Im up and running this morning, I decided that today is a good day to start the walking program that I promised Andy I would do with him when they moved up here.
He has been doing really well with moving about and all. He is so upset with himself that he quit losing weight when he still had so much to go. But I told him that it will come off yet it will just require him to do more than he was evidently. I think he probably needs to get in more good calories too. Anyway we are going to start working together I still have never lost all of my weight either really, don’t care just would like to firm up some more.
I really think i have been firming up a lot since it got warmer and I could get out and work. Went over to see if Andy was ready to walk and he had already been so we are going to have to sync when we do this, I need someone to say oh no you come on its time to walk too. Anything someone says is exercise turns me off so much lol wonder why? But I do love to walk really.
So went ahead and walked by myself. We are going to sync it to be about 6am every morning and if for some reason one of us isnt out there at that time the other will go knock on their door. And if one has to be somewhere early we can move the walking up to 5am it is daylight then too.
Too hot to walk later in the day.
Went to Home Depot this morning and got the guttering to do the front of the house. Now to find the time lol would love to get it done today but it is so hot out there. Even tho this is in the shade it still would be hot.
We then went to Wal mart someone needs to come down and go to the new wal mart with me , it is fantastic. Big huge isles. Everything imaginable.
You all are always talking about me being so busy all the time, I think I finally figured it out. the main reason I cant sit down and rest is because my legs get to jumping, (restless leg ) it is the main reason I have trouble sleeping I know, it wakes me up in the night.
The meds I have for it do a pretty good job to take them at night but if I take them in the day time I cant stay awake, so there you have it in a nutshell why I don’t sit and rest, I cant….
BARBARA S:::::I wish I lost weight with all we do. Looks like I would doesn’t it? Joe has lost weight but I don’t. I think it is because im not getting enough calories in , I started keeping a bite by bite account and see how many calories I am getting.
Tell me again when it is you are going to See Dr. Hawes? And sure I will meet you all somewhere. As long as it isnt a water park or something like that. Lol , im just the opposite of my sister. I don’t get into those water parks or wild rides. Even when I was young I didn’t do those. Lol would love to meet you and granddaughter somewhere would be fun …
Beverly B:::::::YEA!!!!! Today is the day. Know that all of us on the board will be praying for you this morning. And Janet will let us know when you are thru surgery.
You are not going to believer how good you are going to start feeling very very soon.
Lol you will have this much energy. Sometimes I don’t feel like I get nearly enough done in a days time but I look back at what I could do two years ago and Lord it is a lot.
As soon as you feel like it after getting home get on the board and let us know how you feel. Ok?
JANET::::: lol didn’t I say that is why Steph called and wanted to come see grandma? She isnt going to last very long anywhere that they want to tell her what to do. She needs to go to work and pay for her own place evidently she isnt going to graduate from school anyway. Maybe the best thing for her to do would be to get her GED and then go to work. Bless her heart it is never going to be an easy life for her is it. I know I have one just like her. Her life is a constant battle. Always one conflict after the other. She moved out with her boyfriend when she was 16 and other than dragging her home by the hair on her head she wouldn’t come. The two times I made her come home she just snuck out that night and left and went back. I never knew what to do with or about her. She was a total mamas girl and so sweet and loving until about 13 and then it was katy bar the door..
Don’t know what happened or why. I think her illness just went into full swing when she started having periods.
She is still the sweetest most loving girl that anyone could ever want for a daughter but she can also be the most vile and evil there is too. It just breaks your heart. Now I would have put her in a facility and got her on medications I think? But then I didn’t know what was wrong. We as parents do only as good as we have the information to do with at the time the problems is there.
That is funny that he really thinks that about the back child support , he will always owe that unless you sign off on it.
That is going to be so cool to listen to your granddaughters heartbeat isnt it? I am so tickled at you about the baby being a girl. Are you going to be too badly disappointed if it is a boy????no I know you, you wont skip a beat will just start buying for a boy instead/
The house up the road would be fantastic for them , is it in good shape.
Yes I think that going to another clinic for Kenny might be the best . doesn’t sound like those people really care at all.
Yeah it is harder to keep plants alive in a pot than in the ground. It has to be watered a lot more and what will stand direct sun all the time in the ground wont be able to stand that much heat in a pot. So yeah it is harder to plant in pots than in the ground. So if you can go it like that the ground will be a snap for you.
VESTA:::::::: you bet come on up Tuesday would love to see you and like you said it would make me stop for awhile lol. If you need directions email me and I will give them to you . you can get turn by turn directions on mapquest too right to my door. Lol
See you Tuesday.
SUGAR:::::: I love the pictures you sent of the pond those are very pretty. I started to get some gold fish for my pond in the back today at wal mart but didn’t do it.
The water lily is really a pretty color.
One of those plants is water lettuce isnt it? I have some pretty stuff called horse tails. And a friend gave me some minuture cat tails too. So I have horses and cats both in my pond.
Hope new fish is a good fish and doesn’t do as the old fish did.
Oh yeah I was going to say that book that you talked about doing , the post that Janet put up today and several people responded too would be good to copy and put in it wouldn’t it? Some good stuff in there.
BECKY::::: so how did your sleep study go????
BRENDA NUTT:::: where are you girl????
Well it is soon to be Monday morning and we are back to work at the rental. Cant work too long as I have hair appt. for cut and color and Joe gets his cut while my color processes. Works out pretty good that way lol
I know Andy and Susan are getting antsy to have their house in order. I know I would be. So when we get the back bedroom done they will be able to get their office set up in there.
Will help them get rid of all the boxes that way.
After all of that is done then we have to get their windows in the living room replaced before winter. …That is the next big thing after the inside
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.
Well here it is at 3:45 in the morning. Since my surgery I have slept better than I ever have but just occassionally now I will have a night when I wake in the middle of the night and am wide awake. So here I am! Decided to read the posts and see who was telling what tells! lol! First off sis, the idea of saving what Janet put up is great...can you do that? I'm not sure I know how! Yes that is water lettuce but I forget the name of the other. I think it starts with an A and they shoot up a purple flower later on. It is a hardy plant and can stay in the pond over winter. You definately need some fish in your pond cuz then you would have cats, horses and fish...just need a dog of some kind. Probably wouldnt want Rebel in there tho. The new fish is behaving himself...of course we blocked the hole where we believe Pete met his demise. I will try to put my pond pics on my page on here but I dont ever have any luck with that. lol! I am NOT computer savvy in any sense of the term. I dont think my fish can jump out of this pond but I have had an aquarium before that that has happened to me too! Silly fishy...where are they jumping to??? lol I think we are really going to enjoy our pond. We sit out there alot more jus****ching and listening to the waterfall. I need to find out why the water is getting so dirty so quickly...and what I can do about it. Does anyone have the answer??? Janet, someday Steph will come around I bet...she just is growing up and learning what works and doesnt work. Hopefully she wont have to fall face first down in the mud before she realizes that isnt where she wants to be. But if she does, then she does and once they have reached this age you pretty much have to let go. You can stand in the gap for her with Prayer and I know you do. Just keep it up and so will all your friends. I am sure GOD has a plan for her life. We just have to pray that she starts to listen and see what that is. This month for my Sr Adults group, I am planning on taking them to the Stained Glass theatre in Ozark. First we will go out to dinner somewhere and then to the show. Does anyone have a suggestion on an inexpensive but good restaruant in Nixa or Ozark that could get us in, seated, eating and out within an hour? There will be between 25 -35 of us probably. Maybe as many as 40. I am kinda concerned about finding a place that will get us served on time. That is on my agenda for this week. I am going to water class this morning and then to help a girl do some packing that is getting her house foreclosed on. She has to be out by the 15th and she has yet to find a place she can afford for her and 2 kids. Her hubby has been really messed up and they seperated. He quit making the house payments and she hasnt found a job to start. She now has a job that will at least help but need a place to move into that wont cost an arm and a leg..she is so scared right now..so Im going to go help her pack today and take one thing away from her to worry about. Her hubby is going to court on the 16 for child endangerment charges..It is such a mess. Please pray for my friend, AMY! Well, I suppose I will close and go try to get back to sleep. I am going to have a busy day. Love and hugs to all! May GOD richly bless your lives!
Hello Everyone,
We had an uneventful 4th. Didn't do much except Dennis Bar-B-Q'ed some burgers
and chicken and we had potato salad and baked beans. Was just me and him.
I have a problem with my pouch "IT LIKES EVERYTHING" from sugar to bread to potatoes and it's making it harder and harder for me to not gain weight! I can't seem to
stop the monster inside me that is addicted to food! So today I am trying to stick to protein and crystal light.
Yes Jan we are starting the process for Dennis to have surgery. We will be going to Mexico because he has UH and they absolutely do not pay for WLS.
Even with him being such a bad diabetic and being on the Insulin Pump.
Everyone please pray for the journey to go smoothly.
I am during so much better with my back, but. my fibromyalgia has been kicking
my butt for the last 2 days. It gets to me sometimes when I think about going
through the WLS and the spine surgery and still feeling like crap and having to
take a bunch of pain pills and go to bed!!
I also have Chronic fatigue syndrome that goes right along with the fibro,
and of course I get depressed so I guess that's why I'm on 2 depression pills.
Well event of the complaining.
Thank you Janet for the beautiful cards you have sent me. you are such a caring person!
Luv Ya Girl!
I have to go in for jury duty tomorrow, I am 55 years old and this is the first time
I have ever been called in. I will let you know if they pick me to serve on the jury.
Tammy I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night!
Luv You too.
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.
Hi Jan and OH Peeps~
Please remember Beverly B in your prayers. She is in surgery right now. I am waiting for a call from her family to let us know she is officially on the bench WITH us-WOOOO HOOOO....She has waited for SO LONG! Im so excited for her today. She really worked hard for her surgery and quit smoking and did everything she was suppose to do....I wished I could have made it to Columbia today to hug her when she came out of surgery! Had to send a card instead-and I got her a food journal and a little photo book to carry in her purse like I do-LOL....
Who else was having surgery today? Was it Deb? Jackie? Someone was???? Darn it-I HATE it when this happens, I feel like I cant keep track of everyone and then I feel bad-like they will think we dont care-when WE DO....I will try to find that info today. I KNOW I wrote it down somewhere, unless I am thinking of August 7...I just know there were 2 on the 7th and one on the 8th, but I really thought it was July.
Today is Megan and Aarons anniversary...Next year-I will be watching Mackenzie while her parents go out..LOL..CANT WAIT!! Someone asked if I would care if its a boy-heck no!!! I will LOVE TO PEICES any little baby they have-Mike and I BOTH had dreams of the little girl-and then my mom did-and ALL of us had the dreams BEFORE we even knew there was a possibility she could be pregnant. SO-I believe its a girl. If its a boy, I should MAYBE have some stuff left over from the garage sale. Will have to check and see whats left. Whatever were having...I bought some christian books Saturday that they can read to "her"..(LOL) and they are the big thick pages-so while she is little, she cant rip the pages-and if they get colored on-it will wipe right off. I picked one, and John picked one. Poor Maggie-she is just SO SICK....I look at her and get flooded with memories of my pregnancies-and I am here to tell you, I would get so sick (had that Group B strep while I was pregnant) that I couldnt even lift my head out of the toilet I was so weak-and would get so sick and so tired, I couldnt get out of bed and/or even change my clothes.....it was horrible. After I was pregnant with Jon-they had made enough headway with the disease, that they started treating you very early on in your 2nd trimester-and it wasnt nearly as bad. Please keep her in prayer. I pray she doesnt have to go through this for the whole 9 months. Its hard to watch...she sits on her bed with the trash can right in front of her. She looks bad. She is losing weight-which is okay-she is too sick right now to eat anything really, and you know I make sure she eats healthy when I am around and buy things for her when I am not...LOL...
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the inspirational postings~~!!! How awesome-and when I was reading others posts-I was thinking-Oh, I forgot about that, or oh yeah, I forgot about that-like being cold.....or losing the balance.. LOL so, thats great. I hope more post ops post to it-and I sure hope its helping our pre-ops.
Yesterday was a NIGHTMARE at the motel. I started thinking it had to be a full moon-because I had to deal with the most assinine people I have ever dealt with! I had one guy-who called and complained that housekeeping didnt make his bed and take out his trash. He has been there going on the 3rd day-they dont get housekeeping but once a week-and ONLY after they renew their rent-which is the 7th day-so the 8th day-they get it. They can have towels every other day, but not complete housekeeping. He chewed out the morning clerk AND the housekeeper BEFORE I got there....well, then when I tried to call him-he was gone, so I wrote him a little note-put it with the letter he signed that he agreed to our rules and regulations and left it on his nightstand for him, with his clean towels. Then he calls Megan, yelling and cussing her out-and she comes to find me and gives me the phone. He starts cussing me out-and I said, LISTEN, YOU KNOW, from staying here before-YOU DO NOT get housekeeping every day. He said-well, thats NOT what Carl said (my dad)...I laughed and said-well, guess what Noah? Carl IS NOT HERE and I AM ACTING MANAGER right now-and if YOU are so lazy that you cannot take your trash out when you walk right past it when you walk out of your room, then you need to leave-and I can give you 1/2 hour to get packed up. You WILL NOT speak to ME or the staff here like that-your NOT at the Hilton and WE ARE NOT catering to you. I have 50 rooms and ONE housekeeper! He said he wanted to talk to Carl-and I said, I told you, I AM CARL RIGHT NOW...AND GUESS what you A hole? Carl IS MY DAD-YOU STILL THINK HE WILL TAKE YOUR SIDE WHEN YOU HAVE CUSSED OUT HIS PREGNANT GRAND-DAUGHTER, HIS CLERKS, HIS HOUSEKEEPER AND HIS WIFE? NO WAY, you just BLEW IT-and I laughed at him and told him that he would NOT be coming back to our motel. He has bought himself a ticket on the roladex, which is our DO NOT rent list! Now he can go pay $300 a week instead of $160.95! Hope his laziness was worth it!! When my dad got back-he called Noah-and he wasnt as nice to him as I was (and I wasnt feeling nice, thats for sure!) Then I had a guy who called me who lived in Springfield-called and said he had left a very expensive camera in one of the rooms-and it was already rented out. CRAP~took his info. Tried to call the room, they didnt answer. Went to go to the room and check the nightstand-and when I knocked on the door a dog barked-OH, you are kidding me? WE DO NOT allow pets! So, I open the door and this nice little doggie is showing its teeth at me....I wait till I see them pull in and go down again-got the camera (thank God they hadnt found it before I got down there, told them that the dog had to go, in 1/2 hr I was re-checking and IF the dog was still there OR put in the vehicle (way too hot to leave a dog IN the vehicle) that they had to leave. He said someone was on their way to get the dog right now. I said, well, I WILL do a walk through and check and I will watch in the security cameras in the office and IF the dog comes back to the room, its an automatic eviction. He says-what if I give you extra money-I said no-you lied when you registered.( I HATE to be lied to) WE DO NOT allow pets. They bring in fleas, tear up our stuff and ruin our carpets we have to shampoo etc etc-NO PETS WHATSOEVER! I guess whomever they had to come get the dog was another lie-because they left within 5 minutes-well-my dad returned from his family reunion in that time-him, mom and Kenny ate and then they were taking Kenny to the new casino that opened. I had just gotten Kenny into the front seat of the SUV-and my dad was driving and this guy comes up (from the dog room), walks up to me (not realizing my parents run the place and are parked right next to me, windows down cause my mom had been talking to me) well-when they had gotten back-Megan was out walking my moms dog-Buster....and as he drove around to his room-our morning clerk was walking her dog, Chewy. The only 2 dang dogs there-and he saw both. He said that he saw these dogs and HE demanded to KNOW WHY they got to have dogs and he didnt. I said-Well, first of all, "I" DO NOT have to answer to YOU-YOU dont own this motel OR run it-and those are the ONLY 2 people "I" have to answer to. 2nd of all-they are staff and they had their pets BEFORE the owner made the no pets rule, so they are grandfathered in, NOT that its really ANY of your business-YOU were told at check in NO PETS and you bold face lied to me and got caught. I could evict you right now on those grounds alone-then he made a huge MISTAKE and HE HOPPED IN MY FACE!!!! My dad threw the SUV in park and hopped between that guy and me-and that guy never even knew he was coming!!! What the heck is wrong with people? When did it become that THEY are allowed to MAKE the rules and they dont have to obide by what WE have listed? Its amazing~!!!
Anyway-I got inside and called the gentleman that lived in Springfield-and I asked him what brand his camera was-and he described it to me....so I told him, yes-I have it in my hands right now-and I am putting it in our safe until you get here (it was EASILY a $800 camera) He said he will either come get it tonite or tomorrow (today) and I said okay hon-I have put a sticky on it with your name and phone number and it will be in our safe. I am writing a note to put on the bulletin board in case I am not here so the other staff will know. He said he was a pastor and he was blown away that there were still people in this world like me. He said that the camera belonged to his son-that he just buried the day before. He said he put it in the nightstand so that it wouldnt be out in the open and he didnt want to leave it locked in his hot car and have it get ruined. Anyway... He got there 15 minutes before I was closing and I was registering a customer when he walked in...well, got done with my customer-and he told me who he was-and I walked in back, got his camera and when I went to hand it to him, he had tears-and said-God Bless you child, there are not many people in the world like you anymore-and it does my heart good to see this in the world like it is today. He is a pastor in Springfield. He went to give me twenty dollars and I shoved it back to him and told him that "I" TRY to always treat people as I would want to be treated and if that were my camera, I would want it back too-he said BUT, YOU could have kept it and I would have never known the difference, my child-and I said, your right-but you know what? "I" would have-and more importantly, God would have-and I am not like that-nor will I ever be. I gave him a hug and told him I was so sorry to hear about his son. He asked if I had ever rewarded a favor or good deed with money. I said no-and Megan was standing there laughing behind me. He asked if I was lying and I said-Sir, I did not do it for money and I DO NOT WANT ANY MONEY from you. He said, I want to do this-and that guy I had just registered came up to the desk and I had to help him with his remote-and the pastor tossed $20 through the cage where the desk is-it landed on the floor-he said its not much-but please at least go get a burger or a shirt or something for yourself. God Bless you-and he ran out the door-and hopped in his car and was already driving away when I got to the front door!!!! Now-I would just send it to the address on file for him-but if he doesnt live there anymore-would he get it back???? I dont know! I feel guilty keeping his money though. I dont like it one bit!!! That ONE gentleman, being appreciative and happy-made up for the other jerks we had to deal with yesterday!!!
Well, I got ANOTHER call from Chandlers mom. Her name is Colette. She called me yesterday and said that Stephanie has got to move out. I told her that I was sorry, I would really like to help her-but I know for a fact that Stephanie is NOT going to go anywhere with me. I cannot MAKE her come home, and she knows this. I dont know what to tell you. She said-well, I have been thinking of dropping her off at your house. I said, thats really NOT an option for you. YOU took her from her home-no one would WILLINGLY help me when I tried MAKING her STAY OR MAKING HER COME BACK-Im sorry-but MY HOME is NOT AN OPTION! She will NOT stay anyway-so I know if they come toss her out, she will just go somewhere else. I just think that MAYBE it will teach Chandlers mom a lesson-to stop butting her nose in to everyone elses home life and realize that teens are NOT always going to get along with their parents-EVEN if they are GOOD kids-they WILL butt heads, more than likely-at one time or another-and EVERY time your child tells you that their friends parents are mean to them-you dont run and get them (they also have another kid there that her son knows-same situation...she went and picked him up too and is now complaining!!!) I told her as politely as I could that had SHE picked up the phone and CALLED ME BEFORE hand-SHE would have known the WHOLE story! She said, well, Stephanie lied to us, and Stephanie twisted the whole story around! I said, WELL-IF you had called HER MOTHER OR STEPFATHER-WE WOULD HAVE TOLD YOU EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED!!!! Now-she found out the hard way and didnt/doesnt like being lied to-or taken advantage of- She asked ME WHY I let Stephanie go to Arkansas WITH her boyfriend-she said I WOULD HAVE NEVER LET CHANDLER GO!!! I said-WELL-STEPHANIE DOES NOT LIVE WITH ME ANYMORE-HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO DISCIPLINE HER WHEN SHE LIVES WITH YOU? YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD HER NO!! She said-I THOUGHT she was going to her grandmas-and I said-well, YOU should have called to verify where she was going-because SHE was YOUR responsibility since she LIVES with YOU!!!! NOT ME!!!! I told her that WE are just different people-because I DO NOT let my kids drin****il they are drunk-at 15 and 16. Stephanie does NOT tell ME what to pick up at the liquor store! I did NOT let her sit on the computer unsupervised-EVER...AND put regulations on her phone calls-AND didnt let her sleep all day cuz she was up all night long on the phone or the computer. I know she would sneak the phone-but.....she knew where she stood here-there-she had free reign! She told me that I needed to call Stephanies dad or her grandma on her dads side-and I said, do you have a pen and paper? I AM NOT talking to Stephanies father. You can call-he doesnt understand WHY we all have a problem with her and quite frankly-I AM NOT talking to him anymore. IF you need to talk to him, YOU can call him-Im sorry. So-I gave her both numbers. I know she wasnt happy-as she was trying to tell me how busy she was this week and how she will have to cut into her sleeping time (works nights) to take Steph somewhere and yadi yadi. I again, told her that I was sorry, but I am busy too this week. She asked if she should even call me when she gets ready to take Steph wherever she ends up taking her. I told her that she is more than welcome to call me whenever she wants to-I just cant help her kick Steph out-SHE needs to do that. I really just think SHE doesnt want to be the BAD guy to Steph OR her daughter!!! That, I am sorry for-but I didnt make her bed-and I am not laying in another bed of someone elses mistakes. I have enough to deal with without adding that to my plate-and I dont feel like I brought this issue on for her OR her hubby-SHE did. Am I right? Stephanie is bugging my mom to move in to the motel and taking some hours housekeeping. My parents are torn up, because they dont want to deal with it either-because Steph just wants to do what SHE wants to do-WHEN she wants to do it-and she doesnt show them ANY kind of respect UNLESS she wants something. My mom cried off and on almost all day yesterday because she doesnt want Steph to hate her and feels guilty that she has to tell her no. Steph is now talking about moving to Arkansas with that loser boyfriend of hers-and came home covered in hickys....(no offense to anyone else here) But, I PERSONALLY think hickys LOOK DISGUSTING....not saying Ive never had one-but never where they are plastered all over me-I just think they look trashy.
Well, Im gonna get off here. The boys and I are running up the road to look at that house-then I am coming home and lathering us up with sunscreen, going in the pool for 1/2 hr. Getting out and packing up some of Stephs room and doing some other chores-and will get back in the pool in a bit...its WAY too hot sun wise to be in for any length of time. I was going to go to town today for more boxes and etc-but I will get all of that tomorrow when I do laundry for the kids anyway. I have SO MUCH to do this week before Sunday. The owners will be here and will be doing some work on the house-so between working for the kids-I still have to get the carpets shampoo'd-and Stephs room done (it IS trashed-she left it that way) and get the other crap in here organized. Have a TON of boxes here for our sale!! Need to get them all put in one area.
**Jan-Sounds like a plan between you and Andrew. An accountability buddy-wish I had one closer. Once in awhile, I will email a couple of mine-but it doesnt last very long, even tho the intention is good!! Love to walk too!
**Bec-the 2nd sleep study is not as bad as the first-BUT-IF your more comfy-ask if you can sleep in the lazy boy chair-they let us do that here-however, they may not-since you were on the bed for the first one, you may have to do the 2nd one just like that first one. Its NOT as bad-you DONT have to wear the mask UP your nostrils-ASK OR TELL them for a full mask.....then you will feel like BAT MAN....dun, dun, dun, dun, dun-BAT MAN..I MEAN BEC MAN....BEC MAN.....BEC WO~MAN!!!! Hear you roar... We WILL PRAY YOU THROUGH IT! Think funny OR relaxing thoughts! Im sorry you go through that. Love ya.
**Angy-HONEY-MAKE SURE you tell them OVER and OVER and OVER-NO MORPHINE!!!! OVER AND OVER!!! MAKE them show it to you where its written on the chart. They are NOT going to want you heaving at all-tell them its extreme-severe reaction. THEY WILL give you something else. I know the name, but cant remember it now-and THEY WILL put it in your iv pain med drip. It does NOT have to be morphine. Mine wasnt. I know several others who didnt have morphine either. When you go to the hospital for the pre-op stuff-tell every single person NO MORPHINE. The anesthesiologist, the lady who does your x-rays, the lady who does your pre registration, the lab, the electro-cardiogram-all of it. Tell everyone. Even if they say they have nothing to do with it-this is assuring IT will get on your chart AND someone should double check to make sure. There is also a time when your being prepped-tell them...over and over and over!!! OK? Make sure that Lynn and Skyler OR your parents bring it up too-in case you forget....k? Love ya and will talk to you soon.
~~~~Sheila says to tell you all hi. She is STILL not able to get online-but she text me and said she misses everyone and hello. I will text her later today when she is off work and check in-to let her know about Bev AND get an update on her-and I will let you all know, ok????
Well-Im off. I hope you all have a good week and dont over do it. OK? As always-your in my thoughts and prayers!!!