What do you eat ???
at this stage eat slow slow slow and i doubt if you can overeat. everyone gets to a sort of stall around a month to two months...sometime in that period... just remember to eat High Protein stuff
fish, chicken are both good and low in fat and stuff. make it always moist , you need to be getting from protein drinks alone at least 60 grams and closer to 90 if you can right now and always. the food part right now is to fill you up so you learn where and what full feels like now. You have to re educate yourself and you dont want the over full like we use to do. all it will make you do is get sick and vomit. i still do that if i take one bite too many and im close to two years out. man it doesnt seem like it has been two years already.
no white things. no potatoes, no sugar , no pasta, no white flour.
watch the sugar free stuff it still has sugar alcohals in it that a lot of people are not able to eat. also watch the carbs in any sugar free stuff.
lots of donts in here isnt there. sorry but this is a new life style that you need to embrace and the first year is about learning to change forever the way you think about food and what you eat and the healthy choices you need to learn...who ever said this is the easy way out ought to walk a day in our shoes. the counting and looking and serching for foods that we can and cant have isnt easy.
Did you not get an instruction book? My dr gives out a book with a list of things we can and cant have and especially the first 6 months or so....At 2 months out, your choices are still pretty slim pickins' Just be careful and dont rush into anything. You should still be in soft food stages...if I remember right. If you try meats, they should be so moist they almost can melt in your mouth...and chew until your jaw is tired...