Everything has calmed down and is ok....Brother has finally decided to take charge and i sent him an artical about a vacumning process they are doing for deep vein thrombosis, and he is getting an appointment with one of the surgeons in either Kansas City or Columbia for them to do it.
Daughter , Michele, called me and has come thru the latest crisis ...doesnt want to leave him at this point but did tell me that the next time something like this happens that she has found several places for help and rescue.....All i can do is let her know that i will be here if she needs me.
Still some other problems with other parts of the family but they have been there for awhile and i know i cant do anything about some of them....Dont know why i freaked out so much about stuff this time. Oh well i just know it felt like everything had just piled on me too fast too much. I dont usually do that , I did manage to keep working while this was going on , I think that may have been what really helped a lot. Seemed like my residents were kinder than usual to me...I had some of them come up to me while i was flaking out , and most of these were residents that have either Alzehimers or senility of one type or the other, and told me they loved me. One of them said i dont like it here when you arent working....most of these dont say much at all on most days....sort of floored me , I guess God was speaking to me thru them....
Joe has gotten to where if it isnt raining when i get off work he comes and gets me on the trike. Really relaxes me in a way no pill ever could. by the time we are home i take my last pills for the day and within the hour im ready for bed.
One night when he came after me on the trike on the way home there were two deer in the road we slowed way down so they could move out of the way , one went into the woods on one side of the road and the other one went to the other side and jumped over this really high fence , she got one of her back legs hung up in the fence and was just hanging there...Joe parked the bike and went over there and was talking to her really soft and quite and he got her leg untangled, she lay there just as still as she could all this time he was pulling on the wires and still she just lay still not making a sound. when he finally got it free she jumped up and ran a few feet and turned around and looked at him and made a funny noise and then ran off. I thought it was so neat was like something you see in a movie . Joe has that effect on animals and people too tho. he is calming. Glad he is mine lol
Ive been planting and planting and weeding and weeding. I bought 24 snapdragons yesterday that i need to get into the ground this morning. I made up tow huge hanging baskets yesterday too for the front porch...they are petunias and purple sweet potato vines and some other trailing vine, can never remember the name of it ....but it is bright green....I planted some impatients in my shade garden in a cart that Bec found and gave to me last year.
We have to go to Springfield this afternoon to pick up George , the grandson that is going to school here. On this break from school he went to Texas to see his family there. I will be glad when he gets back here. that may have been some of my stress too. I was so afraid that he would get down there and fall in with some of his old buddies and start acting like a fool again. He starts back to school for summer session on June 7th. He will be carrying a full load .we are going to go early so i can go buy wal mart and pick up some things and also to see if they have any watermelon plants. I had some and something ate them completly off....was some sort of bug because there was one left and it had holes all in it ....so will pick up some seven dust to sprinkle on them.....and need a couple of green pepper plants. I have Jalapeneo plants but need some sweet peppers....especially to make the salsa i make.
well guess ive jabbered on here long enough....will get this online and posted. love you all and thanks for letting me take a much needed break....
I could not believe how fast my grass had grown while I was gone. I had to start cutting as soon as i got home. Did that before doing my laundry. Poor DH has such a cough he cannot do much. Every thing makes him short of breath. They gave him a diagnosis of mild copd but I think he has acid reflux getting in his lungs. He has an appointment this week and I am going with him and see if he can't see a specialist. I need to get him well.
We made a pit stop on the way home and gave my MIL a big birthday party for her 80th. We had about 130 people there. She really enjoyed it and we are so glad we did it. She said she had never had a real party before. Dh had been working on the party with his sister for five months. Doing it long distance was not easy.
I hope everyone is doing well and the problems are being resolved.
We gave my dad a surprise birthday party for his 75th. It was the first party he had ever had. We always celebrated his BD, but we invited all the friends and relatives this time. He loved it.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
Yeah you can stand back and watch the grass grow. You mow it one day and two days later it looks shaggy again. mostly the weeds have grown and not the grass tho.
Hope to see you again soon.
Good Morning OH,
Today is kind of a funny one for me. I turn 59 today, but feel more like maybe 39 again. How awesome that this surgery has given me back so much more than I could have ever hoped for.
Jan~Good to have you back, really missed you on here. I would have love to see Joe helping that deer, they are so precious and beautiful. I would say if he can handle an animal like that he is a very special person.
You know you have been working harder than you expected to and that alone can break down your defenses on stress. Am glad to hear your DB is doing that to resolve the health probs. Will be praying that your daughter doesn't have to go through another episode, and she will get help for her husband.
Susie~Welcome home, doesn't matter how much you do before you go on vacation, seems like there is always twice as much to do when you come home.
I have lived with COPD for a long time now, you do need to see a pulmonologist so they can get him on some good meds.
Well, I'm getting ready to leave for Springfield, hopefully there will be some good jobs before the holiday week-end. Hope everyone has a good day, Lots of HUGS.
I sure wish i had had a video of him helping the deer , it was strictly amazing. there was a bright moon and it was all a little sur-real....you know?
Hope you had an awesome wonderful beautiful magical day....
I surely hope that everyone feels welcome and of course there is no stupid questions ever about any subject because if you are asking it you have the intellengence to know that you dont know the answer. even if it is a simple one.
I love that you like my simple little post and thank you for starting the post for me one day....i appreciate you.
That was so sweet of Joe to free the deer. Did you see the story about the cop that freed a dog that was stuck in a fence? The dog ran off and when the guy went to his squad car, there was the dog in the driver's seat. All of it was caught on tape.
DWTS was no surprise. The first hour was a repeat of Monday night so we watched BL. It was really good. But, why do they dress them in clothes that are too small? It's not flattering....IMO. Daris is a doll but his jacket was pulling. Michael looked like his clothes had been sprayed on. The only one I thought looked really good in her dress was Ashley's mom. It covered her knees and fit well.
Jeanie, you are doing great. I took a month off work but I had short term disability. You got right back into life after your surgery. I'm happy for you and I do know how you feel about the surgery being such a good thing.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
i know what you mean about their clothes being too tight. Michaels made him look like he was gay...dont know if he is or not but that huge belt buckel he had on with such a tight shirt. I dont know how they had them bound down so tight to not show the rolls of skin they would have to have. You cant lose 246 pounds and not have loose skin, even if you are young and your skin has more elastic to it...
I haven****ched DWTS yet, couldn****ch them all so switched back and forth between the two and saw some of the singing and most all of the BL...
tomorrow night starts the best dance show IMO....So you think you can dance. now these people are dancers. I guess because i use to be a dancer too...i like it more. I danced almost everything but taught Ball room for awhile. wearing those high heels all day and dancing and teaching men that had no rythmn ...got tired of getting my toes stomped on lol
Any way will watch DWTS on tape. Andy is recording it and as soon as they watch it they will give it to me.to watch.