree is sweet, one is tart and the one that is in the dogs pen, I havent tasted yet-but Darrel said he thinks they are the best out of the 3. At any rate-grandma makes apple pies, apple butter and jelly AND applesauce...HMMMM..Never thought of the sauce-now that I have the cannister sets for the seal a meal-I am going to make a couple of batches of applesauce and store them in the fridge. I am also going to vac****eal some-to make treats later on. She brought me all her recipes. However, I dont have time this week-so maybe next week I will get time to do all of that. I hope. I got some more zucchini and squash from the garden, so I will bring that to the meeting as well as a lot of apples. You can ALL have some apples. IF anyone is reading this that attends the COF and would like some apples-Let me know and I will get a bag and put your name on it-so it will be ready and no picking or going through the bags-after the meeting you can just come to my car and get your bag of apples. There are green and some red, they arent the biggest apples I have seen-but they look good right now. Wont if we wait too much longer-but I have had the apple pies and I have had the apple butter and they both were excellent. So-they are best if you make something with them-and the sweet ones, if eaten alone-are good too-I will just have to mark sweet or tart on the bag. Let me know!!!

I sure feel accomplished as far as what we got done here today. Now that the ball is rolling-I just keep thinking of more and more things. I am even wiping down the walls and the corners by the crown molding and the wood trim around the bottom of the walls. ALL of it is being wiped down and cleaned. Mike shampoo'd the family room today (Oh yeah-that wasnt on my paint list-LOL-thats getting done too)....Anyway-so part of the furniture for that is in what used to be stephanies room, part in my room and WOW-Mike bought a really nice rug for the entrance way there, and it looks awesome! Tomorrow the carpets will all be dry and so when Aaron comes out, he is going to help Darrel put the furniture wherever I want it. Im jazzing it up a bit and changing it. Its been the same way since we moved in almost 5 yrs ago-except a difference sofa and tv....its time for a change-when we organized the livingroom-we changed all of that too-just want to be "fresh" and that it is!!!

Dont know what I would do without the boys right now. I find myself missing Steph a whole bunch and I guess I have just been overwhelmed. Wishing she would call me. Erics family, they, of course-are going to do what they have always done-where Eric cant do anything wrong, and I dont do anything right-and so I have been waiting for HER to call me, so it doesnt seem like I am bugging her just because she is with HIS family, but so far I havent heard from her. I think I may just break down and call her tomorrow, regardless. Maybe I can pick her up after my appt on Weds and go to lunch somewhere. She loves this chinese restuarant in Joplin, but they only have pick up or delivery-maybe I will pick it up and we can go to the park....we used to do that a lot during the summer months. Just grab something and off to the park....

The boys have really been keeping Mike and I from falling apart!! Lots and lots of hugs...and they have brought me wild flowers at least 10 times today. Jon always says-You know I like bringing you flowers mommy!!! Then.....he is at that stage where he is verbal about his feelings-Like, that makes me angry, or that makes me happy....well, today he said "I am sad" just out of the blue. I said why? He said-because my daddy is sad and that makes me sad....MAN!!! Mike was in shampooing the carpet in the other room..I said-How do you know Daddy is sad right now-He said, cause I can see his frown. They are 2 of the most loving boys I have ever seen...

Tomorrow we are going to weed our garden out a bit in the morning. Then finish arranging furniture in the family room, odds and ends like that. Gonna stay busy, Im sure. Have a long long list of things to get done....

Its 3:30 and I am starting to get a little tired, so I think I am going to wrap this up and see if I can lucky enough to get some ZZZ's...I seem to get tired and as soon as my head hits the pillow-I cant sleep-

**Jan-I sure wish I could come and help you guys with the house. I would if I could-OR even if I wasnt able to help with the electric work-I could be your entertainment. Today-everything I was touching, I was dropping! I bet I dropped 20 things, if I dropped one. Mike told the boys not to let me pick them up-HAHA!

The med the OB doc put Megan on was Unisom....I believe its for sleep-but it DOES help her with the nausea. She doesnt like feeling tired in the morning though and having a hard time getting up-but maybe when she gets used to it-it wont be like that. She tried just taking 1/2 and it didnt work. She gets very very sick from the pre-natal vitamins they have her taking too! The only ones that dont make her sick are the One Source, and thats what I take-so we are going to trade bottles. Hopefully, hers wont make me sick too-I get kind of a touchy tummy anyway-so I am really trying to be careful.

Oh-YOU KNOW I am standing in line for ANY flowers, bush, tree-ANYTHING you want to give me. I am so into this now its not even funny!! I love lillies, but I didnt get any this year. Mom and Grandma gave me a bunch of Hostas, but I have to go dig them up. Havent had the time yet. I WILL though....its on the long list of things to do when things settle down here. I wish that I could find a way to keep the weeds from growing in the rocks in the pool area. Do I just need to move ALL the rock and put more plastic down? They had done that in the past, but its just ripped here and there now-and we have been fighting those weeds for this is the 3rd year. Yes, when we use round up or whatever-it does kill them and then we go weed, but its a tiring job...any suggestions?

Thanks for the prayers. I know that when I talked to the nurse-the reason I got nervous, is because she WOULD NOT tell me over the phone-said I needed to talk to doctor-and that means that its not good. I have been in the health profession way too long-I know what it means....even if they arent saying the C word right now-they are thinking it. Will know soon enough I guess. I feel it though, in the pit of my stomach-and have for a couple of weeks and just havent been able to bring myself to talk about it.

**Bec-thank you for the prayers!!! I appreciate it and I KNOW what you mean abou****ching your hubby suffer. IT hurts, doesnt it? I hate that all I can do is hug him and tell him Im sorry. I want to take it away so his heart doesnt hurt. Mike always tries to be strong for his family, but you can just see it on him. I am praying for him that he will have strength and not for me, but just to deal with all this.

I, too, have a feeling that you wont be going to the reunion because of surgery, either close enough pre-op or post op. Not sure what it is, but got that feeling when I read your post about it last night....Make sure and let us know ok? Hows that, sitting between 2 Jan Cs? Funny huh? Glad that makes you feel good. It would scare the heck out of me-LOL LOL!!!

Cant wait till you get your package and see what I sent ya. Hope you like it!!! I know you will! Love ya.

Well, I am gonna get off here and go lay down. I just heard Mike walk into the livingroom so I am going to ck on him first. Please remember Bev, Jackie, Cassie, Tammy, Brenda and anyone else I missed, in your prayers for a safe and speedy recovery. Oh yeah-Vanessa too....All my love, Janet

on 7/13/08 10:21 pm, edited 7/13/08 10:26 pm - Friedheim, MO
Good morning everyone! UUUGGGG! Yes I definitly got fried yesterday! Woke up too early this morning all swollen up & felling like poop. Took my meds as soon as I got up,my blood presure has a water pill in it so hopefully it will help take some of this crap off of me.

Jan, good grief girl, one of these days I hope you get everything fixed. I bet you do too. seems like it's one thing right after another. I don't know how your doin it.

Janet, I am so sorry to hear about your FIL. I'll pray for you all. I tell ya, your Jon sounds so sweet, I just want to snatch him up & give him a great big (((HUG))). Skyler used to be like that, still is a little but not like she used to be. She would say some of the sweetest things. I love it, I miss her being so sweet & innocent, Now she is ornery with moments of sweetness. lol

Tammy~ammy, how is your princess doing? Good I hope. I've been praying for her.

Bec, I am so excited for you. You'll have a date before you know it, then surgery, It'll go so fast you won't know what to do. That would be really neat if you got Jans date. Will you have to have many tests done before they will give you a date? or are they just waiting on your approval letter from insurance?

Bev, I'm praying that you get some relief from all the pain you are having, especially with your drain. I hope they are able to get you in earlier & get it out for you.

Vanessa, How are you doing. Hope all is going good for you.

Hope everyone has a great day!!! (((BIG HUGS)))



              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
on 7/13/08 10:52 pm - Lebanon, MO

BOO!!! Hello again all, the lurker still lives! Just wanted to pop in and tell you all I am doing fine. I had my gall bladder removed Friday...NOT a pleasant recovery, but, I am feeling much better today. It is still blowing my mind that food in't making me sick anymore. I have to get the Terrordactyls ready for their swimming lessons, but, wanted to pop in and tell you al howdy! Amy

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

Andy W.
on 7/14/08 12:15 pm - Tulsa, OK

Hey ya’ll,


Just a wanted to drop by and see what was up on the board tonight.  We had a sorta busy day today,  had errands to run in Branson,  I’ll sure be glad when we don’t have to go to Branson so much  lol  before we moved here I kept thinking “ooohh its gonna be so cool to go into Branson all the time”  LOL well it really is cool cuz I love Branson but not all the time lol.  Hopefully once we get settled we wont have to go into town so much.  We really love living way out in the country, its so peaceful and relaxing,  in the mornings I just loving sitting in our living room and watching the birds and squirrels do their thing  lol.  Well one squirrel is gonna be made into soup if he don’****ch it  lol  he keeps climbing the peach tree out front and stealing peaches, its so funny to see him with this green peach in his mouth running like he’s a lil villain lol,  its just so dang cute but he’s gonna take all the peaches if he keeps it up. 


Jan I’ll be calling ya in the morning to go walking so don’t turn ya phone off  LoL j/k  just lemme know tho if 6:30am is too early cuz we can go anytime, no worries.


Janet we are keeping ya in our prayers,  I know God is in control of it all, no matter what it is.  You’ve held so many on this board up in prayers so much, its time we all hold you up.


Sugar  your so right its so much better walking with someone,  your sis has been such an inspiration to me to get this weight off more then she realizes,  the walking has helped me in the last week or so, I can feel the pounds slowly coming off again!!!  LOL @ Joe as a fairy,  I can just picture Joe in a tutu  omg LoL  Well anyway Joe is such a gem,  thanks for sending the septic fairy around, wait til ya hear what happened to the septic tho!!


Bec we really do have the perfect place here to walk,  hope you get to come up and visit sometime you can go walking too and see what we mean.  Its so great to have someone to walk with and encourage, for me its already a lifesaver.


Well Im gonna call it a night,  ya’ll have a great night.


Bless ya’s



I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
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