Jan C.
on 7/12/08 2:11 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Well even after all the cleaning of the septic system there still appears to be a problem. The toilet still is very slow and sluggish. More drano??? Joe said the snake went all the way down we don't understand it. What could be the problem.
Maybe we need to just put all new pipes under there?
Electrician was out..........1200.00 .yelp!!!lol , that really isnt that bad actually for all that needs to be done but more than I have in my right pocket.
Anyone out there want a free week of fishing , that knows how to do electrical. Spend one day doing the elect and you can fish all you want and stay in our guest house, I will even cook for you.
Wonder if that will get anyone ? lol

Did everyone read Becs post about getting accepted for surgery by her insurance co. Isnt that fantastic, she has been trying for 2 years. Im so happy for her and since I am her angel I really am happy . I have been answering questions for her for awhile now and I think she is more than prepared for the surgery. She knows that she has to have certain vits daily for the rest of her life, she also knows that she has to drink protein for the rest of her life. And that it is a life change completely.
She is a good student. She called me yesterday morning with tears in her voice and I knew , just knew they were happy tears. So I started crying too and said you got it really you got it....by then we were both boo hooing lol any way Bec we are so so happy for you dear one.

JANET::::: hey we finally get to have Bec on the bench with us along with Renee. Wow that is amazing.
I am so so glad that the meds for Megan worked, what did he tell her to use? Something from over the counter? Now maybe she can enjoy being pregnant.
Hey that t-shirt sounds like a winner lol
Oh wow that will be great if she comes to the meeting with you , would love to see her again.
How is Beverly doing? I think it is always a surprise to everyone about how little amount of water and stuff they can get in after surgery. And that we say sip sip sip because that is about all you can do at one drink.

Hopefully we will have a lot of people to have surgery in August my 2 year anniversary is the 14th wow wouldn't it be awesome if Bec could have surgery on the 14th too. Since I am her angel it would be awesome for sure.
Lol I had to laugh about seeing you with a flask after taking care of those 3 kids , well be sure and don't do it .ok? we don't what to have to pry a flask out of your hands lol
So you want to pick baby cucks and make baby dills out of them? Yeah that is how they get the baby dills is by picking them tiny and making them pickles. I guess that is what you wanted to know.
Ive been getting cucumbers out of my garden too. I planted these white ones that aren't nearly as strong and don't make you burp afterwards. They are really good. I also got a mess of green beans out and cooked them tonight. Were really good , I also have several tomatoes that are getting red cant wait about them they always taste so much better.

No Joe got no fish. He was disappointed but I think he enjoyed himself any way. He came in and took a shower and went to sleep lol

Yes my daughter is moving Aug 1st I am really dreading them moving off again.
I hope to get together with them before they go.

I will try my hardest to get to Springfield early on the 21st don't know how early since Andy and Susan live here we are going to car pool to go and since they have the car, . I have to be at the library by 6 to be able to sit it all up and make coffee and all.
Will try but cant make any promises right now. It is about all I can do to get Joe to stay afterwards so to come real early too I don't know lol although I would love to , I need Joe to help me set up those tables and chairs.
My Man Beast you know.

No haven't thought of a question or topic, been sort of busy, oh yeah I know , how do you fix a septic system lol
If you have a question or idea let me know I would love to hear about it.
Oh yeah I would like for you to have the info about the resort and our reunion then if you can. Can you? And you can put it on the board that day too. I think we have some that come to the meetings that never come on the board so would be neat to have them some info too.

SHANNON::::: looked at your pictures and your garden really looks good.

Sorry that you lost a dear friend , but like you said she and your mother are together now.
Don't you know they are laughing at all of us and our gardening abilities?

ANDY:::: be sure and holler at me in the morning too for our walk. I never know when you are ready. And it is so much more fun to walk with someone than by your self.

You all are getting things to looking really good. Will be so glad when we can get some more stuff done. .

SHEILA::::: oh my gosh 6/8s wow that is amazing. Girl you are getting really tiny then. That is little.
I think I can wear that size when I get my tummy skin taken off but sure cant right now. Maybe if I start walking more and stuff I can get more off.
Wow. I cant even imagine that for myself really . im still trying to get to goal or at least my goal.

DEBBIE M::::: you sure sound like you have a bad rash there. I don't think mine is anyway that bad. Take care of yourself. If mine isnt gone by Monday morning im going to go to the doctor and get a steroid shot that always helps dry it up.

You really had a great doctors appointment didn't you? Im so proud of you and just know that the cigs will have no chance against you when you set your mind to it.

Yep the sodas need to go byby too you know. Too much sugar in them. .
Yeah you and the girls too can be at the reunion. Would be awesome.

SUGAR::::: hello little sis. Will see you in a while this morning. Bring your digging shoes. She said she didn't think we could get it all in one load. Good grief that is a lot of stuff isnt it? Im taking a tarp to come it all with so it wont dry out.

I don't know what I have got into , probably something that I didn't need to evidently. Lol
Joe says it always gets on my face cause I cant keep my nose out of stuff lol
Don't know if he was kidding or not .
Where is your daisy bed? I know you like them , they were your wedding flower right?
Oh I bet Levi loved the frogging didn't he?
See you tomorrow.




Sheila H.
on 7/12/08 2:53 pm - Marshfield, MO
HAHAHAHAHAHA JAnet i beat ya time lol
i went to the truck pulll in rogersville and my son placed 4th place and he was happy with that...it was good to get out away from the house.....
Jan i mainly wear 7-9 but did get this pair of capris size 6 with no problem i was so EXCITED!!!!!!! haha
My son Levi went frogging last nite and got the BIGGEST frogs i think i;ve ever seen in my life HUGE

well the tooth ache is still here doesnt seem to matter what i use its still hurting

JAnet...i texted you last nite and tonight but dont know if u got em...hope ALL is going okay...
and to every one else have a GREAT sunday
and btw that CREEP emailed me that i was NICE but he only wanted to be friends......NOT in this life time....but i will give other men a chance or i think i will LOL
hugs and love

Jan....i want a orange s/f popcycle :D


Jan C.
on 7/12/08 4:09 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
I have an orange one in the freezer but you have to come here to get it....lol



on 7/12/08 10:58 pm - Clever, MO
Ok this is going to be quick since I am running late getting ready for church!
Andrew, good to see you are getting my sissy out to walk. She needs that little push to do that I think. Sure hate that the toilet is stopped up. Wonder what that could be? Seems silly since it is all clear.
And what in the world needs done with the electric? Must be alot. Of course those electricians can charge an arm and a leg.
I am so tickled for Becky and her news. YEAH! I teared up reading her post. I remember how it felt when I got that call. It was so amazing that all the work and worry had paid off. Actually the worry didnt do anything...lol!
I will see ya over there later sis. I will bring your stuff to you too so save room for it. LOVE AND HUGS TO ALL!


Andy W.
on 7/12/08 9:12 pm - Tulsa, OK


Good Morning All,


Wow, what a storm we had last night,  the lightning and thunder was wicked,  didn’t have to have any lights on in the house the lightning lit it up nicely  lol.  These crazy storms lately are something else,  my poor lil dog hid under the bed and wouldn’t come out lol  she’s so afraid of thunder.  If we’d a been in Pilot Knob where we used to live the power would of gone out too, I kept waiting for it to go out  lol Its still cloudy out there now but not raining so after this post I’ll get my shoes on and call Jan and go walking,  we really do have the perfect place to walk here just enough hills to make your heart pump good!!


Jan I wish I knew something about plumbing,  if we could find popeye he could blow those pipes out  lol  I just don’t understand it was working so good after the septic was cleaned and then slowly started getting slower again,  Im sure poor Joe wants to set a piece of dynamite in it  lol.


We did get quite a bit done with unpacking yesterday,  I mowed the yard and Susan unpacked, that way I stayed out of her way  lol.  We still have a lot to go tho,  you wouldn’t think it take long to find a place for everything  lol Hopefully when we get most of it unpacked we can starting finding curtains for a few windows and start decorating a bit,  one day its all gonna look so purdy  lol. 


I so can’t wait for the COF meeting this month,  I been looking forward to that for ages now.  Jan we can leave anytime ya need or want too,  we’ll be ready with bells on  lol.  The reunion sounds like its gonna be so much fun, cant wait for that either!!


Well I better end this and get my shoes on, wanna get the walk in before it starts to rain again.  Hope everyone has a good Sunday. 




I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Shannon C.
on 7/12/08 9:14 pm - Kirksville, MO

It was raining very hard yesterday during the funeral.  Corinne was my Moms best friend and my mom could grow everything except african violets and it really bummed her out that she could not raise them so when she got one she would foster it out to Corinne to take of.  I decided not to go to the cemetary after the service.  Went home and waited for Dad to call to come and pick him up.  Sis and I fixed green beans & ham, sweet corn, salad and cantelope for dinner.  I really look forward to my fresh fruit.  I guess I have switched addictions as that is my treat now.  Also by eating an orange or seedless grapes daily I don't have a problem with constipation.    I had thrown the beans in the crockpot yesterday morning with onions and a hamhock so they were ready when we were.  I just made to much so will not have to cook much over the neck few days.  Have not exercised at all the past few days and feel sluggish this am - could be from that or the emotionally draining day I had yesterday.  One good thing about yesterday was that I was able to reunite my daughter and 1 of her best childhood friends up via email and phone.  Stephanie as you all know lives in Virginia and her firend Krista lives in South carolina so they are going to get together in the next week or so.  That really makes my day.  Krista is going to give my daughter a huge bear hug from me when they meet up.  Its been a year and a half since I have saw my daughter and I miss her and Jamie so much!  I don't talk about her teenage years much but will say that she put me through the wringer!  I never thought we would be as close as we are now even though she is 18 hours away from me.  I am so proud of my kids and what kind of adults they are now.  I just knew that by divorcing their father when they ages 2 & 4 I had ruined their lives.  Not true - They had it rough growing up as we had very little but with my supportive family we had each other.  Doing laundry now as I am going to be bad today and go with Dad to Booneville and donate to the casino for a few hours of fun and a free meal.  Really I just don't want him driving there by himself so am going with him - he will never know the real reason or does he - hmmmmmmmm.  You all have a great day and stay safe!




Bec M.
on 7/12/08 11:10 pm
Good Morning Missoui!!!!

Jan ~ I see that little smiley face right next to me and one is kissing the other one on the cheek I tried to get it on here because that is what I would do if I had you here! OH I SEE IT WORKED! You are such a doll to be so happy for me and have been a fantastic angle and friend since I started this journey two years ago, you laugh with me and cry with me too! Do you remember that first message I sent you? I just told you I was going to latch on to you and you responded!!!! When I wrote that message I didn't know what you would think and if you would even respond... at that point I had NEVER wrote to someone I did not know... and was scared to death! Too funny now... I have met so many many new people and it is GREAT! Oh the blessings I have found! And continue to find!

Janet said "walking on sunshine" was me as I'm sooooo happy about being approved... in my heart YES! but sure not outside... I went out to "pick" the garden this morning and it was not "really" raining but sure enough raining moisture in the air... the temp is so very nice and cool! I just love to go out there and and look over all my plants and enjoy the very goodness of God! My morning glories have nearly covered the hole arbor on the woods side and blooming so nicely. I picked, a WHOLE bunch of zucchini, yellow squash, peppers and the first of my larger tomatoes...just a couple and they sure won't make it to the table! ~ I LOVE fresh tomato! I will have to try and get my fill of them before surgery! Paul will have to wait! ~tee hee I could eat tomatoes by the bowls full! shame on me!

Janet you are a doll to send me a package! I love packages! I can't wait to see what is in it! What ever it is THANK YOU! and thank you for thinking of me and going to all that trouble! You and Jan both inspire me with your excitement for me! and all the others that have wished me good outcome and even offered to come see me! WOW! I got a chuckle out of you putting me between you and Jan "because" you both were Jan's and both last names started with "C" too funny! I can tell you this... I will be so comfortable there betwix the two of you! I can see from the "crying" post that I will cause a landslide! ~tee hee

I was chatting with Shelly (another blessing the Lord has given me) yesterday and she gave me some great advise to keep my ball rolling maybe... she said I could call the insurance and ask for the approval # and then call and give it to the surgeons office and maybe that would speed things up a bit and they would go ahead and schedule my next appointments... (I woundn't of thought of that) the receptionist told me they had to receive the letter in hand before they would start so I will sure give this a try and see what happens. Shelley had her surgery with the same office two weeks ago and has been so very kind to write me her experiences, and answer my questions, it has helped give me some confidence! Thank You Shelley!

I can't imagine that my surgery would be exactly on the 14th of August but Jan... we won't be very far apart hopefully! You never know.

Bev~ I am thinking about you and hoping you are adjusting well with your new pouch!

Shannon ~ That garden is beautiful! I looked over the pics real good and enjoyed it throughly! Sure sorry about your neighbor that passed away... but isn't it nice you have all the good memories?

Andy ~ sounds like you are moving right along in getting settled... I am so envious that you get to walk with Jan every morning! I sure pray you will be able to encourage each other to keep up that exercise, and that you will see the weight loss you want yet.

Sheila ~ how great is it that you got into "any" size six... my mind doesn't even register a "6" ~ tee hee a "46" yeah!

Renee ~ I will certainly be praying that you have great success with the Chantix and are able to kick that ole habit without alot of suffering! YOU CAN DO IT!

Sugar ~ if you keep at it you are going to have a beautiful show place!

Brandy ~ I'm still praying that you will be approved very very soon! I KNOW it can happen!

Well, I am going to get some zucchini relish to soaking overnight... I have wanted to try it with Splenda now for several years and just have not done it but I'm going to try it this year.

I'm still so excited that I am finding it hard to keep still! I should get busy and do a whole lot of work! ~tee hee My mind has just has just raced for the past two days and I drop in bed exhusted and believe it or not have slept a bit better because of it! And my eyes are dry as haystacks every time someone wishes me well I just cry all over again! Such a nice place to be on this Missouri Board!

Everyone have a very blessed day!


Sheila H.
on 7/13/08 12:14 am - Marshfield, MO

i have been getting into Rachael my daughter n laws jeans and capri's for awhile and every time i try 1 of her's on i just scream with joy...yesterday she wanted to go to Cato's and look around...well i was trying on 8s and cool found some that fit and then Rach finds a pr of HOT pink capri's for 2.99 so i tried em on and then after they fit she said oh ya them are 6s OMG i screamed and hollered an whooped.. .she ended up having to tell the sales girls i had lost 113 lbs and just fitted into a 6 LOL
i was beyond excited cos i havent worn anything below a 12 since high school !!!!!! i know i have lost but i think in our own eyes we will always see our selves FAT so its hard to believe i can actually wear 8s ,9s and now a 6...dang it
then when i came out of dressing room the girl at check out who happens to be big wanted to know all about my surgery so i told her all i could and then asked for her email so i could invite her to our OH page and she could do more research.....
a year ago you would NEVER have caught me even trying on HOT pink stuff LOL all i wore was black and black
I am so HAPPY that you finally got approved.. it took me a yera to get this going but was the best decision i ever made except to have my kids
i LOVE being able to work out in garden and yard...neighbors have been shocked to see how much work i have did out side this summer...you are in for so many WOWS seems we get 1 about every day or so now.....any way guess i better shut up be4 i write a book hahaha have a GREAT sunday
hugs and love


Bec M.
on 7/13/08 2:19 am

I too should have at least a few clothes from my girls all the way down to 10 and 12's. THAT will make we feel so good to get into their clothes... last fall I went and helped a sil do some house work, she cleaned out her closet and I brought all her old clothes home and put them away "praying" I would need them!

If that was me in that store I would be weeping and the poor store clerk would be thinking my husband just left me! ~ha

I'm so very very happy for you....you are like so many and you can just hear the happiness in your words as you experience something new! It's awesome!

About color: I have always wore navy blue... it's my favorite and is about as slimming as you can get, that and black of corse....Paul's favorite color on me is "pink"... he's always said it goes so good with my pink cheeks....

I say if you can get your bootie into a size 6 anything! you wear any ole color you want to sweet lady! and at a size 6 you HAVE to look good! ~ha You know I can't even imagine wearing a size 12 let alone a 6! You are so right you have to have one of these !!!!! You should get a full body shot on you profile in those hot pink babies! I only wear pink in blouses! oh my ~ I couldn't even imagine putting hot pink across this fanny! ~tee hee

You know Sheila, it doesn't matter how many posts I read and I have read ALOT not just on this board but others too .... I NEVER stop being just totally thrilled to hear how happy this surgery had made people... where else can you go that you find so many HAPPY people? I sure don't know of another place! HAPPY IS GOOD! in this world where there is so much unhappiness! I'm not sure I wouldn't have to stay and read even if I never had the surgery? BUT I AM!!!! and your words encourage me!

I have WAY WAY more gardening and landscaping to do when I get to feeling GOOD and rid of this extra "Becky" that is attached to me! Poor ole Paul will divorce me on that count! ~tee hee He thinks we have done enough landscaping for one year. ~ha Poor guy's not going to know what hit him next year!

Thank you for your words of encouragment and sharing your story in it INSPIRING!

Sheila H.
on 7/14/08 8:29 am - Marshfield, MO

YOUR day is coming...if some 1 had told me a year ago that i would be able to fir into a pair of 6s id laugh at em..i mainly wear 7-9 and 10s but these 1 pair of 6s fit good...i will have Rach take a pic of me in the NEW HOT PINK outfit hahahaha some day soon you will be wearing PINK, ORANGE< YELLOW all the bright pretty colors.....
Its been a slow process but worth every thing it ook to get where i am...i have 13 more lbs to lose to get to Dr H goal weight...now i do have a VERY wrinkly belly and top legs but heck i can live with that and cover it up LOL
i so love being able to get out in yard and garden and work and just be any where but on the couch where i have spent most of the last few yrs...didnt do anything unless i HAD too......
ya Paul is prob gonna have a cow next year but oh it be worth it when he see 's ALL the life and energy you have.....its a GREAT feeling.....
now if i could just find me a good man id be set lol
im glad u liked my story and i know LOTS of inspired me on here in last 2 yrs i been coming here almost.....
hang in there and god bless ya
love and hugs


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