Jan C.
on 6/29/08 2:18 pm - Cedar Creek, MO



Got all the trees off of buildings , not much damage that we can tell, the drip edge is bent on the shed some and one shingle is pushed up. Joe worked on all of it and doesn’t look bad, nothing compared to what it could have been.

Plumbing is all a-ok, got more flooring done , and stuff picked up and cleaned up some. Started putting some of the tools up. Got the vinyl down in the laundry room, loaded up most of the junk to take to dump tomorrow morning on my way to Home depot to trade in faucet set for tub. I got the wrong kind , of course.  And to pick up doorway spanner or what ever they are called.

And back splash for the rental and getting something for mine too while I am there. I ordered some small 6 inch metal tiles in copper to do my backsplash and they keep putting the back order farther and farther out. so calling tomorrow and canceling that and getting the big metal tiles at Home depot tomorrow. In Copper, the reason copper is that all of my faucets are copper. Kitchen, tub, bathroom sink all. I really like them they are different than the ordinary.


Tried to burn all the tree limbs that we cut off the shed and house and they were too green to burn good I guess, it was just one of those bad burn days. Some days things burn better than others.


Some of the neighbors saw me today and said I needed to go home and rest I looked like I was just about ready to fall down, My arthritis was inflamed today and makes me feel like I am running a fever. Which I guess I am, I took two ibuprofen and felt some better but not much.

I even took a two hour nap while Joe was installing the water heater and making sure all of the pipes were ok and didn’t leak and all.

The only big thing left is the rest of the flooring and then small details, trim paint work, installing plug ins and switches and face plates. Putting up trim around the top of the walls and baseboards , other small stuff like that. Hopefully Joe can get more of the flooring done tomorrow , enough that they can get some of their stuff put up and where they want it. .





ANGY:::: oh boy wont be long now, Medicaid will give approval and then you are on your way.

Yep your right , it could have been worse about the trees. We were lucky.

Will be waiting for you to holler that you have a date.


Don’t let what is happening to Cassie scare you , things happen it is major surgery after all. But just look how many that nothing has happened to. And you don’t have the same doctor , which it isnt always the doctors fault either. Just happens.

Just know that our Heavenly Father has your life in his hands and he wants you to succeed.



JANET:::::lol got tickled at you about the magic erasers, I use those things too. I love them and I get mine at dollar store, I usually by about 10 or 12 at a time.


I have a feeling that Uncle Jon is going to spoil Megans baby rotten don’t you?

Sounds like he is really anxious for it to be born too.


That is neat that Kenny is interested in the slot cars too. Give him something to think about instead of his declining health, maybe make him happy.


I know what you mean about sealing and freezing veggies. I love frozen ones so much more than canned ones too, don’t you? Cant wait to get the seal a meal and get it to working. I told Joe we might try to buy a ½ cow or something and put it up . I don’t eat much beef but he loves it. I eat hamburger meat but that is about it.


I use to love the drive inn movies, was a great thing, and im glad that one is still in operation. I hope it stays around for a long time.


Oh my great grandson loves his Cars sheets and comforter I got him. He loves Lightening McQueen too. Lol the room sounds great.

We don’t normally lose power much and when we do they get it on faily quick. You would think that us being at the end of forever it would take that long to get back on but it usually doesn’t.


I know I love my dishwasher too. Don’t think I could stand to be without it for sure.

It sometimes takes 2 days to get enough to run it but that is ok I have plenty of dishes.


The mineral tubs at the resale place I get them at is 4 dollars a piece. The other day as I went buy they had several of them. I will pick up some and bring you a couple of them to the next meeting , how would that be?


I know that is the way I feel about doing this post , in my way I hope I am helping someone once in awhile. I feel like you do too about being so grateful that I can do things now that I want everyone to know it.


Well if you and your mom come to Branson you better holler at least and if you don’t want to run down here I will at least meet you somewhere there. But would love for you to come to my house.




SUGAR::::you will love sitting out on your back patio when you get tha****erfall going. It is the most relaxing place in the world for me. You can sit out there and study your s.s. lesson and just be in heaven.

That is great that you are doing the gardening thing , I know it is hard to sit and not get so bored anymore. I have to have things to do . I cant and won****ch a movie since it requires me to sit too long. lol

Watching I will get up and put it on pause , come back watch some more , put it on pause same thing, it took me 3 hours the other day to watch a short movie that was just a little over an hour long lol


That is a neat idea about the map. And pins. I still would love to take off about 3 or 4 weeks and go visit all the people that we talk to here on the computer in Missouri .




SHEILA:::: oh my what a horrible camping trip. I would have been scared to death.

Whose car was it that you all went down there in? have you found out if they lost it completely or what?

When it started raining so hard I thought of you camping, and I knew that you were on the James river and with that much rain it could really get up fast. I think they say for every inch of rain it will raise the lakes about 2 feet? Is that right.?

At least like you said no one died and everyone was ok.



RENEE:::::  did you move while you were gone off line? I know you were thinking about it? Did your daughter get her garden in that she wanted?

That is great that you got back into Mobar like you did will be looking for you to get a date soon.




BEVERLY  B:::: wow just another week right? You are going to do great . You are getting yourself so nice and healthy even before you get suregery by quitting smoking, and that is wonderful. By the way congradulations. That is a hard thing to do and you did it ….great!!!! that is wonderful.


Have your grandson down for much prayers….of course we need to pray for all of our youngones that are over there. But when they are related it seems so much worse doesn’t it?


Yes eventually you will be able to eat bbq again will just be a question if you want to and no where near the amount you could have eaten this time around.

I know you are nervous but don’t talk yourself out of it , it can give you back your life , really. Yeah it is pretty normal to only think about the surgery. Most all of us been there done that.  I think a lot of it it is the first time we have really ever thought about doing something only for ourselves ….

All of my vits. Are from Puritian Pride…they are very cheap , most of the time you buy 1 and get 2 more free.


They are an old company that has been around for a long time.












on 6/29/08 3:23 pm - Joplin, MO
Hello everyone, Here is a little update .... We got all moved into our new place, which is a nice size townhouse. I am so glad it is spacious. I got a washer / dryer Friday, but the washer isn't working, so I guess I am going to have to buy one and have them take this one away. It was given to us from a friend of my moms, but it doesnt work. I wish I had known that before moving the heavy thing in. Either way, I need to get one asap! I am getting back into the in home daycare. I am in Joplin still. I had a lady with 2 little ones call me for an interview. So, I am hoping to get her 2 and 1 or 2 more and then I will be satisfied. ;) Tomorrow, I have to take Jarett (which is my son that I have taken to the support group meeting) to an orthopedic surgeon. He was referred to one because when I took him to the Dr. to get a sports physical they failed him because he has fluid on his knee. So, tomorrow he has to go get it checked out :( I know he has had alot of pain and problems with his knee. After leaving there, I will be going to get my left knee xrayed. My primary dr. thinks it doesnt look good. I am more worried about Jarett's knee, he is only 11 and has fluid and grinding of the knee. Please, keep him in your thoughts. He is a great football player and is going to be deeply hurt if he cant play. He hasnt been able to play the last 2 seasons due to sports injurys.          I am keeping Cassie in my prayers. When I told my best friend who is considering RNY also, she said " doesnt think scare you?" I said " No, but if I dont do anything about my weight, then I will be REAL scared!!!" I really appreciate all the love and support I have received from everyone on here. Things are going well for us here at the new place. The kids will be in the same Middle school and my daughter will have to be at a new elementary, but thats a good thing!! I wasnt happy with the one she went to last year. I havent started taking any kind of vitamins or protein yet, should I have already started? Jan, I know you know all these answers. I dont like calling Dr. H's office for non-emergency issues, is there an email address for margie? I just need to get the new times and dates of my scope and pre-op since this stuff has been changed. I dont want to be a nuisance. Well, I better go so that I can get up early for the Dr. appts. I hope and pray that cassie and everyone else is well and in good spirits!! Love you all~Lori



Bec M.
on 6/29/08 8:40 pm
Good Morning Missouri, Not much new going on around here.  It was such a beautiful day here yesterday... I spent most of it outside.  It was the perfect weather to get the rest of the work done I needed to do out there.  I enjoyed it so much.  The wind kept the temp down.  I am thinking of, praying and wishing Cassie the very best.  I too can't help but think about if I will be so fortunate as to come out of the surgery without major complications?  But also know that in these things you just have to do your best and leave the rest in the Lords hands. Jan ~ you better watch your faucets someone will rip them right out of your house ~ha  at the price of copper!   I am praying that you and Jo will have strength for each day and that you will see the end of this project soon so you can get a good rest.  I am glad you did not have very much damage from the trees, but know it was work to get it all cleaned up.  We have had to do that several times this spring but none were threatening... just cleaning up in the woods.  When we built this house Paul was careful to cut things back to where he did not think any of the trees would reach the house if they did fall... that has been nice not to have to worry about that but still have the benefit of the woods. Janet ~ thank you for the words of encouragment!  It is so evident that you have had a major change in your life and that you are commited to giving back whenever and whatever you are able to.  A servants heart is commendable!  How fortunate and blessed I am to be on the receiving end of that commitment... not just from you but all the others that are willing to take the time it takes to regularly post and share their experiences and offer advise and comfort to those of us pre-op and post-op who need that bit of encouragment for whatever reason. Sheila ~ Oh my goodness lady!  How thankful you must be!  I'm so glad someone came along to help you out of that situation!  That must have been scary!  I hope you do not get sick from being in the for so long. Angy ~ I am praying for your approval.   Am so happy for those recently that have gotten approval... also for those surgeries that are coming up soon. Continuing to pray for Tammy~ammy and hoping her recovery is coming along nicely. Sugar ~ you will be so pleased when you get that yard project all done and can set out there and enjoy the fruits of your labors.  It is so satisfying to get something accomplished and be able to enjoy it. Debbie D. I am praying for your friend that has Picks Disease... I don't know anything about that but sounds like it is not good. Haven't seen Christine or the ladies connected with the base post recently... wishing all of you the best. I will be up and out to the Dr. early in the morning with all my paperwork ready to fax to the surgeons office and will go from there.  Thank you to all who are praying for my approval... it is what moves the hand of God! Have a wonderful day! bec
on 6/29/08 8:53 pm
good morning Mo peeps! I am up early to head off to work so I thought I would say hey! I have been laid off since last Wed so Im feeling like I dont wanna go back...but I must. even though its a pitiful amount my check is what will keep us going for now...Dean has been denied unemployment he is appealing the descion but that takes time...in another month we will be able to qualify for foodstamps...I hope that the unemployment goes through because I sure enjoy having my hubby around when Im home. we did not sleep out in our new tent due to the RAIN! but we enjoyed the pool and gazeebo all weekend. I love my back yard in the summer time. we had Miss Pixie over again to spend the night...the kids have informed me that in Nov they plan on moving to Pensacola Florida...so I will have more reason to look there when we decide to move from Mo. mister Jax is turning over now and loves to sit in his walker. he is such a happy baby...just chuckles and talks to you! I will miss those grandbabies if in fact they do move. Janet dont give up your weekly weigh in....I would have put mine down if I had been able to weigh...I will today at work....I wasnt at work last friday so I didnt get to. We went to see Wanted at the theatre on Sat...it wasnt to bad...a little more blood and killing than I care for but all in all not bad. uuuggg I dont seem able to wake up... Im still sleeping on the air mattress we got for camping but it has only made me more determined to find a waterbed to sleep on...regular mattress are just tooo hard on this lumpy bumpy body.    have a great day yall! Happy moving day to Andrew and his wife Jan I do hope one of your post talks about lounging in your yard and watching the birds and butterflys! you sure wear me out! nutti





Tammy H.
on 6/29/08 10:37 pm - Holcomb, MO

Morning yall..... Have no ideal what happened but I had a big long post done and then my laptop froze and when I got it going my page changed and all my posting was gone..... Now Im too pooped to type it all up again,......so for now I will just say hi.....And thank you all for all the prayers for me....I love you guys and hope to feel like posting regular again soon..... I have read over some of the posts....My prayers are with Cassie and her family.....And prayers for all those to have surgery this month and for other needs mentioned..... I hope you all have a great week..... God Bless each of you.. Luv & Hugs.....Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 6/29/08 10:46 pm - Clever, MO

So good morning all!   Yes sis, I know I will enjoy it so much when I get the fountain done.   Rick is putting a plug in down there on that end of the patio so we can not have a cord drug across the patio. Hoping it doesnt rain this afternoon and we will hopefully get the other portion of the upper pond put in.   Rick looked in the shop and found the pump that goes to this pond set up. All I have to buy is the tubing to go from one to the other.   So I need to go to Surplus City. They have that for cheap. I just got to thinking that maybe I could raise me some crawdads in there and have supper every once in awhile! lol!! SWEET!!! as my grandsons say. lol An update on my x sil...he is doing very good from what I can tell. He talks to Chelle often and is so apologetic about everything. She says it really floors her to hear him talk like that. He told her he is doing the 12 step program and that hes having to face so many things that hes done wrong. He apologized about the child support and that hes never given her anything. He said that he is going to change all of that. I told her that he needs to understand that by not giving that he is cheating his kids,not her. The boys got to go down and stay the night with him on Saturday night. I hope he talked to them and tried to explain it all to them a little better. Being there will be the best thing in the world for him if he follows all the rules.  Well, I guess I better go get ready to go to the pool. Then it is back to work on the dreaded hole for the pond...lol! As soon as that is in I can start spreading the pea gravel and then looking for my flat rocks to landscape the edges with...I wonder what a pallet of those are going to cost me? Lowes has some fake ones...for guess how much?? $4.98 each. That is for each rock! lol...cant afford that.  Hey sis, how much to you pay for your vitamins for say a months worth? Have you ever figured it up? Let me know if you know. I might start ordering mine on line too. Everyone have a great and blessed GOD filled day..


Sheila H.
on 6/30/08 12:46 am - Marshfield, MO

 good morning all.... im sick today..FREEZING guess from wearing wet clothes and being cold all day sat from 4 am till 6 pm......but like i said we all alive  my friends went down last night and got to take a boat out and they found their vehicles full of water and mud and all will be totaled out now.. i think it may be awhile be4 i go camping again but when i do i WILL drive and i WILL leave at 4 am when rain starts lol

have a GREAT day think i head to bed under elec blanket

hugs and love


on 6/30/08 3:04 am - Wichita , KS
Good morning OH family!  Well, I have been busy this morning just doing laundry and dishes and cleaning nothing exciting.  I had a boring weekend went to the farmers market Sat. and it was raining so people were packing up and leaving so that was disappointing but I did manage to get some fresh green beans and new potatoes while I was there oh and some cucumber relish that I love! My new job (Dillons grocery store) was having a big grand opening of their market place (they are trying to compete with Walmarts so now they are selling home furnishings and furniture) I am so glad I didn't have to work that yesterday I'm sure they were busy? I think we will be going to KC this coming weekend but only for a day my sister has a big test on Mon. and she wants to get back so she can study for it.  Can't wait until her summer session is over towards end of July then we can go back to KC and stay longer and get to visit family more and do stuff there.  I hope her fall session doesn't require her to take test every Monday that just ruins your entire weekend cause you can't do anything. I thought about going to the pool today it's sunny here but not too warm might be a good day to do that.  Can't go during this week cause I have to work the rest of the week so I guess if I want to go I better do it today? I found out the other day from my dad that my cousin is going to have gastric bypass on July 8th.  I heard that her mother in law talked her out of it but I guess not.  She lives in central MO and is having it done at Columbia.  I told her about OH but I guess she hasn't gotten on her not sure maybe I will call her and touch base and tell her again about the boards. Well, guess I better get off here and do something productive....lol   Take care everyone and have a wonderful day....

Debbie M.
on 6/30/08 3:59 am - Harrisonville, MO
Afternoon all....Don't have much to say today!  I do still have Cassie in my prayers as I'm sure we all do! I went to my thyroid surgeon doctor's appt. today to show that my incision has finally closed. Found out that I will need another Radio-Active Iodine treatment for the cancer but it won't be done until next year...why not? Something else to worry about! David and I have plans to escape on the harley this weekend, I sure hope we get to do it....money is the main factor...ain't it always? I'm going to take a nap...you all try to have a good day!! Love & Prayers, Deb M

on 6/30/08 4:23 am - pomona, MO
Good morning Jan and board... Well I am enjoying my home it is almost finished and I got to work on the yard a little, its looking better, this fall when Lowes flowers that come up each year goes on sale I will go for it...lol  Has anyone heard today from Cassie? bless her heart....All that are having surgery are in my prayers.. Tammy it was good to see you able to write , so glad you are doing better.. My grandaughter may have to have her gall bladder taken out, she had her ultra sound today, dont know yet, but she is in pain and it hurts where mine was when I had to have mine taken out.. Jan are you gonna be home next week? i wanna come down and get a couple of the tubs you were talking about, when is Janet coming down? maybe I could come then and visit, would also get to see Andrew and Susan.. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day..love ya all...vesta  


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