We went over to the rental this morning and made sure the back bedroom was all cleaned out was going to do part of the floor but neither one of us felt good and I had a beauty shop appointment and Joe had a haircut appt. so we didn’t do anything really but went into Forsyth to get ourselves beautified…lol
Boy im so purty I cant stand myself. Lol
Joe too.
Yea Vesta is coming to see me Wednesday. Cant wait …it will be so nice to have someone to come see me. Not many come all the way out here, not even my kids or other family.
Wow wasn’t it hot? Good grief cant breath outside. Need to get the lawn mowed I guess I will try to do some more of it this evening late. At least try to get all of the front mowed.
It is really getting out of hand that is for sure.
Either it is raining or so hot you cant mow.
My oldest daughter , her daughter and grandson are all moving to
She lived in Arizona before for about 6 years and loved it , she said she had tried to really like it here but all the humidity was just too too much for her that she cant breath well and her allergies were so bad now that she just hoped that they would get better by moving back there again.
I told her we would be out to see her this time especially if we get out Goldwing trike.
Sure hope that is in our near future. They are very expensive would be happy with a good used one if we could find one.
I went out and mowed some lawn this afternoon and got really tired and as soon as I stopped I started sweating like crazy and felt really disoriented. Came in the house sweating so badly , got some water and drank about half and went to sleep.sitting up. Wow don’t know what I did but really made me feel bad. I didn’t wake up for about 2 hours. Still feel really weak going to watch that stuff..
ANGY::::: hopefully your parents will realize how much you need them if your surgery is later and stay home during that time.
Tailbone pain, I just thought it was from losing muscle and fat from the bottom. No padding when we sit.
Like Janet said everyone you come in contact with tell them NO MORPHINE>
Make sure it is on the front of your chart in big letters. NO MORPHINE, and everywhere in your chart.
BARBARA SCOTT:::: that will be great for the 16th that is next week right? Great let me know.
SUGAR::::: hope you got back to bed after posting? I do that all the time the waking up for no reason.
Im glad the new fish is behaving himself.
That sounds like a really nice trip to the stain glass theater for the senior adults. Maybe allow an extra 30 minutes , I know it would mean leaving the church a half hour earlier but would give you a cushion to fall back on.
We will all be praying for AMY , I know she has to really be worried about what is going to happen.
BECKY::::I know you are really glad that the sleep study is over.
I have never had one done, I know me I know I wouldn’t sleep much any way.
And according to Joe I wiggle and squirm all night any way and kick my legs around and that is when I wake up when I start kicking .
I know you have been very lonesome there all by yourself . well he is back home now.
LOL 7 pies but you will enjoy having those made up when you have your surgery.
Will come in very handy.
BRENDA:::: so glad that you are healing wel.
You have never dumped? wow
Certainly hoping that after all you have been thru that you will have some pain relief.
Will continue to pray for you and also for Dennis that he will be able to get the surgery done soon. Certainly don’t understand these insurance companies , just doesn’t make sense to me.
Let us know about jury duty, I would imagine you could get out of it with just having spine surgery and all.
JANET:::: I know what you mean about keeping track of everyone. I have a calendar right at my computer that I try to write evey one on as I see and find out about surgery dates but once in a while someone slips thru and makes me feel so bad. I know they think we don’t care but it certainly isnt that .
Tell Megan and Aaron congradulations on making it a whole first year . Hope they have many many more to follow. All happy , all fun,.
The baby books sound wonderful. I found some for my great granddaughter like those last year and she loved them , at that time she was still trying to eat everything so they were great.
Poor Megan I hope they are able to help her not be so sick , I never heard of Group B Strep? That sounds awful.
I too love those inspirational postings you started , very good idea. I hope they help some pre ops. I copied them and sent them to Sugar , she was talking about putting together a binder with all sorts of stuff like that in it and different things for new people to have I am taking her my white binder from Dr, Hornbostel and she has hers from her doctor and she said she wants others from other doctors to make a combination of things .
Anyway wonderful idea.
Wow you all really have some characters at that motel don’t you? People are getting so strange anymore..Seems they think that life is all about them and no one else. I worry about you and some of those people , I wouldn’t last a day with confrontation like that lol. You are a really strong woman to do that. Wow.
Sure sounds like this woman that Steph lives with is some sort of nosey biddy that thinks she is a do gooder lol . So did she expect these kids to get down and kiss the ground that she walks on. She should know that if they don’t get along with their parents that there usually is a good reason for that and not always the parents fault. She needs to keep her nose out of others problems . just another case of strange people lol
Hope you enjoyed your pool some yesterday , if I had that in my back yard I might not get as much done as I do. And would have such a tan as you wouldn’t believe. Enjoy it and relax. Love the fact that you have that to help you out in stress and relaxation too.
The body just feels so much better when you are in water like that .
Hey sis, good morning! Yes I am up early again. I think this is happening because I start falling asleep in my chair in the evening about 8 and I cat nap for 10 min. at a time until i finally get up and go to be at 10! lol Well then around 4 my body says, youve slept enough...GET UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So here I am. Yes fishy (Ditto) is behaving. They seem to get along but dont have the close relationship that Pete and re-Pete had... When is Teresa and her gang moving? Have they got stuff to move out there to? Or just packing up and going? Im glad to know they are getting along that well. Speaking of the tail bone problem...mine has become so bad I almost cant stand it. I went and got a massage yesterday and she said to go get an adjustment from my Chiropractor...so I did and he said my hips were really out of whack. So hopefully that will help. He used to keep my hips lined up better and it helped with my tail bone before... of course I have a bone spur on the end of mine that doesnt help. when my hips get really bad out of alignment,it makes me sit funny and the tail bone hurts worse. I got to go exercise yesterday and I did the resistence water walk some...I really think that strengthens my legs and back...going to start trying to do more of that again. Hope to feel like going to try the Zumba class tonight. Im not very coordinated so pray for me! lol I got to meet Jeff's (daughters boyfriend) daughter yesterday. He hasnt had a relationship with her but is now going to try to. She and her mother are ok with it...She is 12 and looks like him. She is a really sweet little girl and I told her she is always welcome to come to my house when we have family things...so Im sure I will be seeing her again. Chelle is so excited about it. Of course so is Jeff and his daughter Taylor. I am so happy he is getting this opportunity. Janet, you be very careful!!!!!! Some people today will come back and hurt you for treating them that way...they think they cant be talked to like that and will re-taliate. SCARRY!!!
So sis, what do you use to keep your ponds clean? Is there a magic treatment of some kind? Ours is already looking bad with algae. Well, I guess I will close. Heres hoping and praying that everyone has a glorius GOD filled day with lots of love and peace and joy!
Good Morning Missouri, Oh so hot here this morning.... 78 at 4:30 a.m.! Must going to be good and hot today.... calling for possible severe storms....we will see. I need to get out there and dead head my hydrangeas some of the blooms are getting all brown now. Also need to get over to the garden and pick some things... suppose I will need to star****ering now that it is warming up... I have so much to keep up now that I will have to water in the morning and evening both. I can't wait to start getting fresh tomatoes! love love love those things! I called the insurance yesterday to make sure they had my request and they had already entered it on the 2nd...the lady told me usually 5-10 business days and that I could call back later in the week and check on the status of the request...so I will try again on Friday and see what they say...? Jan, sorry to hear your daughter will be moving so far away from you but hope she is happy where she goes. What does she do for a job? Has she got one out there already? a place to live and all that? Angy ~ I know you must be tired of waiting to hear about your surgery... am continuing to pray you hear good news soon. Sugar~ I would love to see the pics of your pond too. Know those projects get to be alot of work but oh the satisfaction you get when it is all done and you get to enjoy! I am also praying for your friend Amy that is losing her home. Oh my goodness how scared she must be! I pray the Lord meets her every need and blesses you for helping her. Brenda M. ~ Sorry to hear you are still having trouble with the fibro and other issues... am asking the Lord to minister to you in that area. And also that your husband will be able to get the surgery he needs safely and soon. I know he must be anxious to get it done too. Asking the Lord's perfect will concerning this. Bev B. ~ I know you won't read this right now but I am thinking of you and praying for a quick, speedy, smooth recovery. Praying that you will start to feel so much better real quick and be able to do all the things you want to real soon. Tammy ~ hope your support group meeting went well and you had more attend this month... also praying that you are able to get the next surgery approved and out of the way... that you will see the weight loss from that you are hoping for! You will be so pleased! Lori ~ Am praying for your scope tomorrow... safe travels, good results... just another step closer to your goal of surgery. So glad your step father is able to take you. Janet ~ praying for Megan... boyee do I know what she is going thru... I was so sick the WHOLE time with both my girls... I remember throwing up EVERY time I had to put mayo on Paul's sandwiches for lunch, I remember getting so discouraged when the Doc put me on bed rest for 3 months prior to their birth because I was pre~clamtic... but "this" too does pass and she will think it was sooooooo worth it! I know not much help as you are going thru it though... and seems so much harder on the young ones. Also praying for Steph...so hard to know what the answer will be for her but also so comforting to know that we can lay her at the feet of our precious Lord and know He will watch over her when you can't so much.
Praying for Kenny also... I know it must be discouraging to live with what he does everyday... praying comfort for him... also blessings to you and your family for all you have done for him. How is Mikes friend in Texas coming along with getting surgery approval? I know you said his mom died and he was trying to be with his dad more... has he gotten any closer to surgery now? Has his wife started to encourage him any better? I remember his name for awhile and then I forget it ... but I never forget about him and still pray he will find his way before something bad happens to him health wise. Go on out there and lay in that pool of yours for me! Just lay there and relax and say to yourself... "this ones for Bec".... like they used to say on the beer commercial.... "this Buds for you" ~ tee hee I have been thinking of all the peeps that haven't posted for some time and wonder how they are all doing... hopefully they are healthy, happy, and enjoying all the benefits of surgery that they did not have before! Have a great day! bec
Hi Jan and OH Peeps~
I only have a minute-then I have to go get my last load of laundry in the dryer and water ALL my hanging plants and turn the sprinklers on in the garden. It LOOKS muggy out there-will see.
I went out and ran errands yesterday-and then promised the boys some pool time-and I fell asleep watching Rachael Ray-LOL-so 3-4 pm...WOW! That NEVER happens, of course, I never sit still long enough anymore!
So-we went out in the pool for a bit....got out-walked over to the garden and got a couple of quart bags full of green beans and several tomatoes. Dropped my phone on the concrete porch and then I will be darned if I didnt drop it again in the pool area-concrete again and now its not working right. I did get to call up to Bevs room and she was sleeping-but she is doing well. I was going to call again this morning, but I cant get my phone to take a charge-so will see. I do have back up phones-but would rather not have to mess with it since I dont have all my numbers written down-guess I better get to it-huh?
Ok-so I was right-Jackie had surgery yesterday...which means someone is having surgery today as well-WHAT DID I DO WITH THAT LIST???? DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEA WHO IS HAVING SURGERY TODAY??? We need to pray for them and then for our girls recovering today-including Cassie. Poor girl! I pray she is recovering well. I want to send her a "happy" card. I hope I can get her address.
I dont have time to send out emails right now-I have to get to town and do laundry for my kids' rent. Anyway-on the reunion-we cant start calling this early guys-its an agreement I have with the lady who runs the resort-because these are her busiest months and she can barely keep up with what she has going on day to day in her busy season-LOL....It will be soon-I promise. Middle/end of July. We have to get the dates figured out first, I guess. Need to get a post asking about that-huh?????
***NOBODY and I MEAN NOBODY HAS OFFENDED ME about their advice on Stephanie. I have had a couple of emails and trust me-I KNOW you all say whats on your heart and I do believe that the Lord does give you the wisdom to say what I need to hear. Its not always easy-and NOT because I feel "picked on" because I certainly dont-sometimes its hard to hear let go and let God-you know???? PLEASE DONT EVER BE AFRAID to say whats on your mind with me!! I BEG YOU!!!! I am VERY BLESSED to have you ALL - AND - REMEMBER-IF I didnt WANT your advice or suggestions-I WOULDNT POST HERE about the situation!!! Please know HOW MUCH I LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOU!!
**Jan-I sent you that text about Bev yesterday because I knew you and Joe had to go do errands and wouldnt be by your puter. Hope you didnt mind and I surely dont mind giving you a couple bucks towards your phone bill, since YOU NEVER TOLD ME PRIOR, that you had to PAY FOR TEXTS YOU GOT!!!! I would NEVER want you to have to pay cause I was texting-but I figured yesterday was important and that you may be wondering~~!!! Are you still having problems with people sending you all those forwards since you posted not to?
I will KEEP my eyes open for a trike for you. I may have a phone # to give you of a guy who has a bike shop over in Oklahoma that deals with a lot of Goldwings. He repairs them too-but he ALWAYS knows someone who has this or that. Have asked the hubby to check into getting his number for me when he goes over for a maintenance call or repair-whatever.
Im sorry your daughter is moving. That stinks-but I bet that she will feel better and HEY-Mike and I have family there too-maybe we could all ride out there together-how fun would that be? I will keep them in my prayers.
I also just want to say for everyone who has text me about worrying about me at the motel-I really dont take much crap from anybody-maybe I am too stupid-but I grew up in a VERY AGGRESIVE atmosphere...very...my dad wasnt such a nice person while I was growing up and I learned at a very young age to take care of myself, to stand up for myself and so on. I have mace, and a stun gun at work-I DO NOT worry much-and IF someone makes ME nervous-I ALWAYS have the option of locking the doors and refusing to let them in...I have a cage in front of me and the office doors lock-there is a 1st office door to lock (by the cage) and then a 2nd door that also locks and then-there is a trap door that leaves BOTH OFFICES and ends up in back-right to my parents apartment....so-I dont feel threatened and 9 times out of 10-I have someone there or I have a list of extensions of men who are ready and willing to help-the STAFF IS ALWAYS THERE FOR ME!!! On the nights Im there alone-I can always bring my protection dog-or my hubby....and I have (to both)... MY dad puts money on a WM gift card for me-or takes my truck and gets gas in it-and I NEVER take money from him....but this helps financially so much-that I just dont know what I would do without it. It helps me be able to afford my meds and to pay for my RX plan through medicare supplement. I WISH I didnt have to-and believe me, Mike gets really upset-but money is so tight and you can ONLY stretch it so many ways. I TRY to cut corners-and I WISH I could afford to run out and buy new furniture, vehicles and such-but I cant....I know people who get help from the state and have more than people who work-but...I dont qualify for ANY of that help-no help with medicaid for my kids, my spend down is so high I may as not even have it-and I dont get help paying my RX plan with medicare or help with my scripts. They even have a program that will pay your medicare every month so it doesnt come out of your check-I dont qualify. Mike makes too much money (just barely)....BUT...I feel that honesty is the best policy and I believe I will be rewarded for not going down that road. Besides, I am the one they would make the "example" of...LOL-I just know I can feel good that I dont fudge the truth.
**Bec-I dont think I will be getting in the pool today to say-this ones for you, Buddy-LOL...Its going to rain. The pool IS awesome and I love it!!! BUT-Its got to be 85 or higher this summer before I can stay in it-thanks to the surgery. When I was almost 450#, I could get in at 70 and it felt good and I was always upset when I would be the only one who felt like it was nice in there-LOL...NOW...I AM the one who is out and wrapped in 2 big old towels, teeth shivering....trying to warm up...not yesterday tho. It was really nice and I got to do a whole 40 minutes of laps and water aerobics with weights on my ankles. I tell you what-when I was huge-I just bolted up to the top-could float like nobodys business-and now, everything I do in there-I HAVE to work at it. No more floating without effort!! Swimming-its all me now-no fat to keep me above water-or enough fat, I should say! Im sorry your lonely. Come over-I will supply the pie fixings and let you make away~~then I will let you go swimming and I will bring you some nice ice tea and a peice of pie. I am going to try and get your package out in the mail today-IF I dont run out of time like I have the past couple of times....I have wanted to go-it has to be weighed and I dont make it in time, to the post office.
Well-forgot-the kids went to dinner last night and they had 3 hours before their movie-so they came out to swim....Megan told me that Thurs-when she has her appt-they do a preliminary ultrasound JUST to see how the baby is doing in there...WOOOOO HOOOOO....I know its too soon to tell if its a boy or girl-BUT YYYYAAAAAYYYYY...I will get to see HER!! LOL... Or is it too soon? I dont know....You KNOW I WILL let you guys know! Im so excited-you will all prob hear me Thurs morning squeeling with excitement.
Well, I gotta get while the gettin is good. Have a lot of crud to do today so I must get in gear. Im not even in my day clothes yet. Still wearing my shorts and tank-and Lord knows I will NOT leave my house like this-I LOOK like a shar pei dog with clothes on and wrinkled skin galoore!! Picture it-all I would need is a collar on!~
I hope you all have a great Tues. All my love and prayers. Janet
Good Afternoon Everyone, Well I didn't have to go through with the jury duty. I got there and the trial was off because what ever it was the clerk's office told me they settled out of court this morning early, so that meant getting up early! for nothing as it turned out but I will still get paid for the 18 miles round trip. The thing that gripes me is I am not an early riser I never hardly ever get up before 9am or alot of times 10am, except for Sunday morning for church I am always up at 7:30am. I have always been a night owl never going to sleep usually before 1am or 2 am. The last 5 years that I worked I had to be at work at 6:00 am but I never did get used to getting up at 4:00 am. And I was tired all the time but then when I was diagnosed with the Fibromyalgia which comes with chronic fatigue syndrome I at least understood more of why I was like I was with not sleeping or not going into the deep realm of sleep and being fatigued so bad. Of course I had to be there this morning at 8:30 so I had to get up before I wanted to so I laid back down when I got home. I was kind of looking forward to a trial. I have never been called far jury before so I thought it might be interesting. So that's how my day has been so far. I am looking forward to seeing Tammy tonight at the support meeting and hopefully getting to meet Cindy and some other new ones. Then after the meeting Dennis and I will be going to Wally World to pick up some things while we are there to save on any extra trips and gas, since it is an 80 mile round trip. I would like to thank everyone that has prayed for me I am starting to be able to do more things, Dennis and I actually walked for 30 minutes yesterday and I never had any of the horrible pain that I used to get in my back! I didn't pu**** to hard but maybe I can get off the extra weight I have gained since I had to quit exercising back in the fall due to the back pain. We are excited about going to Mexico to get Dennis his WLS, Jan I don't understand the insurance either, you would think that they would rather pay for the surgery than to have to pay for all his supplies that he needs every month for his insulin pump. But the one thing I do know is alot of times it all depends on what policy the company has chosen for there employees because they choose usually to get the cheaper policy when they are paying the whole premium for the employee.
One question I have for anyone that knows is, do we have to get a passport to travel to Mexico? We have never been out of the US so we didn’t know.
Love to everyone, Brenda
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.