Can we talk exercise?
Hey everyone. I just wonder what everyone does for their exercise? My doctor's office wants me doing 60 minutes of cardio 7 days per week. I am a person who gets bored with the same thing every day so I'm wondering what you guys do to keep it fresh. I want to hear from post and pre ops.
I'm pre-op, waiting for insurance approval.
Today I tried the Walk Away the Pounds with Leslie Sansone. It was the 4 mile Super Challenge. It was exactly an hour long and I made it all four miles!
That was this morning and I just finished push mowing and weed eating the front and back yards.
So, what is your routine? Do you just do cardio or do you do some weights as well?

Brandy good for you girl. i wish i had time to exercise. lol im always too busy working , digging holes, painting a room, hammering nails, do you think any of that counts as exercise lol
keep up the good work it will pay off.
My personal trainer at the gym says I should do cardio every other day and toning exercises on the oppiste days. You never do toning on the same day as cardio and never two days in a row. She says your muscles need time to heal and rest. So I do Toning M, W, F and cardio Tues, Thurs, and Sat. I don't go to the gym on Sundays I take that day off. I also ride my bike most nights and walk my dogs.
i started off trying to exercise but i get to bored doing it alone
so im like exercising is working out in yard and garden and doing anything i can out side,,,or working in house when its far its working lol
Thank you all for ur support this last year i would of never made it with out feels so great to be able to push mow ALL my yard with out stopping and being able to work in garden havent did that in years and its great to be back to doing what i love and NOT sitting on side lines watching kids do it for me....
my soon to be ex husband says i have changed so much in attitude since ive lost weight but all my friends and family say im only happier and have more energy but not my personality has changed...guess thats 1 reason we r getting a annulment.....i dont feel i have changed except im happier and i wanna just grab life and keep like Jan i can****ch tv much any more either...if im not working in garden or yard im sitting on deck enjoying all ive accomplished
Janet ...yes i like to fish and i wanna plan a get together some also gonna go down to Jans some times maybe we can go at same time and have 1 big azz kicking garden party lol
im doing okay since i got home from being rescued..was sick all morning freezing but now i seem to be just thank ful they got us out be4 it covered vehicles...not some thing i think i will ever forget lol
well i hope all is doing good and keep up the work post op u will make it and i have said many prayers for who needs them
love and hugs

Brandi, I was going to the gym everyday but Sundays but have now slowed to 3 days a week. My hubby thinks Im getting too skinny (cant imagine anyone saying that about me! lol)
My routine was water I did water walking, water yoga and then some weights every few days...It has worked wonders for me! In the water you get twice the risistence with half the effort.. Keep up the good work...
Brandy, Honestly I have kinda been a slacker lately. I was doing really good at walking every day, but seems like I have been terribly tierd lately & just havent had the strenght to do it. I recently got a recumbant bike & have been doing that everyday, but not for very long because I get so tierd. I get really bored with the same ol, same ol. After I had my daughter I used exercise tapes & they really seemed to keep me going & not get so bored. I let a friend borrow them years ago & never got them back. They helped me ALOT I will probably get new ones. I am not very coordinated for some of those aerobic dvd's. How is the one you're talking about, does it use a step? ~Angy
WOW!!! You are doing really really good on the excercize, You are living proof that some people just can't lose weight on their own, you should be skinny as a stick with all that!! my sister (bless her) is skinny, does no excercize, and eats twice as much as me (before surgery) and is a twig...brat!! congratulations, when you do have the surgery, your excess weight will probably just get scared and run off by lol

Hey everyone. Thanks for all your responses. Jan, I definitely think all that should count as exercise. I count my yard work as exercise on days when I don't have time to "actually work out."
The exercise tape Walking Away the Pounds doesn't use any equipment. It's just you, walking in place. It's great.
I would love to do water aerobics, as Clinton has an indoor aquatic center and offers classes, but I lack the extra money and the nerve to get in a swimsuit.
By the way, I get fitted for my cpap tonight. I'm looking forward to better sleep.
Well i am not been released to get in the water yet hopefully the 17th of this month then i plan on going monday-wednesday-friday to water aerobics and tuesday and thursday i will walk. In Columbia we have a new park and i walked it for the 1st time monday it is all paved and nice it did not seem like it took me long at all and i was not huffing and puffing afterwards i was so pumped up could of walked it twice but my granddaughter told me to start out slow considering last week i could not walk very far at all without pain but i feel more up and go to me now. I also want to try the walking away the pounds i also have the billy bootcamp to use the stretch rope i got when i went to pre-op class so i really want to try that one to so far i am really excited about the walking part even if it means me walking by myself. Debra