Jan C.
on 7/3/08 2:42 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

We got started late this morning just couldn’t get to moving. I  think all of this has caught up with us for sure. Finally about 9am we got over to Andy and Susans house and after 2 hours got the shower doors up …Joe got so disgusted in trying to do the last part that he just couldn’t seem to get it done , he said im going to go sit down for awhile, So while he was gone I finished it for him.

Didn’t get the caulking done tho. , didn’t tell them that so I imagine they had water seeping everywhere when they went to take a shower lol at least the floor isnt done yet so it doesn’t matter. Hopefully we feel like getting the floor in there done tomorrow. Joe just seems to be shuting down on me. Anyone have a handy husband that I can borrow for about a week. ???? I think I wore mine out.


I got all the tools picked up and carried back to the workshop but Joe will have to go thru them and put them where he wants them to be .


I planted 2 flats of zinnias , the colors are bright lights. Very pretty and vivid colors.


It rained early Thursday morning but then it cleared off and after planting the zinnias I thought I would go work on the pond in the front. Worked for about an hour got the hole about half done and it started to rain again….hasnt stopped since. Lol I knew I wasn’t going to get it done when I started but thought I needed the exercise I guess. Lol

So now the hole is full of water and when it dries will be full of dirt again.


Cleaned the humming bird feeders and re-filled them , within minutes after hanging them they were all back . Sure is funny how they see those things as soon as you hang them out.

Spent a lot of this afternoon , sitting on the back porch watching it. I thought well I might as well be doing something. So got out the old cabinet pulls that were on the old cabinets that we pulled out of rental house, and started cleaning on them. Joe watched me for awhile then went out and got his dremel tool and brushed them and got off all the old dirt, and grime and they are so so pretty, a flower pattern that is copper colored. Wow very pretty. When we took the old cabinets down we took them off , new ones are so sooooooooo expensive so thought that if I could clean them I might save some money.

You know that old saying “waste not , want not”



BARBARA  S::: sure hope miss Baby is doing well tonight. Tell  your hubby I said Happy Birthday….



LORI:::: wow all of that running made me tired for sure. Lol  Of course I hate shopping. Not as much for someone else but for me I did like it.

Sure am glad that you got moved from where you were before. All of those things happening there. We need to praise God that you got out of there when you did.

Will answer your email when I get a moment to stop and wake up  or whatever.



SUGAR::::Well we didn’t get any of the rain until tonight, about 2 hours so far. I am wondering how many trees are down in the morning. .

Lots of lighting and thunder. 

At least your grandkids aren’t so spoiled that they cant do those things for and with you.

They are all very sweet and good kids from what I have seen.

I will have to get some of the nail stuff, mine are pretty strong but I guess I use them too much for a shovel lol  I have tried this year to use gloves more and have done pretty good about it.



JANET:::::I thought you said you slowed down ? doesn’t sound like it.

Hope Megan is feeling some better now, not much longer and she should start getting to feel much better. I know shw will be happy about that.


Can you believe how gross some people can be? Glad your Dad booted that guy out of the place you might have had a really big problem if he had stayed.


I know what you mean about the hurting and the rain, me too and today and tonight has been a flood from the sky.

You take care and sounds like your porch and yard is getting to be very very pretty.



RENEE::::: Well you know what I will say about things not going well with the boyfriend don’t you? Lol Take a flying leap. Sounds like my first husband. He expected me to make him happy.

Aint going to happen, if he doesn’t have the ability to make himself happy

Yeah all of that stuff is pretty normal for before you have surgery but afterwards at about a month and you can start eating, either you don’t want it or it just isnt worth it , what ever.

Food isnt the center of your world any more . I hope it never is again for me.


Oh how cute , you will have to get miss peanut some black leathers for her bike riding. Lol




BRENDA:::: hey great that you are feeling well enough to come on and post. Great.

So Dennis is going to go ahead and get the surgery done? If I were having to pay cash for it I would go to . There have been several on here that have gone to to have theirs done.

I know if I had known how well it would make me feel I would have borrowed the money years and changed it all. Tell him good luck.



SHANNON ::::: sounds like you have a big week end lined up for yourself.

Don’t work too hard and have some fun.

It seems that most everyone after having this surgery start de cluttering their houses. I guess we let it get so piled up with stuff before that we just didn’t have the energy to take care of it.



Everyone have a safe and great 4th of July.

Love and care for you











Barbara S.
on 7/3/08 4:07 pm - Freeman, MO
Good morning everyone. I am sitting up with Baby right now. She is more comfortable sleeping in the recliner but, she won't sleep without me so, here I am. Hubby calls the recliner intensive care. hehe..... I feel so sorry for her. Been there done that but, it has to be worse because she can not tell me what she wants, I have to guess and sometimes I know I'm wrong but, don't know what to do. We will get thru this soon. She is really being very good. I'll keep everyone in my prayers!
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

on 7/3/08 9:43 pm - Clever, MO
Good morning! Happy July 4th! And happy anniversary to me and Rick!  37 years of wedded bliss....well not all of them have been blissful, but I can say that most of every year has been. lol! I am going to try my wedding dress on today and see if I can get it zipped up. One thing I had in my mind since surgery has been to be able to get into it, just because I  know how skinny I was when I wore it. That will prove that weight has not much to do with anything. I weighed 118 when I wore it before and now I weigh 165.  Things rearrange and I know I have more muscle now than then because of my hard work at the gym.  ANYWAY....that is one of the many things on my agenda for today.  Later I am going to work out, after hitting a few garage sales this morning if there is any because of the Holiday!  Then I have a few things to pick up at the store. Have to come home and finish some yard work and do a little house cleaning, make some baked beans for tonight, make of the hamburger patties, get all the fixin's ready and then go out on the south side of the house and build a fire pit so the kids can roast marshmallows tonight.  I told Rick that is my next big yard project. I am going to build a big pit with rocks around it, sand around that and then some type of permanant benches around the circle.  Dont know for sure how and what that is going to consist of but I have my thinking cap on. lol   OH yeah, I need to go get a new volleyball net for this evening and one of those giant volleyballs..I think the kids will love that.  Janet, did you say they arrested the dude that was bothering your girl? I am so glad, cause she could have been in some real danger there..sounds like your dad's place has some unsavory characters staying there, with him and then the rooms being so bashed up. It is creep that people are so disrespectful of other's property. Wonder how they would feel if someone came to where they live and did that to thier house?  Did you talk to little Jon about how he was feeling? Bless his little heart. It hurt me to hear you say what he has said so I can just imagine what your "mama" heart was feeling.  We have a new store in Republic called Fenton's discount. It is like a snall Cardins...lots of things from other stores and dented cans and that sort of thing. Anyway, bought some South Beach protien bars 4 for $1, Russell stover sugar free candy (a bag) for 49 cents...got some really good bargains. I thought it might be stale stuff but its not at all..am hoping they get some other goodies for me in there one of these days. They did have some slim fast drinks and stuff...I know some one on here the other day was talking about drinking those. You never know what they will have from one time to the other..kinda a fun bargain hunting place. Well time to get out the dress and try it on and then get on with my day.Or maybe I will wait until my hubby is up and about and let him see me in it. If you all hear a big squeal in a little while you will know that I got it zipped up in the back! lol!           LOVE YOU ALL AND PRAYING FOR A SAFE AND HAPPY 4th FOR YOU  ALL!!!!!!!!! PS>>>I will maybe just send along a smiley to let you know whether the dress fit or no****ch for it! lol!


Shannon C.
on 7/3/08 11:05 pm - Kirksville, MO

Happy 4th Everyone! Happy Birthday to my wonderful daughter!!! Yes I was in labor 31 years ago...

Its a wonderful day out - sun is shinning and no rain in the forecast. I just have to get myself moving...

My schnauzers are exhausted from all the firecrackers going off most of the night. No, I did not call the police and complain at 2am - I just keep telling myself its one week a year - look out Sunday night if its still going on I will not be so nice or I will dig out some and at 4am set them off under their windows that is if someone will bail me out of jail afterwards. I have to have that in writing .

Made a wonderful potato salad last night and got to enjoy 2 tablespooons before my tummy rebelled. Passed the sweet corn up and had 1/2 a grilled beef hot dog minus the bun. People cannot understand why you don't eat bread anymore even after you tell them you can't tolerate it. The same with not drinking during a meal. Oh well...

You all have a great holiday and stay safe!!!



Tammy H.
on 7/4/08 12:13 am - Holcomb, MO
Happy 4th of July Guys ~n~ Gals!!!!!! My prayers are with you all...I hope you all have a wonderful & safe day.. Wooooo Hoooooo...I fianlly got some sleep....As Janet posted I had insomnia night before last too!!!!! I fell asleep about 5:30 am but woke right back up at 6:30am.....So I said to heck with it and got up and cleaned the kitchen and put in a load of towels......Then went to my moms and had coffee with her and sat for a few hours.....I did take a few hour nap later in the afternoon and then worried I wouldn't sleep again....but I feel asleep watching tv and didnt wake till about 6am this morn..... We aren't having a big bang today.....The two older girls are gone off camping with friends......My son Im sure will be off and about....The youngest and her mother are coming over mid afternoon to eat and then we are just going to hang in the pool.....But Im cooking enough to last all day and maybe even tomorrow so we can just take it easy....I put a monter roast my mom gave me yesterday so it could cook for a good while.....Now I got to run get some carrots and pick up Ladonnas roast and get that one on and the carrots and taters.....Using new potatoes my step dad is growing in his garden...Makeing cole slaw with the cabbage he grew and making a summer stir fry with the squash and zukini(sp)... I love roast with the carrots and taters and so ready to chow down!!! Yeah right....like I can really chow down lmbo!! Im really looking forward to getting in the pool...I have not been in the pool since my surgery....Last week Dr.Scott said I was free to get in but I just havent felt like it....Im feeling alot better today so Im going to get in and laze around on my mat and relax....... Sooooo glad to hear Cassie is doing better......DDD please tell her she is in my prayers and we all hope to see her on posting soon.... Jan.....The fluid sac Dr.Scott is talking about is the area where the hernia was.....I have had it for a long time....Longer than since I fianally noticed it 11/2yrs ago......Im not sure what the fluid is but Im guessing from the way he talked and the way my PCP talked it takes awhile for things in there to settle back in place from where they moved the bowel from the fat tissue it was in............I didn't even know I had the upper one.....it was up at the stomach area just below my chest  area....I had been having issues with spitting up alot after I ate and I kept blaming it on over eating or forgetting and taking a few sips of tea while I ate..but since I had surgery I haven't been doing that so it must have been putting pressure on my pouch.... As for the reunion.....I talk to Janet about that the other night....What I really want is to be able to come and stay at least Fri -Sun.. BUTTTT.. I don't know how that is all going to work out.....Our second grandbaby is due Sept 11th-14th or so......AND......I hope to get my info sent in this next week for them to submit to Medicad for approval for the Panellectomy(sp)....I guessing for it to all come together about the end of Aug.....If I go for it then I may not be up to making the trip .. I am considering asking them to set it up for the third week of Sept....That way it should put me where I can be there when the baby is born and if nothing else I REALLY HOPE for Joe and I to at least come to the reunion for that Saturday....If all is going ok by then we might be able to stay the night but I wont know till then........So with everything up in the air at the moment I can't really commit to anything......I would love to have my surgery by then so I could come show off my new body but if I have it too close to then I might not be able to handle that long drive... But if all goes ok then maybe I can get a few together for a trip yalls way in Oct for the support meeting and show me off then lmbo!! Janet......Was soo goood to text with ya the other night....helped the time to pass alot better!!! Hope your insomnia gets better soon.... I could not believe all that crap with that man and Steph.....Girl I am surprised you spoke to him instead of beating his head in!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is sikening that there are freaks like that out there every where!!!!!!!!  I feel for Megan..... that constant nausea feeling is for the birds!!!!! I hope she speaks to the doctor and gets her some phinergan....It really help Heather out with her nausea.......The lady at the WIC office told her that what they always sugest to the women to do is keep white crackers by the bed and at night eat 4-6 crackers before you go to sleep to have something on your stomach while you slept....Don't know that she ever tried it or not...... Brenda.....Girl Im looking forward to see you guys at the meeting tooo.. I hope we have several but I have not heard from anyone yet..... Will be calling a few people to check with them sometime Sunday to see if they are interested in coming so maybe we will have a few..... Cindy....Hope you seen the post for the meeting this next tuesday.... and hope you get to make it this month....Brendas coming so you will get to meet her this month.... Well got to get off here and get back to getting my food done so I can go out and be lazy in the pool...... Hope you all have a wonderful day.... God Bless each of you.... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy PS.....Probably wont be getting back on today and Janet hasn't got her weight loss post done yet so I want to post mine here cause Im so tickled with it.....I am now in the 80's....Im weighing at 289 past few days!!!!!!! Still a ways away from my goal but it's so good to be down to the next notch of numbers!!!!! Beginning weight was......474 Day of surgery...............417 Today...........................289 My total loss is 185lbs!!!!! Not to shabby for a year out!!!!!!





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 7/4/08 2:39 am - Joplin, MO

Lastnight I got Jarett back. We went out to dinner ( the kids and I ), clothes shopping for school, Jordan had a hair cut appt, came home for about an hour and then went and got some fireworks... THe kids set about half of them off last night. They will finish up tonight. We are going to hang pictures and stuff in the house, bbq and just take it easy... I bought some Tiki Torches to put around the porch to help keep the mosquitos away. We probably will BBQ this evening when it cools down a little. Max and I got our hair cuts yesterday and they both look nice. I am real glad mine turned out okay, I am use to not getting good haircuts . lol. Max got his whole face done, I have neglected him getting a hair cut and he had mats under his chin and she shaved him everywhere!! ( he is a shihtzu ) and now he looks so much cooler. I always dread taking him because he is a biter. But, the groomer said he has never bit her. So, I feel better about taking him, lol. I dont have much to report today, but I am so glad cassie is getting better. I was really worried about her. Prayer works. I dont think it matters what religion back ground you come from it works!! I hope everyone has a safe and fun 4th of July!!! 



Brenda Minks
on 7/4/08 5:26 am - Silva, MO

Good Afternoon,

I just got back from taking Sydney home.

She spent the night with us last night.

I got to see the ultrasound of the baby,

I could make out the face but looks a lot

like an alien to me!

But I guess at 14 weeks there is not a lot to see ,

they pointed out the boy parts to me or I would have

never seen it. Anyway getting excited about

having a new baby!!!

It’s been raining here off and on all day, nothing

hard just kind of slow sprinkling.

I ended up having to ride the electric cart

at Wal-Mart last night, we had gone to Audi’s

and by the time I made it to Wal-Mart I had to use the cart.

I had really forgotten about the Holliday yesterday when

we decided to go get groceries and man was it

ever crowded! Shopping cart to shopping cart!!

You know about riding the electric cart, I know this

might sound silly to some of you, but before

I had WLS when I would use the electric cart because

of having such pain in my back and from the Fibromyalgia

I always was self conscious that people thought I was

only using the cart because I was to fat to walk.

But I told Dennis now at least people can’t say she’s

riding on that because she’s fat!

I do not intend that to be a mean commit about anybody else,

that is just how I felt! Everyone have a fun and safe 4th!!!!


Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason. 
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it. 
Nobody said life would be easy,

they just promised it would be worth it.




on 7/4/08 8:50 am - Diamond, MO

Hi Jan and OH Peeps~

Happy Independence Day!!!~ I hope that you all have a great day. Please remember our service men and women-active or our veterans for the freedoms that we have and the service AND SACRIFICE they have given to our country-and pray for our men and women at war for our country right now, along with their families! We have a lot of relatives and friends who have served OR are serving right now. One day we went to this little gas station/truck stop right off of hwy 44 called Shoal Creek Convienence store-and there was like a convoy of army trucks and personel in there-and we got out of the Suburban-and we are walking in to the store from getting gas-and this gentlemen in his fatigues, opens the door for us-and I tell him thanks for all your doing for me, my family and our country and I hugged him (after he said ok) and he looked down at my little Jonathan-who is standing there saluting the soldier! I never told him to do that OR have we ever done that! The guy put his cap on Jon and shook his hand and told him that they need fine young men like Jon!!! (NOT YET YOU CANT!!!)

Wow-I had insomnia AGAIN last night-but I was so physically exhausted-that I was falling asleep reading and Mike kept waking me up-Id read another paragraph and fall asleep again! Anyway-he kept laughing at me, because he said that I was drooling!!! How nice...Sick-o, sit and watch me drool and laugh! (LOL). Anyway, I finally just laid down about 4-because my ankles and feet were so swollen-I usually get that way when I havent gotten GOOD sleep for several days and Im on my feet alot. Im hurting BAD again today~ I dont know what the deal is-but this pain is just AWFUL and its been non-stop~

Mike woke me up this morning when the boys got up-at 9:30 (we stayed up pretty late last night doing some fireworks and playing in the pool). I didnt stay in too long last night after it was dark, it felt way too cold. Anyway-Mike took the boys and I fishing this morning for a couple of hours. We also caught some crawdads...the boys have them in a tank-only about 25 more and I can take them to Sugar and Rick-LOL....Just kidding-that would take a couple of months, Im sure.

Anyway-today when we got back, I made brunch and filled all the hummingbird feeders. I bought 2 new ones for my porch and I am going to put them up. Then I bought hooks to put up all the strings of party lights and then hang a couple more flower pots off the porch between the pillars. Other than that, we are just hanging out, being lazy and not doing a darn thing. We did have to go get propane so we could smoke our ribs that Mike prepped for 2 days-and I am making my beans, my potato salad (that I dont eat) and then we got corn on the cob. The kids and my mom are coming for a late BBQ and then we are swimming and doing fireworks. Our phone has been ringing constantly for the past 3 days with everyone asking what WE are doing for the 4th, because we usually have a big deal out here. Didnt feel like it this year. Told Mike with all his racing buddies, IF he asked one or two of them and their spouses, then everyone else would want to come out too and I just didnt/dont feel like a butt-load of company. I am really content with just having my immediate family here and doing nothing if I dont want to. Dont have to worry about entertaining and all of that. Its gonna be a fun, relaxing day!!

I did go and talk to the lady who is jazzing up my tattoo yesterday. Mike got me a gift certificate to have it done-but she had only seen a pic of it-Mike took it in, so that he would have an idea of the cost before he said anything to me....well-I went in and showed her and told her what Mike and I had talked about-and asked her opinion....She is going to draw up 3-4 different ideas she has-and I am meeting with her on Tues to see what I like-and then make an appt to get it done, unless she ends up costing a lot more than my gift cert-then I may have to wait a bit....I hope I dont have to wait-LOL....

~~~Sheila and I were texting earlier today-and her puter is not letting her sign on and get on-line???? We dont know whats wrong. She said she is having that humming in her head again and that she is just spending the day, like us-hanging out with a couple of her kids and relaxing. Please pray that they can find out WHY she is having problems with her head and all of that-AND take care of it~~!!! I just cant imagine living with that!!!

**Jan-Geez, poor Joe-I bet he is completely burned out. I was wondering if you had him registered in a contest against the energizer bunny. I cant remember who said it the other day-that you guys are giving the energizer bunny a run for their money!!! You guys COULD be their next commercial. Tell Joe that he can come hide out here-and I wont tell his wife where he is hiding-he can fish in our stocked ponds-and we even have a couple of trailers/r.v.s out here I will let him hide in-LOL....J/K-I think you guys should use your stimulus check-and go to some fancy hotel-the ones who will come massage you in your room-and they can bring you room service and you can just lay in bed and be waited on!!! Sounds good, doesnt it?

After the bathroom floor is done, how much more do you have left? I dont know about you guys-but I would clean off the cabinet hardware-just because I think the old stuff has so much more character than the stuff they have out now-a-days AND yes, its ALWAYS a good thing when you can save money, ecspically now! They have a new store out here that is where for instance-Lowes or Sutherlands etc-they take their items that dont sell and sell it to this place for a fraction of the cost-and this place will sell it, take in TRADES for other items etc-and ALL the proceeds go to Habitat for Humanity!!

Mike says I need help, Jan...He has a new nickname for me-Flower fanatic. Says I should open a shop-wait till I drag him to your place OR show him the pics I take there!! He will ground me from talking to you and getting ideas...Cuz you have given me a lot of those!! I just cant quit getting flowers, planting stuff and going crazy... THIS IS SOOOOO MUCH FUN~~!!! I LOVE IT... When I read posts from pre-op, when they say they cant do this or that, it brings tears to my eyes, because I just knew I couldnt wait to do things (to be honest-I really didnt think that my life would change as much as it has...or that I would be able to do the things I can do now), but in ALL of my wildest dreams, I NEVER DREAMT my life would be AS GOOD AS IT IS~~!!! ITS AWESOME, IT ROCKS, ITS FUN, IM HAPPY-MY FAMILY IS HAPPY AND WE ARE LOVING LIFE TOGETHER!!! WOOOO HOOO Anyway, so now I have this addiction to planting, gardening, flowers! Anything I can do now....I got a MASS amount of green beans and lettuce picked yesterday. I got it all cleaned up, ends snapped and vac****ealed for the freezer (the beans, not the lettuce) I cant wait to see that freezer jam packed with our food for the winter and then some! Ecspically when we hunt this winter. A couple of deer and we will have it made for another year or so. I also got some HUGE zucchinis out there-the biggest I have ever seen...I hope they are good-anyway-I have you guys' zucchini and squash vaccumed sealed and in the deep freeze for me to take to the meeting.

Do you guys have a butcher down there you use? If so-do they sell 1/4? We have been thinking of getting 1/4 or 1/2 and splitting the meat with someone, for us, in the beginning, because of money-but then we could put aside xxx amount for 5-6 months and then get 1/2 and that should last about a year or so. Now that there are only 3 of them that really eat-our grocery bill has really gone down.

I hope you get a chance to relax. All 4 of you. How are Andrew and Susan doing? Are they getting settled and do they like it so far?

**Renee-Girl, you and I are pretty close now-and yes, when we finally meet face to face, it will be like we already know each other, so I feel like I can say this to you-dump him! I spent so much of my life with mr. negative and I couldnt have made him happy IF I had wanted to (which I didnt try after a couple of years) but you dont need that-it will ONLY drag you down, believe me. PLUS-when you have the surgery, and you, yourself are feeling all new, happy and encouraging etc-you are going to be 10x more irriatated with his negative attitude!! Its harder to deal with people like that when you feel happier than ever before....

Honey-its perfectly normal to have those doubts about the surgery...BUT. You ARE at that place where IF you dont have the surgery-you WILL NEVER have a life-you know that-your desperate AND you WANT the new life you deserve...WHEN your feeling like that-pick up the phone and call me OR email me. OK? I will help you...You read the posts enough to know that your life is going to change-for the BETTER and you WILL LOVE IT!!!

Hey-if you can make it to Monett, (sp?) maybe you could ride with me the rest of the way to the meeting....it will save you SOME money for gas? Let me know. Would LOVE it!!! Im thinking and praying for ya.

**Angy-hope your better now. Im sorry about the pre-d. Try to keep your mind busy and I would try back maybe tues or so and see if its in the system yet. Good luck. I will be thinking about you!!!

**Bev B-How are you doing? 3 more days and your on the bench with us. Am thinking about you and sending you positive vibes....I know today will be trying for you with the fish fry and all-but its okay-soon it will ALL be worth it....Love ya and praying for strength and peace of mind!!!

**Sugar-so, did the dress fit? I hope it did!!! I cant wait to hear. Happy Anniversary. How AWESOME!!!! Have a good day with your family.

Yes, it broke my heart about Jon. I am really contemplating home-schooling this year because I feel that he will be made fun of, quite a lot actually because of his speech impairment. People are so cruel, ecspically other kids-and I think he will even feel more self conscience when he starts school and the kids point it out and laugh or tease him....his heart is too big-and it will break his heart. It does make me want to smack someone upside the head for being mean!!!

**Bec, Brenda, Deb M, Barbara, Tammy-Ammy, Lori, Shannon, Vesta, Deb D, and all the rest of the OH board-sorry if I forgot your name...as soon as I hit submit, I will remember more-LOL...I hope you ALL have a wonderful, fun day!!

Please continue to keep Cassie and all of our other post ops (with ANY surgery) in your prayers-as well as our pre-ops for peace of mind and strength-ecspically if they are having the liquid diet right now, because they are being tested with the food-I wish everyone well. Gonna get going-have an inground pool that is 85 degrees right now and is calling my name~~~ All my love and prayers. Janet

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