Jan C.
on 7/4/08 3:28 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July and had no injuries. I had some watermelon lol that was as close as I got to having a picnic.

Well as some of you have been harping at us about taking it easy , we did today and boy was I bored.  I got all of my back splash done tho , it really looks cool. Certainly lightens it up in here. When the sun this afternoon came thru my back door it looked like I had lights on over around my cabinet lol

Joe caulked the shower doors in the rental and put down a threshole and that was that, We cleaned up all the tools and brought them back to the workshop and then what ever we need we will take it over and bring it back.

We picked up all the wood from the maple tree and put it in our wood pile, if I ever get a fire pit built I will have plenty of wood for it . Joe said we have about half a cord , how ever much that is.

I tired push mowing the yard this morning but it was still too wet. Waited till 4 pm and mowed some but it was still too wet in places really. But I did get some of it done.

Re potted 4 of my begonias today they had outgrown their pots .


We cleaned and straightened the green house and then pulled a wheelbarrow full of weeds around the outsides of pathways, sure wish they would call and say our week eater is ready to pick up. It just wouldn’t stay running. And when you have as many rocks as we have outlining things you really need a week eater. Wears you out to try to pull that much.I used roundup around some of the things but that takes awhile to get it killed.


Tomorrow if it isnt raining im mixing up a batch of round up to kill weeds in the driveway. Need to order another load of the gray crushed rock for our drive, it has settled as we have driven over it.

I think it is called base rock , the more you drive over it the more it gets solid like concrete, what ever it is called we need to get it.




BARBARA  S:::::  Baby is in pain from the surgery? I hope she is getting better. Usually for an animal it doesn’t bother them much . She will be ok sweetie , don’t get too upset about her ok?  Take care of yourself and hold her and it will heal her and you too.



SUGAR:::: well I got to know , did the wedding dress fit you? You made me wonder about mine, The one that I wore when Joe and I got married, I knew I was small when we got married so I went and tried it on. Yep was even big in the boobs lol I think it was looser everywhere else too. Cause I remember Michele zipping it up for me and it was tight around the waist and then again in the boobs, well it isnt now. So that made me happy today.

Hope you had a good anniversary …as you see I didn’t send out a card this year. I have forgotten birthday cards and everything else for the past two months. Just don’t have enough time in the day and stamps are getting stupid, especially when you send as many as I do.

Wow 37 years , you’ve been married as many years as I am old ? wow.


Sounds like you and the kids are going to have a good time tonight.

The next time I come up will have to go to Fentons. Sound like my kind of place lol

I like good deals for sure.

I have been looking all day for a smiley from you but haven’t seen one yet?




SHANNON :::: my dog hates fireworks too. He just gets all nervous an d paces back and forth and then pants and pants.

Yeah it is a little hard for some people to understand that you don’t want any bread or water when you eat but that is ok, in restaurants I go ahead and order water just to satisfy them.




TAMMY-AMMY:::::::so good to see you back online.     That is great that you got some sleep. I do that too, I will go for weeks only on about 3 or 4 hours a night then I will just die and sleep a goot 9 hours and wake up so sore and stiff.

I use to love roast and potatoes and carrots but I cant get the roast chewed up good enough now and it makes me sick and cant have the potatoes so seems a waste to cook all of that for carrots lol. I love to smell it cooking tho. Do you do yours in the oven or in a crockpot?


Oh I understand about the reunion. Sure wish you could come tho, I know , I know but still wish you could come . lol

You’ve lost 185 pounds ? wow. That is great.




LORI::::: sounds like you had a good day lined up with you and your kids.

Yes prayer works and no it doesn’t matter what church you belong to it is your personal relationship with our Lord and savior.




BRENDA::::lol your great grand baby looks like an alien lol shame on your.

I know those things are really neat now days but the baby does look sort of weird don’t they.

So Sydney is doing ok? I hope it settles her down ,

So you all are thinking of going to to get Dennis surgery? That would be neat since it is cheaper there and the surgeons are all trained her in U. S,.

I know you sure didn’t want to get in the electric cart did you?

I know I wouldn’t would seem like going backwards lol

But that is what they are there for , someone that really needs them.

I use to try and convince my little mama to try them but she wouldn’t. She had one of the little electric chairs and she didn’t even use that  .



JANET::::: hey what happened to the girl that last year said that everything she touched died…now you are growing plants everywhere. And I bet some of them are hard to raise plants that you just don’t know it.  And a secret if you are keeping things alive in pots that already makes you ahead of the game because it is easier to grow things in the ground than in pots. And I bet you thought it was the other way around huh?

Tell Mike that growing plants maybe be habit forming but at least it is safe and fun.

Sure am looking forward to seeing you this month. Remember it is on the 21st , everyone needs to mark your calendars. Ok?

Im sure there is a butcher around here somewhere and we have thought about buying like a ¼ too because I don’t eat much of the stuff. So it is just Joe.


So you are going to help my husband go into witness protection huh? Cant just yet I still need him lol

Yeah I told him the other day that you realize we have done most of this stuff in about 3 weeks? After the floor in the bathroom and the back bedroom will only be trim work , odds and ends. Things that don’t take much time but add so much to a house.


Andy and Susan have been doing some little odds and ends right now. Tomorrow I am setting out the paint that all the trim work is to be painted and they can do that as they want too , most of it has been painted once already just needs to be gone over again.


Does Jon really have a speech problem or is he just like a lot of little kids . there are lots of babies that just need maturity to speak correctly. No need to make fun of them that is so mean of adults .or supposedly adults.

I didn’t notice any thing about the way he spoke last year . He is such a beautiful child and such eyes.

You have a lot of be proud of and happy about. , Me too., life has takend a full turn around hasn’t it? Wonderful times now , all that we can do and do . I know I am always busy but I just cant sit still.


Oh yes you ask if Andy and Susan like the place and they are just happy as little clams.

Susan said she felt like she was being spoiled , with a dishwasher and all the pretties we are putting in.


They are very sweet people, Susan wasn’t feeling well today, She is diabetic and it was her sugar , it was up . She really needs the surgery too but they don’t have insurance and she isnt on disability. I told Andy that she needs to apply for it to see if she can get on it. Poor think can barely walk. Her feet and ankles are always swollen.

I think I will try to encourage her to go for it.

Just everyone needs to keep her in prayer.


Oh yeah meant to tell you that the old door handles cleaned up so so pretty, they looked like they were a brass but after Joe used his drimmel on them they were this beautiful soft glowy copper look with rosettes on them. Just beautiful , handles like that would be 5 to 7 dollars apiece. ,,,








on 7/4/08 3:56 pm, edited 7/4/08 3:57 pm

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! yes I know technechly its the 5th when you read it but heck I had such a great day I have to keep it going for just this bit more! and since Im first do I get the sf whatever for posting first?? we had perfect weather. we had friends and family here enjoying the pool and food was fantastic. Dean made kabobs...we had never made them before they were so pretty I had to take photos of before and after cooking!  our backyard looks so nice Jan...I think of you while Im enjoying it...it looks better than it has in YEARS! he has worked so hard that we now can let Catriona host a pool party here for her friends Pixie enjoyed the few snap pops and smoke bombs we had bought for her and then we headed out to the Municiple Park for the big show! we ran into friends and sat with them in a prime viewing spot! after the show we went to the kids Apt and did our few night things and ate watermelon! yummy it was soo sweet. than home...we sat out in the gazeboo for awhile enjoying the neighbors celebrations....we now have full privacy in our yard and it is so nice. last 4th Catriona and I were stuck in a motel room alone without anything not even sparklers! we were bummed. but oh this yr we had fun! so here I sit getting ready to go to bed today I plan on being in the pool ALL day and the gazeebo the rest of it...we have leftovers to eat...very lazy day for us all. oh wait scratch that...we are going to build a fire pit out of the cinder blocks we have around here the kids are gonna roast dogs and MM for smores. I told her I would like a list of kids who planed on comming. Have a great weekend yall! nutti






on 7/4/08 5:30 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

I hope you all had a wonderful AND safe 4th of July! What did you all do today? There were birthdays, anniversarys and lots of activities going on, thats for sure.

We had one of the best days ever! Filled with smiles and laughter. WOW! It was just awesome!!! First, my hubby woke me up when the boys got up this morning, brings me coffee and the first thing I heard this morning was I love you and your beautiful....AWW... I asked if his eyes were focused yet. LoL....We took the boys fishing. We came home and tinkered with stuff here like the bird and hummingbird feeders. Put up more hooks on the porch between the 4 pillars to hang the hanging plants that I just bought AGAIN.. LOL... I made a brunch for the guys and made all their favorite breakfast foods-Jon his pancakes, Mike his specialty omelet with olives and provolone cheese, Darrel his pancakes and eggs over easy with bacon...well-Mike actually ate a little of everything, but his omelet is always his favorite. Anyway...cleaned the kitchen with the boys help, and then we went swimming. We let the dogs go in the pool today too-got a video of Dozer with Jon. I was taping Jon swimming from the shallow end to the deep end by the diving board-all by himself and no built in floatie in his suit!! Im so glad. He is a good little swimmer! We dont want him to be over confident though~cuz he is our little dare devil and now he wants to go on the diving board already! He has before-actually a lot, but had the built in floatie in his suit-so he bounced right back up! Well, while we were in swimming, I got a call from Megan...she said that she didnt think her and Aaron would be making it out to our place for the BBQ and fireworks because she had been so sick all day long. Said that she cant even keep saltines and/sprite down! Ok-so THEN....my mom calls. She was closing the office early since there was no vacancy and everyone who had to pay their rent today had already been in and paid...anyway-so her and Kenny were going to come out here, but....Kenny had dialysis today and he was not doing good. So-plans changed just a bit-since my dad is gone to his family reunion-my mom was going to bring the books out here tonite so I could do them. So-since they werent coming out-the boys and I went to town-brought them some food, I did the books and then we came home and ate and did our fireworks. Needless to say, it put us behind, but it was all good. We were still laughing and joking when I was tucking the boys in at 11:30! I hope you all enjoyed your day as much as we enjoyed ours. Im telling you-there is no amount of money or material things, that could ever take the place of a good, happy, loving family-thats for sure. I felt very blessed today and very thankful to the good Lord for all he has given me...

Megan goes for her OB appt this Thurs-thank goodness....she needs to get the Phenegran. Told her that it wouldnt last long-but heck, when you are sick around the clock-it seems like an eternity. Their anniversary is Monday-so I have to get out and get their present. Which-cant post it, I know if I did-it would be the day they get on here to do something and read my post-LOL...so-will tell you guys on Tues.

Tomorrow I am working all day. Mike has his RC race-and Darrel is going with Mike to do corner marshalling-and helping with tune ups and all of that. Jon will be with me and we are taking all the metal cans I have been saving from when I buy BIG cans of applesauce and beans etc-we are taking them to work with me-and we are taking all the labels off, poking holes in the bottom of them and spray painting them. Once they are dried, I am letting the boys paint on them, like smiley faces or whatever. Then-hanging them on the privacy fence and I am getting the morning glories and the other plants/flowers Jan told me to get..

Well, I should get this wrapped up and attempt to go to sleep???? Not even the slightest bit tired. Am hurting, and I got tired this afternoon briefly-and as soon as I decided to lay down and take a nap on the couch this afternoon, I was wide awake~I so hope their is sleep in my future tonite-LOL...I have to go to Sams in the morning to get supplies for the motel, and then go to the bank. I am also stopping to get Darrel and Jon a couple of t-shirts and short sets that are on clearance. Then off to work-Im closing, but I get to close early if we are full and the renters all come in early again... that would be nice. I want to go up to the track and watch Mike race and see a couple of my friends Ive made-their hubbys race with Mike-thats how we met. Kenny wants to go watch a race too...so I will take him and let him stay an hour or so and bring him home. I hope he feels better tomorrow. I hate it when he looks so puney!

Oh, before I forget-last summer when I was in the pool-I was still big enough that I floated pretty much...at least could use my boobs as floating devices-LOL LOL...Well, let me just say-that thinner people have a harder time swimming. Its DEFINITELY more work to stay above water!!! Dang. The boys are selling some of the stuff they have outgrown or just dont want to keep anymore-and they want to get a set of bumper boats with their money. Mike and I talked about it and decided if they would save 1/2 the money to get them, we will pay the other half. Thats gonna be fun! They are battery powered and they have built in water guns!

**Jan-No, I didnt know that planting in a pot was harder....Had no clue. Its fun and I can do it now...so I guess if we can keep them alive-I wont be so nervous about planting in the ground now.

Yes, tell Joe I will even give him an alais....LOL. Poor guy! Your almost done though. I bet your tired. Just plain old tired. Gosh-you do more in your lazy day (WHEN IS THAT????) than most people do on their busy day!!!

Im so sorry about Susan! Darni I will keep her in my prayers. If there is anything I can help with, please let me know. Tell everyone hello for me, ok? I will see you soon~~

**Brenda-Poor baby is gonna be born that close to the holidays! I know that stinks-LOL... Im praying for a healthy baby boy for you guys! Praying too, that Dennis can get his surgery and glad to see you on the road to recovery!!!!! All my love and prayers!

Well, my eyes are closing...I better go lay down. Have a good weekend all. Love and prayers, Janet


Shannon C.
on 7/4/08 8:33 pm - Kirksville, MO
Was just getting ready to saute some greenbeans and sis was starting out the door with the hotdogs to grill when a neighbor of mine on the other side of the block came over carrying tons of food for Dad, Susan & me. There was enough to feed an army! She said that since we give them so much stuff out of the garden they wanted to do something for us. Beans got put in the fridge.

Later on we went to the city firework display and we had a prime viewing spot at the old florshem shoe factory parking lot which is up on a hill. The city really did a nice job at the country club this year and there must have been 100 other cars in the lot and we got out so easy. Much better than the fair grounds last year. Came home ate a bit and fell asleep on the couch watching tv. Darn never did see the end of that movie...

Going to take sis up to the farmers market this am as her car was totaled in an accident. I want some big slicing onions and one guy has little bunches of romaine I want to try. Hoping there is also some cantelope from down south as it beats the heck out of whats at the stores now.

Jan - it didn't sound like you took it easy... I got nothing done yesterday except at work a couple of hours. Hope to get into the garden this afternoon. The beans are calling!

I am still frustrated with trying to find correct size underwear or brand and going broke buying differant sizes or types. To get them to fit around my tummy they end up to big in the seat.Besides my shoulders and arms being chilly most of the time that is the biggest complaint I have about weighing 148 pounds. Ok - the whinning is done.

Everyone - Have fun today!



on 7/4/08 9:07 pm - Clever, MO

Well there was a reason for me not posting about the dress....#1 I was just too busy all day!  #2 It still didnt zip up! Dang! But Rick said, "You were sooooo skinny back then, did you really think it would?"  Well, I was hoping. The waist was fine and even up under the boobs, but my chest wouldnt fit. It wasnt the boobs cuz I dont have any of those...lol!  But just the width of my back. Rick said I just had built up my muscles across there. Anywho....it still put a smile on his face when he turned around and saw me in it. Well we suffered a loss yesterday. Under the waterfall was a little area that a fish (if he jumped just right) could jump to his death back into netherland of pondom...So "PETE" committed fishycide.  POOR PETE!!!!! and now poor Re-Pete is sooooooo lonely!  Rick had named them Pete and Re-Pete because the one always followed the other around, never taking the lead, always just following. Except this one time! lol!  Rick came in and told me that one of the fish had dissappeared and he thought that it must have jumped up and went thru that hole, but he didnt know which one it was since they look alike. I told him it must have been Pete because the other one was always behind him. So we are in mouring for poor PETE!  I will probably go get Re-Pete a new friend today. We put a rock in the hole so they cant do that again.  We also had a little frog come into the pond yesterday.  As long as  the coons wont come try to eat our little fishy we will be okay.

The 4th was great. The weather, the food, the friends and the family. None of the kids blew up anything that wasnt supposed to be. We had 3 different families supply fireworks so it was a good show. We first let the smaller kids set off some of the smaller things and then it was the big kids turn and they did a fine job.  But after we ate and before fireworks we just sat and visited and then we all got out and played volleyball. EVEN me!  It is the first time in a hundred years since Ive played ! So I was very rusty, but I served it over the net and returned it a couple of times so I felt really good about it all. Then I gave Rick a card that plays music. It was really funny. I had him read it out loud and it says about kissin' and huggin' and how good it has been...then you open it and it plays "I like it, I love it, I want some more of it"  The kids said that was too much information! lol!  Well if we can get 37 more years of marraige that will make me 91 and him 92...I think we can do it! lol IF so we will have a big blow out the next year on our 75th wedding anniversary. Wouldnt that be wild?  Well, we for sure will have a big one on our 50th!  Today has no plans except to clean up all the fireworks. The kids did a good job last night but IM sure they missed some. lol!  Hope all has a great day today....


on 7/5/08 2:46 am, edited 7/5/08 2:50 am - Friedheim, MO

Happy Saturday Everybody!!! Ok, I am going to try this one more time.  My computer is being stupid.   I am begining to think that it just isn't meant to be for me to post on the Whats happening post.  All week I have been trying to post on here and everytime something happens, I write a long post trying to catch up for the days I've missed & my post just disappears, I get a computer error, or this time my freakin computer just all of a sudden shut off!!!!   What the heck is goin on!!!   I'm going to try to make it short & fast before anything happens.    First of all I hope everyone had a wonderful and save 4th.  We were bored & didn't do anything.  Skyler wanted to go to the Cape liberty fest/Air show, but we didn't have the gas or $$ to get there. Janet, I am feeling better.  I get my feelings hurt very easily and I just had myself so psyched up.  I just knew that they had it.  Tuesday was a VERY bad day.  Wednesday, I woke up and all was better.  I am going to call them again Tuesday.  If they still don't have it then I will call Regina.  Everybody PLEASE cross your fingers and pray that they have it this time.  Also pray that I don't get that mean a$$ woman again!  I will text or call you the minute I find something out. I wouldn't worry about Jon in school.  Alot of kids that age have speech problems.  They will work with him and put him in speech therapy if needed.   But, I have to say, I have thaught about home schooling Skyler too.  But there is no way!  I don't think she would take me seriously as her teacher. Has anyone heard from Angie?  Haven't seen her on here for some time now.  I hope everthing is ok. Ok, I am going to attempt to hit this submit key one last time.   If you all don't hear from me for a while, you know it's because I have taken my computer out and kicked it, stomped it or beat it with a hammer. Love ya all,   ~ Angy Here goes. . .


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
on 7/5/08 2:49 am - Friedheim, MO
WOOOOHOOOOOO!  It worked.  My laptop is safe today. 
Beverly B.
on 7/5/08 7:33 am - Sedalia, MO
Hi Jan and all, Well here it is day 13 of this liquid diet...It seems like such a long time but time that has went very fast. If that makes sense. I went to my son's bbq/fireworks display last night and had a good time, lots of food (bah humbug....)and fireworks..Several of my grandkids work at firework stands and instead of getting paid money they work for fireworks. We always have a gigantic fireworks display and they usually have tons of fireworks left over for the rest of the year...haha...The only downside to last night is it got really chilly. Now I don't hardly ever get cold but I had a blanket on me last night.. I had a wow moment last night and I haven't even had surgery yet. I forgot to take my chair with me and there were some of those white plastic chairs. I haven't been able to sit in those for a couple of years but I did last night and I wasn't even all bunched up..I have lost 32 lbs and although that doesn't seem like a lot to me it makes a difference. I can feel my shirts getting bigger. Can't wait til this surgery is over with and I really start losing....and besides that I don't think my nerves can stand much more. I am getting really grouchy not having anything to eat. Hope it mellows out after surgery..lol...my grandkids that live with me are not used to me being so grouchy... Well guess I had better get off here and try and get some more work done. It is slow goin for me...



Barbara S.
on 7/5/08 10:13 am - Freeman, MO
You have done well...32 lbs WOW....get ready to "Start to melt" as my hubby says! Your always in our prayers!!!
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

on 7/5/08 12:22 pm - Friedheim, MO
Beverly, Tomarrow is going to be a really busy day for you getting everything ready for Monday. So if your unable to get on here tomarrow,  I just want to wish you well.  I will be praying for a safe surgery and quick recovery.  Please keep us informed on how your doing.  I know you'll do great, but you know we're gonna worry anyways.   Good Luck to ya girl,  Love ya!   Angy PS  32 lbs.. . .  Holy Cow!   That's Fantastic!!!  Is that all from the liquid diet??   Great Job!


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
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