~ATTN: Post Ops~ Inspirational/Informative post for pre-ops~

on 7/5/08 10:15 pm - Diamond, MO

Hi OH Peeps~

First, let me say WELCOME to our newbies-no matter where you are in your journey-we are GLAD your here with us........

I got to thinking about something as I looked at our posts and how many pre-ops we had and, I personally paused, because I remembered being the one sitting there-going through the emotional journey and thirsting for the knowledge, anything that anyone could tell me about the surgery-and all aspects of it....so, I started thinking about a couple of questions that just may give the newbies-pre-ops some information/inspiration.......

Please post your name, before weight, date of surgery and what type you had-your weight now....and then-answer the following questions-plus ADD ANYTHING that you think would be inspirational or informative for all our newbies/pre-ops...K?

My name is Janet-I weighed 438# before surgery (I know that wasnt my heighest weight either). I had RNY on 11/29/06 and I have lost 260# as of this past Friday.

1. If there was SOMETHING you WISHED you would have been told pre-op and werent-what was it?

I can actually list 2 things here....I wished I would have been told that at about 4 months out, my tailbone hurt so bad-it would feel like it was poking through my rear end. I had to sit sideways on the couch, in a car-you name it-and in my support meeting-everyone raised their hands who had experienced it or was still experiencing it-some hurt up to a year or more!!!!

I also wish I would have been told that emotionally-you go through every emotion there is (may just be me-but I have heard from others too....same thing) Like, you will get very emotional and cry at the drop of a hat. You will get angry just the same...our hormones are so out of wack because fat stores hormones and when you start to lose the fat-the hormones are released into your system!

2. What change (BESIDES APPEARANCE, OF COURSE!!) was the biggest surprise for you?

I would have to say the biggest change for me-has been my soul-its so much happier now. I smile at people at the store, for instance-and I dont feel like everyone is staring at me like Im some kind of circus freak. I told myself that "I" wouldnt change one bit-I would just be smaller sized-but I DID change-a whole bunch-and its called happiness and contentment. I had never had that for myself before!!! (I had told myself AND others-IF someone didnt like me fat-well, I would have nothing to do with them when I lost the weight-and it was pretty much the way I felt about everyone-cause I was teased and stared at so much......now I am nice to almost everyone I meet or just walk by)

3. Can you list just a few WOW moments, or changes in your life?

This is huge for me. I can take care of all my hygiene needs now. I can wear a seat belt in ANY car. I can ride amusement park rides with my kids now. I can fit in ANY stall in the bathrooms. I can STAND and make dinner (not sit in a chair on wheels)...AND clean-all by myself...and STILL have energy! I can sit on the floor AND get myself up. I am sleeping IN my bed with my hubby now. I dont have to use the electric carts at the store. I can buy my clothes in the junior section of any store-and before, I couldnt even find clothes that fit most of the time at the plus sized shops! I have that closeness back with my husband (wink wink-LOL) I have a LIFE. I didnt "get my life back" for the first time in my 40 years of life- I finally have a life. A life I love, at that! I am gardening, I am walking-and no huffing and puffing here. Heck-I hardly break a sweat-and before the surgery, 2 minutes outside and my clothes were wet and I always felt dirty and felt like I smelled gross!!

4. Would you do it again?

In a heartbeat~without a doubt!!! My ONLY regret about the surgery, is that I didnt do it 20 years ago!

5. Any advice for pre-ops?

Wow-first, make sure and take your vitamins, get your protein in-no matter how you do it...shakes, bars....and sip, sip, sip and when you think you cant take another sip-do it anyway!!!!

Dont be hard on yourself or give yourself unrealistic goals....we are so used to being down on ourselves, that its hard sometimes to cut ourselves some slack...take the compliments as true-be happy-AND be patient. Sometimes you platuea-for a long time...dont worry, its just your body catching up-AND take before pics-all angles, and DO YOUR MEASUREMENTS!!! When your scale isnt moving-its good to see how many inches you have lost-it happens!!!

Last-be patient...you are going to have to learn all over again what your tummy likes and doesnt like. ITS ALL going to change!! There are going to be things you will never be able to eat again-but then, there will be things that your gonna love, that you wouldnt have thought about before....LOL. Its a learning process-like having a newborn baby....so-be patient and if its helps-keep a food journal and if you dump-write it down and dont try it again for at least 2-3 weeks or even longer....it can and a lot of time, does change.

6. Do you have a favorite protein product?

Mine is the Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard Instantized Whey-I LOVE the chocolate, vanilla AND strawberry. Less than 2 g sugar and carbs and 22-24 g of protein. Just add 4-6 oz of milk and have a de-lish shake. I also LOVE peanut butter protein balls-YUMMY!

7. Just for fun-what size did you wear before surgery? What size are you in now?

I was wearing a 5-6x womens....NOW....I am in a 12-14, depending on the cut.

8. What kind of excercise do you do to stay healthy?

I do pilates now 3 days per week. Low impact due to my bone and joint problems. I also swim laps in my pool every day, weather permitting.

9. Did you have any co-mobitities pre-op? If so-what has gone away since surgery?

I was pre-diabetic, had high blood pressure, sleep apnea, GERD, and stress incontinence...ALL are gone now...and were within a month of surgery.

10. Anything they should pack in their hospital bag? OR remember to take with them?

Make sure that you have an angel on the board that your loved ones can call and check in with to let us know your surgery went well so that we can post on the board for everyone so they dont worry..... Bring a pillow for the ride home..I used mine to hold against my belly....dont worry about wearing a bra, AND bring gas X strips and your own socks.

Hope this helps you guys-if you guys have any questions, post it and we will get you some answers-ok?

Jan C.
on 7/5/08 10:59 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
wow Janet you about covered everything as i was readying your post i would think of something i could put in and would read another sentence and there you had said for me,  Thank God for this surgery , i was rotting away in the house in my chair.  Oh::::my name:  Jan, weight before surgery 272 at 5ft 3 ins that is way way too much, especially when you have arthritis in almost every joint in your body.  I am now down to 152 give or take a pound..lol  a loss of 120 pounds....was size 22/24s now am into a solid 10 well in most things. the little stretchy blouses that are all the rage i have to get a 12 so they wont look so bad. over the loose skin.  I knew about the loose skin before but didnt really realize how much you would have but even with all of that i would rather have the loose skin than the fat that made them smooth. lol  LIke i said my arthritis was so bad that all i did was sit, hubby did most of the house work and even cooked a lot of times. when i did cook i would have to sit down several times during.  Now my husband and i have remodeled a house , yes i worked on it too and for 7 and 8 hours a day, hammering, pulling , laying flooring, and i either did it on my own or helped him do it.  The arthrtis is still there but the pain isnt as bad as it was or at least i dont let it overwhelm me.  I have energy to burn,,,shame we cant harness this extra , could use it to light up a house. lol  People say i make them tired by listening to all i do in a day but if i dont have all of those things to do i get so bored, I refuse to sit down and not do anything any more.  I have never had any problem drinking my protein drinks, I use the same powder that Janet uses and there are lots of people that do use this. I have and still do and will probably always drink 3 protein drinks a day along with 90 oz of water daily. You will have to do this the rest of your life if you have the RNY and take your vits daily for the rest of your life.  Oh i had surgery on August 14, 2006 by Dr. Hornbostel in Sedalia and if you are looking for a good Godly surgeron then he is the man for you. ....Hope all of this is a help to any new pre ops . know that we all know from where you are coming right now. Questions questions, lots of them and can never get tired of everyones answers. Sometimes you feel right now like it is so much that you dont know what to do with it all. But it will.  Biggest thing i can tell you all is get into a support meeting , yes even before you have surgery , you can get a lot of answers there .and it has been proven that the people that keep going to support meetings have less weight gain and do better in losing in the first place.  Hope you if you are in close enough range to Springfield come to our support meeting , the next one for the CIRCLE OF FRIENDS is on July 21st



on 7/6/08 12:08 am

I started this leg of my journey at 465...I had RNY 6/27/07 I now weigh 255.....at one point I did weigh over 500...probably close to 530 I once wore 8-10x size clothing from King size direct...was the only place I could find that I could still wear their clothing. now I wear 2-3x from almost anyplace I shop...and now I can shop...before surgery I was mostly housebound with the weekly trip to Wal-marts for supplies...I only went at night so I could use the buggy and no one would be able to stare. and I never went anywhere alone just in case.  one of the things no one told me about was the balence issues....when the weight started comming off I started walking like a drunk person. your center of gravity changes so very rapidly after surgery and keeps changing...I now can tell when Ive lost a few pounds because I will still have wobbly moments. the other thing is being COLD....yup I was COLD this past winter from loosing weight...I am usually shorts all yr round person but this last winter I wore pants/sweats everynight to bed and sometimes 2 shirts during the day to stay warm!    I also suffered from the emotions...I do think I had it easier than some due to the hysterectomy I had the yr before my WLS...but it still was an emotional ride. the biggest thing I have issues with now at one yr is not recognising my face...I just dont look like me. and it can be very weird to look into a mirror and not see yourself! I like Janet feel happy almost all the time....I felt so bad before surgery...physically my body really had been pushed. when I walked I felt like I would die before I made it to the bathroom to pee or shower. emotionally I thought I would die before I could have WLS and they would have to knock a wall down to take me out of my house.....just one yr later I always have a smile on my face! I love my life and all the possibilities life has in store fo me.  I have actually never been at this weight...I passed it by during my 2nd preganancy...I went from 190 to 315 in nine months...almost 22 yrs ago....my goal is to be under 200 by my 25th wedding anniversery in 2010...and guess what? I am just 45 pounds from that goal. the intimacy I have again with Dean is a blessing although I dont sleep in his bed...LOL it is just to dern HARD. but he will come sleep with me on my big airbed we bought for camping and now its my full time bed....sure beats sleeping in a recliner!!! which I did for more than 5 yrs. all activities I had givin up I can now do again...I just have to be mindful of falling...because of all the abuse I gave my body my knees protest when I do certain things...so I havent been in the floor yet coz Im just not sure I can get back up again....actually I probably can if I could just remember HOW

Would I do it again???  OH HELL YESS!!!! I wish I would have done it sooner while my boys were still home...the last few years of them home Im sure were not the best for them. any advice??? PROTIEN protien protien....make sure you are getting it in and all your suppliments. make sure you are getting enough calories for your activity level...    I went into surgery with no specific goal in mind...I mean lets face it at 465 even a 100lb loss still leaves you in the super morbidly obese catagory. now I have goals....my main goal again is to be under 200 and once there I would like to weigh less than my hubby...who is weighing in about 180 these days. I cannot eat several things....I dont miss them...much....my head misses them more than my body does. I ate what I wanted for 43 yrs....and look where that got me...so if my pouch dont like it...well thats ok with me....I am happy with what I can eat and really if it isnt high in protien I dont waste my pouch on it...well but for those sf fudgescicles    as for my shakes....I buy all my stuff from Wal-mart...its affordable and thats key for me. I buy the "Pure Protien" bars...deluxe chocolate and the chocolate chip I also buy Body Fortress Whey(vanilla) and mix it with cystal light bright and early or fruitpunch     when I can I buy other things but this is what I use daily. excersize???? the job supplies me with lots of excersize I wasnt getting sitting at home...but now Ive added swimming every day and soon will be getting a bike...well ok a trike but I look forward to seeing h0ow that improves my lower body.... ohh this is funny...I lost my weight from the head down...I am a bell! LOL  co morbitities??? sleep apnea,stress incontinance,pre diabetic,degenerative disc disorder a still use my apnea machine....lol mainly for the noise...yup I like the way it lulls me to sleep. still have bad disc but I am mostly pain free because the stress I was putting on my back has been releived ALOT! as for the rest...now gone! no more pads for me...and I had forgotten how much pee the bladder can hold when the fat isnt begging it to GO right now! what to pack....hmm well I packed alot fo stuff to do but frankly I read a book and slept when they werent walking me. COMFY clothing is key...I wore no bra for almost 6 weeks. it sat right on my inscision site and was horribly uncomfortable. I do know that there are those who have had problems during or after surgery...each person is different. do not let anothers experience...good or bad be the choice maker for you. when I decided to have surgery and was telling my mom...who was very AGAINST WLS I took her to a support group...and I told her I felt like if I didnt do this I was going to die soon anyway. I made sure I had all the legal stuff taken care of and made myself right within myself and let those negative vibes go right on past me. now I am living! Good luck to all! nutti














on 7/6/08 1:30 am - pomona, MO
I started my journey weighing 308, now 16 mos later I weigh 160, I bounce from 160 to 165. and have been holding my weight for about 8 mos. 1. I also had the tailbone trouble but it went away, you will have different little pains until your body settles down after losing the weight, as Janet said your hormones will go crazy, but they also will settle down after a period of time. 2&3. . What changes? its better to say what dont change..lol   your whole life is so much richer and wonderful after surgery, I have never felt cleaner in my life, I use to have bladder infection real often and praise God I havent had one since surgery.  I had high blood pressure, close to being diabetic and I could hardly walk I was ready for the wheel chair, now all the med. I take are my vitamins and sometimes something for my artheritis but it is also better. I dont have to worry about breaking a chair when I set in it, I use to have to take a big ole chair for me now I set in what ever is there, I know longer worry about what people are saying about me, I use to think people were talking about me and they might not have been. Just as sure as I got around a small person they would start talking about needing to lose 10 pds, well you know how that makes an over weight person feel? 4.&5.   would I do it again ...yes I would, because I know we take a chance but we take a much bigger chance staying heavy, our chances are much better having the surgery. I just wish I could have had it several years ago, but you are never to old to start living healthier. and just be patient with your new tummy until you find out what it likes and dislikes 6.  I had a problem with finding a protein that i like and that liked me, so I use the vials and protein bars from wal-mart called smores they are good. 7. I wore 24 and now I wear 10 and 12. 8. I dont get as much as I should, but I am trying, I do alot of outside work flowers and etc. 9. I have already answered this in 2 and 3 10. the only thing I needed was a robe and house shoes.....Vesta


on 7/6/08 5:22 am - Clever, MO

Oh girl!!!! What a journey we have all been on! Most of us have some of the same thoughts and aches and emotions...there are alot of similarities, but each of us has had our own little quirks and such.  My name is Sugar! My biggest advice would be ........be prepared! Life is going to be completely different after surgery. There are things that our minds will mourn over loosing, like a favorite food that you just cant eat anymore, but let me tell you all, the celebrations over what we CAN do is so much greater!  I too suffered the tail bone ache, and am still having the problem after 1year and 4 months.  Okay I had surgery on March 7, 07 and weighed in at 298 lbs. I have to date lost 133 lbs and weigh in at 165!!!! That is only 1 lb away from having a normal BMI. YEAH ME!!! I had RNY but had some complications afterwards. It took me about 6 months to be able to say I would do it again. But now I can say that and know that it was the best thing in the world for me! I have had both knees replaced and have degenretive disc disease, arthritis in my hips and part of my spine. I was pre-diabetic, stress incontinence, and a few other ailments. But I am proud to say I feel great! I have nothing wrong with me now that I cant deal with. I think taking the weight off has been a true blessing on my back and hips.  I did exercise 6 days a week but my hubby has said to slow down cause he thought I was getting too SKINNY!!! lol! (could not have ever imagined hearing him say that)  So Ive slowed to 2-3 days a week. But I am considering taking a Zumba dance class. (It is kinda a latin type dance/exercise)

I have recently got out in my yard and dug a huge hole for a fish pond, something I couldnt have done before. Not only would I have not been physically able, I would have sweated so badly that I would have made myself sick. I also this summer have gone to all the local theme parks and done everything there with my grandkids. I am so thankful to GOD that I still had young enough grandkids to do things with and help them enjoy having a grandma that would and could take them to have fun. I am no longer a big lump of fat that couldn't  enjoy anything.  My protien drink is the Nature's Best Isopure ready to drink, This is a great option for those who cant stand the powdered mixes. They seem expensive at first glance but they dont have to be mixed with anything and so you avoid having the extra expense with that. I buy mine at GNC and I just order some on line from them at a big savings, and no shipping if you order is more than $75. I use 16 -20oz (32-40 grams of protien) of it a day and then have a Pure Protien bar (walmarts) for another 20 gr....that is 60 of the about 90 grams a day that I get.  I KEEP a food journal. That is the biggest help to me to stay focused on the amounts and what I am putting into my body.  Be sure and get all the vitamins you need and B12 and B complex. Love between hubby and wife is evidenced in many ways.......but needless to say, after this much weight loss, hubby is finding even more ways to say he loves me!!!! wink wink!  lol! One thing that stands out to me is the shock I get everytime I walk past a mirror or a reflective store window..".Boy that girl is thin " I will hear myself say, and low and behold, IT'S ME!!!!!!!!  Even at home, sometimes I just cant stop looking at myself. Vain I know! But it is fun to see the new me! Take your pillow for sure to the hospital, some gas x stips and if you have long hair, something to put it up with...and when they say you can get up and start walking...give it all you got! You will be on your way to a new life..



on 7/6/08 1:32 pm - Republic, MO
I'll toss in a lap bander here!!  Jennifer is my name, I was 357 at my heaviest, I had lap band on 7-25-07 AND 5-14-08.  to date, I am down 74 pounds, depending on the day and weigh around 283.  I have been stuck at the 280 mark since my band developed problems.     question #1, something I wish I was told: nothing yet.  BUT, I read everything, attended seminars, my hubby read everything and we both go to the support group.  So far, nothing has surprised us, even the second surgery.  Dissapointed yes, surprised no.   Question #2, changes: well this is still ongoing.  The thing I noticed most recently is I have space between my toes.  Not something you think about.  I am having a toe issue and while looking at it, I noticed there was space between my toes.  I never remember seeing space between my toes before.... Question #3, WOW moments:  this too is also ongoing.  Tonight I rode a bike.  I haven't done that in a long time.  I borrowed a friend's to try her big comfy seat (which is awesome) and she even has an attachment for her dog to run beside her.  Needless to say, my dog thinks it sucks but I thought it was fun.  I rode a horse last month, I am more comfortable in movie seats.  The seatbelt in my hubby's truck fits me now.  I sat in a lawn chair that I never could before.  And I have just started in my weight loss, imagine what is coming next! Question #4, do it again:  I DID!!!  I guess I should explain.  I am one of those RARE, I mean RARE, cases where the band leaks.  Needless to say, in May, LapBand agreed to replace it and I had surgery AGAIN.  So I can honestly say yes I would do it again.  I had my second first fill on Thursday and it feels great.   Question #5, advice; read, listen to your doctor, attend support groups, EXERCISE (even though it sucks), drink your protein, vitamins are not as important for banders but I still eat them most of the time, attend all our follow up appointments with all the support staff your doctor makes you see.  I also suggest a counselor.  I got hooked up with a wonderful pyschologist at St. Johns and she has been a big help.  She put me PRN and I have an appointment set again as I have had some stressors with the foster son, this second surgery, etc.. and I need to talk to someone.  It never hurts.  Also, INCLLUDE your SIGNIFICANT OTHER in the process.  I have a friend going through a divorce as we speak due to weight loss surgery.  Hubby had it and did not include her in any of the process.  She was lost, didn't understand the changes and he moved on to a new life without her.  She completely blames the weight loss surgery.  My hubby goes to all appointments, support group and is included in every step.  He understands what I need and what I am going through.  We learned from our friend's mistake.  Wi**** hadn't of happened but it did bring it to our attention.   Question #6, protein: I am not as picky as some but I love Building Blocks Strawberry from the Supplement Superstore.  I also love those PURE protein bars at Wal-mart.   Question #7, size;  I was a snug 30/32.  Some I could get into, other's I couldn't.  I am a loose 26 and a tighter 24 right now.  I can get in some 24s and some not.  I call myself a "25".  I can wear some 2X but mostly 3X right now.  I know that some started their journey at this size but it is exciting for me.  I can't wait to get down smaller.   Question #8, exercise:  I hired a personal trainer.  Best investment we ever made.  I joined Anytime Fitness here in Republic and have the best personal trainer ever.  http://www.myspace.com/gormanpersonaltraining    He is awesome, doesn't look down on me and keeps the workout fun and interesting.  I also tried a bike out tonight, I walk with my dogs, if the rain hadn't screwed the pool up, I would be swimming in our pool, and I am keeping my options open for other stuff as my ability grows.   Question #9, co-morbitities: thankfully not really.  I had a car accident in 98 that broke numerous bones and put me in the hospital for several months.  I had to learn to walk again.  I have pain from that which I am hoping will go away as my weight goes down.  I had the typical swelling at the ankles but that was about it.  I know that Dr. Edwards listed some stuff about being pre-arthritic etc...  who isn't.   Question #10, hospital: well since for both surgeries, I was out in just a few hours, I don't have suggestions here.  Wear comfortable clothing and I don't suggest a bra as one of the cuts is right on your bra line.  You will be on pain meds so you won't care what people think about you being bra-less.  Unlike the RNY, you are in and out, in most cases, in half a day with the band surgery.   Feel free to email me if you have questions.  This was fun!!!   Jennifer
Tammy H.
on 7/6/08 8:16 pm - Holcomb, MO

A BIG ole HOWDY to all our newbies!!!!!!! This is a fantiastic place to be coming for support and answers........  Janet....Girly what a fantastic ideal you had doing this post.....I think it should be reposted everynow and then for the upcoming newbies!!! Howdy Guys~n~Gals...My name is Tammy (Tammy~ammy).....I had my VSG June 4th 2007.....My Doctor is Dr.Scott.....I had my surgery in Columbia and hope to go back soon...maybe by Sept and have my tummy tuck (panillectomy (sp) )....... I started my journey at 474 lbs!!!.......I had to loose 50lbs for surgery and they put me on the liquid protien diet.....I done that for 3 months and lost over the 50lbs.....The day of my surgery I weighed 417......I am 13months out and I am down 185lbs!!! I now weigh 289 and have not weighed that in at least 15 years or longer......My goal I set with Dr.Scott is 200lbs......Ive slowed down on my loosing but hope to hit that goal by the end of the year with the help of my tummy tuck....... The VSG is still pretty new and the doctors don't know all the statistics for it just yet.... I have been told I might want to consider finishing mine and turning it into the RNY..... Only because they do not know how well the VSG pouch will hold long term compaired to the RNY.....But after talking with Dr.Scott I have chosen not to do it or not just now......He feels if I can keep active, exercise and keep eating healthy and following what I have learn from my journey thus far....I can keep the weight off with out going on to the RNY.....Most of the Doctors feel you have the better advantage with the RNY because you have the help of the malubsorbtion....But at my 1year appt I was only 5% away from where the RNY's are expected to be at 1 year!!!!  I love my VSG and have always been happy that I had the chance to have a tool to help me loose my weight without having my bowels messed with.....I have no plans to further it but am glad I do have that option in the future......My hopes are that I will not need in it even in the long distance future because I hope that I have learn better food choices, stick to smaller portions and always have the health and energy to stay active and learn to make exercise a part of my life!!!! 1.....Something I wish I would have been told..... Well actually I was told.....Kinda thought Janet was looney when she told me lmbo!!!  But my tail bone is one of my biggest gripes!!!!! I keep telling my family when I have my tummy tuck I am going to have them attach some of that fat they cut off to my butt!! Several says it eventually stops bothering you or stops being quite so uncomfortable and Lord do I hope they are right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was also told about the harmone thing.....But of course I thought I would be different! How in the world could you ever be sad about loosing weight and being able to finally do for yourself and have a more productive and active life........My ups and downs have not been to bad.....at times it's worse just because I hate feeling that way and it makes me feel more down just that I do feel down....lol lol if that makes any sense to you..... And strange as it sounds......a few times lately I have felt weird with loosing so much of me!!!!........I guess you get more attached to all of you than you even realize.....Don't get me wrong I am tickled to death over all that I have lost thus far and tickled I will be loosing more but there was soooooooo much of me for the longest and times it's wierd for me to feel like less of me......I don't reallly know how to explain it but I just wanted to mention it so that if any of the post ops feel this way too they would know that they aren't alone and so that if any of you newbies find yourself feeling this way you wont think your nuts.......And nuts is one feeling you should never let your self feel..... There will be changes and you will find your self needing to adjust and sometimes that takes time.....And sometimes you will notice a change in your self or your life during your journey that you think only you are experiencing or been thru......WRONG!!!!! Post about it if you need to......I promise someone out here has done or felt the same!!!... One more thing I wish I had realized in the beginning......It has to do with having the VSG.....People very few things will make you dump!!!! This can be a blessing and a disadvantage!!!!!!.............That is like a spanking for steping out of line of things for the RNY....But if you have the VSG you do not have all that going on and if you are not careful you can find yourself slowly steping back into nasty habbits......Never forget SUGAR IS YOUR ENEMY!!!! ...........And breaking habbits are just as hard to break a second or third time as they are the first time!!!! ..... 2.....My changes.....Lord there are so many!!!!! I guess I love feeling lively again!! I love my new found energy and ability to do for myself......  3.......WOW moments???.........If you plan on listing them you better get you a 3 subject note book ....LMBO!!! Really I am serious.....You can not imagin the WOW moments you will have!!!! I have so many that have tickled me and somethings I didn't even realize I didn't have.....My bestest is as Janet mentioned....Taking care of my own Hygiene!!!!.....And although Im still considered fat or obese......I have started liking myself again....I even have moments I actually feel SEXY!!!! WOOOOO HOOOO ON THE FEELING SEXY....LMBO!!! 4......Would I do it again?......ABSOLUTELY!!!!! YES YES YES YES!!!!!! I even find myself wanting to spread the word......I can hardly refain myself when I see an over weight person at town!!!...... Even think about making me t-shirts to wear lol lol... 5.......Advice???..... Follow the rules your doctor sets.......They deal with this daily and know what you need or don't need...... Remember.......None of us are the same.....We loose differently and at a different pace......We are our own persons....Different is fine!!!...... Remember you are never alone!!!!.....If you don't have and Angel....get one...Post you want one....Ask someone you know or feel comfortable with to be yours.....And never forget the board is here.......If anyone knows what you are going thru it will be someone here that's been there and done that!!!! Find a support group!!!!! It makes a difference....Untill a few months ago I did not have one close enough to attend on a regular basis.....I was beyond tickled when I could mange to go to the COF support meetings....but that is like a 4 hour drive for me and was not possible very often....For sure not often enough for me!!  We now have one in the SE area.....We are small but hopeful that we will grow bigger soon.....If you live in the SE Mo area or what we call the Bootheel and would like to attend a support meeting please contact me.....We would love to have you and if you live with in a few hours of Poplar Bluff...this will be the closest support meeting you find.......We are there for you no matter what type of surgery you had....or even if you haven't had surgery yet....Post-ops are definitly welcome!!!! 6......Favortie protien.....I use the one from Wal Mart.....It's more in my price range... I use the vanilla and flavor it with SF instant pudding mix......Yogurt or frozen fruit..... I have even made me milk shakes with it....added it to pudding to eat like a dessert....And now and then I add a lil hersheys choc to it and have a nice glass of choc milk...... And on one of my visits to Springfield for a COF support meeting I stayed over night with Jan......She made me one of her famous drinks and it was my first time trying soy milk......So now I use vanilla soy milk (I prefer SILK) to make my shakes with....I even use it when I eat cereal and love it...... I do admit I don't do my shakes as much as I did in the beginning....but again that goes along with the VSG....with out the malubsorbtion you have less of the malnutrition issues too.....I so still keep my eye on protien and make sure when I have not been able to eat food with enough in it that I have protien drinks.......I do not suggest getting completely away from your protien....I have been considering pick back up on mine and making it more a part of my diet...I sometimes feel I might have lost even more if I had more protien....Hummm now that Im talking about it, I really do think I need to get back to doing it more and more regularl..... Ive tried several protein bars.....I like the smores ones best.....but I don't do them very often.....A few of them  are ok....I just never got into them all that much..... 7........What size was I in before surgery???..... Well I was in 5-6x's and they were starting to get pretty snug!!!!  At the moment my clothes that I have to wear are 2-3x's but they are all getting loose. But with my tummy tuck comming up so soon I plan on sticking with them for now becasue I know I will definitly need new clothes once I have my tummy tuck.....From the way Dr.Scott sounded I might even get to jump down to at least a size large!!     WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO.....YEEEEEEE HAWWWWWWW.....I CAN NOT WAIT!!!!!! 8......Exercise???? ...........Due to issues with a hernia, I have not yet gotten into an exact exercise routien......I did become more activce as the weight came off and stated being on the move as much as I could and done what my hernia would allow me to do.....Then we put up the pool and I started doing a bit of exercises in the water and noticed that was helping......Im still resticted from the hernia repair surgery but hope to soon be able to get to where I can start working on some exercise I can do.....I sure need something soon.....I jiggle more than jello LMBO!!! 9......Co-Morbitities???? High blood pressure.....Diabeties......bladder issues.....sleep apnea.....severe issues with yeast infections and cysts on and under my apron area.....I was easily exhausted and so darn hot natured!!! I was off most all of my meds by the time I was a few months out....I had just been diagnosted with diabeties and my PCP let me wait to start meds since I was loosing on my own and was about to have the surgery.....but it was in the normal range a month after surgery.....I still have my bi-pap machine for the sleep apnea but mostly for security reasons.....I had it so bad that I fear if I don't have it I might need it at some point....Have been thinking of letting them pick it up but just have not made the call yet.  That might be my personal wow moment for this week!!!! I still have tired moments but now they are due from actually doing things to get tired...Sometimes I don't even realize all I have done in a day till I set down and get to thinking over it.....Then I realize I actually have a reason for being pooped lol lol lol.....  I do still have issues with the yeast, cysts and all that goes along with having the apron.. but am looking forward to being rid of those issues really soon..... 10.....Packing your bag...... I think you should take any personal items you feel the most comfortable having.... I suggest a robe, socks and absolutely do not forget the gas ex strips!!!!..... THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMER IS...YOU ARE NOT ALONE.....THERE ARE TONS OF PEOPLE HERE TO HELP YOU IN ANY WAY THEY CAN...... THIS IS A JOURNEY YOU WILL NEVER FORGET!!! YOU ARE WORTH IT AND DESERVER IT!!!!  THERE IS NOTHING LIKE GETTING TO START LEARNING TO LIVE LIFE AGAIN!!!! OMG...AND FINDING THE YOU THAT'S BEEN HIDDEN AWAY IN ALL THAT FAT ALL THESE YEARS!!!!!! IT'S UNDESCRIBEABLE!!!!! IF YOU ARE A LURKER ON THE BOARD?????? STOP LURKING AND COME ON OUT!!!.....BE SEEN ....BE HEARD.......YOUR STORY OR YOUR THOUGHTS MIGHT BE JUST WHAT ANOTHER NEEDED TO HELP THEM START OR GET THRU THEIR JOURNEY!!!!! THE MAIN THING IS YOUR JUST AS IMPORTANT AS ANYONE ON THE BOARD AND ARE MORE THAN WELCOME TO BE HERE!!!!  LET US GET TO KNOW YOU.....LET US HELP YOU IN ANYWAY WE CAN...LET US BE YOUR FRIEND!!!!! GUY~N~ GALS....I JUST WANT YOU ALL TO KNOW I LOVE YALLLLLLL.. AND I LOVE HAVING THE BOARD TO COME TOO.....THERE ARE TIMES I GET HELD UP FOR A WHILE AND DON'T GET TO POST THE WAY I WOULD LIKE TOO....BUT IT IS SUCH A WONDERFUL FEELING KNOWING YOU ARE ALL HERE WHEN I NEED YOU .......THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL THE TIMES I HAVE ASK FOR PRAYER AND YOU HAVE BEEN THERE FOR ME...... LUV & HUGS.....TAMMY~AMMY





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Bec M.
on 7/6/08 11:58 pm
I know I am not a post~op and do not have all those wonderul things to write about yet.... but I am a very very thankful pre~op!  I just had to jump in here and say THANK YOU to each one that took and takes the time to encourage us! As always I was encouraged and inspired by all I read in each post!  When the journey gets long and difficult in the pre~op process it sure helps us to read all the wonderful things we have to look forward to and keeps us keeping on! Great Big Blessings To Each One! bec
on 7/8/08 8:58 am - Purdy, MO
 Janet hun what a wonderful post, thank you and thank you to everyone who posted. I'm having my 2 biggest supporter's (my daughter's) read this also.  I would be so lost without you guy's. Love and Hug's

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
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