Anyone else experience this?
Jan, your so funny! LOL.... I eat carbs occasionally cause I crave them!!!!! (Old habbits die hard) It just seems like every time I eat carbs I start sneezing I just thought that was weird..... I know we shouldn't have them but I think if you don't go overboard on them and eat lots every day I think your safe if you watch your portions. I don't eat near as many carbs as I did before surgery I don't even like bread anymore and boy I used to be a breadaolic I loved my bread now I can't do bread of any kind.
Be very careful, I was a carb addict, well i take that back, I AM a carb addict, I was gaining weight back cuz of eating carbs, its so easy to get lost in the moment and not realize what your eating until one day the scale says "GOTCHA". Some can handle a lil carbs here and there, I sure can't, carbs are like lays chips to me, ya just cant eat one, ya gotta eat the whole bag!!