I am so sorry I haven't been on to post. I can't sit up for very long. Where they have the drain is very painful to sit up for long. I was getting very worried about the pain but my daughter is an RN and she said it will be painful until they take it out. It is not red or looking infected and the drainage is lite pink so it is looking good just need to get it out. I am feeling pretty weak can't wait to get some protein in. I got some ISO pure liquid protein that they said I could have so maybe that will give me some strenghth.
You are right about not getting in much fluid. I can have 1 oz every 15 minutes, how can you get in enough fluids on that plus I want to sleep alot.
Well just as soon as I get this darn drain out (which will be thursday) I hope I can get on here alot more...
Congrats Bec....I am so excited for you...
Is anyone getting good tomatoes out of their garden? ours and my parents just aren't doing very good. We haven't had any ripe ones yet. I want some matters before surgery!!!
Hope everyone has a good day! ~Angy
Hi Auntie Jan and Peeps~ Ive only got a moment. Please pray for Mikes dad and my family. I am telling you what-we have had nothing but drama and more drama since Friday and I am ready to go to a far away place and sit in the corner making googley noises and rock back and forth! I had not gotten the news about Bec till I got on the puter at the motel last night. I sat and bawled for her. I truly could FEEL her happiness and I am so excited for her!! Jan-I will be your co-pilot if you need one.....just kidding-your a great angel-and besides-I love emailing with Bec and talking to her. I just wish that I could go and visit her. Her encouragement, chipper attitude and her sincere love and compassion for others is contagious and I adore her!!! Anyway-got her voice mails this morning. Mikes dad has a dnr-and they didnt have it on file-and they brought him back this morning. We got a call yesterday from his sister-saying they were bringing the family in to say their goodbyes (again...) Mike said that he wanted to talk to the doctors before we did anything. When he talked to the nurse-they couldnt find his dnr-and thats why they brought him back this morning when he coded. As soon as they do find it-there will be no more-I just hope we can get there before that happens. PLEASE PLEASE pray that we get there before his dad is gone. We have so much to do before we can leave. Flying is out of the question and we cant rent a vehicle AND afford gas. Megan has graciously said we can use her car. We figure that we can do the round trip thing for less than a grand-so now we are trying to get that all figured out. I just want to make it there to say goodbye. His dad, when Mike saw him in May-said he wanted to meet his grandsons before he passes. He would love to-he hasnt seen Darrel since he was 4 and he came through Joplin while he was still truck driving....and Darrel is 14 now. He has never met Jonathan. So------we are HOPING and PRAYING we can get it so the boys can go with us. Im so leary of her car because JUST the trip to KC round trip did me in and this time we are talking 19 hours of driving time. Please pray about that too. Mike and I just dont do good in her car. We will actually have to rig those front seats up to make them a little more shock absorbing or we wont be able to move by the time we get to Lake Havasu City, AZ...... My parents are having some issues as well. Very stressful stuff right now and the reason I havent called Bec OR Bev back since Friday-I dont want to drag them down (well, didnt know about Bec then-but you know what I mean). I would feel awful just being like Eeyore when they certainly dont need that right now..... It will be okay-but between MY parents, Mikes dad and then my scary health issue-I am beyond even being stressed out-God is the one who is carrying me right now-and I am just making it a minute at a time. I have seen a GYN surgeon/specialist. Was suppose to go last Thurs (for the results and schedule surgery)-but Megan had her first appt and I didnt want to miss it. I am starting a scrap book for my grandbaby....and that was important. I am afraid I wont be around to see it be born or be a part of its life. I am SO SCARED right now. I had to have that 2nd pap because I had some "abnormal cells" in the first one-and guess what? Yep, the 2nd one was bad too. I didnt want to get on here and talk about it before I was ready. I have talked to Mike, so he knows. I havent told anyone else and I DO NOT want Megan to know yet. Am waiting to see when surgery is and what they will be doing and so on. I have done some checking and sometimes they can freeze your cervix and scrape. Is that considered a d & c- no, but sometimes they can do that and we will go from there. Right now, all I can say-IS that I WILL NOT give up, no matter what happens-because I want to meet my grandchild and love it-well, and besides the fact that I love my family and so on-I have a lot to fight for. Anyway-I just want prayer. I dont want to talk about it, or rehash or anyone to feel sorry for me-I just wanted you all to know whats going on, because a lot of you know me and alot of you are such wonderful prayer warriors-that I want prayer and I NEED it too. So-I am SUPPOSE to go next week to my appt to get surgery scheduled and go from there. IF I am home. I KNOW its important-I do-but I cant NOT be there for Mike when his dad passes. Thats NOT an option. I have to give this to God and know that HE will get us through all of this and HIS will, WILL BE DONE...Right? Please pray for my wonderful husband too-cause he is on emotional overload with everything.....he isnt one to talk about "feelings" OR admit that he is scared. He is more of the-everything is going to be okay and then tell you afterwards that he was freaked out, but I see it on his face, hear it in his voice......He is my rock....but even a rock, will crumble, when excessive weight is put on it!!!! **Bec-Your in my thoughts and prayers. I couldnt be happier for anyone, had it been me myself getting the news. I love you, dear, dear friend!!! You deserve this and we WILL be hugging, IN PERSON one day in the near future-right? Just remember how much your loved-and how much you mean to people like me...You mean A LOT to me-your MORE than an aquantiance (sp?) to ME...YOUR MY 81 YR OLD!!!! You ALWAYS dismiss that compliment and say you dont have enough knowledge-girl-YOU DO, YOU JUST DONT give yourself the credit you deserve!!! Love ya from the bottom of my happy heart for you!!!! **Renee-what would I do without you lately? Thanks for all you do-and thanks for being there! I cannot wait to get togehter. I am still hoping that no matter what happens-I can be with you guys on the 21st, but as you know-this has to come first. Love you. **Bev-sweety-I too, thought something had to be wrong, because when my drain was there-OMG!!! I thought surely something had to be wrong!! I walked into the office hunched over-couldnt even stand straight and when they were done taking it out-I walked up, standing straight and feeling like a totally different person. Its going to be okay-dont let the pain scare you. Also-you will be able to sit up straight and all of that without the annoying and PAINFUL pain!!! Im sorry I have been a crappy angel to you. You certainly deserve better!! Just know I pray for you often and your in my thoughts ALL the time....OK???? All my love...oh-and when do you go back? I will try and get another message/email out to you tonite after the boys go to bed. Im sorry hon, I just have had SO much going on! **Tammy-Hows Christa and her strep? Hope our little princess is getting better. Thanks for the prayers and I hope YOU are feeling better too. I pray for you all the time. Love ya. Well, Im getting off here for now. We are waiting for the family to call. The team of doctors were in talking to dad-and then they were going to advise the family-thats what we are waiting for. Dad is on dialysis every day and his heart stopped.....they pulled almost a gallon of fluid off his lungs this morning and ALMOST a gallon 2 days ago. Would appreciate ANY and ALL prayers you can send up for us. Love to you all, Janet