Well of course Joe and I gave ourselves a couple of days off and so what does it do? Rain!! We wanted to finish up my pond up front, cant do that in the rain. Need to mow all of the yard, everytime it just about gets dry it rains. Our weedeater is in the shop by the time it dries out enough to mow our little push mower wont go thru it and will have to use the weed eater to get thru it lol
Sounds like im griping I guess and I shouldn’t that is for sure, so it is sprinkling I will take advantage of that and go fertalize all of my stuff. Lol let i****er it all in how about that for making lemonade out of lemons. ?
After it quit raining I started digging once again , too tooo hot and muggy whew, but did notice that where I want to build up with the dirt im digging out is right where the rain comes off the house at and since we don’t have any gutters yet it is washing it right out onto the yard. So tomorrow morning im going to go get the gutters for there and get them put up before I do any thing else as far as digging the pond.
I will have them show me what I have to do to put them up and will get them started anyway …whether I can physically do it all my self is another question. . but is only an 8 ft section along the porch and a 13 foot section where the house is. If it comes in 6 ft or 8 ft sections would be great. Would be easy enough to handle like that.
Wonder which is best plastic or metal? I would think the metal would last longer what do you all think? It is just one of those things that we just haven’t gotten put up and forgot about I guess. Lol
NUTTI::::::sounds like you had a wonderful fourth of July….Im glad that you think of me and certainly enjoy that back yard. It is really nice when it is beautiful isnt it?
I was hoping to get a pool up this year but don’t know if I will or not.
Hope your daughter enjoys her party with her friends. How nice that she has a nice place to have them all gather.
JANET::::: sounds like your day was wonderful too. Im so glad that Jon has learned how to swim without the floaty in his suit. That is very good since you have the pool he needed to know that.
Your right about nothing taking the place of a happy home. Nothing at all.
Megan could call her doctor Monday morning about the nausea and vomiting all day long.
They would probably order her something over the phone. And she wouldn’t have to wait till Thursday.
I hope your flowers in the cans work out ok, it is a little late to be planting them but there is a good 4 months for them to grow so hopefully they will give you some beauty.
I think you need to get you something for sleep. Talk to your doctor. That can be very dangerous , driving and all without anymore sleep than you have had.
I have lazy days too. Really I do , or it seems to me like they are lazy.
Don’t know of any kind of undies that would work …sorry about that. Guess you will have to keep sewing, I know that has to be aggravating.for sure.
SUGAR::::: sorry that the dress didn’t fit, I know you was hoping it did? But really you were way too skinny then and it would be skinnier on you now. You wouldn’t want to be that size again would you?
Oh poor Pete, we will mourn him long. he was such a good fish and gave his life to keep re pete from getting into trouble.
Don’t bet on the coons not coming. That is like the frogs laying their eggs in our pond and when they become frogs and jump out of there , we have a big black snake that lays around back there at that time. He has a fine mess of frog legs. Ala-cart. Lol
Sounds like your time with your family was great.we didn’t do anything just stayed here.
ANGY:::::do you all know how to write your post in Word or Works either one? Then copy and paste it to the board under New Topic? That is how I do my post. I start out early in the morning writing things and save it all day long. if I think of something the next time I am in the house for water or something I will pull it up and type that and then save and go ahead and do my day. Makes it a lot easier. Cant lose it that way.
I know you will hear from medicaide soon . but will continue to pray that you do.
Not many more days now….2 wow did you ever think it would get here? Yeah it makes complete sense about long diet but the time seeming fast.
Don’t worry you will be fine. And we have polished your seat on the losers bench for so long that I think we wore a hole in it. Lol
You know 32 pounds in 2 weeks is amazing. But just wait it will start really coming off now.
Cant wait till next year at this time when you say how much you are able to do and how gratefull you are to have had the surgery.
Don’t worry about being grouchy after the surgery you wont want any thing to eat. So it will be fine then.
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.
Hi Jan and all, I wished I could have lost 32 lbs on the liquid diet but the 32 lbs was since april. Actually I have only lost 11 lbs on the liquid diet. Seems like I should have lost more but I will take what I can get. I hope I have half as much energy as you do when I lose some of this weight!!! As with everyone else, I love reading what all you do but you wear me out..lol... Well I don't have much to say tonight so I am off to bed as it is almost 2 am....Goodnight all have a good Sunday....
Hello there Jan and OH Peeps~
I hope everyone had a good Saturday. Ours was ok. Actually, Mike and Darrel had a good day-they went to the RC races where both of them raced in their classes. They both placed, but no big awards. They are starting a youth class next Saturday-and then they will be starting a womens class, if there are more than just Angel and I to race-will see.....
We had just gotten the Suburban loaded and my phone rang, didnt recognize the number, but for some reason I knew it was important. It was the lady who came and got Steph and moved her out-she was calling me to see if Steph was here with us. Told her no-she asked if I knew where she was-I said, well-she told me that she was going to Arkansas for a couple of days to her boyfriends BMX competition-why? She said that they were out of state and had asked Steph to go with them-and she told them that she was going with HER family....so she lied to them-because she isnt allowed to date Spencer while she is living there. HHHMMMM. Seems like they are seeing the WHOLE PICTURE now-she said that if Steph so much as stubs her toe-everyone around her WILL PAY! (I know that all too well-but ask me if I feel sorry for the lady *****moved my daughter from the house? NOPE...Not just NO-but HELL NO!) She said-Well, "I" wouldnt have let her go-and I said, well-"IM" not HER boss anymore-YOU ARE-so I had/have no rights to tell her what to do anymore! Every single problem she had here-she has there. She said that Steph is going to HAVE TO move back here. I flat out told her that this was NOT an option AND perhaps she needs to THINK before she goes picking up kids who have a loving home-but discipline???? She said that she has worked with emotionally disturbed kids for over 10 yrs and that she is a psychiatric nurse and that she is well aware that Steph has issues-and I told her that in the line of work that she does-it makes it even worse that she came and picked up my child from MY home!
I found out that Steph was (is) running around telling everyone that she was "kicked" out. She is telling everyone I kicked her out! WOW!! Anyone that knows me knows that I didnt/wouldnt. So I called her and flat out asked her WHY she is telling people that? She said-you did DID kick me out. You told me to get out when I tried to talk to you about staying with Chandler during summer school.....excuse me? I cant believe it! I just shake my head in amazement at what she will twist around and then, to top it off-she actually sounds convincing-like she believes the b.s. that she runs around telling everyone!
So Ms. Stephanie has asked my mom if she can move in with them....there is another no. She says she will be closer and she needs to be close to Joplin to find a job. Steph thinks she can just run all over them AND this last time she spent 2 nights with them, my mom was having to constantly tell her to get off the phone or computer (in the middle night no less). They dont want all the uproar-and they will get it IF she has ANY discipline or rules. So-I call her dad-he is at work (wonder where the child support would be?) so I text him since he cant talk - and I ask him when he comes to visit on Sunday-if he is going to Vegas when he leaves here-so that Steph has the option of going home with him or not. HE CALLS Steph and TELLS HER that I am freaking out about where she is going to live. She calls me-all upset-and that was IT!!! I called Eric and told him that we will NEVER talk again unless its in court, because I am DONE! He cant call ME when MY daughter calls him and tells him she is moving out and has already talked to her friends mom etc.........BUT he can burn up that phone line when its me- OR forward her the emails I sent him that one time. I told him NEVER AGAIN...I dont give a rats rear-end what goes down-I will NOT be contacting him ever again. Im SICK of the he-said, she-said crap and with the 2 of them, who knows which one is twisting crap, since they are both two peas in a pod. He asked if thats why I wont return any of his calls or texts-I said yep. Oh-and check this out-he THINKS that WHEN Steph turns 18, that the state will wipe the back child support since she will legally be an adult. Let him learn the hard way. I dont care about that either.
Went into town early today-Mike had to get his shelter and table set up so he would have his ideal spot. Then he took and dropped me off early because I said I would do the supply shopping today. Jon and I stopped and got gas, then went to Sams-then to Dollar General. I was bushed when I got done. I think I put 5 miles on, just in Sams club walking back and forth and then between my mom and Megan-they kept calling with more to add to the list. Just when I would think I was done,,,,
Poor, Poor Meg. I feel for her so badly! I remember being that sick. I had the Group B strep when I was pregnant with the last 2 and I thought I was gonna die everyday and so does she! Please pray that she doesnt have it, ok? Thank you so much! I cannt wait until Thurs when I get to go with them to the OB doc and listen to my grand-daughters heartbeat! I bought the baby two baby books about God and Angels today. She will love them!
Tomorrow we are going to look at the house up the street from us (about 1/2 mile or so) its vacant and today when I drove by-all the curtains were pulled up so that you could see in-someone around me owns it-just dont know who-but Im leaving a note on the door and have called some other neighbors-so I should know fairly soon. Wouldnt that be AWESOME? They would be so close that I could walk over there! Plus-Megan and Aaron would have us here-right on their way to school and work-so I can watch Mackenzie~!! YAY for me~Please say a little prayer about it-would love to find out thats where the good Lord wants them to be right now-so we are close to them......
Kenny is not doing good. Please pray for him. He confided in me and my mom that he really believes that he is dying. He lost conscienceness on Friday at dialysis and they had to take him off the machine early and my mom had to go down to teh dialysis center!!! He said his blood pressure was 80 something over 37!!!! They DID keep him until it was close to normal this time tho-but he said that they are allowed to have a cup of ice water once every hour and for 2 hours he kept asking and asking for another cup and the nurse just flat out told him NO....we are checking into a different dialysis center on Monday. Enough is enough and he doesnt look good and gets worse every time I see him. Im getting scared.
Please remember our girls getting ready to have surgery-for peace of mind and strength. Specifically Bev B. I know she is having a hard time worrying about it-and Renee too-I remember being like that in the very beginning-but by the time the surgery rolled around I was convinced that HE brought me to it-HE would get me through it AND I also always told myself I would die whether I was having surgeryo or getting my mail-that seemed to help me alot-along with keeping my eyes on the prize and with the liquid diet-I just told myself that nothing taste so good that it was worth my surgeon postponing surgery. It
Well, I better get this wrapped up-I want to lay down for at least 3 hours before I have to go to the motel today and yep, I had insomnia again tonite....
**Jan-thats funny-no, I didnt know that it was harder to plant in pots than in the ground-I dont believe it!! I cant wait to do the cans. I hope the morning glories will grow. We are going to get some corn out of the field today-its ready. Its so good too-I cant wait to cut the ears in half and put them in the vaaume seal. I have been keeping track of how many # of veggies I am sealing-I want a rough estimate of how much money I saved. I bet we will be surprised.
Yes, I WILL talk to my doctor about the sleeping. I thought it would level off by now-it is making me really tired-dont like dragging butt!
Well, Im gonna sign off here and lay down for a bit. I hope everyone has a blessed Sunday. Your all in my thoughts and my prayers. Janet
Good morning Jan and board. Well I was so lazy this morning I didnt even go to church, shame on me... Jan I want to come down so bad this week maybe tue. if that is ok with you.. maybe I can get Linda to go with me.. I need to get away from this for a day you know what I am talking about there seems to be no end to remodeling... Janet that was a great idea you had that will help our new ones and good luck and welcome to all of you soon to be on the bench, you have a wonderful adventure ahead of it relax and enjoy it will all come together.....Vesta
Hey! This will be a quick reply! Not much to talk about today. Sis I sent you some pics of the pond with the flowers in it....My water lilly opened up while we were at church this morning. It is such a pretty soft yellow. I hope if we have a coon visit, he doesnt fall in and not be able to get out. That would be a mess! The new fish (havent thought of a name) is doing fine. They are taking turns leading each other around. lol! I thought of ditto, because he looks just like re-pete! Anyway...just thinkin'! Gotta go and try to get some laundry done. Hope your day is blessed...