Pretty warm today wasn’t it? I broke a sweat , really. Lol Don’t know if it was all the heat or just flustration ….we bought the rental house a new bigger water heater because the one that was in there was only a 18 gallon one and for two people , dishwasher,and washer that isnt big enough to handle the ho****er they might need. Any way we got the old one out, put in the new one and heard it fill with water, turned on the faucets to make sure the tank was full. Then hooked up the elect to it and waited and waited and waited. For about an hour and tried the ho****er , there was water but it wasn’t hot. Oh come on now surely it should have been warm by now. Waited another half our and still no ho****er. Started looking , everything was hooked up right, nothing wrong, hooked up just like the old one was hooked up uh-oh that is it , its hooked up like the old one was. The old one was a small water heater and only took 110 elect, the new one is a big heater and needs 220 ….so……….after hooking it up to the 220 wiring we waited about 30 minutes and tried it yea!!!!ho****er.
Then we went to put in the dishwasher and after several things similar to that happening, hose missing, hose too short etc. after stomping out all those little fires we were beginning to run out of steam. We intended to get more done today but told Joe to screw down the cabinet tops and cut a top for the stand alone cabinet and screw it on and we would call it a day. I think we are getting so tired that normal little things are throwing us. We talked to Andy and Susan about tomorrow we would get a couple of major things done and that we thought if it were ok with them that we would take off for a few days. Maybe not take off take off but just zone out. lol Of course it is going to rain but I guess we can just sleep and laze around and rest.
Do any of you get Brylane catalogs? I ordered these copper colored metal squares out of there to do my back spash in and I have been doing them tonight. They are really cool looking , I have about half of it done already, they look pretty good if I do say so myself. Lol .
Was going to finish up my pond I have been trying to get done up by my bedroom window but ran out of daylight, so if it doesn’t rain all week end that may be what I do with my time off from the rental house . have to work at something, and that is fun something. Everytime I get it just about dug out then it pours down rain and our soil is soft and so it just fills all back up . I have dug this thing out about 3 times now. I need about 3 hours straight to work on it and I can get it dug and in the ground I think. Lol
TAMMY-AMMY:::: so good to see you on the board again. We alsway know how our loved ones are feeling after surgeries about when they get back on the board. I have heard that hernia surgeries are some of the tough ones to get over but you hang in there and soon you will have your other surgery done and over with and will be healing from that.
UTI how much water are you drinking? Can you drink cranberry juice? There are also some pills that OTC ,I think for UTIs and they work really well and you don’t have to take a round of antibiotics. There are cranberry pills too if you cant stand cranberry juice but I swear the juice really does work.
I don’t know what Dr. Scott means by a fluid sac do you? Never heard of something called that.
You get well so you can come to the
JANET:::::: don’t you just hate it when you cant sleep. I will go like that for several nights and then, all of a sudden I sleep for 6 hours lol I know that isnt much to most people but to me that is a bunch of sleep.
I emailed Deb and she said the only person she got her info from was Cassies mom and that she had gone home today to do something so she couldn’t get hold of anyone.
So I figure that Cassie isnt any worse or she surely wouldn’t have gone home , do you think?
Wow go girl get those people about Kenney, I bet they do things right this next time . They knew they didn’t do him right but didn’t count on you standing up for him huh?
Poor Megan , sounds like the hormones are rageing big time aren’t they? Even tho she had something to be upset about , not getting that house. Still it was worse to her than someone else might be. She had a full day besides with disappointments, will keep them in prayer for a house. Hopefully the one close to you.
Omg 13 rooms??? I would have just crawled under the floorboards lol . I mean I feel good and all but 13 rooms? I don’t think I will ever feel that good. I hate cleaning any amount of rooms. Oh my lord I cant imagine people messing up things like that can you? Joe says when we leave a motel room it is as clean as it was when we came in , sometimes cleaner.
Oh that is so sad with Jon, why would someone do that to a child? I thought his parents were cool, that is plain mean. Maybe even abusive. I would call it abusive don’t know if the law would think so.
Like Sugar said it is hard for a child to ever get that our of their brain.
And to why do people say asinine things? I sometimes think some people don’t have brains, maybe when God was handing out brains they thought he said trains or something lol doesn’t matter she has no business doing that to a five year old. A lot of kids his age and beyond have words that they cant say well or right, doesn’t make them stupid . they will get it one day.
Hope your fourth of July plans don’t get blown out of the water. If you camp anywhere overnight , just keep an eye on the weather this week end. And don’t let the camping spot get under water and float you away.
That is great about Steph. You think she will ask your mom if she can come live there?
I am praying about your relationship with her too.
Yes any Farm , home place would have those troughs that you are talking about …
Maybe we have twin pouches, separated at birth lol
Yes I saw that about the hits, some days it is like that, always makes me think about who in the world all of them are. Weird.
Yes I will ask the guy about the troughs on the stands but don’t think I have ever seen any of those there.
SHEILA::::so glad you are feeling ok now.
Don’t know what it is that attracts people to your deck unless it is the light like bugs you know? Or maybe they all know that you don’t eat much so they are coming hoping you cook out or so and will overcook since you don’t eat anymore. Lol
Probably around reunion time I can bring lots of plants and such . that way you could take them home and plant them and would have a bunch of pretty flowers next summer.
What seed did you have wash away? I will save you some more this fall.
SUGAR:::: just looked at your pond pictures. That looks really good. You did a lot of work on that. Im proud of you . that took lots to get it nice like that.
Yeah beautiful hands are not something that gardeners are noted for. Mine get looking really good in the winter but about early Feb. mine start looking bad. Do you think it has to do with the weather????????
Did you find anything good at garage sales today?
RENEE::::that poor doggie must have been starting. I don’t think I have ever seen one eat a fish either. Did you go back and get hime to take to the Taney county doggies.
I bet Peanut will always run the show at your house.
LORI:::: Oh how great that your step dad will be taking you to your appointment. I sure wasn’t going to let you miss that appointment again.and have been praying that someone there or someone you knew would step up .
Wonderful that Jarrett s knee was ok for football , I guess lol.
That toe nail sounds sort of yucky and needs the surgery well for you. I will tell you word for word what they talked about really
You know what they say about lies on the tongue don’t you.
The toe sounds nasty will be ok
But will be ok too. Doesn’t look like kneed at all. We probably have offles of things.
Got to get this in the mail quick while I can see. Im falling asleep.
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.
GOOD MORNING everyone!!! I know it is raining out and gloomy, but at least it isnt coming down in torrents and hopefully this means it will clear out before tomorrow night??? PLEASE LORD? We are have the whole family over tomorrow evening, around 5:30 for supper together and then fireworks later. That is 12 of us, me, Rick, our kids, thier spouses and all thier kids...and then another gal whose husband left her and her 2 kids will come share the holiday with us too! So 15 for burgers and dogs. Will have to drag out all the lawn chairs and wipe them down. We keep them hanging in the shop and they sure get alot of cob webs. lol! My grandkids (all but the youngest) will be going to church camp for a week starting the 14th. On the 14 and 15 I will keep Levi, the youngest one. Hes quite the mama's boy so pray for me to have a good time with him. I may keep him on the 17 and 18 instead and take him to the family reunion with us when we go on Friday at noon. I am so proud of the older grandkids...they have been working for the pastor at thier church to work off some of the cost of the camp. It has really been good for them. I have been keeping track and going to pay the boys for what work they have done here. So far Christian has made $60 and Skyler $35. Skylers would have been 45 but he had me buy a big ole Hummer car for him at a garage sale. lol! They are all such good kids. Ember is going to come next week and help me wash windows and clean out my party room and sort pictures. That will be worth a small fortune for me. Sis, I didnt go garage saleing yesterday. Mary and I went to a Tea Room in Ozark and then did some shopping in some little shops over there. Last night I finally got all the Mondo grass planted. I think Rick was glad not to be having to work on the pond until dark. lol Hey may nails held up fairly well...Ive been using some stuff from the beauty supply place called "Nail Life" It is a nail revitalizer and it has really helped them from chipping and peeling and breaking. Doesnt do a thing for all the dirt that accumalates there but hey what do you expect from a nail polish. You paint it on once a day for a week, then remove it with polish remover. Then start again. It has gotten rid of the ridges in my nails and they are so much stonger...
Well I will get off of here and get my day started. I think I am supposed to only have Skyler today but because of the rain, I may have both. I have alot of town running to do today...Hope all of you have a wonderful day. Prayers go up for so many....LOVE TO YOU ALL!
Hi Jan and OH Peeps~
Good Morning. I actually started my post at 2:30 this morning. I, of course, couldnt sleep (so I have had 6 hrs of sleep TOTAL in 3 nights). Anyway, I got on here looking for Jans Thursday post-and saw that Tammy had just posted-so I text her and we spent the next 2 hours texting each other!!!
So anyway, I was thinking to myself-"self, go ahead and start your post and save it-then just copy and paste it" I have been writing up my posts in my wordpad and then copy and paste-because on OH-they dont allow me to have paragraphs AND half of the time my post doesnt show up. I can usually hit the back button and it will reappear-but it doesnt always work and so sometimes the post is totally gone! Argh. Anyway-havent had a problem since I started doing it this way!
This week has been crazy chaios!! (sp?). Yesterday we were busy again-and I am so happy that Mike has the day off and I get to do nothing if I want to-LOL...Yah, right-nothing???? It wll never last, I will bet~
Since I couldnt get to sleep, I decided I would be productive....and I did all of our usual weekend laundry last night. I have the last load in the dryer right now. Did 4 loads. I may really get to just enjoy myself today! How cool would that be?
So-yesterday, I was SUPPOSE to go to the motel and be there by 10 am (that is what time I told my dad I would be there to start on those 2 trashed rooms) Right before I left (never have been there 9 hrs before), my dad asked if I was ok. Said I wasnt looking good-told him about my lack of sleep...well-Im really glad I did, because I had gone to bed at 4:45 (yes, AM) and thought that I would wake up to have coffee with Mike when he got up in 15 minutes. Actually, he is usually up at 4:30 but hes been tired too-LOL...ok-so I didnt wake up to have coffee with him-in fact......I woke to Darrel saying-Hey, mom-its 10 o'clock....I jumped straight up in the air-MAN!!! I said, WHY didnt you get me up sooner, you know Im suppose to be at work at 10 and he said, I just got up, went to the bathroom and saw what time it was...so, I called my dad-he said not to worry about it. When I got there-he said, I have a present for you???? I was like YAY, I LIKE presents-and he said-I had Monty (one of their employees) clean those 2 rooms for you. All you have to do is get the bedding and towels in there and they were ready to be rented-Monty just had to shampoo the carpets in both rooms..... WELLLLL....I go to take the bedding in there-and OMG....They werent even close to being ready to rent-no matter HOW you looked at it-and I was STEAMED to say the least. I stomped into the office-Monty sitting in the chair and I said, Didnt you just sit here 10 minutes ago and tell me that BOTH of those rooms were clean and you even made sure that all of the food was cleaned off the box springs and all that good stuff? He was like-I got every last bit of it-and I said, HHHMMMM-lets take a look at the pics I JUST TOOK in BOTH rooms! HAHAHAHA!!!! LIAR! All he did was take the trash out of the cans, which was already bagged-and he vaccumed. That was iT! No walls wiped down, no fridge or microwave cleaned, no NOTHING. Thats all I have to say-told my dad that it would be nice IF He would hire staff that werent a bunch of lazy ass's! There are only 2 people there who even work as hard as I do-and I dont get anything out of it. I just believe in doing your best in whatever you do-whether its flipping a burger at McDonalds, cleaning rooms at a motel OR being a patient advocate rep at the hospital-I ALWAYS have given everything I do 110 percent OR just dont do it at all.
So-off I go....Praying to God that Megans doc appt was going good. She has pluerasy? sp? They told her to take Tylenol only when it hurts or if it continues to be bothersome. She did spend ALL day nauseated. Poor girl! I feel so sorry for her, really-but I cant hide my excitement that my little grandbaby is in the incubater! LOL.... I cant wait to rub her belly!! Jon already does. He talks to her belly too-and tells the baby that Megan is going to be a good mommy, and they will be good uncles.....
Steph was there at my parents apartment. She looks really really good!!! She did a chunk type dye job on a chunk of hair towards the front, that kinda sweeps over-and its 3 different colors-the first color is a deep red (chunk like long streek?) then the next color is a pink, and then the last color is pure blonde. Somehow-she pulls it off and it does look good on her~!!!! I was so mad that I didnt get to spend time with her because of how busy I was. I did hang out for 1/2 hr when I was done-just talking to her. Im going to be leaving in just a bit to go get her and go out and get her a couple of shirts and maybe have lunch. She is leaving this afternoon with that loser b-friend down to Arkansas with him and his dopey friends and I bet she is suppose to pay for everything.....My dads housekeeper that has been gone-her daughter was at the motel yesterday-she just turned 18 and mom was just keeping her ears and eyes open in case she needed anything....well-my mom told the kids-Ann (housekeepers daughter) Stephanie and Darrel to please go out and weed the flower bed. Well-they are out there weeding and one of the pigs staying at the motel, drives up next to the girls and asks Steph what color her eyes are...Ann starts looking to see-and then he tells Steph that he has a REALLY BIG surprise for her-and she needed to come to his room when he got back OR HE WOULD LOOK FOR HER AND HE WOULD FIND HER-than she would get her surprise and then he told her what room he was staying in. She was shaking she was so upset....so-the 3 of them all tell the same story and I am in the office talking to my dad-and this guy pulls up and hops out to get a soda (Steph is like-Mom, thats the guy..my mom was like oh crap..) and he sees Steph (in the ofc too) He stops and is staring at her through the big glass window in front and I was like THATS IT! I walked over, opened the door and looked at him-and said-Wanna give MY DAUGHTER HER SURPRISE NOW? Heres your surprise you freaking pervert-IF YOU EVEN LOOK THE DIRECTION OF MY DAUGHTER OR HER FRIEND AGAIN-I WILL POKE YOUR EYES OUT! IF you lay a hand on either of those girls, YOU WILL DEAL WITH ME-DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? He stands there and says he didnt say that-ALL 3 of the kids are sitting there and ALL are saying YES YOU DID! He said-your making this up because I am black...I said-Sir, I could give a crap less what color you are-your a P.O.S. IN ANY COLOR! He started lipping me and my dad and Richard (his maintenance guy) come over to me and my dad said - you just bought yourself a one way ticket out of here. You have 10 minutes to pack your sh*t and get out or I am calling the black and white taxi (cops) to come and pick you up-and its obvious you have been drinking and you were just driving? He said-that B*tch started it and she is lying.....My dad said that B*tch is MY DAUGHTER and that girl you threatened to go find if she didnt come down to your room is MY GRAND DAUGHTER....Now you have 7 minutes to get your stuff...Anyway-he did end up getting arrested. Public drunkeness (?) and he was driving his vehicle...and I signed complaint about harrasment on Steph.
Ok-so I said in my post yesterday morning that I KNEW it was going to rain because of all the pain I am...well, guess what peeps? It stormed most of the night here! My upper back and rear hurt so bad that I just want o scream! Its been a LONG time since I have hurt like this, and consistant too! Anyway-so we decided NOT to go camping last night. Instead-Aaron and Megan came out to swim and they brought dinner so we could BBQ....it was nice. I made those specialty bush beans-the bourban and brown sugar-and everyone loved them (except me and jon) About 1/2 hr after dinner, Jon got sick. He started vomitting, and got sick a couple more times before he was done! Poor little guy!
After leaving the motel, I stopped at Walmart to get some charcoal. Didnt have the propane tank for our gas grill-so just got the charcoal for the BBQ. I also got 2 more hummingbird feeders and 4 more flower pots. I got 2 hanging and 2 that we will plant in the yard.
Get home-and Mike was in the house and asks me to ride to town with him so he can talk to me....(ooooo, I just got home!) I said, ok-we went to the Hobby shop for the new body and some hi tech parts that he ordered for his race on Sat. Ok-so we are there and I go to grab a pain pill and the bottle literally jumps out of my hand (lid already off, of course and the bottle falls in the ONE freaking puddle there is in the parking lot-because they wet down the track and the puddle was there from where the two hoses connected...Can you believe that crap???? I must of looked like a junkie trying to rescue them before they disingrated. I have called the dr ofc today...told her that NOTHING like this has ever happened-and told her that I can take the lump of mushy pills to my PCP and he can verify what happened and that she could call my ortho, who had me on some pretty heavy duty stuff for 6 yrs and I never ever had an issue like that! Im waiting to see whats gonna happen there. Wish me luck!
We leave and have to stop and get gas-there was a sale across the street and there were tons of tents and intertubes, inflattable row boats and canoes etc-and I went over to look at the intertubes-they are the REAL ones, the tire ones, really heavy duty ones, AND they can be blown up with our air compressor-they have the same deal your tires do (cant think of the name) anyway-they had HUGE intertubes-way too big for a couple of them in my pool....but I got 3 medium sized ones, with the medium stems and not the real long stems, cuz the real long ones, we knew it would be a matter of time before someone suffered an owie. I asked the guy how much for the 3 we wanted-I had a $20 bill-and he said he would take $15-woooo hoooo....so Mike walks over and sees one of those camping folding tables that you can set up and eat at-and it will seat 4 people-AND had an umbrella-it was $15 too!!! It looks like the portable picnic tables. Pretty cool.
Then.... One more stop, to the fireworks stand-Holy crap. We spent way too much money...but we decided we werent going to the public display on Friday-we are just having some friends over here-for a BBQ and Pool Party (they are all bringing fireworks as well-all arial and fountains, no bottle rockets or firecrackers)
. We are smoking some ribs and then everyone else is bringing a dish each-so I dont have to make any sides-YAY YAY YAY!!! So, I dont have to cook at all since Mike is making the ribs.
My dad is leaving tomorrow morning for his family reunion in Warsaw, MO. He will be gone for 3 days. It will be good for him to get away. IT will be nice for him to be gone-LOL LOL..... (peace and quiet....)
**Jan and Sug-Vikki can be really harsh when it comes to kids and I dont think she even realizes that she comes off like that-but she is always telling me and everyone else (her kids wise) How to raise our kids and she did this with hers and she did that and yadi, yadi, yadi. I told her that unfortunately, since she made MY SON feel stupid AND she humiliated him in front of people-that he would not be going down there anymore-Unless I am there. Its uncalled for-and I dont care if you raised 20 kids-this kid IS MINE and he WILL NOT BE humiliated OR corrected! I just told Mike, you know what? Every damn thing that we do (me and her other daughters) isnt as good as how they do it-or how they did it when they were our age....I just dont talk about anything around her anymore. Tired of hearing always that MY PIES arent as made from scratch as hers, my meatloaf should be made in a special pan that allows the grease to drip out at the bottom instead of IN the pan, even though I do use the baster and pull all the grease off it...Crap like that. I told her-say whatever you want to us older kids-bu****CH what you say to MY KIDS! Darrel too- they are harsh with him and gripe that he does play video games etc- Well, enough of that subject.
**Renee-I hear you on the strays. I live in the country and I cannot even tell you HOW many strays we have had. We have even taken a couple of them to the vets and had one die after we got attached to her. I wish I could witness someone do that...I think I would have to smack them-or dump them in the ditch and let them be scared, hungry and thirsty. People just think since we are in the country that we will feed them and keep them-NOT! I already have 2 of my own haus's out there-cant afford to feed anymore dogs!!! LOL....Let us know if he is still there. I hope he is ok
Also-Im glad I get to be your angel.....and you dont have to thank me-thats what I am here for. It does my heart so good to know that maybe I have helped someone!! Love ya and thanks for the email-I will mail you back.... soon.
**Tammy-good texting you. Sorry you have insomnia too-but hey-we got a chance to talk!!! LOL...Glad your doing better. Have missed ya and love ya.
**Bev B-Im counting down the days....HHHHEEEE HAW! Im SO HAPPY for you!! keep your chin up! Am praying for ya.
**Angy-Your in my prayers too-I sure hope that pre-d shows up and its just late getting in there.....Keep your chin up. Love ya.
Well, guys Im gettin....Makin the guys breakfast and then I am going to some garage sales AND resale shops with Megan. Looking for some baby stuff......and perhaps some shorts and summer tops for me. Nothing fits me. I have like 2 pr of shorts!
As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.
No big plans here - have to work a couple hours in the morning then laze around till monday - in my dreams! Will pick beans saturday and try to can/freeze a few pints then I want to re-arrange the living room. I got some of those furniture sliders so I can move the heavy stuff myself. I am trying to do my own version of clean sweep and will have stuff to go to dd and ds and if they don't want it I am taking it to the outreach mission store. I have to much clutter and I want to get rid of it!